Unto the Ages

Chapter 7

After his first night and early morning plowing of his newly wed wife, Grud felt lighter than ever. Even though he got attacked and wounded by the Big Tooth Cat two nights before, all he was left with this morning was scabs from the cuts, the bruise marks that had gotten a lot lighter in color, his broken ribs had fused back together but still hurt and a dull ache all over his body where he was injured.

After taking a short walk away from the isolated hut, he noted to himself that we would need to build a hut of his own for himself and his wife to live in from now on. It would not be polite to keep the sex hut to himself otherwise other newly married couples could not enjoy their first night.

Soon afterwards he found himself along with a few of the hunters outside the Chieftain's hut and when all the hunters arrived, Chieftain Froll came out of his hut “Good Morning men. I see we got a new face with us today” Froll said as he looked in Grud’s direction and the rest of the hunters gave him a short cheer to welcome a new hunter to the group.

After the cheer died down, Froll continued “The information we got from hunting groups yesterday suggests that we have a herd of deer less than a quarter day’s travel north of us and a herd of moose slightly less than half a day’s travel south-east. Divide yourselves into two groups with more people in the moose hunting group, those in the moose hunting group are to prepare in case you need to camp overnight. Grud, you are following me on the deer hunting group. Now all of you, go prepare and we will meet back in half an hour.”

The day’s hunting plan was made and the hunters broke off to eat some breakfast then collect some dried meat ration and tools. Grud did the same and got his broken spear repaired, lucky all the repair amounted to was tying his metal spear head that was actually a shattered remains of an alien storage container, to another spear length stick and he was ready for action.

When the time was up and all the preparations were made, the hunters formed up in their groups and moved out on their hunt. This was Grud’s first time on a group hunt and where he would learn group hunting tactics with the older hunters around guiding him, they would also teach him about which deer in the herd to aim for to avoid depleting the herd population.

After a few hours into late morning, Grud’s group of hunters tracked and found the herd of deer, all the hunters were crouched low behind bushes from a distance away. After seeing the herd of deer, Froll whispered just loud enough for the group of hunters to hear. 

“Judging from the population, this seems to be a new herd in the area. We will be aiming for two of the older bucks, avoid hurting the does. We will do this the usual way, three of you will sneak the long way around and scare them towards us to ambush.” The hunters nodded and three of the smaller, stealthier men broke away from the main hunting party, while the rest of the group kept track of the prey and three men to see when they were in position.

When the three men got into position, Froll gave the signal and the three men jumped out from behind the bushes hooting and hollering while herding the deers towards Grud’s position. “Get ready” Froll whispered to the hunters “The first and second bucks in the lead are our targets when I give the signal, we throw our spears at them” he signaled to the hunters on who was to aim at which target.

Grud readied his body as his muscles tensed, when Froll gave the signal, he sprang up and launched his spear at the lead buck. What the other hunters did not expect, was Grud’s thrown spear to be so strong that it knocked back the buck that was running towards them, causing the two other spears aiming for the same buck to miss completely.

When the deer hunt was done, the result was two dead bucks and a badly injured doe that got hit on accident, after putting it out of its misery the hunters congratulated each other on a good hunt and began gutting the deer as other hunters went to find branches long enough to be able to secure the deer for transportation.

On their way back Froll asked “So how was your first group hunt?” Grud smiled and said “It was a lot easier than my first deer kill, I had to sneak up on it close enough for me to throw my spear.” Froll nodded “Talking about spear throwing, you seem to have quite the throwing arm, damn well lifted the buck off its feet when your spear hit it. Buried the spear halfway in, lucky it did not hit the intestines or it would have fouled the meat. Now that you are blessed by the spirits I think you need to learn how to control your strength.” Froll said happily while giving Grud hearty back pats that vibrated his ribcage, causing some pain to his still healing ribs. Grud nodded while wincing, taking in Froll’s advice.



After a while of walking back to the tribe, a scent reached Grud’s nose, he sniffed the air more and focused his senses further in front of him, where he started to hear the faint sound of grunting and dirt being shoved around. When he came to a stand still, the other hunters looked at him strangely and one of them asked “Grud, what happened, why did you stop?” After a few more seconds of sniffing the air and twitching his head in different angles, he finally answered quietly “I think there is a Tusk Pig further ahead, I am not so sure how far but I can smell and hear it.”

The rest of the hunters looked to where Grud was facing, back to Grud and back to where he was facing. To the average hunter, hunting a Tusk Pig alone was pretty dangerous as a Tusk Pig could easily out run and gore anyone, but to a group of hunters in a forest, it was easier with trees to take cover behind and multiple people to attack while it was chasing someone else. And the hunters would not say no to more meat.

Froll signaled to the three hunters that chased the deer earlier to go scout it out so they could organize a proper hunt, because even though the hunt would be easier with multiple people, if not coordinated properly someone could get maimed or killed.

When one of the scouts came back, it was reported that the Tusk Pig was around two hundred meters in front of them. After hearing the report, they hung the deer that they hunted in a tree and stalked off to hunt again.

When they all got into position, they readied their spears and the hunt started off with one of the hunters throwing his spear at the Tusk Pig, this was followed by a game of getting the pig to keep switching targets while spears were being chucked at it. The only reason it was not dead yet even with a bunch of spears sticking out of it was because of its tough hide and muscles keeping the spears away from any important organs.

But the game of target switching suddenly came to an end when one of the hunters whose turn it was to act as bait tripped and fell while running and the Tusk Pig was not far behind. Seeing this, Grud’s fast reaction speed snapped his mind into making a quick decision. He sprinted out from behind his cover, towards the flank of the Tusk Pig and just before the Tusk Pig was about to trample the fallen hunter, Grud ran his spear along with his body into the side of the Tusk Pig, lifting it off its trotters for two steps and tipping it over on its side.

While the Tusk Pig was on the ground flailing around and trying to right itself, the rest of the hunters saw the chance and pounced on it to keep it from getting back up and began stabbing the Tusk Pig in any critical spots until it was dead. The hunter that was saved thanked Grud and there was cheers and back patting all around.The men gutted the Tusk Pig, retrieved the deers and made their way back to the tribe.



When Grud’s group returned to the tribe, they were greeted by their wives and other tribe members to collect the meat from the hunters to process. Nita came up to greet Grud with a kiss and accompanied him to get himself cleaned up for the day while wrapping herself around his arm. While Grud was distracted by the softness of having his arm sandwiched in between Nita’s gigantic tits, he did not notice the looks the other women were giving him, especially the unmarried and some of the married women with their eyes glancing down to his crotch area.

Because in a world lacking entertainment, the next best thing a bunch of women could entertain themselves with while doing chores, was gossip. And by now all the women knew what Iko and Rae witnessed in the aftermath of Nita’s wedding night.

Down by the nearby stream, Nita sat Grud down while she helped him wash away the dirt and sweat of the day’s hunt. “How was your hunt today, dear?” Nita asked while using some coarse leaves to scrub Grud’s back. “It was quite a lot easier with a group today, I saved one of the hunters from getting trampled by a Tusk Pig. How was your day today?” At this point Nita was barely listening to what Grud was saying while using the washing of his body to feel his body out some more.

As they made more small talk, Nita’s attention was focused back when Grud said “I think I should build us a hut of our own so we can have more privacy.” Hearing this, Nita’s head was filled with the thoughts of their own love nest. “We cannot keep using the hut we are staying in now for long, I will ask the Chieftain if I can have some time off from hunting to build our own hut.” Nita smiled, hugged Grud from the back and said “I am sure father will be ok with it.”

That night, Grud got Froll’s permission to be excused from hunting until his own hut was built and told Grud to go ask the older men of the tribe to help him. And so went the process of gathering materials and building a hut with the help of the older tribe members, with some of the children doing the lighter tasks. After four days, Grud’s hut was finally completed.

On the day the hut was finished, the young couple moved in and started laying down their belongings and a few pelts to sleep on where they decided to break in with some passionate womb inflating sex.

After her mothers had seen the state Nita was in after Grud was done satisfying his libido, Iko, Rae and the other married women gave Nita some tips and tricks to relieve her husband’s strong libido and from the second night onwards, with a drive of wanting to please her man, she did as instructed. 

The women recommended her to use what she was blessed with, so Nita stroked Grud’s dick while massaging his balls with her other hand, but due to how hard his dick and balls were, she had to use enough strength and pressure on them to the point that, any other man would be curled up on the ground screaming before he started to feel pleasure. This second night of sex that started out with a handjob, which was not ideal due to the mess it created that she had to clean up in the morning.

On the third night, Nita noticed her breasts felt tighter and a bit sore for reasons she assumed was due to being pounded by Grud making her boobs bounce all over the place. This was also the night she she followed the recommendations of one of the tribe women with bigger breast to tity fuck Grud. 

That night she gently pushed and laid Grud on his back then proceeded to sandwich his penis between her breasts. Most dicks would be buried with breasts the size of Nita’s but Grud’s dick was sticking up well past her cleavage and in front of her face. 

As she pressed her breast together and stroked his dick, the smell of the precum leaking out the tip of his penis that was just under her nose was intoxicating and her mind and body soon started to move on instinct, as she leaned forward to start licking up the precum off the tip of Grud’s dick while picking up the pace of the tity fuck. 

After licking his dick clean of precum, she started to suck the tip of his penis, tried but failed to fit the penis head in her mouth, then settled for just sucking the precum direct from the tip. When it was time for Grud to ejaculate, Nita felt his whole dick begin to twitch, felt the semen travel up his shaft that was still buried between her breasts and began to suck the tip of his dick harder.

Soon after, Grud flooded Nita’s mouth with cum as she struggled to gulp down his semen as fast as possible, but the excess semen she could not swallow in time leaked out the side of her mouth and nose. 

This was the first time she truly tasted her man’s cum that was not the watered down precum, it was so pungent that she almost spit it out, but it was also filled with super concentrated sex pheromones that tingled the pleasure centers of her brain to gradually associate this taste as a good acquired taste, thus making her climax repeatedly. 

By the time Grud was finished cumming, Nita’s stomach was slightly bloated from all the cum she just drank and her pussy was dripping wet and horny, Grud proceeded to satisfy this hornyness of his wife, by pounding her pussy until she fainted and filled her womb with cum then repeated filling her with cum again in the morning.

The end result was slightly less to clean up, but Nita had to go about her day looking bloated, while not feeling the need to eat much because her womb and stomach were busy absorbing and digesting the semen pumped into them, but there was a side effect from intaking so much of Grud’s cum for a whole two weeks after their marriage, Nita’s breast got tighter and more sore.


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