Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 43

October 28, 2031


Today, we face the most significant challenge we have ever faced—a trial so bleak that even grown men and women cower in fear and find themselves trembling with trepidation at just the slight mention of it. Alas, this is the moment we must summon our inner strength to overcome the formidable obstacle that lies before us. As the weight of the impending challenge hangs in the air, I take a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in—we are about to experience the hardest part of this god-forsaken tournament… interviews.


I find myself desperately seeking an escape route, a way to bypass this seemingly unbearable ordeal. I turn to Liz, pleading with her to offer a glimmer of hope, a potential reprieve from this unimaginable torment. My plea is driven by a longing for even the slightest respite, a ray of light to alleviate the anguish I feel.


“Uhm… can’t we just skip this part?” I begged.


“I already told you it is part of the contract you signed to participate in the tournament. So, we have no choice but to oblige since the video clips of our interviews will be used by the production staff for the main tournament tomorrow,” Liz harshly stated.


This is bad. Why don’t we have the tournament now without these kinds of unnecessary things… Well, I get that they would want the tournament to be on weekends to rack up more views. Moreover, having a rest day after the intense 1v1 tournament yesterday is important for the players’ physical well-being and emotional and psychological recovery. It would be unfair to expect them to continue performing at their best without allowing time to rest and recharge for at least a day, so I can’t really complain. But that does not make me the slightest bit happy we have to go through all this.


“I don’t get what the problem is with it. We’re just going to answer some questions about how strong our team is! Right, Chu?” hearing my conundrum, Clarence butted in.


“I don’t really care,” our resident edge lord gave his opinion.


A sigh escaped my lips, reflecting a sense of disappointment and feeling betrayed by my teammates' lack of support on this issue. Walking towards the assigned lounge for the interviews, my mind became overwhelmed with various anxiety-inducing thoughts related to the social aspect of the upcoming encounter.


Upon our arrival at the lounge, Liz politely knocked on the door before opening it without much ceremony, and the rest of us followed suit.


As we stepped into the expansive lounge, a serene atmosphere enveloped us. The sight of the plush, inviting chairs tempted us to take a seat and indulge in their luxurious comfort. The overall ambiance exuded a remarkable sense of tranquility and elegance, creating an incredibly pleasant environment.


We were greeted by two people. One seems to be the technical operator (the way he handles and tinkers the camera gives it away), while the other appears to be the interviewer.


"Hello there, you must be Team Paradigm," the person who seemed to be the interviewer greeted us politely. "I’m John, and this guy here is the technical operator, Robby.”


The guy who was busy tinkering with the equipment gave us a wave and proceeded to his job.


“Please make yourselves comfortable and wait here for a little while until the other team arrives, and if you need anything, feel free to ask me," he continued.


Liz engaged in small talk, discussing what would happen next and what we could anticipate during the interview. I paid close attention, not wanting to embarrass myself by being uninformed about what was expected of us.


After some time, another group arrived, and it came as no surprise to us. We had been informed beforehand that we would be sharing the interview session with another team. This arrangement was made to minimize time constraints and enhance the content by incorporating games and interactions between the teams as well, which would be featured in the video clips.


As the newly arrived team entered, it was immediately evident that they were from Sakura Esports. The team was led by Hana, a charming girl with a Japanese appearance. Accompanying her was a boy who appeared to be the oldest member of their team, along with two unmistakably identical twins.


Upon entering the lounge, the polite interviewer also welcomed the Sakura Esports team, and they received the same introduction as we did. After introducing himself and the technician, the interviewer proceeded to explain the agenda for the interview.


"Please feel free to get comfortable and take this time to familiarize yourselves with each other while we complete the final calibration of the recording equipment," the interviewer apologized.


After seeing us, however, Hana expressed her discontent with the situation, "What?! Why do we have to be paired with them?!"


"The pairings are intentionally structured in a consistent manner, with one team from the upper bracket and another from the lower bracket," the interviewer calmly and reasonably explained. "Through our data analysis, we have determined that this pairing is most likely to generate the highest viewership and is the most compatible in terms of dynamics and audience appeal,” he continued.


“I still hate it…” She pouted cutely, like a little child disappointed for not getting her toy.


“Come on, don’t be like that! Let's try to get along… Wait, don’t tell me you're still mad about losing yesterday?” Clarence tried to reason with her.


Clarence, I understand that you're attempting to reconcile with her, but you’re only making it worse with how you are acting!


She gave him an extremely menacing glare like he just badmouthed her parents and insulted her sister.


“You guys insulted my sister’s honor!” Hana exclaimed.


Wait… he did insult her sister to provoke her during their 1v1 fight if I recall correctly. It was only Clarence, though! Don’t lump us all with him!


“I-It was in the heat of the moment!” Clarence tried to explain himself, to no avail. “It’s also your fault for having a weak mind and falling easily into provocations! Just be like me, always calm and collected during matches.”


If I remember correctly, you, too, had the same problem until a couple of days ago, just before we managed to overcome your unstable emotions during matches. Talk about ironic…


“Hmph! I don’t care. I’m not talking to you guys!” Hana turned her head away, proceeding to find a seat.


After she made herself comfortable in a sitting position, she began to bring out her phone, intent on making good on her threat to ignore us completely. As she retrieved her phone, my eyes caught sight of a familiar keychain attached to it.


Curiosity piqued, I found myself pondering where I might have previously seen that keychain before.


Liz, for her part, noticed it, and her eyes shone immediately.


“Whoa! Is that Yuusha’s themed limited-edition keychain?!” Liz exclaimed.


“…You know what this is?” Hana asked, still a bit wary.


“Of course! It's an exact replica of one of the weapons Yuusha used against Roderick when she outplayed him during their match! I have always wanted to buy that specific one, but it was sold out before I even got the chance! You must be a dedicated fan!” Liz praised.


So that’s why it seems familiar, huh?


“Hehe, I’m her number-one fan, after all! I’ve been a fan ever since the first time I saw her in the tournament!” Hana bragged proudly.


"Oh, really?" Liz retorted challengingly, unwilling to relinquish her self-proclaimed title of being the number one fan. "Then tell me, do you know what this is?" she questioned as she bought out her own phone, eager to test Hana's knowledge.


Hana gasped out loud as she saw the keychain, almost exaggeratedly loud, if I might add. “I-is that! The limited-edition replica keychain can only be acquired by going to last year’s AC cup event live! I’ve always wanted that but was not able to attend the event due to it being in a different country than mine!”


“Hehe, and that’s not all! I also have a complete Yuusha figurine set, including the limited-edition ones, back in my place!” Liz bragged.


“That’s nothing. I also have all of her figurines in my room!” Hana countered.


“Oh? How many do you have?” Liz, not wanting to lose, queried.


“How about you?” Hana didn't shy away from the challenge.


As if having a mutual understanding, they both proudly revealed useless information, revealing a number that was too much for me to even comprehend how they could produce that many.


“Mine’s 58!”

“I have 58!”

They said in unison.


The heck! That’s a blatant rip-off! Making that many different types of figurines over a single in-game character feels like outright exploitation. It doesn’t help that I have a somewhat strange relationship with the character those figurines are based on, adding significantly to my discomfort.


Unaware of the inner turmoil I was experiencing, Hana and Liz clasped hands and shrieked in joy, exuding an exuberance as if they had discovered a newfound friendship. Their genuine excitement was palpable, as if they were relishing the thrill of finding a kindred spirit for the very first time.


“Whoa! I can’t believe it! I finally have someone to talk to about my idol! Kat is not really a fan, so I’m glad I could talk to you about them!”


“I know, right? My team started late in playing CoA, so they were not as enthusiastic as us veteran players who knew the first-generation Paragons best! Especially Yuusha!”


Hey! What happened to not talking to our team? I guess Liz worked with her magic again, so it’s not really that surprising.


I stared fondly at the two having a conversation while Clarence tried every now and then to butt in the conversation but was adamantly ignored. After a while, I noticed two people approaching me in my peripheral vision.


My attention shifted to them. They shared a striking resemblance, with features so similar that it took a moment of observation to discern the subtle differences. Yet, when it came to their eyes and clothes, their distinct colors set them apart in a mesmerizing way.


The boy was dressed in a casual t-shirt and pants, and his striking red eyes seemed to radiate with a captivating intensity.


In contrast, his sister wore a t-shirt and skirt, and her enchanting blue eyes sparkled like brilliant sapphires, casting a mesmerizing allure.


“Behind the veil of lies,” “One’s own mask emerges from within.”


They spoke in a nearly uncanny manner, seamlessly finishing each other's sentences as if it were completely ordinary for them.


"W-what do you two mean by that..." I stammered, feeling a sense of unease creeping in.


“There is no use in hiding it,” “We know who you really are,” They responded in a synchronized manner.


My heart sank in response to their words. Do they know of my main account? But how!?


As I was contemplating how to respond to them, a guy who seemed to be the oldest among all of us in the room, excluding the staff, swiftly delivered a karate chop to both of them simultaneously, striking them on the head.


“Ouch!” “Ouch!”

They both exclaimed in complete sync.


“Ren! Rei! Stop bothering her! Your usual shenanigans are clearly making her uncomfortable," the man sternly reprimanded the twins.


Suddenly, I was so dumbfounded by the happenings that I failed to utter a proper response.


“Sorry about these two. They have a severe case of 3rd grader syndrome, so they often like to roleplay as some mysterious twins…” he helpfully explained.


If I remember correctly, his name is Kaito. While Hana is their team leader, Kaito seems to be the most mature and responsible member of their group.


“I-I see…” I said in response.


Is the color of their eyes also due to contact lenses, which they use to make their eyes add to their mystique? Well, based on what I’ve gathered from Kaito, it seems that it is.


“We’re not playing this time,” “This girl really has a strange atmosphere surrounding her.”


“So, we could only assume,” “That she is hiding a huge secret!”


They reasoned in perfect concord, complimenting each other’s words.


The man sighed, “You guys tell that to every introverted, loner-looking person you see.”


I can hear you; you know! Does my demeanor truly give off the impression of someone who prefers solitude, making it easy for others to instantly discern that I’m a loner? Why not approach Chu instead, looking all edgy with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall in his lonesome, too?! Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess he does look unapproachable to those who don't know him any better.


As if realizing something, he then turned his attention to me. “N-not that I think you’re a loner or anything. I’m not judging you! I get that people sometimes like to be on their own, so it's perfectly fine!” he tried to make an excuse.


Please stop. You’re making it worse. You should’ve let it slide and moved on…


Fortunately, the interviewer called out to us, providing a perfect opportunity for me to escape from the awkward atmosphere.


"We are all set! We can start now. Let's begin by interviewing Team Paradigm!" he announced.


As he made that statement, it became apparent that my worst nightmare was about to become a reality.


As the interviewer received affirmative words and nods of agreement from both teams, and no one voiced any objections, he proceeded to move forward with his plan.


"Shall we go with the ladies first?" the interviewer declared.


Those words sent a shiver down my spine as I desperately hoped that I wouldn't be the first one interviewed. Please, I silently begged, let Liz go before me.


“I’ll go first!” Liz energetically chimed in.


Phew, I almost breathe a sigh of relief hearing her say those words. Wait, did she intentionally want to go first just for me to catch my bearings since she knows I’m bad at these kinds of stuff? How considerate.


The interview progressed with a series of personal and easy questions, such as how she got started in competitive gaming and what inspired her to pursue a career in esports. Liz answered these queries honestly, drawing from her experiences and motivations. As someone accustomed to streaming and answering questions, she navigated the interview with ease, contributing to its smooth and seamless flow.


The best part is that I am going second! It means that I already prepared for the questions that I will be getting! I owe you one for this, Liz!


As her interview ended, the spotlight now shines on me. My palms felt clammy despite my best efforts to control my nerves, and I discreetly wiped them against the fabric of my skirt.


Walking towards the couch, I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my thoughts and calm the fluttering in my stomach. My mind raced with both excitement and anxiety, which I hid by making my usual expression blank.


As I finally sat down, all eyes turned towards me. The interviewer maintained a poised and observant demeanor, exuding politeness and a sense of calm, which provided me with a slight sense of ease.


After exchanging pleasantries, the interviewer glanced at his phone, likely to review the notes prepared specifically for this interview. However, this action sparked a sense of unease within me, as it signaled that the questions directed to Liz and myself might not be the same. It meant that all the preparation I had done might be of no use. This is bad.


A couple of seconds later, he began, and I tried my best to calm down and keep my usual poker face.

“Is this your first time playing in a tournament?” he asked casually.




“Oh! Then what are your thoughts on your first tournament?” he said enthusiastically.


“…It’s okay.”


He paused several more seconds as if expecting me to say more… but I didn’t.

Don't blame me! This is normal for gamers. I’ve also seen a couple of interviews that turn out like this because we gamers are all introverted at our core!


“I-I see. Who do you think is the team you guys would have a hard time fighting in the tournament?


“…The Paragons.”


“…May I ask why you think that way?”


“…Because they are strong.”


“O-okay. Moving on…”


The interview continued in a similar vein, with me giving one-liner responses and safe answers. Although I didn't perform as well as Liz, I think I managed to get through the interview smoothly… probably.


Following everyone's interview, we engaged in some friendly games like charades and other tabletop games. All of these were recorded, showcasing our interactions with Hana's team. Overall, the experience was positive and fulfilling since playing with a group like this is honestly quite fun.


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