Unto the Ages

Chapter 37

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“And she can also hide inside us.” when Nita finished her sentence, Grud felt the tingle of mana that Mita produced as she transferred into his body thru physical contact with Nita, >Husband Grud, nice be in you body.<

‘Why does it sound like Nita is speaking into my head?’ Grud thought to himself in a moment of puzzlement, >Sister Nita ask Mita to go with you on big hunt to breed with you.< after a brief pause to process what was spoken what he assumed was directly into his mind as he did not see any reaction from any of his wives.

‘Hmmm… I have not seen Mita in quite a while, she could not speak the last time I interacted with her directly, and the only times I can perceive her is when I am having sex with Nita. let's try this mind talk thing.’ Grud then concentrated on the voice of Mita that was talking to him.

<Mita, can you hear me?> This simple question elicited a burst of joyful emotion from Mita that radiated throughout his whole body >Yes! Mita much joy to talk to Husband Grud!< Grud could only smile at the joy of his blue wife that was bunking in his body.

<What did Nita ask you to come with me for?> Grud asked with a little trepidation, not knowing what to expect his first wife to have requested of this spirit that turned into his wife. With pride in her voice, Mita said >Sister Nita ask Mita to go with you on big hunt to breed. Sister Nita said Mita is only wife that can breed you on big hunt with no worry.<

Grud was stunned by this explanation, ‘That… Is actually a very good idea, if there is any danger, she can just fly away or hide in my body. That means I will not need to use my old hand friend to release my seed. My Wife is a genius!’

<Ok, take care of me for this expedition, we are going to be away from the family for some time.> Hearing that, a small wave of sadness emanated from Mita >Will miss sister Nita.< Grud gave a mental hum of agreement, <I will miss her and the other wives too.>

And with that, Grud kissed his wives goodbye and took the spear that Dhuk gave him and a water skin, gave his wives a last loving look, and proceeded to the mustering point.

When Grud arrived at the mustering point for his group, he saw other hunters from other tribes starting to stream in, as he looked around he saw some of the hunters from his tribe and went to join them.

After waiting for around fifteen minutes, Chieftain Dhun came forward with a few of his hunters carrying poles between them with big woven baskets hanging from those poles with something in them.

After the Spirit Moon tribe hunters put down their baskets, Chieftain Dhun began to address the gathered hunters, “I will be the expedition leader for this group. I assume that all those who should be here are here already, so I will begin this short briefing for those who are not clear on our objectives.

Our main objective for this expedition is to head south and cull the number of predators that seem to be fleeing north and attacking the southern tribes, we leave half a day earlier to kill and scare away any predators before the main bulk of the tribes come thru.

There should be eleven tribes in our group, we will stop by each tribe’s ground to rest a day before moving on to the next tribe’s ground, when all eleven tribes have reached home, that is when the next objective takes place, we will travel further into the unexplored south to investigate what is making the beasts flee north.”

After Dhun said they were going into the unexplored south, Grud heard hushed whispers among some of the older looking hunters and a fair bit of excitement among the younger hunters. The hunters from his own tribe who were mostly on the older side had worried looks on their faces.

But before Grud could ask his seniors what got them so bothered, Chieftain Dhun continued, “On a side note, I will be holding fighting lessons during our breaks, all are welcome to join.” Hearing this, Grud grumbled a bit while remembering Zargall asking him to attend this fighting lesson.

Before Grud could get too far into his self grumbling, Chieftain Dhun started talking again, “Before we move out, I see that most of you do not have armor, those who do not have any armor, come forward, you will be given some basic bone armor. Just to warn those that are going to take this armor, while this armor should protect you from the slashes of wild beast, it does not do much for getting pierced.”

Grud stepped forward, excited to try on some armor, ‘I wonder how this armor would do against the claws of a Big Tooth Cat or a Dire Bear.’ after collecting his new armor and trying to wear it properly, he had to have his tribe seniors to assist and teach him in tying the knots to secure the armor.

Shortly after, supplies for simple shelters and dried rations were distributed, groups were formed and issued their position in the formation, and final checks were made. When everything was settled, the voice of Chieftain Dhun said to the hunters rallied before him “We Begin!” and with that, Grud was off into the darkness of the wee hours of the morning.

As Grud’s expedition group started their journey, it was pretty uneventful on the first day, the animal population was sparse due to overhunting carried out during the meeting, and all the group had to do was leave markings of their passing so the main bulk of the tribes could follow.

When Grud’s group led by Chieftain Dhun stopped for a break by a creek, he finally asked one of the older hunters from his tribe the question he had been holding in since Chieftain Dhun’s briefing before moving out, “Senior… this morning during the briefing… why did all the older hunters look so worried when Chieftain Dhun mentioned going into the unexplored south?”

The senior from his tribe gave him an appraising look and said, “Good, it seems you noticed our unease when it was mentioned we will be going into that place, unlike some of the other young blood that seems to be excited about adventuring into the unknown.

Nothing wrong with being adventurous, but either they do not live as close to the border as we do or were not told about it like I am going to tell you now. Hmmm…. I think it was slightly before you were born, there were hunters from different border tribes that went to explore further south, but none of them ever came back. Usually, when going exploring, they would be gone for about a week, but even after a month, none of them came back.

Most of those who went exploring were smaller tribes that were trying to see if they could find better resources or locations for their tribe to move to, but after a few more hunters were sent to find out what happened to the missing hunters, they too never came back.

It was after that, the smaller tribes asked the medium sized border tribes like ours for help, and we agreed. So we gathered a few volunteers together from the other border tribes and headed to the unexplored south. About a week and a half journey from our tribe’s grounds we started seeing heavy use of territory markings from predator beasts around. And all of us were getting bad feelings from the general area. 

I was one of the volunteers on that small expedition, and as we traveled further in the next two days, we were attacked by beasts no less than ten times and lost a few hunters. On the third day we found the remains of one of the hunters that gone missing more than a month earlier, from that and from the losses and injuries we got on that small expedition, we decided to cut our losses and go home with the news of the deaths and the aggression of the beasts in that area. But now with the support of the larger tribes and larger number of hunters, hopefully, we may be able to pacify the area, hopefully without too much casualty.”

This got Grud thinking, “Why am I only hearing about this now?” the older hunter huffed, “This is a bit of a sore topic… it is not mentioned much because one of the losses on that small expedition was Chieftain Froll’s first son, so no, we do not talk about it much.”

That answer shut down other questions on that subject for the moment as they quietly munched on their dried rations. After the break was over, they marched on, the rest of the first day was uneventful as the start.

Grud’s expedition group scouted and marked out an area by a stream large enough for the main bulk of the tribes to camp for the night and moved on half a day’s journey from the marked out camp site to make their own camp for the night.

Mita was happily riding along in husband Grud’s body and observing the interactions of the males on this big hunt like she had observed the behavior of many animals over the years. And thought to herself ‘They do not seem to talk as much as my sister-wives or the other tribe females do. They seem to communicate in short sentences and a lot of hand, head and eye gestures, I still do not know what a lot of it means. I should ask husband Grud later.’

While the group was taking a break, Grud asked an older male of his tribe something which caught her attention, she may not have understood quite a few words, but what she understood made her worry for her bonded’s safety, so when night came, the group was done having an evening meal of a few animals they hunted and husband Grud built a shelter to sleep, she asked him about what he talked about with the older male.

<Husband Grud… you go danger place?> This was met with he husband jerking in surprise then realizing that Mita was talking to him >Yes, we will be going to see what is making a lot of predators come north in such large numbers.<

This confirmation started to make Mita even more worried, as if sensing her escalating worry, husband Grud continued >Do not worry, your husband is strong and will survive this. We will go home to our family! I promise.< his statement stopped her worry from escalating but she still held on to the worry for him.

After a few seconds of silence, in the privacy of their own shelter that husband Grud for some reason made totally closed off unlike the other males around, exited out the front of Grud to sit in front of him in her naked blue translucent form, <Enough of worry… Now Mita will do what sister Nita calls wife duty and breed husband Grud.>

With that proclamation, Mita floated towards Grud from her sitting position, wrapped her arms around him and brought her lips to his as they met in a passionate kiss. As they were kissing Mita noticed husband Grud’s arms start to move. One hand moved to slide between her butt cheeks and started invading her vagina and the other hand reached up to grope her breast.

After a while, Mita could feel her husband’s penis start growing and pushing up against the belly of the small body she replicated from Nita, and start to slide on up between her gigantically oversized boobs for her small body.

After Mita noticed that her husband was well and hard, she put both her hands on his chest and tried to push him down, but due to having no mass, she could only emulate the action she had seen her sister-wives do and had to end up telling Grud, <Lay down and let me breed you.>

After husband Grud readily complied with her request, she floated on top of Grud with her butt towards his face. ‘To take in his whole penis, I need to learn from sister Nita and align my body with his hard penis.’ with that thought, she put her mouth to the tip of Grud’s penis that was pointing straight at her and in one smooth stroke, slid Grud’s whole penis pass her mouth which pulled back his foreskin, down her esophagus and popping out into her stomach, all of which could be seen by Grud thru her translucent body which made his penis start twitching in excitement.

After Mita gobbled Grud’s dick all the way down until she was face to face with his titanic balls, she started moving her whole body back and forth. ‘Unlike sister Nita, it is good to not have a gag reflex.’ Mita thought to herself as she picked up the pace of pistoning her whole body on his dick.

As she was giving Grud a full length blowjob, Mita felt Grud’s fingers invade her vagina and anus which made her let out a muffled moan onto Grud’s dick. After a few minutes of blowing Grud, Mita felt the telltale signs she felt so many times thru Nita that Grud was about to release his seed, so she picked up the pace of her pistoning until her husband started ejaculating.

As Mita felt the huge globs of semen travel up his shaft with her body, she continued moving her body to milk his penis directly into her stomach and not stopping until the last drop of his first ejaculation of the night was squeezed out of his urethra.

After Mita extracted herself from his penis, she heard Grud groan, “That was the best blowjob ever.” Mita smiled at his praise and said <Mita no breath. Can go all the way.> and without waiting, levitated herself to impale her vagina on his penis.

As the head of his penis hit Mita’s cervix she had an epiphany, ‘I do not have a flesh and blood body, so I can make myself however I like.’ while Mita could shapeshift into whatever shape she wanted, if she was not familiar with the shape like she was with her ball form or Nita’s form, she will quickly become very uncomfortable.

So while Grud’s dick was pressed up against her cervix, Mita stretched her cervix to accommodate the big fat head of Grud’s penis, and with a pop, Grud’s penis breached Mita’s cervix and hammered into the roof of her womb.

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