Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 45

Elizabeth’s PoV


The bedsheets, even though they were high-end, felt uncomfortable against my skin, no matter how much I shifted and tossed. My mind was a whirlwind of anxieties, each one more insistent than the last. I'd never been in a tournament this big before, and the pressure was a little bit suffocating.


"I can't sleep," I muttered, my voice barely a whisper.


The room was silent, save for the faint hum of the air conditioner. I rolled over, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing felt right. I opened my eyes, squinting at the unfamiliar surroundings. The room was bathed in soft, golden light filtering through the sheer curtains.


Right, I almost forgot I'm not in my own room. Even with the luxurious bedding and mattress, it's just not the same as my cozy space. And with tomorrow's tournament making me more and more nervous, falling asleep is becoming a challenge.


I let out a defeated sigh.


I know we have a big day ahead, but I can't seem to calm my nerves. It's not entirely my fault, though. This is my very first tournament. I'm sure if it weren't for Kat by my side, offering moral and emotional support, I would have succumbed to my nerves long ago. I'm so thankful I recruited her for our team; it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Speaking of, I wonder if Kat's already asleep. She's been working so hard for the team, analyzing replays, creating counter-plays, and staying up late. Even though she told me not to worry because she's used to it, I can't help but worry that she might get sick during the tournament if she keeps pushing herself like this. Wait, did I just jinx it? I really hope not because I don't know what our team would do without her.


We all rely on her so much that she seems more like our captain than I do to my teammates. Renz and Chu also seem to hold her in high regard in the way they interact with her. Of course, me included, since I owe it to her that we even made it this far.

She's incredibly dependable, and having her as my partner is the best possible situation I could hope for in my first tournament. It's almost as if this isn't her first tournament, the way she's handling the pressure. Her skills are no surprise; while this is her first time playing CoA, I'm sure many have recruited her in the past games she's played with how composed and meticulous she is as our strategist.


Well, I guess I should do my best to act like a dependable captain, so I don't add any extra burdens to her.






Lua’s PoV 


Before me, the sounds, scents, and textures paint a vivid picture of the vibrant urban landscape. I hear the distant hum of traffic, the rhythmic footsteps of pedestrians, and the occasional siren wailing in the distance. The cacophony of voices blends together, a chorus of conversations and laughter that reverberates through the night.


While the world is veiled in darkness, my other senses come alive. I can almost feel the coolness of the moonbeams on my skin and hear the hushed murmur of people returning home. The city takes on a different character at night, with a slower pace and a more intimate feel.


As I reach out, my hands brush against the cool metal railing of the rooftop, grounding me in the physical space. I can feel the gentle breeze against my skin, its touch whispering secrets of the city.


Though I cannot see the city lights, I imagine their brilliance and vibrancy. I envision the buildings illuminated in a myriad of colors, casting a glow that paints the night sky. The twinkling lights of street lamps and neon signs create a sense of energy and movement.


In my mind's eye, I visualize the cityscape stretching out before me, a tapestry of architectural marvels and bustling streets. I imagine the towering skyscrapers reaching toward the heavens, their shapes and silhouettes etched against the night sky.


Still, it does not deter me from the truth that I cannot see any of these sights.


Darkness... It was all I could see for as long as I could remember. It was always like this, even back when I was young. VR games have always been my means of escape. It started out as a therapeutic means of regaining my eyesight. Owing to my family background, I was one of the very first testers of the technology even before it became accessible to the public.


This gives me a distinct advantage over ordinary players since I can utilize my VR avatar. I'm also blessed with incredible talent and a natural prodigy-like aptitude for VR fighting games that focus on hand-to-hand combat. My enhanced perception, a result of my blindness, further amplifies my skills, making me virtually unbeatable in any game I play. However, this exceptional talent has a downside – I've yet to encounter a worthy competitor or rival in all the games I've played. 


I usually don’t play these types of adventure games that rely on builds, item sets, and such, but what Gil told me back then stuck with me and convinced me to try CoA.


‘You are merely a big fish in a small pond. If you try the largest, most popular game in the world, CoA, I’m sure you will meet your match someday.’


At first, I scoffed at him. Me merely a big fish? Someone who won the world championship title at the most prominent online tournament of ‘Boulevard Fighter 11’, which is considered to be the largest tournament in the VR fighting game genre. If I had used my actual username in my Fighting Games account in this game, I’m sure a lot would have recognized me and begged me on their knees just for me to add them to my friend list.


Though I'm not sure if Gil is being truthful or simply spouting nonsense to try to recruit me to his team, it doesn't matter. I'm determined to prove him wrong. I plan to test my skills in a weapon-based game by relying solely on hand-to-hand combat so it checks out. I could only hope he was telling the truth and that I would find a worthy opponent in this game, or my time spent leveling up in this game and joining this tournament would be for naught.


Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted my contemplation.


Being blind, my heightened sense of hearing allows me to analyze and interpret the sounds of footsteps with a level of detail that has become second nature to me. Each footfall carries a wealth of information that I instinctively process, providing insights into the person's presence, demeanor, and even their surroundings.


The sound of footsteps reveals much about the individual's gait and pace. I can discern whether the steps are light and quick, indicating a sense of urgency or excitement, or slow and deliberate, suggesting a more relaxed or cautious approach. The rhythm and cadence of the footsteps provide clues to the person's confidence and purpose.


The current intruder’s footsteps were like the gentle sway of bamboo, bending but unbroken by the passing breeze. The sound was familiar and endearing, so I instantly knew who it belonged to.


“You've been coming here every night, huh? Am I really that irresistible to you?” I teased.


“I'm just enjoying the ambiance. I'll still be here if you're not around,” the girl, Katherine, responded in kind.


I couldn't help but smile as I took in her reaction. "So, you're one of those 'Tsundere' types that Haeun often talks about, huh?" I teased playfully.


She responded with a dismissive huff, opting to remain silent. I respected her silence, finding solace in the tranquil atmosphere it brought, and we both embraced the serene ambiance of the night.


However, after a while, she unexpectedly sneezed. It made me wonder if she was feeling cold.


Reacting swiftly, I removed the jacket I was wearing and offered it to her. "It's particularly chilly tonight, so wear this," I suggested, extending my jacket to her.


“What about you?” she queried, a bit hesitant to accept my gesture.


“I have a more active body than you, so the cold won't bother me as much. From what I can tell, you seem to lack even an ounce of exercise,” I said knowingly.


“H-how can you even know that?” she responded, seemingly a bit flustered.


“You let me touch and examine your hands and arms yesterday night, remember? It’s pretty soft, with no ounce of muscle whatsoever, so it's pretty obvious that you lack proper exercise whatsoever. You should at least do some light exercises for your health. Moving in VR is not a replacement for moving your own body,” I explained.


“I do some light stretching whenever I wake up, though…” she tried to make an excuse.


I sighed, recognizing that her effort was minimal. "That's not quite the same. Nevertheless, it's better to be safe than sorry. Wear the jacket for now. You wouldn't want to catch a cold right before tomorrow's tournament, would you?" I gently urged, moving the jacket closer to her.


Relentingly, she accepted the jacket from my hands, its rustling indicating that she had put it on. Then, after a moment of hesitation, she finally responded with a soft murmur that was not lost on me due to my heightened senses.

"Thanks..." she replied softly.


“That’s not for free, though,” I rebuked her gratitude.


“And what do you even hope in return?” she said, seemingly exasperated.


"Hmm... How about a hug to keep me warm?" I playfully teased, knowing well how she would react.


"W-what?! Not a chance!" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the suggestion.


I couldn't help but smile, finding joy in teasing her. "Boo, what a spoilsport," I pouted in response.


She scoffed and retorted, "Hmph, just don't propose something so outrageous out of nowhere."


Our lighthearted banter continued, creating a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere on the rooftop. Once again, silence enveloped us as we basked in the tranquil ambiance of the rooftop under the moonlight. However, something I had heard from Gil came to mind after a while, resulting in me breaking the comfortable silence.


"...I heard that your team and our opponents for tomorrow, the Paragons, have a friendly relationship," I inquired, seeking confirmation.


"If you're trying to gather information, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I prefer to keep such matters to myself," she replied, maintaining her guarded stance.


"It's not about that," I reassured her. "Besides, if I wanted to learn more about them, I would turn to Gil for information."


A hint of curiosity crept into her voice as she asked, "Then why are you asking?"


I paused for a moment before responding with a playful tone, "I simply wanted to know, in this upcoming match, who would you be cheering for, me or them?"


"...Them, of course. Why would I even cheer for you?" she replied bluntly.


"You’re so mean,” I sniffed, feigning a cry.


"As if. You won't fool me with that kind of acting," she retorted, seemingly familiar with my playful antics.


"Well, I guess acting is not my strong suit… But I guess in the end, it doesn't really matter. Regardless of which team you cheer for, the fact remains that they don't stand a chance against us," I gave my honest thoughts.


"And what makes you so sure of that?" she tried to probe further.


"Because I never lose," I confidently stated.


“...One player on their team, Aria, is incredibly skilled, though. She is even the 1v1 champion. She might be stronger than you think.”


I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy upon hearing her words—that there might finally be someone capable of matching me, a rival who could aid in my personal growth and push me to my limits.


"If she is as strong as everyone says she is, then I’m looking forward to fighting her more and more," I responded, conveying my anticipation for what lay ahead.


I hope that Aria girl doesn’t fall short of my expectations.


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