Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Chapter 15

It's been two weeks since college started. I've been focused on grinding levels in CoA most of the time and doing dungeon runs with Clarissa. I'm at the school library today. Well, almost every day of my free time at school since I do my homework here instead of at home so I can focus on grinding levels when I'm at my apartment. It helps that it is quiet here in the library and I don't have to interact that much with any of my schoolmates on the pretense of studying. So yeah, the school library is my most frequently visited place here at our school besides the rooms we regularly have our classes in. In my contemplation, I saw in the corner of my eye someone walking towards my table. He looks familiar but I can't seem to remember his name.



"Uhm, are you doing the homework for our next class?" he asked amicably.


Ohhh so that's why he seems familiar, he's a classmate of mine in my Robotics class. If I recall his name is Brandy or Brendant or something. I'm not good with names okay, so don't judge.


"Yes, why?" I replied more irritably than I would have wanted.


Who could blame me? It's almost our next period and I'm doing my assignment last minute, I was preoccupied last night for various reasons (mostly grinding my character's level) so I haven't been able to finish it at home. So I have no time for idle chatter.


"It's just, uhmm, you could copy my assignment if you'd like?" he said hopefully.


Ohh, I feel bad now. He's just here to help and I almost got mad at him. Although I have to decline his help. I don't really like copying assignments. I trust my own answers more and even if I'm wrong, I wouldn't have anyone to blame except for myself, which is a good mindset to have for self-improvement. Besides, we might have a different solution to our answers and I'm not really sure if his answers are all correct. Better to do it myself than take the risk.


"It's fine, I'm almost done with it anyways, but thanks for the offer," I said politely.


"Ohh uhh, alright. If you change your mind though I'd be glad to help."


He left me alone after that and went back to his table where some of his friends made quite a ruckus before they were silenced by the librarian. Did he lose a bet or something so his friends ordered him to approach me?


After a while, I finally finished my task when all of a sudden I heard someone close by.


"I told you she'd be here," a familiar voice said.


It was Lenna, together with Liz.


We became close over the past few weeks and even Lenna calls me on a nickname basis, especially since they are the only group that I hang out with. It also helps that Liz is the most friendly and sociable person I know. She has many different cliques and almost everyone we pass by when we walk in the hallways talks to her or greets her.


"You look unapproachable as always. A lot of our freshmen students would really like to talk to you if they only knew you're not as cold as you look." Lenna poked fun at me.


"It doesn't matter. You guys are more than enough conversation partners for me" I replied.


"Ohh you're getting good at flattering"


I shrugged at her statement.


"Anyways, you guys need me for something?" I changed the topic.


"We just came to find you 'cause we missed you~" Liz said teasingly.



I know they were just fooling around, but that actually made me glad, and a little bit embarrassed, which I hide perfectly by acting aloof.


"No seriously need me for something? My next class is about to start." I replied nonchalantly.


"Hmph," she pouted then continued. "I'd like you to log in later at around 6 if you're available of course. I'll introduce you to our teammates."


I'll finally get to meet the 2 other players. I don't know anything about them since Liz kept it a secret. She said she was hyping it for her stream but I think she just wants to give me more time in leveling before introducing me to the other two, that is how considerate she is. I kinda agree though since it would be a bad first impression if they see a LVL 20 healer joining their team. I finally hit the LVL 45 mark yesterday though so I probably get to play with them in PVP matches. My leveling had not been as fast as I would like since I've been prioritizing doing quests with Clarissa rather than just mindless grinding and leveling up. It's fun though so I'm not complaining.


"Sure I'm free, it's Friday after all so we have no classes tomorrow. I'll go online later after school. Pm me when and where we will meet later."


The hustle and bustle of the lively town of Ragath are as captivating as ever. This city is next in difficulty after the port city Lallias, wherein you can arrive via ship by doing a certain main quest. With a motif of the Victorian era, its houses are so eccentric and ornate that even someone like me(who is a complete amateur regarding anything art related) can appreciate. This town is reserved for middle to high-level players and is also one of the largest cities in Palios. Liz probably chose this place in consideration of me since I recently informed her that I unlocked the waypoint here after finishing one of the main quests.


Power leveling over the past 2 weeks has been fun and not as grueling as I'd expected mainly because of the fairy accompanying me in the process. An angelic fairy that a mere glimpse of her can cure all your fatigue and motivate you to do your best. Still, matching my pace with Clarissa and helping her learn the ropes made my leveling not as fast as I had planned, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I was having fun, and that's all that really matters, well for the current me anyways.


I walk past the vendor player offering me a set with a discount, probably aware of my armor being too weak for my current level. I don't need it though cause I rarely get hit and I'd rather save up all my gold for the endgame since I'll be power leveling and I'd quickly outgrow any sets I would buy here anyways. I also ignored the other ones promoting their wares in hopes of making a profit out of unsuspecting players which I am the picture-perfect example of in their eyes. It is likely due to my set, but I garnered a lot of attention and greedy looks from merchant-minded players. I entered the alley feeling relieved to be away from the marketplace and after a short while of walking, arrived at my destination which is also one of the 3 popular pubs in this city, the Hunter's Haven.


I took a short breath, composing myself then opened the ornate, wooden door. The smell of savory food overwhelmed my senses as I entered the pub. I took a look around and saw some people entirely focused on their own group discussions while others just gave me a passing glance and got right back at their own business likely also waiting for someone they were supposed to meet. After a short while, I saw a familiar girl waving at me at the farthest table from me.


"Kat! Over here!" She shouted.


I sighed, please don't just use my real name like that in an online game setting, well not that it matters much since nobody knows me here personally. Though I felt uncomfortable with the other players' renewed interest in me because of her resounding voice. I really am bad with crowds huh? I quickly walked to her table, eager to pass by the prickling eyes I'm currently under. I arrived near Liz's table and sat next to her while she focused her eyes on me with a grin.


"I'll never get used to the contrast of your real cold looks to your cute 3d avatar." She voiced out.


Of course, I spent a lot of time making my avatar as cute as I can... not that I'd let her know that.


"I just picked a random template when I started the game" I shrugged, feigning disinterest.


"Ohh I forgot to introduce you guys, this girl here is Novo, one of my members. Don't let her cute looks fool you, she's a very skilled player."


As I was wondering if she finally lost her marbles while she was talking to the air, a sudden realization occurred to me.


"You're streaming right now!?" I blurted with a higher volume than I intended.


"Of course! My viewers are curious about who my teammates will be in the qualifiers and I've been hyping it for the past few weeks so there are more viewers than usual this time. Ohh, say hi to them Novo!" She put me on the spot.


Shit, what do I say? What do I do? I haven't prepared for this. Calm down Kat, just act naturally. It's only about 1k people from what I've seen in her streams..... That's a lot actually. Certainly more than half of the college students in our university..... Shit.


"H-hello nice to meet nyu-" I bit my tongue.


"........." Liz fell silent.


At least say something!


Arrrghh! Please just kill me right now, I don't care how but please end this grueling moment.


After a short while of looking at her stream chat, Liz finally talked.


"Chat said you're adorable" She giggled


If my avatar has blood, I'd be beet red by now with how embarrassed I am. Thankfully my predicament came to a halt when Liz immediately spotted someone and abruptly stood up.


"Chu! Over here!" She shouted again.


I spot a familiar-looking man in his customary Taoist set with butterfly swords hanging on his belt on both sides with a bow on his back.


He seems uncomfortable too with all the attention when Liz shouted. Welcome to the club, now you know the difficulties I'm dealing with.

As he walked towards us, our eyes met, and I identified him as he did the same to me.


Hp: 100%
Mp: 100%

Lvl: 95

Guild: none

Duel wr: 80%

Wins: 879
Matches: 1098

Team Rank matches wr: Hidden

1v1 Rank matches wr: 75% (Rank 921)

Wins: 2239
Matches: 2978


Introduction: I work alone.


One thing that I immediately notice from identifying him, aside from his high win rate in 1v1, is his introduction. What an edgy guy.


He seems discontent after the brief interaction but he continued walking without missing a beat and sat at the farthest side of the large table opposite us. How edgy.


"You're finally here! Let me introduce you two, Kat, this is Chu, you have actually already fought against each other with our team match with June." Liz introduced us.


He was visibly shocked at the news and his discontent look vanished after hearing that.


"Where is her main account?"


"Ohh, that was mine, she was just borrowing it, this is the account she will be using in the tournament."


"I....see." Chu accepted it in stride.


I'm right here guys, please don't talk to each other like I'm invisible. But fine, I'll let it slide for now since I'm also not good at conversing with strangers.


After that, Chu went silent, minding his own business, intent on maintaining his dignity as the edgelord he was destined to be while Liz continued talking to her stream chat while occasionally asking me questions her viewers wanted to know about me.


It took a couple of minutes of me being interviewed by her chat with questions which range from normal ones like my age or my stats build to bizarre ones like if I'm single or my romantic interests and so forth. All the while that is happening, Liz seems to be enjoying asking these questions for her viewers and putting me on the spot. I'll get you back for this someday Liz, I swear!


My savior comes in the form of a literal knight with a shining armor set and a lance as his main weapon. He is incredibly cute for a boy, so much so that he would not look out of place in a K-pop idol group. I don't know exactly why, but he kinda reminds me of Clarissa, although it might just be because I haven't seen her today and I lack my daily intake of vitamin C (Cuteness). Liz failed to notice him approach us while she was focused on interviewing me.


I identified him



Hp: 100%
Mp: 100%

Lvl: 95

Guild: Concord of Heroes

Duel wr: Hidden

Team Rank matches wr: 65%

Wins: 1871
Matches: 2876

1v1 Rank matches wr: 69%

Wins: 1264

Matches: 1833



Introduction: High-ranking member of Concord of Heroes. Pm me if you wish to scrim for a team match.


"Sorry I'm late, my sister needed help with one of her projects and I lost track of time helping her with it," he said apologetically.


"Ohh Renz you're here! It's fine, we weren't waiting for long."


It's not fine at all for me though, this guy's tardiness cost me some of my precious dignity.


He looked at Chu.


"Wow, you managed to recruit a ranker? Good job Liz!" he said excitedly.


"Where is our last member?" He asked while looking around.


"Ohh all of us are already here."


"You mean that girl is also part of our team? I thought she was just a bystander," he said as disappointment slowly crept to his face.


"She's not just a bystander, this is Novo, she's actually quite skilled."


"Are you serious? The qualifier is already in 2 weeks and she is still level 45. We can't have that kind of handicap while we fight max-level players! No matter how good she is, she won't be able to keep up with the level and gear of our opponents. I know she's your friend but you cannot be biased about something as important as this!" He was getting agitated.


His criticism hit me right in the feels. It was kind of my fault though for not giving it my all in power leveling. I was treating this tournament lightly, underestimating my opponents and also undervaluing how important this tournament is to some people. I felt a little bit ashamed.


"Clarence, calm down a little," Liz said placatingly.


"Calm down? Liz, we worked hard practicing for this remember? Don't tell me I'm the only one who was taking this seriously."


Liz was speechless. It probably hurts to have her resolve getting doubted like that, especially when she's giving it her all in creating this team from scratch.


I was annoyed. It's fine if he only doubted my lack of drive but I knew how hard Liz worked for this over the past weeks. It's not right for him to question Liz's determination to lead our team so easily.


I interjected.


"Isn't that a bit too much? How about a match then? I'm not really sure if you're good enough for the team either so I want to test if you could even beat me?" I said haughtily.


"K-kat, don't provoke him," Liz pleaded.


"....Hah? Not only are you a newbie, but you're also a clown huh, what a combination. Let's make a deal then, whoever loses will quit the team?"


"I wouldn't have it any other way." I replied instantly."


"Wait, wait, wait! Stooooooppp! Nobody is quitting anywhere! Besides, I already submitted our team with the info and requirements I asked you guys to fill remember? We cannot change our lineup this late in the game!"


"I still want to beat this punk," I said venomously.


This sour feeling won't go away until I beat this guy and prove my skills. Looks like I'm getting a little bit competitive again.


"Right back at you, newbie," he spat out.


"O-Oh I have a solution, how about we have a 2-on-2 match? This way you both can gauge each other's skills while at the same time we can have a team-building exercise, how's that?" Liz attempted to lighten the mood.


"...I guess."


"Sure thing, can't wait to teach this newbie a lesson in humility."


I glared at him.


"Chu, you're in, right?" Liz suddenly asked our resident edgelord.


"....Fine," he said reluctantly.


"Great! This is gonna be a fun team activity!"

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