Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)


-Dravyn’s PoV-


“What a trash player! I’m not using my weapon and you still can’t do anything?! How pathetic, Ahahahaha!” I taunted as I kicked him away as hard as I could, making him tumble into the ground.



HP: 11%


Ahh, this is so fun, it’s addicting. I just can't get enough of this feeling. Nothing feels as good as putting pieces of trash in their rightful place.


“Too weak! So very weak! Ahahahaha!" my laughter echoed throughout the battlefield.


“Come on bro, finish this already,” Rex one of my underlings got the gal to voice out.


“Yeah, dude, this is getting borin’,” Brutus, my other useless henchman complained.


I glanced at my surroundings, the stage for our current match is an old abandoned ghost city. It stretched out before me, an eerie silhouette against the fading light. In the far end corner of the orb, two of my teammates are watching, adhering to my command not to interfere. Looks like they already did their job this time. Well, it’s the least I can do since I carried all the burden by soloing two of the enemies myself. But the thing is, they are irritating. I thought I specifically told them before not to hinder me while I was playing with weaklings.


“I told you guys before and I won't repeat it. Don't… bother… me… while… I’m enjoying... myself," I warned.


I fixed them with a stern glare, issuing my final warning. They should consider themselves fortunate that I possess a high level of patience, preventing me from resorting to straight-out physical violence. As the magnanimous captain and ace of our team, I extend my kindness to them, even if my incompetent subordinates do not deserve it.


They back down at my gaze.


“Chill dude, no need to get angry.”


“Y-yeah, we're just kiddin'.”


Good, at least they know how to listen.


“Hmm, where was I?”


I stared at my pathetic opponent.


"Honestly, this is so boring. I can't believe pieces of trash like you guys are our final opponent in the qualifiers."


“S-shut up you bastard!” he charged at me, fuming in anger.


I swiftly dodged his sword, causing him to lose his balance and stumble to the ground due to his momentum. It was only fitting that he was planted there, as he should have shown his submission to me from the beginning. He attempted to rise, but I firmly planted my foot on him, treating him like a discarded piece of trash found on the streets.


“That’s right, the only place a weakling like you have is in the bottom of my feet! Ahahahaha!” I taunted manically.


He gritted his teeth. Forcing his body to stand up.


I took him down again by stepping on him before he got the chance.


“Stay down. Pieces of trash like you need to know their place!” I ordered.


“Fuck you!” he exclaimed, voice cracking from the humiliation and fury.


Ahahah, it feels good beating on this piece of trash! I would love to prolong the battle, but time is running out. Winning by default due to having more orbs than them wouldn't be satisfying at all. I crave a resounding victory over this feeble and pitiful opponent.


“Let me end your misery. I'm so kind, aren't I?” I declared as I stomped on his head as hard as I could.





He vanished into blue motes of light. A fitting end for a piece of trash, being stepped on like he was a pebble in the streets.


You won!


I feel so good, it's cathartic. I wonder how great it would feel to destroy the so-called talented players in the main tournament where the whole world watches. I’m sure I will feel even more ecstatic.

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-Hana’s PoV-


Upon completing the final match of the qualifiers, I logged out of my gaming account. As I emerged from the virtual reality world, the familiar scent of my room welcomed me back to reality. My own little chamber, with its lofty ceiling and serene yet minimalist design, felt like a sanctuary. It provided a tranquil refuge from the chaotic and fast-paced virtual realm I had just left behind.


Paper lanterns hung delicately from the ceiling, casting a warm, inviting glow that danced across the wooden floor. Sunlight filtered through the translucent shoji screens, painting intricate patterns on the tatami. The simplicity of the décor was mesmerizing—sparse yet purposeful, each element contributing to a sense of tranquility.


At the room's center sat a low, polished wooden table—a masterpiece of craftsmanship my father bought for me as a birthday gift last year. Surrounding it were zabuton cushions, their inviting softness tempting me to sit and embrace the room's calm embrace.


Along the walls, scrolls adorned with elegant calligraphy added a touch of artistry. The characters danced gracefully, telling stories with each stroke, their meaning lost to me but their beauty not.


As the adrenaline rush of winning the qualifier for our bracket fades, my tummy makes a loud cry.


“I’m hungry,” I murmured.


I haven’t eaten since earlier before the last day of the qualifiers started because of nervousness so it can’t be helped.


I made my way to the kitchen, passing through the living room and dining room, in search of some food. During this brief walk, a fleeting sense of loneliness washed over me. The entire house seemed to echo with emptiness in the absence of my sister, who is now diligently playing for the Atelier e-sports organization in preparation for the Andartha Cup.


I mentally chided myself.


Instead of being greedy, I should find solace in the fact that she is doing her best and working hard.


After eating leftover okonomiyaki from earlier breakfast, I received a call from someone dear to me. I instantly answered the phone.


“Onee-chan, watsup? Are you already finished with your training?” I spoke animatedly, excited at the prospect of talking to my sister.


We had little time to bond with each other these past few days apart from our weekend training session due to her being too busy with the AC and me busy with my own qualifiers.


“We are just on a break; we still have many scrims with other pro players later,” she responded in her usual relaxed, calm, and soothing voice I loved to hear.


Glad to see she's working hard, just like when she was still participating in the women’s national kendo.


“Hehe, glad that you found a goal to pursue again, not just sitting on the couch watching dramas all day like a hikikomori,” …Oops, I shouldn’t have said that.


“Hana, you mocking your sister?” she said in a chilling voice, whilst calling my name for a more intimidating effect.


“O-of course not! I'm honestly proud of you! A-anyway, why did you take some time away from your busy schedule just to call me?” I used the art of misdirection to dissuade her from focusing on my slip of the tongue.


“You know why… good work getting past the qualifier,” she congratulated, contentment evident in her voice.


“Of course! You helped me train after all! Even though you're busy with the tournament, you always make time to spar with me.”


“Your posture with a sword is getting sloppy and your basics are dwindling. You needed the extra help.”


“Urk! As blunt as always. You're just like Dad in that aspect. You also got the hobby of wanting to teach others from him.”


“Just being truthful. Besides, it's beneficial to teach others what you have learned. It cements your basics. Basics matter more than you think,” she went to her usual voice when teaching.


“Fine, fine, I get it already, no more sermons, please. Oh, anyway, I have something to tell you!” I changed the subject before it transpired into a full teaching session.


“What is it?” she asked curiously.


“I heard that Yuusha’s protege will be participating in the u20!”


“So I’ve heard, and?”


“What do you mean by 'and'? This means that I can finally settle the long-standing debate on who the strongest female player of CoA really is!” I exclaimed.


“How so?” she asked innocently.


“Do I have to spell it out for you? It’s cause I'm your protégé and she's Yuushas protégé. If I beat her then it means your play style is better.”


“You're not my protégé though, we both learned the art of the sword from Dad.”


“Ehhh, it's the same right? Besides you give me pointers all the time!”


“It's fundamentally different.”


“You also teach me different ways to improve my sword skills.”


“Still different.”


“Hmph okay, okay, fine, so stubborn. You have to make compromises sometimes or you'll never find a date like that,” another slip of the tongue.


“Hana, I must've misheard you,” I can imagine her piercing gaze staring at my soul with that sentence alone.


I suddenly got goosebumps. Scary!


“O-on another note, Onee-chan, would you come visit me in the tournament?” I used my special move, changing the subject.


She paused for a while thinking for a bit, it seemed that my special move was super effective.


“I don’t know if I can make it. I'm busy practicing and the AC is very close,” she stated regretfully.


“Please Nee-chan! I promised my friends and teammates that they could see you at the u-20 tournament!”


“I… I’m really busy for the upcoming AC… but…” she hesitated.


Nice! Almost there! My sister spoils me a lot so a little more push should do it.


“Hmph killjoy, that's why I'm Yuusha's fan, not yours!” I declared.


She sighed. “Fine, I’ll ask our team manager if I can get a day or two off, but no promises.”


“Thanks! Onee-chan! You’re the best!” I exclaimed.


Hehe he. I can’t wait to brag about her to my teammates in the tournament. They always bug me to let them see my sister in person, I guess they’re going to get their wish fulfilled.


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-?????? PoV-


I'm fixated, eyes glued to the VR browser screen as I pour through endless replays. Each movement and swipe brings forth a new window, a fresh canvas showcasing the strategies and nuances of potential opponents. My eyes move almost instinctively, navigating through the layers of matches, dissecting every move, every calculated step, and then cataloging to scrutinize with the help of our company’s prototype of an advanced analytical artificial intelligence not yet open to the public. It's a meticulous process, pausing, rewinding, and dissecting each moment like a forensic investigator examining evidence.


“What are you doing? You’ve been focused on your VR browser for a while since the break earlier. I thought we were here in the forest to spar?” came a melodious and soothing voice from a pure-looking maiden.



I minimized the VR browser to entertain our ace. Her usual calm demeanor hides a childish attitude and curiosity stemming from her upbringing. She does often take her pranks too far but I cannot fault her for it. It is the least I can do for someone with the unfortunate luck of being born with congenital blindness.


“I am analyzing all of the replays of the qualified teams.”


“Oh, as hard-working as ever. Want a reward from yours truly?” she playfully suggested.


“Not from you. I am 99% certain that whatever you deemed to be a reward would just be more of a prank anyway.”


“Oh, then wanna bet on the 1%?”


“No, it would be beyond foolish to gamble in something as low as a one percent chance.”


“Boo, what a spoilsport,” she pouted.


“I’m just not as immature as you.”


“Hmph! I’m offended. I’m ignoring you now,” she stated while turning her head away as if to prove a point.


“Fine by me,” I said as I continued watching the replays, careful of anything I missed that may affect my exact estimation of our opponents.


Not even a minute passed, and she finally gave in to her curiosity.


“Any findings about our future adversaries for the tournament?”


“What happened to ignoring me?” I said sarcastically.


“Please don’t tempt me."


I sighed before giving in.


“I analyzed most of the players. It’s not that hard to begin with as most of them are high profile and have many replays of them in the PvP setting. There are a few unknowns, but using statistics, with the help of the state-of-the-art artificial intelligence from my father's company, I am 91.12% certain that the only one who can pose a threat against us in the tournament is the new generation of ‘Team Paragon’,” I stated as a matter of fact.


“Oh, then what’s the final verdict?” she queried.


“81.57% Chance of winning the entire tournament.”


“Oh, lower than ninety percent?”


“As I said, there are a few unknown variables. Worry not, none of them can be a match for you, Lua. You’re the strongest of all the new-generation players, after all.”


And the best part is, no one knows of her true strength yet as she did not need to show the extent of her skills in the qualifiers. Nevertheless, when they do, it will be too late for our adversaries to do anything other than graciously accept defeat.


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-Tactical PoV-


Gaming Planet Breaking News!


Champions of Andartha Set to Host Under-Age 20 Tournament in VR Gaming Capital, Los Angeles, California


Virtual Reality gaming enthusiasts, especially fans of the massively popular game "Champions of Andartha," which took the world by storm, are gearing up for an unprecedented event as the CoA team announces a dedicated tournament for players under the age of 20. Los Angeles, California, renowned for its vibrant gaming culture and technological innovation, is set to host this thrilling competition, promising to showcase the next generation of VR gaming talent.

The decision to host a tournament exclusively for under-20 players comes as a strategic move by the tournament organizers of Champions of Andartha to celebrate and encourage budding talents within the gaming community. Scheduled to take place at the state-of-the-art ‘Virtual Nexus Coliseum’ in downtown Los Angeles one of the largest VR venues, this event aims to provide a platform for younger gamers to exhibit their skills, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

"Champions of Andartha" has rapidly emerged as a frontrunner in the VR gaming sphere, captivating audiences with its immersive VR graphics, intricate world-building, dynamic multiplayer experience, and incredibly challenging gameplay. With its strategic blend of fantasy elements and competitive gameplay, the game has garnered a massive following among both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike.

The tournament, slated for a one-week extravaganza starting from October 19th, 2031, will see participants battling through various levels, showcasing their skills, teamwork, and strategic prowess. Teams of young gamers from across the globe are anticipated to converge in Los Angeles, bringing their unique playstyles and tactics to the virtual battlefield.

The organizers have promised an electrifying atmosphere, complete with cutting-edge VR equipment, expert commentary, and live streaming of the matches for global audiences. Spectators can anticipate intense showdowns, jaw-dropping maneuvers, and unforgettable moments as these young gamers vie for supremacy in the world of Champions of Andartha as its youngest up-and-coming talents.

Moreover, the tournament is not solely about competition; it's also a platform for fostering a sense of community and providing mentorship opportunities. Seasoned gamers and industry experts will be present to offer guidance, share insights, and inspire the younger generation to pursue their passion for gaming.

The significance of hosting such events extends beyond the gaming arena, emphasizing the growing importance of VR gaming as a legitimate competitive platform. Additionally, it underscores Los Angeles' stature as a focal point for technological innovation and a nurturing ground for the next generation of gaming prodigies.

Enthusiasts, gamers, and curious onlookers alike eagerly await the spectacle that the Champions of Andartha Under-Age 20 Tournament promises to be. As Los Angeles prepares to host this monumental event, the gaming world eagerly anticipates witnessing the emergence of new champions and the celebration of youthful gaming talent within the immersive realm of Virtual Reality.


VRMaster92: I can't wait to see these young talents in action! VR gaming is taking it to the next level!

GamingParent365: As a parent, I'm thrilled to see events like this encouraging gaming in a positive way for our younger generation!"

TeleportGamer87: Los Angeles is THE place for gaming events! Wish I could teleport there for this tournament!

AndarthaFanatic: I’m so hyped for this! Andartha Cup is already amazing, and now with a dedicated under-20 tournament? Count me in!

VirtualSpectator: I've been following VR gaming for years, and this tournament is proof that the industry is booming. Can't wait to watch it live!

GamingNurturerX: The gaming community needs more events like this. Kudos to the organizers for nurturing young talent!

RonRon5: I'm seriously considering a trip to LA just to witness this tournament. The energy and hype from the fans are going to be incredible!

DreamingGamer23: I hope this inspires more kids to pursue their dreams in gaming. This is the future!

EsportsEnthusiast99: VR esports is on the rise, and this tournament is proof! I'm excited to see what these young gamers bring to the table.


“Excuse me, Sir, Your order is here,” The waiter politely interrupted my reading while serving the food I ordered.


I took my eyes off my phone as the waiter announced his presence.


“Thank you for the service,” I gave an appreciative nod.


I make it a point to treat waiters and other individuals in day-to-day service roles with kindness and respect, just as I would treat anyone else. I recognize the challenges they face in their jobs, which demand patience and hard work. They often have to navigate through various demands and pressures from customers, some of which may be unreasonable. Therefore, I always strive to be polite, patient, and appreciative of their efforts.


“It’s my pleasure, if there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to ask,” he gave me a friendly smile, proving my efforts were reciprocated, before going on his own way to serve other customers.


As I started eating, my time alone got me entering my headspace again.


The Under Twenty tournament, huh? If I’m not mistaken my apprentice will also be joining it. I’ll check the participants later, but I’m sure he and his teammates passed the qualifiers. They are the protégés of our team after all.


I find myself wondering about the progress of my apprentice. It would be beneficial to pay him a visit during the tournament. Perhaps I might even come across a skilled player who could potentially join the team I am assembling. Ideally, I hope to find someone with talent on par with Yuusha or Zetta, although that possibility would be wishful thinking. Finding one-of-a-kind monsters like them in a tournament for teens is nearly impossible. Although, beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll just have to find players with potential and then nurture that talent to form the best team possible. Even Yuusha and Zetta didn't start as legends in the CoA world; they achieved their status through sheer hard work and dedication to their unique play styles and even set the meta for it. Hopefully, I can find some players who can match their talents there.


Now that Volume One is finished, now seems like a good time to take a break to prevent burnout.


I won't be posting a chapter next week to take a weekend to relax and maybe catch up on my reading list. 


Take care!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.