Unto the Ages

Chapter 80

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AN: Don't forget to check out my other novel, "Of Arms and Arcane" https://www.scribblehub.com/series/872408/of-arms-and-arcane/


When Grud was nice and comfortable, Mita started by licking up her own juices that had been marinating Grud’s dick the whole night.


When Grud’s dick was nice and clean, she sandwiched Grud’s dick with her tits and started stroking up and down. The tingling feeling of mana Grud usually felt when Mita did a boobjob for him was replaced by the smooth and warm feeling of Mita’s massive tits.


For Mita, even though this was a new body, it was a daily routine for her and her sister-wives to milk their stud of a husband every morning, so she was very provision at this task.


The only problem Mita was facing at the moment was that her new body had not been mutated or seasoned enough like her other sister-wives to take on the full brunt of Grud’s girth.


Case in point, Mita was currently trying and failing to take Grud’s dick into her mouth like when she was using her mana body, so she did the only thing she could.


While Grud was getting his dick stroked, Mita sucked on Grud’s pee hole while trying to invade it with her tongue, and sure enough, a few minutes later Mita had the first meal of her new body pumped into her mouth as she desperately chugged as much of it as possible.


After a while of chugging cum, Mita could contain no more and let the rest shoot all over her body as she reveled in the hot sticky liquid that drenched her.


As Grud was blasting rope after rope of jizz on her body, Mita was smearing it all over her body as she pinched her own nipple and fingered herself. She was so taken by the experience of getting her new body glazed in her man’s baby batter that she fell back on her back, arched her back, and squirted all over Grud’s dick.


“Thank you for the meal husband.” Mita said as she lay there enjoying the warm feeling on her body and in her belly.


“Anytime.” Grud said as he managed to stuff his dick back into his loincloth.



After getting some breakfast, Grud came back to his tent with two big jugs of water and some clothes for Mita.


After getting Mita washed up and clothed, now came the questions they were too caught up in passion to answer. What is actually going on with Mita’s new body and is she able to switch back to her mana form?


The first thing they did was explore every inch of Mita’s body, which turned out to be a rather difficult task due to both of them getting aroused while exploring her body, during this examination, that was purely for medical and scientific purposes of course, Grud had a hard time keeping it in his pants, or in this case, loincloth. But they eventually got through it.


The results… were underwhelming. “Besides the higher concentration of mana I can feel just by being close to you, you are a flesh and blood woman in every way.”


Hearing this, Mita was ecstatic, “That's fantastic! That means I can finally show myself to the tribe and join the family for real.” 


She then moved up next to Grud, locked her arm in his, and leaned her head on his shoulder. “And even have my own children like my sisters.” Mita said wishfully.


Grud smiled warmly, put his other hand on top of hers, gave it a light squeeze, and said “Of course dear, as many as you want.”


“And I also want to try cooking, weaving, crafting, gathering with the other women, and many other things. Even make friends!” Mita burst out in excitement as she thought of what she would do in her new body.


Grud just sat there, silently enjoying Mita express herself until she ran out of ideas and just snuggled into Grud’s embrace.


After a while, Grud broke the silence, “I am looking forward to you joining the family with your new body. But before all that, we need to solve the issue of introducing you into the tribe. Our wives already know who you are but it would be a bit hard to explain two Nitas, I am pretty sure everyone knows she does not have a twin.”


That question put both of them into deep thought as they brainstormed ideas on how to introduce Mita to the tribe without raising too many questions. They went from the idea of mysterious arrival to amnesia, and even to being separated from her family at birth, but they scrapped that last idea because it may cast a bad image on Nita’s parents thinking Mita was Nita’s twin.


Eventually, they came up with an idea. When the expedition was over and Grud was back home, he would go on a solo hunt and come back with Mita saying that her family had no tribe and lived isolated from other tribes by choice.


There were some rare cases where families would strike out on their own. They were thinking they could use they could make up a story that her make-believe parents passed away from illness and she was on her own when Grud showed up and go with it from there, and that Mita looked like Nita was pure coincidence.


They soon decided to put a pin in it and move on to the other important question, could she turn back into her mana body?


Mita closed her eyes and concentrated, within a few seconds, her physical body started to fade into a blue mist which coalesced into Mita’s wisp form, and the clothes she was wearing dropped to the floor.


>Huh… That was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. It just takes slightly more effort than it takes for me to take on my full mana body.< Mita telepathically said as she changed into the humanoid form of her mana body.


When she tried changing back into her corporeal form, she also found that it did not take much effort either.


“Good, this way you can still ride around inside my body while we are out on expedition. Speaking about riding around, it is getting late in the morning, hop in, and let's start the day.” Grud said and Mita entered his body as he exited his tent to start the day.



Two months passed since the lizard pack incident, and the expedition really took off. Teams of hunters were dispatched in all directions, each team was a minimum of ten men which included a shaman that was equipped with monster weapons and armor in case they encountered something they could not penetrate.


But as expected when facing new foes in new lands, there were casualties. The hunters had to adapt to the new creatures that attacked in ways they had never seen before, the environment, and in some cases, even the plants were out for their blood, literally.


If not for Grud, the shamans, and the elder hunters, the number of dead would have crippled the expedition, but thanks to them, especially Grud, what would have usually been a fight to the death with an opponent that was able to wipe out hunter teams, became a defensive battle to distract whatever beast their spears could not harm so that the team’s shaman could use their empowered weapon and deliver a critical blow.


In Grud’s case, he and an elder hunter were tasked with taking care of weaker and less experienced hunters to show them the ropes. He and the elder hunter would leave the other hunters to fight while giving them pointers and would step in when someone was about to be badly hurt or if they judged what they were facing was out of the other hunter’s league.


With all the ground the expedition was covering, it was impossible to sustain their progress without proper logistics. So as they went deeper inland, more outposts needed to be raised, and more outposts meant people needed to man those outposts.


So a messenger was sent back to the mainland to send over more settlers.


With that issue settled and with the prospect of more families moving to the new lands to settle the outposts, the chieftains on the mainland decided to devote more resources to the chain of islands connecting the two land masses.


They ended up building rafts that would travel along the shallows of the landbridges during high tide, thus bypassing the time restrictions of the tide.


As for Grud personally, he has been going on an eating spree in hopes of finding something that he felt could bridge the gap in his powers that was holding him back.


He ate anything that ran, crawled, slithered, flew, or swam. And what did he get for it? A lot of stomach aches and food poisoning is what, there was even one especially bad case where he ate a bright blue frog with black stripes, and a few minutes after eating it, Grud puked blood and fell into a coma for a week.


But all was not so bad, besides slightly improving some of his abilities, especially his poison resistance, Grud gained three abilities with questionable usefulness. 


After eating a bat, he gained the ability to use echolocation. From a firefly, he gained bioluminescence which made him glow at night, it was a bitch and a half to master certain parts of his body to turn it off, the other hunters laughed and made fun of him for eating weird things. 


As for the last ability, Grud had no idea what it was. The day before he woke up, he ate a bird he managed to kill with a stone, when he woke up the next day after consuming the bird, everywhere he looked, there was barely perceptible film of waves covering himself, Mita, and every living being, be it plant or animal.


As the days went on, Grud eventually learned to toggle off and on this new sight ability, so he kept it on until he found out what it did. Grud soon found out what this new sight did when his team came upon a particularly rocky terrain.


Scattered around the place were some stones that produced waves that were a lot bigger than any he had seen before. When he picked one up, it did not do anything in particular, but when he picked up another stone that gave off the same waves and brought them close, he noticed the waves interacted with each other.


When he touched the two stones together, they stuck to each other. This fascinated Grud as he played around with the stones and watched how the waves played with each other.


Little did Grud know that he was the first intelligent being in this world to discover magnetism, it was too bad that to him, the loadstones he just found were just “Funny rocks” and he stored them in his pouch.

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