Unto the Ages

Chapter 97

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AN: We entering the Copper Age Motherfuckers!!!

Years went by and Grud’s tribe grew prosperous from trade that flowed through his tribe, anything going to or from the Newlands, as it was now called, had to pass through Grud’s tribe.

At first, things were simple, some enterprising people from other tribes would set up bartering stalls within Rock Claw tribe, but as business was good for the barterers and the tribe, the trend caught on, and it was getting more and more crowded within the tribe to the point that there was overcrowding within the tribe’s walls.

That was when Grud had enough of stalls clogging his tribe and launched an expansion project to accommodate the growing number of stalls. The men of the tribe, with the help of Grud, deforested a plot of land just next to the tribe that was around 3 times larger than the tribe and used the timber to construct walls for all the barterers to set up shop, after which, he connected the walls to his own tribe’s wall and build a gate that separated the new barterer market from the tribe.

This turned out to be a good thing for the people of the Rock Claw tribe as they no longer needed to use their home as a bartering station and their new stalls were in close proximity to others they could barter with.

When news of Grud’s barterer market reached the villages in the Newlands that had contact with the expedition, enterprising tradesmen who wanted to do some market penetration into lands who were new to their concepts, brought their families over to Grud’s tribe and asked if they could join his tribe, to which Grud happily agreed to the influx of skilled workers.

There were blacksmiths who crafted copper tools, arms, and armor. Artisans who brought along their new designs for jewelry and integrated the tribe peoples’ fondness for including fangs and claws. And most importantly, were the farmers.

Grud’s people did not really have the concept of large-scale farming, nature was all around them to harvest, and their strong bodies along with teamwork allowed them to hunt the beasts of the land.

As for the Newlanders, they were dealt a bad card, they may have once been as big and sturdy as Grud’s people, but the beasts of their land were bigger and more ferocious than those of the Mainland, as Grud’s people now called their land.

But as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention, so they built their villages with sturdy walls, and crafted better weapons to make up for their lack of strength. Over the generations, whether it be from their decreased intake of meat due to the danger of where said meat came from, environmental Stressors, or just plain natural selection, the Newlanders became weaker in strength, but taller more agile, and faster.

But being slightly faster did not help much in bringing down the tough beasts of their land, so in a bid to keep themselves from starvation, they discovered farming. But now with the help of the Mainlanders' hunting parties securing the surrounding of the Riversong village, the Riversong village was now able to expand their farming plots beyond the small pathetic plot they had before that was always overrun and trampled by beasts.

After the expedition saw and questioned why people were turning over the soil, they were introduced to the concept of large-scale farming, which was totally different from a tribe having a communal garden to grow some herbs.

When news of new lands with strong protectors like the men of the expedition reached the farmers, some of them uprooted their families and made their way over to Grud’s tribe, he helped clear some land for the families to farm and sent hunting parties to regularly clear beasts from the farm’s surroundings.

As for Grud’s personal life, he was busier than ever, where once he would go out hunting for help with food for the tribe and his family, now he spent most of this time dealing with the barters and representatives from the surrounding tribes trying to make trade deals.

Noticing Grud’s burden, his wives tried to help, and after trying their hand at negotiation, the only one who turned out to be any good at it was Ida. With her help, Grud had some time to go on some leisure hunts and spend time with the kids.

As for the other wives, Tala and Kaya continued with their previous profession of making pottery, and the rest of the wives continued their services as shamans or medicine women, because of the population increase, there was always work to be done for them.

Lastly, as for Mita, within a couple of years, she was recognized as a shaman who was especially gifted at communing and receiving visions from the Great Spirits and she was dubbed as a Grand Seer. This was kind of a cheat because Mita was 1 of those very entities the shamans call Great Spirits, so it was very easy for her to interact with other wisps and exchange information.

It was even rumored that her looks were a sign that she was blessed by the Great Spirits, this rumor greatly helped Mita be accepted despite looking different from everyone else.

As for Mita wanting children, she managed to conceive her first child as fast as any woman Grud cummed inside of, the difference was the pregnancy period, instead of the average 9 months, Mita’s pregnancy took just over a year, which had the whole family very worried.

That was until she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Vara. Like her mother, she had platinum blond hair, fair skin, and cute pointy ears.

But despite the joyful occasion of Mita's first child, there were unforeseen complications. The first of which was Mita becoming weaker and somehow diminished. When Grud examined her in human and wisp form, they both thought it was just a matter of a whole load of mana leaving her body when she gave birth, so Grud gave her some “mana” straight from the tap to absorb, and her sister-wives also donated some of the cum they were keeping warm inside of them, but none of it worked.

Sure, she was full of mana she could use, but it was superficial, Mita still felt diminished, like a part of her very essence was taken from taken from her when the umbilical cord between herself and Vara was cut.

The only thing they could do was wait and see if her condition improves, and it did. It took over a year to recover but she eventually did.

The second unforeseen complication was Vara, unlike her other siblings her age, she was sickly, especially when away from Mita. After closer inspection, Grud found out that Vara was constantly drawing mana from Mita, if separated for more than a meter or so, Vara would become weak and lethargic to the point that she could not even breastfeed from the other wives, but that was an easy problem to fix, Grud willed mana into his arms that was holding Vara and let it leak out of him, and with his mana vision saw Vara’s body take small test sips of his mana before feeding off of it.

So when the other wives learned how to do this, it took a heavy burden off of Mita knowing her sister-wives were capable of taking care of her baby.

Fortunately, it only took a year and a half before Grud noticed Vara’s sickly condition greatly improved and was no longer draining anyone’s mana, they then confirmed the test by everyone withholding mana from her for the whole day. The only negative result was Vara being a little cranky, but other than that, nothing seemed wrong with her.

As to if Vara’s condition was just a fluke of nature, their question was answered 2 years after Vara was born with Mita giving birth to a baby boy named Frak, he had the same platinum blond hair, fair skin, and pointy ears as his sister and also shared the same condition with Vara upon birth. This also meant Mita went through another round of feeling diminished, but upon seeing the life she created, she had no regrets.

Overall, all of Grud’s wives had matured into bonafide MILFs. And all the genetic data Grud got from exchanging fluids with Tala and Kaya were passed on to his other wives and all children that were conceived after coming back from the Newlands expedition.

Grud’s wives were the ones who were affected the most by Grud mixing all the genetic data together and injecting it into his wives, daily. All his wives from the Mainland became slightly more slender, and their facial features softened a little. As for Tala and Kaya, besides their tits and asses becoming larger, they overall became THICCker. And Grud loved every change that happened to them.


In a big hut that was in the barterer market district to host meetings, Grud slumped back into his custom-made fur-padded throne. It has been another long day of managing his tribe and the barterer market.

“By the spirits… I never should have said yes to being a Chieftain.” Grud complained to the air. He then looked at a shelf that held wooden carvings of his wives and smaller carvings that represented his many children.

‘Well, my firstborn children are going to be coming of age soon, I can only hope that 1 of them has a knack for leadership. Then I can retire and play with my children and future grandchildren, maybe even go on regular leisure hunting again, or maybe I need a different hobby, blacksmithing looks interesting, people have been bringing all kinds of different rocks to try and melt them recently.’ Grud thought to himself.

As he was about to get up and go home, one of his assistants who helped him manage the barterer market burst in, “Chieftain! Urgent news just arrived from the Newlands, other lost tribes have increased their attacks on our allied villages and things could get bad.”

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