Unto the Ages

Chapter 68

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Froll gathered the whole tribe after dinner and made the announcement of the decision made during the chieftains’ meeting.


The main points were, that many new tribes were about to be established down south where the expedition explored, the migration expedition wanted volunteer family units for the migration, and those who wanted to migrate to the new tribes were to meet at the Long Shadow tribe by the end of the first month of spring, which was in a few months time.


After the announcement, Froll called Grud aside for a chat. “It seems congratulations are in order once again. Now I have more grandchildren to spoil.” Froll said as he let out a laugh.


“But that's beside the point, I wanted to talk to you because I have an important question to ask you. I don't know how to say it because I have never asked this question before, so I am just going to say it. You have been nominated to become one of the chieftains of the new tribes that are expanding south. To be more specific, to be the chieftain of the tribe at the edge of our land that connects to the smaller land. Do you accept?” Froll asked with a serious look.


Grud could only stare blankly as he processed the question, after a few seconds of thinking, the only question he could ask was “Why me?”


Grud nodded his head in understanding, Grud was a young man not even twenty winters of age yet, and he already had seven wives and now seven children to provide for, so he knew asking him to lead a tribe of many more people was a big ask.


But even knowing all that, after hearing Chieftain Dhuk’s reasoning and learning of the extent of Grud’s strength, Froll had no choice but to agree that Grud was the best choice to make chieftain of the tribe stationed at the edge of their lands.


“Because you are the strongest hunter around, and in case something comes out of the smaller lands again, if you are there, you will be able to deal with it before it gets to the point that it affects the whole food chain and causes harm to everyone else.”


“But… But I am not the strongest, Dhun could always beat me in training.” Grud said frantically.


Froll shook his head as he replied, “Yes, he is more skilled than you, not more powerful. We are starting a tribe there because of beasts, not people. And if what I heard from those who were fighting the five invading beasts is correct, Dhun is more skilled but he lacks the power you do to quickly take down a beast of such power.”


“But I do not know how to lead a tribe, what if I get everyone killed?” Grud asked weakly.


This time, Froll laughed and slapped Grud’s shoulder, “Haha, of course I know you are not ready, did you think the chieftains were going to throw such a young man in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of other families and expect you to survive? We already talked about this, I talked to Old Crot about this and he agreed to go along with you as an adviser, if there is anyone that can be said to be wise, it is him.”


Crot, or Old Crot as most people in the tribe called him is a retired hunter who now helps with chores around the tribe, but before this, even before the founding of the Rock Skull tribe, Crot was from one of the tribes that were wiped out by the invading Blood Claw tribe.


He and a few other survivors were then absorbed by the Spirit Moon tribe. When the chance came to strike back against the Blood Claw tribe, he was one of the men who proved to be a capable leader, and after the fighting was over, he was offered the chance to be a chieftain but refused, the closest thing to a leadership position he was convinced into taking on was being sent out as an advisor to new chieftains going out to start new tribes, which was where Crot met Froll and the Rock Skull tribe was established.


After going back and forth for a while, Grud said he would discuss with his family about this and retired to his hut with his wife and kids.



With his family gathered in his hut, Grud told his wives about the offer to become a chieftain and where he would be posted if he accepted, he also told them of his worries for the future and safety of their growing family. “So, what do you girls think?” Grud asked his wives who were either cradling or nursing their babies.


The first to speak up was Nita, “My love, you may think you are not a good leader, but I promise you that you will do great, and don't forget, Old Crot will be around in case you need wisdom from your elders. The tribe respects you, and we are by your side. We can manage this together.” she said as she and the other wives snuggled closer to Grud.


Next was Ida, “I also think it is a good idea, and we are your wives, your burden is our burden, and I am sure that our children will grow up knowing that their father is a great chieftain they can be proud of”


Then Reta, “We are sure you being chieftain will bring great honor and strength to our family.”


Even Mita took her corporeal form to encourage Grud “Husband very strong, Mita is sure everything is fine, Mita will help.” She said out in an ethereal voice. Which got nods of approval from the rest of the wives who had become fond of her ever since she was introduced.


The other wives nodded and encouraged Grud to go for it.


Feeling extra touched by all their encouragement, asked them to put the babies to bed, then laid some extra passionate pipe to them that night.



The months passed fast as all tribes got busy preparing for winter and also the colonization of new lands. 


All the tribes had to preserve more food, prepare more pelts, tools, weapons, armor, and sundries than usual, and also the handcarts to transport them.


Fortunately, this winter was not a harsh one and due to all the preparations, no one in the tribe had want for food or warmth.


As the biting chill of winter faded, giving way to the green new growth of spring, all the tribes got busy. Hunting teams were sent out to secure a route for those who were migrating south and grant them safe passage, and guest tents were set up in every tribe along the way for those migrating to rest.


As for Grud, his family, and those who were planning to migrate, they had more time than others to make their preparations and say their goodbyes to neighbors, friends, and family due to being the closest tribe to the Long Shadow tribe.


When it was finally time to make their way to the Long Shadow tribe, besides Grud, his wife, and children, a quarter of the tribe decided to travel to new lands.


The whole tribe gathered for the last time to see them off. All of Grud’s wives along with their babies went to have a goodbye group hug with the tribe’s women while Grud went around saying his goodbyes amongst the men.


“Goodbye, Dad, Mums.Thanks for taking care of me all these years after my parents died.” Grud said to Froll, Iko, and Rae as he gave them hugs.


Froll slapped him on the back and said, “Not a problem, and it's not like we will not see you again, we will still meet every two years at the Spirit Moon tribe, tho it will be quite a long journey for you.”


Iko was next as she fussed over Grud like a mother would when their child was leaving for his first day at school. “I know it would be no problem for you, but eat well and take care of yourself, I do not want to see you looking like skin and bones like after you survived the Sky Rock fall.”


“And you take care of those girls you hear, especially my little girl.” Rae chipped in.


And after a few more hugs and waves goodbye, Grud, his family, Old Crot, and a quarter of the Rock Skull tribe departed to the Long Shadow tribe.

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