Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 38

"And those are all of our sponsors for this tournament!" announced the panelist as the commercial break came to an end.


About time! Those are a lot of sponsors! I would’ve surely fallen asleep watching the sponsors if it weren’t for Liz chatting me up while commenting on every single one of the brands, which I know nothing about. I personally don't place much importance on wearing or using products from well-known brands. For me, what matters most is that the functionality of the product is reliable and meets my needs. As long as it serves its purpose effectively, I am satisfied, regardless of the brand name attached to it.


"And now, the fight you’ve all been waiting for! The grand finale of the one-on-one tournament is imminent!" the panelist hyped, preparing the audience for the climax of the one-on-one competition.

“That’s right, Raze, on top of receiving the cash prize for their team, they will receive the most coveted prize of the tournament, the glory of being crowned as the strongest player under 20!” his co-panelist followed suit, eliciting more cheers from the crowd.


“What do you think of the matchup this time around, Mr. Bogdan?” the lead panelist asked the special guest, Vlad, for his predictions.


“Hmm…” Vlad pondered a little longer than usual before replying. “In terms of flexibility and skills, Ariadne has the advantage from what she has shown thus far. But I can’t underestimate Arthur’s threat of being able to one-shot Ariadne with his weapon skill if it connects. Therefore, I think this fight would be decided whether Ariadne can dodge Arthur’s weapon skill or not,” he shared his honest thoughts, which I agree with completely.


From Aria’s performance throughout the matches, I could clearly see she is in her top form. She has a clear advantage here versus Arthur. However, I cannot underestimate her opponent either. In a skill-focused game like CoA, even the slightest error can shift the outcome of a match. Despite Aria's skill advantage, a minor mistake could lead to her being outplayed and losing the game, especially against a weapon skill that can one-shot you.


I shook my head to banish all negative thoughts. No, Aria will win this match. I just have to believe in her. She never loses her composure, even in tough battles, even from back then when I was her mentor. That is one of her strongest points, after all.


Noticing that I was lost in my own thoughts, Liz, who was sitting beside me, expressed her concern.


"Are you alright, Kat?"


"I'm fine…" I reassured her.


After a brief pause, almost as if anticipating my thoughts, she eventually spoke, "Don't worry too much. Ria got this."


I looked at her for a second, then smiled.


“You’re right…” I nodded in agreement.


When I returned my focus to the game, I found myself slightly more at ease. Soon after the panel members' discussions, the lead panelist shifted the focus to the casters.


“And now that our insights and analysis of the match are over. Let’s all head on to your favorite casters, DJ Riot and Paratrooper, for the in-game match commentaries!” With his familiar and well-practiced introduction, the lead panelist smoothly transitioned the attention toward the casters, signaling the start of the match.


"Absolutely, Raze! Now that we have reached the finals, I have a question for our audience... ARE YOU ALL READY FOR AN EPIC SHOWDOWN?!!" the caster exclaimed at the top of his lungs, exuding an infectious energy.


The response was overwhelmingly loud, with the resounding cheers and shouts reverberating even within the confines of our isolated room. It was evident that the caster's passionate efforts had not been in vain, as the audience reciprocated his enthusiasm wholeheartedly.


“That is what I’d like to hear! How about you, Paratrooper, who do you think has the advantage in this match?” Riot asked his co-caster.


"…It's truly difficult to say," Paratrooper voiced his honest opinion. "While Ariadne may be the more skilled player amongst the two, as the panelists mentioned, one wrong move against Arthur and it could be all over. Arthur's expertise in utilizing his overpowered weapon skill is well-known. Considering Ariadne's lower survivability, a single hit from Arthur's weapon skill could potentially decide the outcome. It would be unwise to underestimate him."


"That's assuming Arthur can even land a hit on her. Let's not forget that we're talking about Yuusha's protégé here," DJ Riot countered,


After a moment of contemplation, Paratrooper conceded, "Well, you do have a point."


With the stage set, the anticipation growing, the lead caster resolutely exclaimed, "Well, we shall soon find out for ourselves in the upcoming match! Who will emerge victorious? Who will be crowned as the game's strongest player under 20? Will it be Ariadne, the successor of Yuusha and the Captain of the new generation of Paragons? Or will it be Arthur, the esteemed leader of the renowned Round Table Guild and the wielder of one of the strongest Unique Weapon skills in the game? Ladies and gentlemen, the moment has arrived as we finally shift our focus to the thrilling match ahead!"


As the caster delivered his commentary, the screen smoothly transitioned to the familiar Colosseum-themed arena, setting the stage for the ultimate one-on-one tournament match. The virtual arena shimmered with digital grandeur, and its intricate details and imposing architecture created a dramatic backdrop for the impending showdown between the competitors.


Amidst the anticipation and excitement, my eyes instantly focused on Aria. Aria's presence commanded attention. Her demeanor seemed to exude a sense of seriousness and determination—well, more serious than what she usually looks.





As both contestants prepare for the upcoming battle, the digital display flashes, signaling the imminent start of Aria and Arthur's final match.











Match Start!


Just as the system announced the start of the battle, both Aria and Arthur stood their ground, their respective stance in tow, while warily looking at each other in complete silence.


“O-oh, what is this? Why is nobody making a move?” DJ Riot asked his co-caster.


“That is to be expected, Riot. It’s the finals, after all, so they have to be extra wary in dealing with their opponents since they also made it to the finals. Both players also seem to hold each other’s skills in high regard, resulting in a staring contest. This could be over in an instant if they are not careful,” Paratrooper answered his partner and most likely the audience’s unvoiced question.


Arthur was the first one to speak.



“Before we begin, I would like to say that I really respect you.”



A bit caught off guard by the sudden praise, Ariadne stayed silent.



“On top of being the strongest player in the tournament, you also lead one of the largest and strongest guilds in CoA. Above all, you are also one of the strongest CoA player’s successors,” Arthur continued.



“Please get to the point…” Aria said curtly.



I let out a sigh at the exchange. Honestly, that girl's personality is quite straightforward and direct, as always. She doesn't beat around the bush and gets straight to the point. She needs to lighten up a little sometimes.


Arthur, for his part, took it in stride, giving her a humored smile.



“As harsh as the rumors say, I see,” he gave Aria a lighthearted chuckle before continuing. “My point is that I also bear the same expectations from my friends, guildmates, and everyone dear to me. I won’t hold back. I will give it my all to win this match, not only for me but also for those who believe in me… cause I know you would also do the same. So may the stronger player win,” Arthur declared with unwavering determination. His words carried such conviction that the atmosphere around him seemed to shift, filled with a renewed sense of intensity.



“…That is what I like to hear,” Aria replied, taking his declaration positively. She seemed to appreciate his fighting spirit and took his words as a welcome challenge.



Following their brief exchange, both fighters dashed forward simultaneously, their movements synchronized in a display of fierce determination.



“Oh! Both players are suddenly going on the offensive! It looks like this battle will be intense, folks!



Just as they were both near each other, Aria’s weapon shifted into a spear, catching Arthur off guard with the extended reach far surpassing his own and managing to land a hit on his square chest.







HP: 88%



“Oh! Her weapon shifted into a spear! It looks like Ariadne won’t be holding back in using her weapon skill this time!” the caster stated the obvious.



Arthur retaliated by doing a quick vertical slash, an attack so fast that I doubted if Aria would be able to dodge it.



In response, Aria’s weapon suddenly shifted into two daggers with serrated edges and long cross guards on its sides—a weapon primarily for parrying swords and other blades.



She used her dominant right hand to parry the slash, then quickly countered with her left, a critical hit right through her opponent’s head.









HP: 63%



The simultaneous sound of both her parry and dagger strike resonated throughout the arena, eliciting more cheers from the audience.



"An incredible move by Ariadne!" the caster exclaimed with excitement. "Her weapon transformed into a main gauche, allowing her to expertly parry Arthur's fast swing and deliver a quick counterattack in response! On top of being extremely skilled at dodging, she could parry perfectly, too! Is there nothing this player can’t do?!”


Arthur, noticing his disadvantage, distances himself to create a breathing room. Seeing that her opponent has no means of dealing damage long-range, Ariadne let her opponent go without pursuing, opting for a safer option by turning her weapon into a whip, barraging Arthur with whip strikes, and slowly dwindling his HP little by little.




HP: 50%



"Now her weapon has transformed into a long-ranged whip!" the caster exclaimed, observing the shift in Ariadne's arsenal. "While it may lack the raw damage of a conventional weapon, the continuous strikes from the whip will gradually wear down Arthur. This poses a significant challenge for him, especially considering his lack of means to heal himself."



That’s right. If Arthur let this drag on for a while, his HP would drop to zero. He has no choice but to go aggressive again and risk fighting Aria’s ever-changing weapon skill at close range. It looks like Aria is trapping him little by little with her on-point tactics and skilled plays. It won’t be long before she eventually wins this fight… I hope.



The status quo dragged on for a while, with Arthur receiving more and more hits due to Aria’s unrelenting whip strikes.




HP: 31%



“Oh Hoh! Looks like Ariadne is just too strong for Arthur to fight against! What a dominant showing for the Paragon’s Captain!” the caster commented.


The match is more one-sided than I thought it would be. It's not that I'm complaining. Aria's level in her current state is just too strong for anyone in this tournament to defeat right now.



Not having any other option, Arthur finally rushed towards his opponent. Arthur lunged forward, his blade aimed directly at Aria. With lightning speed and precision, he executed a ferocious strike, but to his astonishment, Aria effortlessly evaded it.



In a display of agility and grace, Aria's movements flowed seamlessly, her body becoming an extension of her instincts. Time seemed to slow as Arthur’s strike passed through thin air, missing its target by a hair's breadth. Having dodged the strike, Aria’s weapon then shifted into a dagger. Determined to finish the match once and for all, Ariadne did a two-hit critical attack aimed at Arthur’s head.



Arthur cannot possibly survive two critical hits. That is what was supposed to happen, but the hits didn't connect as I thought it would. Arthur managed to grab hold of Aria's dominant hand, preventing one of the strikes from connecting. Moreover, he narrowly evaded her other dagger strike, dodging it with mere inches to spare.



What is with that sudden burst of speed?! Is it adrenaline or pure determination to not lose, perhaps?! Humans often display exceptional athletic abilities whenever faced with extreme challenges.


Nevertheless, Aria let her guard down, perhaps knowing that her victory was almost secure. Unbeknownst to her, Arthur had been biding his time, waiting for this opportune moment to turn the tides and deliver a decisive blow.  Arthur took a significant gamble that ultimately paid off, leading to this situation.


The safe bet was to play it safe and get away from Arthur's grasp as soon as possible, but unfortunately, Aria did not.


She executed another dagger strike with her unused hand, disregarding defense entirely in favor of an attack to finish the match swiftly.


This is bad; she's too impatient! She could just bet her time and would win eventually. She did not need to take such a risk!


Ariadne's dagger became a blur of motion as she launched her attack towards Arthur’s unprotected head. The blade gleamed in the light of the arena; its edge honed to a deadly sharpness as it sliced through her opponent with precision.


As the dagger made contact with Arthur's avatar, it took a chunk of his hp. Unfortunately, it was not enough to deal the fatal blow.



HP: 7%


I don't blame her for being a bit greedy and rushing her attack. When we are nearing the end of the tunnel, we often get careless and head as fast as we can towards the light. It is only normal human emotions that lead us to try to rush things when we believe victory is within reach. Sadly, Aria’s gamble did not pay off.


However, Arthur did not let this momentary mistake pass by. Now that Aria wasted her opportunity and was not able to deal a decisive blow, Arthur’s strike is about to hit her.


His sword glowed with its customary golden hue, signifying the oncoming onslaught.


My heart plummeted as a wave of adverse emotions washed over me due to the unforeseen twist of events. Is Aria about to lose?


I silently prayed for Aria to evade the impending counterattack.


Regrettably, my hopes were dashed.


As Arthur's sword gleamed with radiance, he scraped the weapon against the ground, imbuing it with an otherworldly energy. With a firm hold on Aria's hand, he executed an upward strike towards her with unwavering resolve.



“I got you now! Golden Sanctity!" Arthur declared with overflowing emotions.






The golden light burst through the air, flinging Aria upwards with a knock up the impact of the hit.



No... she can't possibly survive taking an attack like that head-on. It can only mean that she... lost?



"What an incredible comeback! Against all expectations, Arthur executed a decisive outplay to secure the victory!" the caster exclaimed with excitement, shattering any lingering hope that Aria might have survived a direct hit.


The camera angle then focused on Aria as she was flung in the air due to the strong impact of the hit.



HP: 52%


What?! She still has 52% hp left... but how?!


Focusing on this angle, the viewers can clearly see that she is currently holding a shield. She blocked the weapon skill and survived the attack in the last second!


"O-oh! what is this!? I spoke too soon, folks! It looks like Ariadne shifted to a shield in the last second, mitigating the damage of Arthur's weapon skill and surviving the attack!"


From the camera's viewpoint, Aria's weapon transformed yet again, this time into a bow. Though still suspended in mid-air, upside down from the force of Arthur's strike, she skillfully aimed the arrow directly at him before releasing it.


Arthur's weapon skill came with its drawbacks, such as how strong it is, and one such drawback was his temporary immobility immediately after its usage. As a result, he had no means of evading the arrow hurtling towards him.


With uncanny precision, the arrow struck Arthur square in his body, leading to a moment of stunned silence as the crowd processed the unexpected turn of events.


"W-what an expert display of marksmanship! Is there nothing this girl can do?!" the caster shouted, a tone of amazement evident in his tone.



Hp: 0%


The arrow embedded in his heart disappeared just as Ariadne switched her weapon back to its normal dagger form.


The surprise was evident on Arthur’s face as his hp dropped to zero.


“I lost... That was a good match...” He made a bittersweet smile at his opponent before disappearing into blue motes of light.


"T-there you have it folks, the strongest player of the new generation of CoA, Yuusha's protégé and the captain of Paragons, Armsmaster Ariadne!" The caster shouted Aria's victory and a self-made moniker at the top of his lungs, resulting in the crowd's boisterous cheers.


Sorry for the delayed post these past few weeks. My social anxiety is acting up again, making it hard for me to post to a broader audience.


I have prepared several chapters for regular posting, and I’ve set it up to post automatically without my input, so it should be fine now.


Once again, thanks for reading!

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