Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 19

Xeno’s PoV

October 26, 2031

Monday, Morning


To my right, a long buffet table stretches across the room, laden with a world-class selection of breakfast dishes. The display is a food lover's dream, with everything from classic pastries and cereals to gourmet cheeses and charcuterie.


The bakery section boasts an array of freshly baked bread, croissants, and muffins, their enticing aroma wafting through the room. There's a live cooking station where chefs prepare made-to-order omelets and pancakes, their skilled hands moving swiftly to cater to each of the tournament guest team’s needs.


Further along, a colorful array of fresh fruits and juices beckons, offering a refreshing start to the day. The cold section houses an assortment of yogurts, granola, and chilled seafood, beautifully presented on ice.


To the left, a barista stands ready at a gleaming espresso machine, brewing fresh coffee and specialty drinks. The rich scent of freshly ground coffee beans fills the air, a perfect accompaniment to the delightful breakfast spread.


The atmosphere is relaxed and luxurious, with attentive staff moving quietly among the guests, ensuring everyone's needs are met. But considering that there are only a few of us guests, this seems like overkill. Not that I’m complaining though. My hard work in practicing night and day with Art paid off with this.


Looking around, some of the teams are already eating, and most of them are in groups of three or four. A bit in contrast to ours since only Art and I are currently sitting at this table in the middle of the dining room, both of our two teammates for the tournament are not around to join us for breakfast even though I tried to invite them. A shame since both of them are extremely cute after all. I want to get closer to the two of them, but one seems to despise me for no reason at all.


Based on the information I received from Art, it seems that the teams currently present are the Shadow Vanguard, a formidable guild in the world of CoA, Sakura, a Japanese E-sports organization-sponsored team, Dragon Dynasty Gaming, a renowned Chinese organization that enjoys great popularity in China, and Unfiltered, a team formed by a notorious streamer whom Art advised me to steer clear of. And, of course, our team, Round Table, led by Art's character, Arthur, is also among those present here.


Each team is sizing each other while talking animatedly with their own teammates, creating a half-jovial, half-solemn atmosphere. I can sense some stares directed at us when I’m not looking. This feeling of being outnumbered prompted me to complain to my best friend.


“Tell me again why are we the only ones here? Where are Astrid and Gwyn?” I complained as I took a bite off of the omelet.


“Astrid doesn’t like crowded places, and Gwyn is still asleep. They both would probably eat later at their own pace; the Opening Ceremony won't be held until 10:30 so it's fine,” he stated while taking a bite off his own breakfast.


“I see, but what is up with Astrid? Lately, she seems like she is staring daggers at me. Did I do something wrong, perhaps?”


“Dude, are you seriously asking that? You flirted with her the moment you two met in person!”


“That- it was just a joke, an icebreaker to be exact because she always seems to be silent when we play our matches! I said almost the same thing to Gwyn, but she didn't mind," I explained myself.


"Please refrain from comparing the two. I'm sure you're already familiar with their personalities from our practice matches. You know that Gwyn is, well, a bit slow, for lack of a better word. I'm certain she didn't fully grasp the implications you were making. However, the same cannot be said for Astrid, whom I specifically warned you not to engage in your usual antics with. You know how temperamental she can be. That girl prefers to be left alone in solitude."


"Oh, come on! You know it's disrespectful for someone like me not to at least compliment a woman on her appearance when meeting her in person!" I exclaimed.


"Your compliment came across as creepy, though, like a desperate attempt to score points with them," he stared at me disapprovingly.


"Ugh! Fine, I know you're the expert when it comes to dealing with women. Go ahead, rub it in some more, why don't you!" I teased.


"Wha- I'm not an 'expert' and I never claimed to be one. Don't you dare spread false information about me like you did last time in our guild, you bastard!" he played along with my banter.


Our conversation about his supposed expertise with women was abruptly interrupted by a sudden shift in the atmosphere.

I noticed the room became silent. Following the gaze of the participants, I saw three individuals entering through the dining hall entrance. It was evident that all eyes were fixed on them. From my recollection, they were members of the Paragon team. However, I couldn't help but notice that they were one member short, as there were only three of them. Still, that doesn’t explain the sudden shift in atmosphere though.

My curiosity won, and I decided to ask my best friend.


"Who are those individuals exactly? And why does the atmosphere in the room seem to...change?" I asked, gesturing towards the newcomers, whom Art had only just noticed.


He took a moment to contemplate before answering my question. "They are the Paragons. They are considered the favorites to win this tournament," he explained.


"I see, so that's why the other teams are sizing them up. However, the girl in the middle is quite attractive. She certainly has...impressive assets, if you catch my drift," I said, winking at Art, knowing he understood what I meant.


Art stared at me with exasperation before issuing a warning. "I'm telling you this for your own sake, but do not mess with Aria. She is the vice-captain of the Paragons, one of the largest guilds in CoA, and also the protege of Yuusha. If you provoke her, you'll likely receive death threats from Yuusha fanatics," he stated solemnly.


"Yuusha? Who is that?" I asked, curious about the unfamiliar term.


He looked at me as if I were some kind of exotic creature before responding, "...Just don't mess with her. Die-hard Yuusha fans would literally murder you if you did. You're representing us too...as bad as it sounds. So, don't humiliate our guild."


“Hmm, this seems like a plot from an anime I just watched a week ago. In a scenario where the protagonist angers the strongest girl in the magic academy, she challenges him to a duel to restore her honor, and the MC emerges victorious against all odds and expectations, leading to the girl falling in love with the male lead,” I smugly explained the plot of the common harem anime trope.


He facepalmed. "Please don't think about it. Besides, you can't win against her."


I smirked, thinking about how the protagonist is always underestimated. But in the end, they always come through.


Noticing my expression, Art immediately chided me. “Tristan… don’t even think about it. I’m serious this time!” he warned, worry evident in his face.


“Tsk! Fine, you win,” I crossed my arms, aggrieved at my perfectly designed plot being thwarted so easily.


The Paragon team already settled in and was served by the staff by the time we finished our banter. The atmosphere of the large room seems to shift back to earlier after that, with the occasional stares at the Paragon group.


The moment of calm didn’t last, as another group emerged from the entrance a minute or two after the last. There are also three of them with one missing member. This team doesn’t seem as famous as the other teams merely shrugged them off. For me though it's quite different. What I saw in the middle was the most beautiful girl I had ever met in this lifetime.


Her golden locks cascade down in soft waves, shimmering in the sunlight like spun silk. The color of her hair is a perfect blend of honey and sunshine, and her fair complexion is flawless like porcelain delicately kissed by the sun. Her skin glows with a natural radiance, accentuating her features and lending an ethereal quality to her beauty. Her sparkling brown eyes are captivating, making me unable to turn my head away. Her bust is also perfect, a bit on the larger side, which is a huge plus for me.


She glanced around the room as if seeking out a familiar face. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and in that fleeting instant, it felt as if time stood still and we were the only two people in the world. But then, she looked away, leaving me with a profound feeling of regret and longing.


"Art, I've never asked you a question that I desperately needed an answer to," I said, my voice filled with urgency.


"Huh? What are you talking about now?" Art replied, sounding slightly confused.


“I desperately need an answer. Please tell me, who is that gorgeous lady over there?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.


He fixed his gaze on the newcomers, instantly recognizing who I was referring to, as there was only one girl among the three individuals who had just entered the room.


"Those are the members of the Paradigm team. They're considered underdogs in the tournament, so I don't really discuss them much. But from what I remember, we played together with one of their member mate, Novo, a while back. Nevertheless, I don't think they pose a significant threat that we should be concerned about," he explained unhelpfully.


"Novo huh? sounds familiar..." I murmured, trying to remember the name. However, I quickly caught myself, realizing that there were more pressing matters at hand. "But, right now, what I really want to know is about that girl! What is her name? What are her hobbies? Is she single? And what type of guys is she into?" My curiosity bubbled over as I eagerly inquired, wanting to learn more about the girl who had captured my heart.


“Please don’t ask me questions to answers I’m not privy to. What got you acting so weird though? Weirder than usual, I mean,” he stared at me curiously.


"Are you blind, man? Can't you see how beautiful that girl is? Or are you secretly gay all this time!?" I exclaimed, slightly taken aback by his lack of appreciation for the girl’s natural beauty.


"I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that," he pondered for a bit, analyzing the girl. "She does indeed look stunning. I believe her name is Elizabeth Miles. She serves as their team's ace and also leads an allied guild of the Paragons if I'm not mistaken," he responded, stating the information matter-of-factly.


"I see, Elizabeth Miles, huh? I think I'm falling in love..." I pondered, feeling captivated by her presence.


He stared at me, unamused. "So, just your usual antics, huh?"


"No, it's different this time. Looking at her feels like my heart is soaring. It's like...it feels like I'm flying!" I exclaimed, trying to convey the intensity of my emotions.


"Well, falling from a high place also feels like flying...until you hit the ground, that is."


I stared daggers at him. This prick is ruining the moment!


Before I could even chide him for his lack of support for his friend, the Paradigm team, led by Elizabeth approached the Paragons, probably with the intent to eat together at the same table.


This act is quite surprising as everyone else seems to view each other as competitors. But for me, seeing Elizabeth being friendly toward their future opponent only enhances her charm. Sociable, kind, and friendly. Beautiful inside and out!


As they were near our table, I focused my attention on their conversation.


"Good morning, everyone! Did you all have a good rest?" Elizabeth greeted cheerfully.


"A pleasant morning to you too, Liz," the girl serious-looking girl, Aria, responded with a smile.


Aria looked around for a moment as if searching for someone, before continuing the conversation.


"Is Katherine not with you?" she inquired curiously.


"Oh, she's still asleep. I think she stayed up late last night watching replays, so I didn't want to disturb her," Elizabeth explained, showing concern for her supposed friend.


"Seer also stayed up late for the same reason," Aria remarked, drawing a comparison.


"Yeah, it looks like they both have a similar personality, I’m sure they would get along in when they help each other with the preparation for the tournament," Elizabeth joked, adding a playful tone to the conversation.


"Hmph! So now you're teaming up? And you dare to call yourselves the new generation of Paragons, how disappointing," a man from the Shadow Vanguard team exclaimed, his voice resonating throughout the dining hall and attracting the attention of the other guests and staff.


"Why are those guys being so confrontational?" I whispered to Art, perplexed by their behavior.


"Let's just say that the Paragons guild and Shadow Vanguard have a bit of a history between their members," he replied, offering a vague explanation.


The other teams seemed content to observe the situation unfold, their curious gazes fixed on the unfolding drama.


"What's wrong with teaming up? Jealous because no one wants to help you, Jinny boy?" the member from the Paragons taunted, exuding a carefree and jovial attitude. Art had mentioned that this individual was the strongest duelist in the tournament.


"I agree. There are no rules prohibiting participants from assisting each other," the emo-looking member from the Paradigm calmly dismantled the rude guy's argument with precision.


The rude guy scoffed in response. "They're just using you because they know you don't stand a chance against them. You guys are such fools for not realizing it," he mocked.


“Huh? What? Are you picking a fight or something?!” the other guy from the Paradigm team exclaimed.


“Uhm, Renz. Please calm down,” Elizabeth tried to reason with her teammate.


Beautiful, cool, calm, collected, rational, and non-confrontational! What a combination! It seems like I’m falling more and more!


Feeling the need to showcase my own good side and earn some brownie points with Elizabeth, I prepared to step in. However, Art beat me to it, stealing my thunder.


"Let's leave it at that. This is a place to eat and relax, after all. Let's not cause a commotion, shall we?" Art calmly attempted to diffuse the situation.


The rude guy from the Shadow Vanguard scoffed but didn't argue further. I overheard snippets of information that Art was highly respected within the CoA community, but I didn't expect his words to hold such influence.


I’m so jealous he got to show his good side to Elizabeth! I’ll make you pay later for this, Art!

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