Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol. 2 Chapter 7

After a few minutes of chatting (mostly Clarissa and Dorge) while walking to conserve stamina for the upcoming battle, we finally arrived at the destination. A chilling breeze rustles through the skeletal remains of trees that stand sentinel around the area. At the entrance an eerily silent and despondent atmosphere greeted us. A faded wooden sign, barely clinging to a rusted chain, creaks in the wind, its lettering long worn away by the elements. The wooden beams supporting the entrance have weathered to a dull gray, and some show signs of splintering and decay.


“Let’s head inside slowly. Be careful of ambushes. Dorge, please lead the way, and if anyone attacks retreat immediately and guard Clarissa. Renoir, stay close to the two of us and fend off any ambushes that might come.”


The two were momentarily stunned at my change of attitude but agreed nonetheless. I do have experience in leading parties, you know, so it’s not that shocking! I’m also defaulting to my party leader mode personality from back then when I was playing my sister’s account. Being at a VR game also helps my assertiveness in this role a whole lot since everyone gets a confidence boost online as opposed to real life where I don’t have any leadership capabilities.


As we slowly enter the depths of the mine, we encounter a couple of undead monsters and ghouls, which we easily dispatched. This is a leveling spot after all, the main reason why these red players camp in this area is to kill unsuspecting players who just want to level up in peace.


Further inside, we heard the sound of battle. I signaled my team to stay still while I sneakily surveyed the area of the battlefield. The Red players were already engaging a 4-man party of level 80-85 players and were winning. They are composed of a mage, an archer, and 2 melee fighters. An aggressive team composition. The players they are fighting don’t seem to be part of our allied guild, therefore we have no obligation to help them.


We can use them as a distraction though for an easier fight. Rest assured; I will avenge you guys by killing these players.


“Clarissa precast a flame explosion at the center of the enemy party. Dorge please protect me and Clarissa. Renoir, rush at their mage and don’t stop until you kill the guy. On my signal.”


“B-but Ma’am,” Renoir paused, unsure if I was using him as bait or not.


“Please trust me,” I assured him.


He analyzed me for a moment before nodding to my request.


“Y-yes ma’am!”


I watched the battle unfold, finding the moment when the enemy mage cast a big spell. Mages are considered the biggest threat in 4v4 team fights. They might not be as strong in 2v2 scenarios but in 4v4 where AOE skills can determine the outcome of a battle, they are a menace, especially in a closed space area like this abandoned mine. Therefore, eliminating them ASAP is the best course of action here.


After a couple more moments of waiting, I saw the enemy ice mage finish channeling. He cast a spell to decide the battle against their opponents.


“Blizzard!” he exclaimed.


The 3 remaining players got hit directly, applying a freezing debuff to them, making them easy pickings for the 2 fighters.


“Go!” I commanded.


Clarissa used her pre-casted spell, to signal our attack.


“Flame Explosion!” she exclaimed.


A pillar of fire rose beneath the center of the enemy formation before exploding, dealing AoE damage and disorienting them.


“Bounty hunters!” their archer, who was the least affected by Clarissa’s spell shouted to warn his team.

“Help! They’re coming after me!” their ice mage panicked, noticing Renoir coming after him.


“Not on my watch!” one of the enemy fighters, a lancer, used his weapon skill to intercept Renoir.


“Flaming Javelin,” he shouted as he threw his weapon towards Renoir.


I quickly analyzed the trajectory of the weapon’s flight. He’s pretty accurate at his throw. It would easily hit Renoir, making him susceptible to follow-up attacks that could easily kill an offensive fighter. Not if I could help it.


“Guardian angel.”


The attack hit Renoir. He flinched a bit at the impact but was shocked when it did not do anything because of a translucent barrier of light protecting him.



HP: 100%


He nodded at me appreciatively before rushing again at their mage to eliminate the threat. It would’ve been better if he did not stop his rush and fully trusted that I wouldn't let him be harmed, but he is not Liz so I can’t complain that much.


The fight went on in chaos for the enemy. They tried to regroup, but another explosion occurred. It was Clarissa again with her destructive AoE spell, making the enemy scatter to evade taking more damage.


“Borris! Eliminate their mage! We can’t let them cast another AoE skill!”


The archer, who seems to be their leader gave a good shot call.


“On it!” he agreed as he rushed at Clarissa, aiming to kill her.


“I won't let you!” Dorge, prepared as he was with our last discussion, easily intercepted the enemy.


Checkmate, their mage is occupied and getting decimated by Renoir, Clarissa is well guarded by Dorge while she is casting her last spell to end the battle, and their archer is getting chased by the remaining combatant they failed to finish from before because of our interjection.


The fight went on according to our favor, and after Clarissa used another huge AoE skill, the enemy was wiped out in the aftermath, with only their archer remaining.


“Fucking bounty hunters!” he growled.


“You bought it onto yourself. You guys made an enemy of the Paragon’s guild Alliance,” I stated calmly.


He was shocked by my revelation, “W-we didn’t know we garnered the ire of the Paragon guild! We thought the guy was just making an empty threat when he said he was backed by the Paragons! I swear, it was not on purpose! I mean who would believe someone as weak as him to be backed by one of the most powerful guilds in CoA!”


“On purpose or not, you guys will be hunted by the Alliance whenever they see you for quite some time. You four are already on the blacklist of the Paragons, and it doesn’t help your case that you guys are also Red players,” I stated as I gave the signal to Renoir to send the unfortunate guy back to his respawn point.




HP: 0%


“Ack! I won’t forget this!” he made one last threat before he vanished into blue motes of light.


“I-isn’t that too cruel? Can’t we just forgive them?” Clarissa hesitantly asked.


“Yes, I also think it is. But it is a necessary evil. Being too forgiving will allow people to walk all over the guild. You have to find the right balance of compassion and ferocity for a guild to thrive.”


And Celeste seems to have found the right mix of both, her guild being as strong as it is today is a testament to that.


While Clarissa was pondering on what I said, Dorge posed a question. “Miss Novo, what will we do with the loot?”


I glanced at the remaining survivor who helped us in the fight, he seemed to be occupied, likely chatting with his party members who were just slain by the Red players. Aside from giving us his gratitude for the help, he was silent during the whole ordeal. I half expected him to lash out at the one who killed his teammates but he seems reasonable enough to know that it is just part of the game. I identified him.




Hp: 41%

Mp: 21%


Lvl: 82


Guild: Formidable Fliers


Duel wr: 54%


Wins: 137

Matches: 254


Team Rank matches wr: Hidden


1v1 Rank matches wr:  50% (Rank 921)


Wins: 106

Matches: 212




Introduction: Hello, Nice to meet you.



“Split it into two and give the other half to his party,” I ordered as I looked pointedly at the guy who helped us.


“Are you sure, Miss?”


“Yes, they also helped us in the fight, therefore it would be uncouth if we took all the loot.”


Besides, after using their party as bait, this is the best I could do for them.


We all proceeded to distribute the loot, with Socratz refusing his share at first, but I managed to convince him nonetheless by pointing out that his teammates needed it after their deaths.


“I cannot thank you enough, if there is anything you need, please feel free to ask!” Socratz bowed at me gratefully.


I nodded back as he said his last goodbyes before disappearing via teleportation. We stayed silent after he left, basking in the success of our mission and helping another player in the process.


“You don’t look like it, but you’re a softie, aren’t ya, Miss Novo?” Dorge broke the comfortable silence.


“I agree, the rumors circulating the guild about you are overblown, Ma’am!” Renoir added.


“Rumors?” I asked curiously.


“N-nothing you should worry about, Ma’am!” he assured nervously.


Hmm, that got me even more curious, I should ask Dust about it if I have the chance. As I was contemplating how to broach the subject with Dust, my intuition flared. I immediately scanned the area, but it was too late to do anything.


It happened in an instant, A shadowy figure, swift and elusive, emerges from the darkness, leaving an ethereal trail in its wake. The blade used by the assassin glints with malevolence as it slices through the defenses of Renoir like a knife cutting through butter.




HP: 0%


“Huh?” was all Renoir could say before he disappeared into blue motes of light.


“Dorge! Behind you!”


I immediately tried to warn our tank but was a second too late. He too fell victim to a dagger aimed at his head. Coupled with a backstab damage multiplier from the assassin’s skillset and his low health from the earlier fight, he died instantly.



HP: 0%


“Mr Dorge!” Clarissa shouted in panic at the sight of her new friend dying in front of her.


“Urk! It looks like I’m done for, Lass. How unlucky, I was looking forward to the drink... I have one final request, please tell my wife… that I love her…” he intreated before he disappeared into blue motes of light.


Tell that to her yourself after you respawn!


“Will do, Mr. Dorge… will do…” Clarissa declared with newfound determination, resolving herself to uphold a sacred promise.


I ignored the comedy routine to focus on the assassin. Judging by the frame, he seems to be a man, a little taller than me. He is sporting a stylish rogue set with red color patterns, his face hidden by an ominous mask and cloak. I identified him.




Hp: 100%

Mp: 84%


Lvl: 95


Guild: The Order of Damascus


Duel wr: Hidden


Team Rank matches wr: Hidden


1v1 Rank matches wr:  Hidden




Introduction: If you want someone dead, you can call me… for a price.


I was negligent, I forgot to heal my teammates after the fight letting the assassin dispatch both of them easily. I'm not entirely to blame though. Who would expect there would be an assassin after our party? The enemy is extremely skilled as well, knowing when is the best time to strike and executing it perfectly. He seems to have the same weapon skill as one of Ariadne’s daggers, letting him blend in the shadows for an easier kill. What is his motive for attacking us unprovoked though? I just have to find out myself.


Without warning, he went for me. He’s fast! He covered the distance in a short leap, almost catching me off guard. He swiped at me but I easily blocked his twin katar with my staff, it was uncharacteristically slow, different from what I witnessed earlier. It is as if… he was holding back.


He made a couple more attacks, I blocked most with my staff and dodged some. The exchange continued until Clarissa finally cast her channeled spell.


“Flame Wall!”


A pillar of flame rose to separate the two of us. A good move by her, If I were a normal spellcaster, I would need to distance myself as fast as possible from my enemy. I’m so proud of you Clarissa, you’re improving exceptionally fast, not only in skills but also in decision-making!


As we gained distance from each other, I used the moment of the cease-fire to ask a question.


“Who sent you to test me?” I calmly spoke.


"Hmm? Why do you think I’m here to test you?” he inquired in a raspy but jovial voice, befitting his avatar.


“I gave you plenty of openings for a fatal strike and you never took one. If you're not here to kill me, then that can only mean you're here to test me.”


Not that I won't be able to dodge the openings I gave at the last second anyway.


He paused shocked at the revelation.


“Hehehe” he snickered, which turned into a full-blown hearty laugh.  “Ahahaha, hah… so he was right, I thought you were just a newbie full of openings, but I was sorely mistaken, hehe. I thought this job was going to be boring, but it seems like I don’t have to hold back anymore!”


"He?" I asked, not missing the slip of the tongue.


”Oops, can't go revealing my client now or my reputation will take a huge blow. But I'm sure you two would get along well. You both seem like the cunning types after all.


A cunning player, huh? Another clue that I'll gladly take.


“I'll pay you double if you stop your actions and reveal the one who ordered you to gauge my strength.”


He whistled. "Tempting, but sorry to say I have a reputation to uphold. I always get my job done when I accept it. Forgive me, Girlie, but I don't go back on my clients.


Huh, I didn’t expect that from a sellsword... how admirable.


"No worries, it made me respect you for your professionalism. Although I don't think you have to do this. I don't have anything to hide for you to try and test me."


"We’ll see about that. Fair warning though, I won't hold back anymore, either you die and lose valuable XP and possibly your prized dual orb, or you reveal the extent of your skills or whatever my client thinks you’re hiding to survive against me, you choose. Also, if you try to log out, I'll finish you two off before the one-minute grace period of being completely offline.”


This is bad. Seems like I cannot get away from this diplomatically, he is even resolved to finish us while logging out, a discourteous action for most players. The teleport function is unusable too because we are currently in battle. I'm positive I could escape on my own, but I'll be damned if I left Clarissa here to fend for herself. Looks like we have no choice but to fight.


He lunged at me, intending to make true to his words. I signaled on my back, akin to a baseball player signaling to their teammate, then proceeded to intercept him with my staff. Hopefully, Clarissa saw it, or I would be making a fool out of myself.


He intensified his efforts, lunging towards me with swift and precise strikes from his twin katar. I managed to evade his leaping attack and in that moment, I heard the signal from Clarissa, allowing us to seamlessly coordinate our attacks by swiftly tilting my head to the side. A fiery orb whizzed past my cheek, its scorching heat grazing my skin as it narrowly missed me, concealing the impending strike until the last possible moment. The synchronized assault from his blind spot caught the assassin off guard, delivering a powerful blow to his head.


“Kha!” he exclaimed, a bit disoriented by the mini-explosion.


I capitalized on his stunned state by twirling my staff for added momentum and hitting him with it as hard as I could.



HP: 78%


Taking a fireball to the face, along with my full forced blow only took this much health huh? Well, he does have an extreme level and gear advantage against us, so I guess it’s not that too hard to believe.


He immediately distanced himself to recover his bearings. “…You two have that much synergy, huh? If I’d known, I would’ve eliminated the mage too.”


“That is what you get for underestimating your foes,” I rebuked.


After the fight with the human-like enemy from the abyss dungeon, Clarissa begged me to train her in PvP so that she could be 'useful'. We had been spending most of our time together since the start of our journey leveling up in this world, and I could confidently say that my synergy with her is as good as, or even better than with Liz due to our time spent together playing. Naturally, I taught her signals to use whenever we play with me being the dodge tank and her being the DPS as our combined playstyle. This is just the result of our hard work. It helps that she is also a natural. Who can expect someone to pull off a coordinated play against an opponent of this caliber on their first try?


“Heh, I guess you’re right, my mistake for taking this mission lightly,” he admitted as he lunged again, ready for round two.


I gave Clarissa another signal before readying myself for the bout.


We clashed again; my focus was solely on the assassin before me. However, in the midst of my dodges and parries, there was a subtle shift in the assassin's tactics. With a sudden, calculated move, the assassin used his weapon skill to render himself temporarily invisible while he simultaneously disengaged from our clash, leaving me momentarily off balance. Although he instantly reappeared due to the weapon skill's restrictions when using it in the proximity of a brawl, I was still a bit too slow to react. I quickly regained my footing, but in that split second, the assassin rushed toward Clarissa with unparalleled swiftness.


“Sorry, but I can't have you interfering with my job, Girlie!” he commented at Clarissa's interference.


I smiled, how predictable.


Just as he was nearing Clarissa, almost face to face with her, she released her channeled spell.


“Self-Destruct!” Clarissa exclaimed.



An explosion of flame occurred, with Clarissa being in the center of it.


Self-Destruct is a high-level Fire magic spell I suggested for her to learn for crucial moments like this in PvP. The spell sacrifices 50% of your max HP and a huge chunk of MP to cast an AoE explosion around yourself, suitable for defensive plays. I already predicted he would go after her that is why I made Clarissa channel the spell. Even if he did not and continued to go after me, I would be able to fend for myself anyway so there is no demerit in executing the play even if it failed. Judging by how close the enemy is in her proximity, he would surely take a fatal blow from that kind of devastating attack.



HP: 50%



HP: 11%


Still alive huh, If Clarissa’s stats were a little bit higher, I’m sure he would not be able to survive being that near her when the explosion occurred. Well, this outcome suits me just fine.


In the aftermath of the explosion, he was lying on the floor, dazed. I immediately dashed towards him and pinned him down before he tried to get up while simultaneously placing my dagger on his neck.


“Hehe, no use threatening me with death and loot drops, Lassie. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I won’t expose my employer, no matter what threats you make.”


“I know, I just want your full surrender and promise that you will not attack us after I release you.”


He was momentarily shocked by my suggestion.


“…Are you pulling on my leg now? I tried to kill you both, and you’re just gonna let me go?”


“No, consider this a favor from me. Give me a huge discount later if I ever need your services.”


I might be able to use him in the future. All my shady contacts were left in my sister’s account so it doesn’t hurt to make new connections in case I ever need their help.


He paused, digesting what I had just implied.


“Heh, you drive a good bargain. Even if this job was a flop since you didn’t even show any of your cards, I guess having another potential customer is worth the effort I made for this mission,” he said jovially, likely with a grin hidden behind his mask.

“So, do you promise to not do anything after I release you?”


“Of course! You seem like the type I don’t want to mess with, besides, you already signaled for your mage to channel a spell, I’m sure I would die instantly the moment I try to fight you both again,” he glanced meaningfully at Clarissa, who is still on high alert after fighting another player in PvP combat.


Perceptive too, huh? He also doesn’t seem like the type to go back on his word and attack us, so I think it is safe to release him. Besides, Clarissa is on guard the entire time with her flame wall if anything unsavory happens.


After releasing him, we proceeded to exchange contacts.


“Just so you know, even if you pay me. I won’t expose whoever sent me after you.”


“Do not worry about it. Just tell your boss that I’ll meet him at the tournament. He can ask me whatever he wants to know there so no need for these kinds of unsavory tactics.”


He froze, his body language revealing his apprehension as he locked eyes with me, his expression concealed behind a mask. It appeared that my guess had struck a chord with him, as the tension in the air became palpable.


I responded with a knowing smile, aware that I had hit the mark.


"I don't know what you're talking about," he feigned ignorance until the very end.


"Sure, if you say so," I casually brushed it off, not wanting to delve further into the matter.


There were only a few who would have the knowledge of my presence here, considering the multitude of available channels. And even fewer would have the motive to test my skills. Knowing him, it wouldn't be beyond him to hire an assassin to assess my capabilities.


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