Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 41

Hana’s PoV


I sat alone in the dark corner of the luxurious hotel room meant for participants, scrolling through my social media feeds after my recent disappointing performance in the 1v1 tournament earlier. What I read there brought tears to my eyes, a torrent of hurtful words that pierced my heart. It felt like a relentless assault on my spirit, chipping away at the passion that had fueled me for so long.


JakesFin: What a joke. Is this girl really Murasame’s sibling?


Empress717: She can’t even make it through the first round.


Maverick007: Lost to a nobody, KEKW.


Starlet99: The guy who beat her was part of the weakest team in the tournament, right? I heard Arthur defeated him in one hit. It’s embarrassing to admit that I once rooted for her because of how disappointing her performance is.


DylanDreamer: What a trash player! She can’t even come close to her sister.



Each hateful comment I read was like a dagger to my soul, tearing at my self-worth and shattering my confidence, especially the reminder that I was disgracing the name of my sister. The negativity laced in those words seeped into the depths of my being, clouding my mind with self-doubt and overwhelming sadness.


Unable to hold back the flood of emotions, tears streamed down my face, and my heart ached with the weight of it all. At that moment, I questioned everything. Should I quit now to avoid any further tarnish on my dear sister’s name? Was it worth it? Was pursuing my dreams to be by my sister’s side truly worth enduring such cruelty? Can I even make it with how weak I am?




A sudden noise emanated from the door, disrupting my cycle of self-loathing and drawing my attention away from my negative thoughts.


Startled by the sudden knock on my door, I quickly wiped away the remnants of my tears and took a deep breath. I had to regain control of my emotions, so I composed myself and ensured my voice remained steady as I spoke.


"W-who is it?" I called out, my voice carefully concealing any traces of shakiness from the crying I had just moments before.


"It's Kaito. All of us are worried, so the twins sent me to ask if you’re okay," said Kaito, one of my tournament teammates.


His presence both comforted and unsettled me. While I valued his support, I wasn't ready to reveal my vulnerability to anyone just yet. I have to act tough since I am our team’s captain. If I show any weakness, it might affect our whole team’s morale.


Putting on my usual carefree facade, I mustered up the strength to respond, "I'm fine, no biggie! I’m just tired, so I want to get some rest first. Can we chat later?”


I hoped my words would dissuade him from further inquiry, but I knew Kaito well enough to understand that he could see through my act. Still, I desperately wanted to maintain my façade of strength, not wanting anyone to see this vulnerable side of me.


"I understand," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "If you ever need someone to talk to, remember that we are all here for you. Take care of yourself, okay?"


"I don’t deserve you guys…" I murmured to myself as I heard my teammate's footsteps disappear into the hallway.


As the weight of my disappointment settled upon me, I couldn't help but blame myself for not winning the match for my teammates. The defeat earlier felt like a personal failure, and the burden of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders.


Thoughts swirled in my mind, and I found myself questioning every decision I had made during the match. Doubt consumed me as I pondered whether I could have done more. If only I had played better, I might have secured victory for my team, and we wouldn't be facing the pressure of an elimination match in the main tournament. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I couldn't help but blame myself for breaking my teammates' trust. I let them all down…


"I wish I could have done better..." I murmured, speaking to no one in particular as my words hung in the air, swallowed up by the surrounding silence.


Time passed as I sat alone, contemplating my recent loss and dwelling on my own self-blame. Suddenly, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. Surprised by the interruption, I glanced at the screen and saw that it was my sister calling. I pondered whether or not to accept the call, but I knew she would be even more worried if I didn’t respond. I didn’t want to trouble her any more than I already did with my recent disappointing performance, so I had no choice but to take the call.


Feeling a mix of apprehension and guilt, I hesitantly swiped the answer button and brought the phone to my ear, preparing to hear the voice on the other end.


"H-hey, sis!" I greeted, trying my best to sound upbeat despite the disappointment weighing on my heart.


"…Hana, are you okay?" my sister's voice filled the line, carrying genuine concern evident through her usually calm voice.


A wave of emotion welled up within me as her words reached me. She had always been there for me, supporting me in anything I did. She is the most important person to me, after all. The lump in my throat threatened to break my composure, but I swallowed it down, determined not to let my disappointment from letting her down slip through my voice.


"Of course I am! " I replied, knowing that hiding my genuine emotions from my sister would be a challenge. But I didn't want to burden her with my self-doubt and negativity right now.


There was a brief pause on the other end of the line as if my sister could sense the turmoil beneath my attempt at reassurance. She always saw through my façade, understanding me like no one else does since we have been together since we were kids.


"...You're lying. Don’t hold back… you know you can always show your vulnerable side to me," my sister asserted firmly.


Her response hit me hard, leaving me unable to muster a response. As I expected, she saw through me and my front. Tears welled down my face as I began to cry again. She’s right. It’s no use to hide anything from her. I might as well let it all out.


She let me cry my heart out without interrupting me, which I appreciate very much.


After some time, my sobs began to subside, and I felt a sense of relief washing over me. With my emotions somewhat settled, I gathered the courage to address something that had been weighing heavily on my mind.


“I’m sure you’re disappointed in me with how my first match went, right?” I asked hesitantly.


“…Hana, I have never once been, nor will I ever be disappointed in you,” she said genuinely.


A mixture of relief and gratitude washed over me as her words sank in and thawed the icy grip of self-blame that had enveloped me. Still, even though I already know she won’t lie to me, there's a persistent nagging feeling in my heart that doubts whether she truly means what she says.


“Liar..." I pouted reflexively, even though I knew she couldn't see my expression.


She sighed in response. "I'm not just saying this to cheer you up. I genuinely meant what I said. Your defeat in the first match was largely a result of terrible luck. Your opponent had specifically prepared strategies to counter you, while you didn't have adequate countermeasures against him."


I hesitated for a moment before asking, "Really?"


"Yes, really," she confirmed. "It's a situation that occurs more frequently than I'd like to admit, even in professional games. Sometimes, the outcome of a battle is predetermined even before it begins. There are exceptionally skilled tacticians who can exploit such advantages."


“You just had a terrible matchup, which resulted in your loss. So, cheer up and don't allow things that are beyond your control to affect you. Instead, focus on proving everyone wrong by claiming the main tournament title for yourself and your team," she cheered.


I smiled. She always knows what to say to me. She always seems curt and doesn't talk too much, but that is because she analyzes what to say best. That's my sister for you.


What am I doing, making her worry like this? I have to pull myself together and come back stronger than ever because I know that is what my sister would do if she were in my shoes.


"You're right. It's just one setback, and I'll use it as motivation to come back stronger than ever!" I replied, my voice tinged with a newfound sense of hope.


"…That's the Hana I know," she said warmly, even though I couldn't see her expression through the call. I could feel her genuine smile radiating through her words.


"Yes, sis! I promise to restore my honor. Just watch me!" I exclaimed with newfound determination.


“…I'll be cheering you on personally in the main tournament, so do your best,” she encouraged.


I giggled. “Of course! You can count on me!”





Aoi’s PoV


As I locked my phone and slipped it back into my pocket after the call, I looked up and surveyed my surroundings. The familiar sights and sounds of the airport greeted me as if I had momentarily been transported into a realm of bustling activity.


Passengers hurriedly maneuvered through the concourse, dragging their suitcases and bags behind them. The echoing announcements of departing and arriving flights resonated through the terminal, providing a sense of urgency and purpose to the air.


Gazing upon the large windows that adorned the walls, I caught a glimpse of planes taxiing on the runway, their sleek bodies glinting under the sunlight. The sight served as a poignant reminder of the journeys that awaited both myself and other travelers alike.


The familiar scent of coffee and pastries floated through the air, emanating from nearby cafes and shops. The distinct blend of aromas mingled with the sound of conversations in different languages, creating an ambiance that showcased the diversity and interconnectedness of our global community.


Approaching the boarding gate with an air of efficiency, I addressed the flight attendant in a curt, businesslike manner.


"…Status of the flight?" I asked, without displaying much emotion or attempting to engage in small talk.


The flight attendant was unfazed by my blunt demeanor. She swiftly checked the information on her tablet in a professional manner, befitting years of experience.


"The flight to LA is on schedule for an on-time departure,” she replied with a friendly, well-practiced smile.


"…Thank you," I nodded in appreciation before proceeding to check-in and go through all the security screenings.


It appears that I will be arriving ahead of schedule. The thought of Hana's expression when she sees me cheering her on her match there brings a smile to my face.


“…Wait for me, Hana.”



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