Unto the Ages

Chapter 56

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AN: And I am Back!! Sorry for the week of no posting, the peak period for my job is ramping down and I will be back to pumping out them chapters!

As Grud and the cat beast were locked in a stare and waiting for each other to make a move, Grud took the opportunity to pry the jaws of the dead cat beast off his left arm, after which, he flexed his left arm and rotated his right shoulder to check his own condition.


‘Aches a little, but nothing too serious.’ just as Grud was done checking his condition, the cat beast started to slowly circle around Grud to his right. Grud limped as he turned his body to face the cat beast.


Seeing Grud limping as an obvious sign of weakness to the cat beast, it began picking up speed as circled Grud to his right for a few seconds trying to flank him, but even with his injured leg, Grud was still able to keep turning to face the cat beast.


Seeing that this was going nowhere, the cat beast went for a different tactic, it rushed at Grud, and at the last moment changed direction, pivoted on the spot, and pounced at Grud.


If it were any other man, the feint and pounce that the cat beast just executed may have been successful, but against Grud with adrenaline pumping thru his veins, the cat beast was almost as slow as if it was walking.


When the cat beast was almost upon him, Grud swung his axe directly into its skull, ending its life in that swift downward swing.


When the cat beast hit the ground dead, Grud stood still and listened for any new threats that may come, all he could hear was the fast pace beats of his own heart thundering in his chest. The next thing he heard was the loud voice of Mita in his head and looked toward the direction his bond told him she was.


A few seconds later, Grud saw the glowing form of Mita zoom into his body then a moment later emerged from his body to fuss over Grud’s new wounds. Grud just smiled as he thought of Nita ‘I think Mita even learned to fuss over me like Nita.’


Grud eventually calmed Mita down after she scolded him about how scared he made her again when she felt the danger over the bond and rushed back. Grud then got Mita to scout their immediate area to make sure that there was nothing coming to investigate the scuffle and see if there was a more defensible place he could rest. 


As Mita took flight, Grud hobbled his way to the river, checked, double, and triple-checked the water for anything that could attack him, and then washed his body of the blood before hobbling back to the shelter where he plopped down on the ground to rest.


About an hour later, Mita came into the shelter to tell Grud her findings. There was nothing in the immediate area that looked dangerous enough to really hurt him, during her search she also noticed a few areas further out where beasts were fighting.


As for a more defensible shelter, there were a few, but when Mita went inside to check, they were all occupied by a strong looking beast, or in one case, a monster was its current occupant. ‘Well, that put an end to my plans of a somewhat safe rest.’ Grud thought as he settled in to rest. “Hopefully, my leg recovers enough that I can use it tomorrow.”


As Grud laid down to rest his injured body, he asked Mita to keep a lookout.



Besides one beast coming to investigate the smells coming from Grud’s area and stealing one of the cat beast carcasses, everything was relatively calm while the sun was still up. It was only when the sun dipped below the horizon and the forest was cloaked in darkness that the forest truly came alive.


Roars and the sounds of beasts fighting resounded throughout the forest. Through the night, Grud was woken more than five times by Mita warning him of incoming beasts, which naturally, stole the food that he left outside, so there went Grud’s breakfast plans.


Hours later, at morning’s first light, when the fighting started to die down, Grud was sitting in his concealed shelter with knife and axe in hand ready to defend himself with droopy tired eyes. While his leg and the wounds he got yesterday were feeling better, Grud barely got a wink of sleep before Mita would come and warn him of some incoming beast that will get him tensed up and ready to fight.


So when everything was quieting down and there was no more meat beside his shelter for any beast to steal, Grud took the opportunity to finally take a nap.



When Grud woke up and stretched, the first thing he noticed was that his skin felt a bit stiffer, after inspecting he noticed his skin was slightly rougher and tougher than before. The second thing he noticed after looking at the position of the sun was that it was mid-afternoon, which was later than he planned to rest.


On the bright side, Grud did not feel any more pain or discomfort from his left knee anymore, and the open wounds he received yesterday were closed and scabbed over.


Now that Grud was healed and rested, he had to come up with a plan of action, as he began to think up a plan, Mita’s glowing form floated into the shelter, >Good morning Husband Grud, sleep good?< she asked as she floated to him and gave Grud a morning kiss.


“Afternoon actually.” Grud said as he kissed her back. “Any danger nearby?”


>Yes, but they sleep now.< Mita replied. “Good, now that I am healed, we need to find a way to get bac…” as Grud was talking, his gaze fell upon Mita’s naked ethereal form which made his already stiff morning wood harder, and his balls that did not have their regular release for two days started pulsating.


>Husband? Why stop talki-< were the only words Mita managed to get out, before Grud grabbed her semi-corporeal form and his flipped raging boner was out of his loincloth. “Sorry Mita, but we will need to handle this first.” Grud said apologetically for the sudden request for sex in this hostile environment. 


>It ok husband, Mita here for you, take care of you.< Mita said gently as she reached out to stroke Grud’s face, “Thank you, my love.” Grud said as he brought Mita in for a deep passionate kiss.


What happened for the next hour or so, was Grud using every hole and fold Mita had to drain every last drop of spunk that was stored inside his balls.


After his final nut, Grud laid the cum glazed Mita down, and with post-nut clarity started his plan. ‘Now, my main objective is to reunite with the expedition, but even Mita was not able to find them after flying high.’ Grud pondered on how to even locate the expedition when he did not even know where he was himself.


It was only when his eyes landed on the remnants of the fireplace he used to cook the crocodile meat that an idea came to him, ‘Of course! Fire! Smoke! There will be smoke from their fires in the morning at first light and evening before sundown.’ Grud looked up at the tall trees blocking his vision ‘I can always ask Mita to look out for smoke when scouts for me.’


And now with the initial plan laid out, Grud needed to think about his survival, ‘I will need to make myself a new spear and some throwing spears before it gets dark.’


Grud made his way out of the shelter and started searching for suitable saplings or sticks for his spears. Unfortunately, as much as Grud wanted to knap a stone into a spearhead for his spear, after seeing what attacked him and hearing the beasts at night, he did not want to attract any attention by hitting rocks together. He could also fire harden his spear tips but for the same reason of wanting to avoid attracting attention, he decided not to.


Sometime later, Grud woke Mita up from her cum induced coma and using Mita as a spotter, managed to hunt a few birds and a beast the size of a large dog for an early dinner of raw meat. 


‘Besides eating hearts raw, I miss cooked food, I guess I took for granted the security of being in a group where we can start a fire knowing that most beasts will not be stupid enough to attack a group of hunters.’


When evening came around, Grud sensed Mita flying back to him with excitement flowing thru their bond. >Husband Grud! Found smoke!< Mita flew straight into Grud’s body and shared what she saw.


The smoke was around a day and a half travel southeast of his current position. Now with a solid direction, and the sun starting to go down, Grud made a decision to totally reinforce his shelter and seal himself inside for a good night’s sleep and start his journey at first light the coming morning.



Back in the Rock Skull tribe, Grud’s home, the wives of Grud were arriving home from cleaning themselves after dinner at the end of the day. Nita was now showing a very obvious baby bulge and the rest of the wives were also starting to have theirs.


It has been more than a month since the expedition, along with their husband Grud, had left to escort the Long Shadow tribe and venture into the unexplored south.


In that time, the Rock Skull tribe was getting used to their new neighbors and tribe mates for those who married into the tribe, and some getting used to not having their friends or family nearby due to marrying out of the tribe.


For this prolonged period without their husband around, Nita started to notice her fellow sister-wives, and even herself, start to get more irritable quicker than usual.


Now that there they were not traveling all day that tired them out, besides their daily chores, the wives had a lot of free time on their hands. 


A week into being separated from their husband, was when Nita and her fellow sister-wives started feeling slightly stressed out and they did not know why.


They assumed it may be mood swings from their pregnancy, and just ignored it.


By the second week, the wives now definitely knew what was causing their distress and irritation, they knew it because they could feel it, or to be more accurate, they felt the lack of something.


It was an itch, an itch deep inside their holes that they were used to having scratched on a regular basis, followed by a thick, hot, jelly like cum being pumped inside of them. But they were now deprived of that luxury, and would be deprived for the foreseeable future until their husband gets home.


Seeing this frustration, Nita, as the first wife felt she had a duty to keep the family together and try to fill in for her husband as much as she could.


So tonight as she and her sister-wives got undressed for bed, Nita decided to start the night off with a surprise deep kiss on Ida. This started a chain reaction of the other sister-wives starting to kiss and suck each other.


This lesbian orgy was at this point almost a nightly activity to relieve stress, but from what Nita observed until now, it was not enough and she had to take things up a notch.


After Nita separated her mouth from Ida’s, Nita pushed Ida down and started eating out her pussy and making her moan in pleasure.


After feeling Ida climax a couple of times, Nita decided it was time to carry out her plan. She gathered her fingers in her right hand close together to form a spear, lathered her right hand in Ida’s dripping pussy juice, and started invading Ida’s anus with that hand.


Ida’s moan of pleasure became screams of pleasure as Nita went wrist deep into Ida’s ass, this drew the attention of the other wives as they gathered to watch more of Nita’s forearm disappear into Ida.


By the time Nita was elbow deep, Ida was out of breath and panting with a silly look on her face with her tongue out and dripping drool.


That was until Nita started slowly pulling out her arm and pushing it back in repeatedly, which made Ida’s body writhe in pleasure as she resumed her screams of pleasure, “My arm may not be as thick as our husband’s penis, but I can see you take great pleasure from this.” Nita cooed at Ida.


Nita was greatly enjoying the look of bliss on Ida’s face, until she was pleasantly surprised by a sneak attack from behind, on her own behind.


When she looked back, Nita saw Reta with an arm reaching into her own butt. Seeing Reta’s mischievous smile, Nita knew what she started was going to cause them a lack of sleep tonight.

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