Unto the Ages

Chapter 93

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For the next 2 days after first bedding Tala and Kaya, Grud did 3 main things, fuck, hunt and craft.

To make up for the lack of sexual relief he was accustomed to when surrounded by his wives back home, he would fuck his 2 new wives into a barely coherent state where the only things on their minds were Grud’s dick filling their pussies and his semen filling their bellies.

From the time Grud first bedded them, there was not a moment where they were not covered in a fresh layer of Grud’s spunk, and their diet mainly consisted of Grud’s thick jelly. At this point, they were no better than animals reacting on instinct and opening their legs whenever Grud approached them, and after Grud was done shooting his lust into them, the 2 sisters would 69 each other and eat the cum directly out of each other's pussy.

Tala and Kaya were so out of it that they did not even notice Mita joining in on the action to get her share. And after Grud had satisfied his women and himself, he got to work.

Grud reckoned he could have requested the materials needed to create a decent set of monster bone weapons, but as a hunter in a foreign land, he would be damned if he did not pull his own weight.

So he went out to do some hunting and through Yara, bartered what he hunted for some tools and ingredients he needed to craft an efficient monster bone weapon.

By the end of the 3rd day since he started crafting, what he ended up with was essentially 2 single-edged short swords with carved grooves filled with crushed monster core mixed with glue along the blade.

The following day, knowing he was going to be leaving soon to try to find the expedition, Grud decided to keep his lust in “moderation” as he gave Tala and Kaya their morning cum-filling and kept it to 1 round each.

After giving the sisters a bath, Grud went to get some breakfast for them and awaited their awakening. A couple of hours later, when the sisters woke up and were somewhat lucid, he gave them their first good-morning kiss in days that they did not interpret as an invitation to continue fucking.

After the sisters had their first solid breakfast in days, Grud told them in their language, “I go soon, find my people.”

Hearing this, the sisters’ eye’s started watering and Tala looked up at Grud, “You are bored of us already?”

Hearing this accusation, Grud leaned forward, brought the 2 women into a hug, and whispered, “No, no. I go find my people, bring here to make friend with village. Then I bring you back to live with my family.”

“Promise?” Kaya asked as she nuzzled into the crook of Grud’s neck.

“Grud promise, if break promise, cannot call myself man!” Grud declared.

For the whole afternoon, Grud indulged the sisters in a cuddling session while they talked about their lives and future plans.

The next day when the sun peeked over the horizon, Grud gently extracted himself from between the 2 cumflated sisters to wipe himself clean and don the leather armor he bartered for and strapped in his new monster bone blades.

After he was dressed, Grud woke Tala and Kaya, then helped clean and dress them as they insisted on seeing him off.

When they were ready, they made their way to Yara’s place. When they were greeted by Yara, the sisters whom she had not seen for days were the first ones who caught her eye, more specifically, their bellies. “You 2 are with child? And it had grown so fast?”

The two sisters blushed as they pushed Yara inside her home before she could make a big commotion. They asked Grud to wait in the dining room and help himself to whatever was cooking while the sisters had a “girls' talk” with the old witch doctor.

When they were done with their talk, Yara came out to talk with Grud. “So you are finally leaving us… I take it you will return with your kin?”

Grud nodded in acknowledgment, “Tala and Kaya. Take care, wait I return?” Grud asked.

Yara just nodded and said, “Do not keep your women waiting for too long.” then she proceeded to grab a sling bag and put some fruits into it before passing the bag to Grud.

Grud accepted the bag and the 4 of them started making their way to the main gate. Along the way, they ran into the village chief who joined them in seeing Grud off.

Before he departed, Jorah requested the spear, bow, and a quiver of arrows to be brought and passed them to Grud as a parting gift.

Grud studied the gifts he had just been given. The spearhead was made of something he had come to know as copper, and instead of just being secured to the shaft by just twine, they were somehow able to drive small wooden pegs that secured the spearhead to the shaft, then warp the joining portion in leather.

The next thing he inspected the the bow and arrows that he was given. The bow was just over a meter long and the string was made of something Grud had not seen before. After feeling the bowstring, he gave it a sniff. After a few seconds, he recognized it as being from an animal, “What beast make this strong string?” Grud asked.

The words tendon or sinew were not in Grud’s lexicon, his people only knew it as the tough meat to throw away, so he was surprised that that useless meat could be used in such a way. ‘I must make sure contact between our people goes smoothly, what these people lack in strength, they make up for in their crafts, and we have much to learn.’

Saying his final farewell, Grud headed north in search of his people.

Grud finally got to cut loose as he ran through the jungle, and he soon noticed that as he ran, he was running with a smoother form of movement. Not having access to a mirror, he asked Mita who was flying above him to take a look at his body and tell him if there was anything different.

>Hmmm… After having a closer look, you seem to be standing straighter, and I think you look slimmer… I think?<

Grud pondered as he felt himself out during a break, “Everything feels fine… so I think it should be ok.”

“The next thing I want to do is practice with this bow and arrow. I was just shown how to aim and shoot it, but I have yet to practice beyond them showing me how to do it.”

He then found the thickest tree he could find and started shooting arrows at it. After a few rounds of shooting and retrieving arrows, Grud more or less got the sighting for his bow on point and decided to increase the distance to challenge himself. And just like that, he burned a few hours that he should have been using to travel, ‘Oh my, I was so engrossed in having fun shooting that time got away from me, might as well use put all this practice to good use and hunt something for dinner.’

That day, Grud learned that he also needed to practice with moving targets.

It was a week and a half before Mita saw signs of the expedition and relayed the info to Grud, after another day of hard travel and sniffing the air to catch the scent of the expedition, he ran into a 10 men team.

“Chieftain Grud, you are alive! Where have you been? And what are you wearing?” the young shaman leading the group asked.

“I will explain all that later, where is Chieftain Dhun? I must find him.” Grud asked urgently, to which he was given directions to an outpost 3 days travel from where he was.

After saying his thanks, Grud sped off to find Dhun.

Grud cut the 3 day travel down to 1, which meant that it was late at night when he was knocking on the gates of a particularly big outpost. Needless to say, everyone was excited to see that Grud was still alive, on the count that the last time anyone saw him, his skin was melted away by ant acid and then washed away by a river.

When news of Grud’s return got to Chieften Dhun, he burst out of his hut, ran over to Grud, grabbed him by his shoulders while shaking him, and repeated the same question the young shaman he bet before coming here almost word for word.

“Easy there, Dhun. calm down, I will explain.” Grud said as they went back to Dhun’s hut and proceeded to tell him of his journey since his disappearance.

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