Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Chapter 33

I'm back in the grinding spot in the dark forest we went through the other day. The only difference is that this time, I'm farming alone. My top priority here is to do some last-minute grinding as the first round of elimination would be starting by the end of the week. I had just used my unique weapon skill ‘Blood Curse’ to farm and now I'm waiting for its downtime for me to continue my grind solo and also to catch my breath a little.


As I was waiting, a group of people approached me.


“Hey you, wanna’ join our party?” A man in a mid-level knight set asked.




I took a good look at them. Two mages and a front-liner knight. They are all optimized for PVE but for PVP, this kind of team composition is one of the weakest.


Still, they will just slow me down as they would leech my XP. While I would join any other day, now is not a good time since I'm doing a last-minute grind. Every level helps.


"Thanks for the offer, but I will have to refuse," I declined politely.


“Don't be greedy, if you don't want to join us, we will have to take over this spot,” The tank spoke.


"Yeah, you're hogging this spot alone," A girl in a mage set backed him up.


As I was contemplating what to do, their party leader spoke out to me.


“Kid, you look like a noob. Let me tell you the basics of this game. In higher levels, the grinding spots are limited. You either party up to not get your spot stolen or you call help from your guild. That is the reality of this game. In this game, skill is what matters. After all, the strong take from the weak. Your grinding solo might be fine at lower levels but at higher levels, it is plain stupid and suicidal. So just party with us. We get to have the loot but you get to have a share in XP, it's a good deal right?” he negotiated.


I get where they are coming from, except for the loot part, but I desperately need the XP and levels for the qualifiers. I guess we will just have to settle this dispute like true CoA players.


Three of them, two mages and a tank, I could probably fake joining them then launch a surprise attack at the mage, reducing their numbers by one. A single PK won't hurt that much if done in a grinding zone as opposed to safe zones like a town or city. I will let the two attack me first to not accumulate any more PK points.


So, a 2v1, I think I can manage.


“Well? Are you going to join or will we have to teach you the harsh reality of higher-level skirmishes?” he threatened.


I sighed. Having Liz here as a deterrent from these people would have been perfect.


Our qualifiers will be this weekend, it would not be too bad to have a little practice.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


As I was waiting for the mobs to reappear to continue my grind for XP, I heard a sudden ping. It made me instantly think who could have possibly messaged me since I only have very few players in my friend list… how depressing.


I glanced at the message screen and saw who the culprit was. It was Ariadne.


Ariadne: What are you up to?


I glanced at the loot of the fallen players, about ten of them. I don't want to take it as I don't need it but it keeps piling up. I mean I could just sell it, but none of these drops are even worth the effort to do so. All of it is trash drops from mobs you can find just about anywhere in the higher stages of the game. Most importantly, it will just slow me down since having unneeded loot contributes to weight. Although I should probably not tell her I’m having a field day killing players.


Novo: Just grinding for XP, why?

Ariadne: Accept my guild teleport invite.


Ariadne sent you a teleport invite to the Paragon’s Guild Hall. Would you Like to accept? Y/N


Usually, members have free access to their Guild Halls and can go in and out of their base freely. Unaffiliated players though need an invite from officers or higher to be able to visit their acquaintance’s respective Guild Hall. This is done for peace talks and meetings, usually with the higher-ranked guild hosting the invite.


I hesitated in accepting the invitation. I was adamant about returning to the guild I left behind and adding that to my unsociable nature, my answer is leaning to the side where I refuse her offer. As I was thinking of how to decline her request as politely as possible, she sent another message as if reading my current dilemma.


Ariadne: If you don’t accept, consider getting ready for an interview with the reporters in-game.


Is your hobby blackmailing people!? Get a new one for my sake, please!


Having been left with no choice, I accepted the invitation.


All went black for a second and I was teleported. Just as my field of vision cleared, what greeted me was beyond my wildest comprehension.



A luxuriously large castle is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that exudes opulence and grandeur. The castle is surrounded by lush, manicured gardens and a vast, picturesque landscape. The exterior is adorned with intricate carvings and decorative elements, ornate balconies, and stained glass windows that catch the sunlight. The Paragon's guild base is now a whole lot grander than I remembered it to be.


“Good, you're here.” Ariadne gave me a welcoming smile.


Of course, I would be, you left me with no choice! That is what I would like to say.


“Of course, I wanted to see my old guild, no need for veiled threats,” I said disapprovingly.


“Sorry, I had to make sure, Celeste has been bugging me to see you ever since she found out you returned.”


“Is Celeste the only one who knows about me?”


“Of course, I don’t go back on my word.”


You almost did though!


“Let’s head inside then, stick close to me,” she beckoned me to come close to her.


I followed her as she led the way. Stepping into the main hall of the castle is daunting due to its huge size. The ceiling soars to incredible heights, adorned with breathtaking frescoes and ornate chandeliers that bathe the space in warm, golden light. Enormous marble columns, intricately carved with fine details, support the ceiling. The walls are draped with rich tapestries depicting scenes of historical significance.


Players go around the castle, some entertaining different players from other guilds but most just chat openly. Many of them noticed us when we went inside and the hall noticeably quieted. Most stares were focused on their vice leader while I received some curious stares here and there while offering murmurs of suspicion.


“Who is that player with Miss Ariadne?”


“Maybe from one of the branch guilds?”


“I don’t recall her guild as one of ours.”


“Is she a potential recruit?”


“No not a chance. She is not even max leveled”


“Yeah, she's too weak to join the main guild.”


Ariadne ignored them and continued waltzing in confidently. I did the same, they were right about one thing though, I would not quit Liz's guild unless she kicked me out.


I followed Ariadne onto a majestic staircase. The balustrade is made of the finest, polished marble, and the steps are covered in a plush, deep crimson carpet that muffles every footstep. It led us to the upper levels of the castle.


A man in a custom-made royal guard set greeted her on our way to a large meeting room. He is seated in an ornate chair at a desk, akin to a medieval receptionist.


“Good evening Miss Ariadne,” the guy bowed respectfully, giving me a quick glance in the process but ignoring me otherwise.


What the heck? People treat her like some CEO of a huge company! You guys even have secretaries! Although considering the money this guild is making through materials, I'm not that surprised that they have a strict, professional hierarchy.


Ariadne, for her part, nodded in acknowledgement and continued. “Is the leader inside? She is not replying to my messages.”


“Yes, Miss Adrianne, Celeste is currently in a meeting between the 4 branch guild masters.”


“Is it about to end?”


“I don’t think so, Miss. They have a lot on the agenda for today, considering the qualifiers are starting this week many of our branch guilds have their corresponding representatives that need funding.”


“Tell her this is much more important than entertaining those weaklings. None of their members will pass the qualifiers anyway.”


The secretary, clearly taken aback by the bluntness of her statement, took another glance at me but this time with more caution. "Uhmm, but miss..."


She sighed. “I'll handle it myself.”


“Wait! Miss!" the secretary protested.


Ariadne for her part ignored him and beckoned me to follow. We continued to walk toward the end of the hallway where a closed door was situated. She then opened the door and spoke in a loud confident manner.


“Celeste, I have something important to talk about.”


"What is it this time, Ariadne? Can this not wait? I'm quite occupied right now,” came a familiar voice.


“No, it cannot. It is about what I talked to you about the other day, you know how hard it is to get a hold of her with her.... personality.”


“I see... forgive me, gentlemen, something important came up, and we will have to adjourn this meeting for another day.”


There were murmurs of discontent and a couple of seconds later, it transitioned into sounds of the teleporting function one after another. After the room was clear, Ariadne then beckoned me to come inside with her.


As I entered the room, I was greeted by a feminine face with a figure of a large bodybuilder who would not look out of place in a gym. I became instantly nostalgic.


“Yuusha, is that you?” she asked in a deep but melodious voice.


I nodded somberly.


That is right. Celeste is a trans woman. I heard that back in the day they were treated badly, but due to many activists and such fighting tooth and nail for their acceptance, they are now treated no different from any other person. I completely agree with that, although my agreeability is mostly part of my upbringing on the matter since I was not taught to discriminate by gender or nationality by my parents. The only problem for me is her personality though.


"I have waited for you so long. I knew that you would be back someday honey. How about a friendly kiss and a hug to greet your favorite teammate?" she said as she charged at me with her arms wide open ready to crush me with her bulging muscles.


Is this how you greet a former comrade!?


"How about a kiss on my dagger instead?" I said as I pointed my dagger at her face to make her stop in her tracks.


“H-hey wait You know I'm just kidding, honey!” she gave me a forced smile before becoming serious.


“It has been a while, Yuusha.”


“Yeah, it has been so long, Celeste,” I smile wanly, the nostalgia of seeing her face again made me emotional, to the point of almost tearing up.


“I really did wait for you, you know! I could've gone pro with the many offers I got but I know deep down in my heart, you're the only partner I could work with!”




"If you really are that repentant, then you should just take responsibility and marry me!"


Are you a teenage maiden in love?!


“You already know I'm a girl in real life, right?” I countered.


“As I said before, love knows no boundaries! You too know that I'm into the cool, mysterious type, and you have that in spades!”


I sighed.


She's always like this back then, though I'm not entirely sure if her feelings are genuine or if she is just messing with me to break the ice. My bet is on the latter.


Luckily Ariadne butted in.


“That is sexual harassment leader. Control yourself please, you're embarrassing our guild.”


“Urkk! You're so harsh Aria. Why can't you be kinder to your poor guild leader sometimes?”


"Because you don't act like you deserve it!”


“Tsk, young people these days. It doesn't matter though since Yuusha will be part of our guild again.”


Silence engulfed the whole room.


Well, this is awkward.


"...Uhm, you didn't tell her?" I adamantly asked Ariadne.


"S-sorry, I couldn't find the right time since she was so excited when she heard you're back," Ariadne reasoned while uncharacteristically looking bashful.


This girl! So, she's putting all the work on me! Don’t hate me if I get back at you at the tournament.


Coming to the realization on her own, Celeste began talking again.


"I see... so, you made new friends and joined a new guild, huh," she already put two and two together.


I nodded solemnly.


"That's great news! I'm just glad that you're back," she gave me a genuine smile.


Even if I analyze every part of her body language, I see no hint of disappointment. She truly cares for me and it made me glad to have her as a friend.


I returned her smile.


"Besides, I’m also into NTR, so it's fine if you have another guild now," she gave me a flirtatious wink.


What the heck are you even saying?! This sexual deviant is getting out of line!


I sighed again for the umpteenth time.


Though she probably just said it to lighten the mood. That's how she has always been even back when we formed our team. While Tactical was our leader and Zetta my rival, she was the heart of our team. That is why all of us 3 nominated her as the guild leader due to her lighthearted nature.


We continued talking about mundane things, mostly about the past and what happened to the guild after I was gone. It went on for a while and, after that, we parted ways but not without a promise from Celeste that she would not give up on recruiting me. I only got the promise from Ariadne but not from her so I cannot fault her for it.

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