Unto the Ages

Chapter 32

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Teaching magic that is not ritualized and not easily be seen due to the extremely minuscule amount of people who can not only see and feel mana, but are powerful enough to project it outside their bodies was not an easy task.

Especially in a society whose “written script” amounts to cave paintings and knowledge is mainly passed down via word of mouth and stories, both of which are up for a great amount of interpretation as the knowledge is passed down thru the generations.

And so it was that Grud was sitting in front of the Chief Shaman Zargall with eyes closed, face scrunched up like he was trying to lay an extremely large egg, and a vein popping up from his temple.

“That's it, your mana is trembling, I can feel it, that means you have got a hold on your mana, now squeeze it together!” Zargall said with fervor as he stared at Grud with those clouded eyes.

“HHNNNGGGGGGG!!” Grud grunted as he flexed every muscle in his body, “Yes! Yes! You are doing it, bring it in to flow along your body, from your head to the ends of your limbs and back up to your head, in the infinite cycle!”

And then it happened, all his struggle accumulated to “PPPPPPUUUUTTTTTTT..TT..TT..TT……PTT”. Grud flexed so hard that he let out a rather loud and long fart.

(AN: I am not above fart jokes.)

Zargall gave Grud a deadpan look as he lit a piece of aromatic wood in the nearby fireplace to let smolder, then released a sigh “I had a feeling this would happen. My teacher said he had difficulty forming his mana structure and I have also faced the same myself, and when teaching Shaman Eba to form hers. But from what we have observed over the years, it seems like the shamans who are not as powerful as us have a much easier time forming mana structures”.

Grud looked at Zargall with an embraced and curious face and asked “But why? Should not more power be better? I have followed the Dhuk’s instructions, was he wrong?”

Zargall gave an understanding nod at Grud’s thought process and said “Dhuk was not wrong, we use the same method, but it is harder for those of us with more mana. While I can understand the way you are thinking that more power should make everything easier, what I suspect is that the more mana we have in our body, the harder it is for our mind to handle all that mana”

Grud, not really understanding the concept, stayed silent, and even tho Zargall could not see the confused look on Grud’s face while he was trying to wrap his mind around the concept, could sense Grud’s confusion from the silence.

Zargall sighed after a few moments when he left Grud to think about what he said and finally broke the silence, “Lay down on your back and spread your arms and legs out.”

Grud looked at Zargall for a moment and did as told. With a huff and the creaking of bones and joints, with the aid of a walking stick, Zargall slowly got to his feet and walked over to Grud’s prone form, “Close your eyes.” Zargall said.

After Grud’s eyes were closed, Zargall continued, “Keep your eyes closed, and concentrate on where my stick touches you.” With steadiness that the shriveled body of Zargall had no business having, he tapped the point of his walking stick to the forehead of Grud.

“Now, concentrate on where I drag the stick along your body and the direction it is going in.” From Grud’s forehead, Zargall traced the tip of his walking stick down the middle of Grud’s head, when he reached just below the neck, the stick started tracing towards the Right arm.

The walking stick traced a loop around Grud’s palm and traced back towards the main body. When the trace exited the arm and at the off-center of the chest, the trace went down to the right side of his pelvis and down Grud’s right leg.

After the trace traveled down Grud’s right leg and made a loop on the top of his foot, the trace went back up to his pelvis, went left of his pelvis, and made the same route back up his body to make the same traces as the right of Grud’s body.

The trace ended when the trace exited the left hand to the chest and up to Grud’s forehead. “Remember this route where your mana will flow, this is the Infinite Cycle. Now concentrate and squeeze your mana into the shape I traced out and try to make it flow in the direction I traced” Zargall said as he continued tracing the route repeatedly.

As Zargall traced and Grud tried to follow the traces and instructions as best he could, Zargall started smiling as he looked at Grud with those clouded eyes and saw Grud’s mana slowly, very slowly, but surely begin to compress inwards.

After minutes of tracing a few full rounds on Grud’s body, Zargall grumbled about his old age and went back to his seat while asking Grud to continue his practice while lying down.

After around two more of watching Grud forming a small puddle of sweat thru constant flexing of his body while working on compressing his mana, Zargall noticed that the progress of his training had effectively come to a stop.

“Grud, go back and rest for the day. You made some progress today, but keep in mind that this is not the training of your body, this is more of an training of the mind. I did not stop you just now because it seemed to be working for a while, but that has obviously reached its limit. Come back tomorrow and we will continue tomorrow” Zargall said as he waved Grud out of his tent.

Grud exited Zargrall’s tent slightly sore all over his body from over flexing and feeling thirsty. As he looked up at the position of the sun, he noticed it was almost lunch. ‘Well, let's go get the wives and go grab a bite’ Grud thought to himself as he made his way to his tent.

As he neared his tent, he heard the familiar sounds of his wives chatting. When he entered his tent, he saw that all his wives were laying around, cleaned up but still naked, which brought a smile to his face, “I see you girls want another round.” Grud said as he was about to undo his loin cloth.

As his hand touched his loincloth, he sensed the intensive scowl from all his wives and looked up, “What did I do?” Grud asked in confusion. The only resonances he got for that question were huffs and pouts.

Nita gave him a false pout and said, “Grud, I think you went too hard on us last night.” the moment Nita started, the rest of the wives started pitching in their complaints.

Even Silne who took it the best last night complained “Even now I can barely feel my legs, you better bring us lunch…. And dinner.” the rest of the wives followed up with a “Yeah!”

Grud could only sit in front of his wives and take their complaining, apparently, Grud had screwed their asses so hard last night that all of them could not walk even till now at lunch time and could not sit without feeling pain, so they had to lay around for half the day.

“Ok, ok I am sorry, next time we do it in your butthole we will take it very slowly.” after a while longer of mollifying his wives Grud went to get food for his wives from the women on duty at the cooking fire who were all giving him the stink eye for some reason unknown to Grud.

By dinner time, his wives were barely walking on their own power whereas the rest of the women in the tribe were giving Grud weird looks. That night Grud did not see as much action as he usually got and had to settle for a few handjobs.

The next morning after making up for lost sex from last night with his wives, Grud strode out of his tent to the Chief Shaman’s tent to continue his training.

Soon after entering the tent and greeting Zargall, he was once more on the floor. “Begin” Zargall said as Grud continued where he left off yesterday but this time there was a difference, when Grud flexed his body, he received a light thwack from Zargall “I said this yesterday, this is a training of your mind, not your body. Stop flexing and concentrate.”

To Grud this was a conundrum, yes, he could feel the tingling sensation of mana, but how can he manipulate something he cannot touch…. ‘Wait a minute, I have touched before, I literally had sex with mana before… I need to recall the feeling of having sex with Mita…’

As Zargall was sitting next to Grud for the past half hour, tracing the proper mana path on his body and thwacking him whenever he tried to flex his body, all of a sudden Zargall saw a sudden improvement in the condensing of mana in Grud’s body, but he also saw something he never saw before. 

‘The path that is condensing the fastest is…. I did not trace there, why is his crotch condensing faster than the rest of his body, his whole body should slowly condense evenly all at the same time.’ Zargall thought to himself.

As he concentrated on the mana in Grud’s body, especially his crotch area. As the stream of mana condensed, the resolution of Zargall was looking at was becoming clearer, and stared in bewilderment.

The shape the mana formed for Zargall to see was the biggest dick and balls he had ever seen ‘I have seen many a man’s manhood in my time of treating the wounded, but that… is that even possible?’

What he saw was a thick flow of mana starting from the right side of Grud’s pelvis, up his penis shaft, made a few loops at the tip, flow back down the shaft and into the testicles to make multiple loops in each testicle before the mana flow made its way to his left pelvis and defused out into the less condensed mana of the rest of his body, and the worst part was ‘Is he getting hard?’

Zargall could only sit there in stunned silence as he watched the bizarre mana structure in a place he had never seen before ‘Well, at least he somewhat succeeded…. I think.’

A while later when Grud opened his eyes, he saw Zargall staring at him, but instead of staring at his head or chest as he would expect, Grud saw Zargall was zoned in on one area. When Grud followed his line of sight, Grud finally noticed he was pitching a huge tent in his loincloth.

When he used his hands to suppress his boner and looked embarrassed about it, he heard Zargall speak “That feeling you had in your crotch… try to do that with the rest of your body. Now go rest for the day, I will see you tomorrow.”

As Grud left the tent, he looked back at Zargall and saw that he had the look of a man pondering the secrets of the world as he stroked his long grey beard. Grud shrugged and looked at the position of the sun and talked to himself as he strolled back to his tent to get his spear, “I think I can squeeze in a hunt before lunch.”

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