Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 49

Clarissa’s PoV


"What an intense match! Who would have thought that Team Shadow Vanguards could endure the relentless aggression of Team Dragon Dynasty!" remarked the panelist, whom I had learned was Mr. Raze.


The fans loudly voiced their excitement about the outcome of the match with matching energetic cheers.


"I concur. HiddenDemon from the Dragon Dynasty team ran out of steam during the match, paving the way for an effortless victory for the turtling tactics of the Shadow Vanguards," Mr. Bogdan confirmed.


“That was a cool fight! Especially when that guy blocked that guy’s super-powered attack!” Colin, who was sitting next to me, exclaimed.


"I'm concerned this might not be suitable for children to watch. What if Colin imitates those individuals and becomes more aggressive!" My mom expressed her worries.


"Now, now, dear, it's just a game. Think of it like the action movies we allow the kids to watch. Compared to some of those, this is mild. It's simply kids enjoying mock battles in VR," my dad reassured her.


"I suppose..." Mom responded, though still not entirely convinced.


I giggled softly as I listened to their conversation. It's heartwarming to have the whole family gathered here to support my older brother.


"It’s called weapon skill, Colin, not super attack. And you haven't seen anything yet! Big Brother and his team outshine those guys!" I boasted proudly.


"Wow, really?!" Colin shouted with excitement.


"Yes, especially my friend and teacher, Novo! Her speed and grace are incredible! You'd struggle to keep up with her movements if you so much as blink!" I said with admiration.


"That sounds awesome! When is their match?! I want to watch it right away!" Colin exclaimed eagerly.


"It looks like they're up next!" I observed as I checked the bracket match.


"Before we delve into the upper bracket showdown between Paradigm and Round Table, let's take a moment to acknowledge the sponsors of this tournament as we give the participants time to prepare!" the panelist announced, affirming that the upcoming match would feature Big Brother's team.


After a bunch of commercials from their sponsors, plus Colin pestering me about why it takes so long and how hungry he is, the wide stadium screen returns to the three panelists.


“Welcome back, folks! Next up is a battle of epic proportions!” Mr. Raze once again greeted.


“That is right, Raze! This will be like David and Goliath! One of the strongest teams in the tournament vs the underdogs!” his co-panelist hyped.


“What do you think of it, Mr. Bogdan?” Mr. Raze queried.


“Hmmm… I think this battle is more evenly matched than everyone anticipates, particularly if Paradigm secures a favorable matchup, a skill they excel at," Mr. Bogdan shared his impartial insights.


“Oh, do you think Team Paradigm would be the victor of this match, Mr. Bogdan?” Mr. Raze said


“Not particularly, No. I just think the viewers severely underestimate their capabilities because they are an unknown team relative to the other participants here,” Mr. Bogdan explained.


“I see. That seems reasonable enough, but let us see who the statistics think is the victor in this matchup!”


The screen then displayed a series of numbers and statistics, revealing that Novo's team did not seem to have the advantage.


"As you can observe, the KDA ratio and damage statistics heavily favor Team Round Table. It's essential to remember that these statistics are based on the qualifiers and may not accurately reflect the players' current abilities, as mentioned by Mr. Bogdan earlier," Mr. Raze elaborated.


“And now, without further ado, let us see the win predictions. Also, please keep in mind that this prediction is gathered from statistics of the qualifier matches, fan predictions, along with AI predictions,” The panelist exclaimed.


The screen then flashed to the win percentage. Seeing it made my heart sink, and the loud murmurs from the crowd made it even worse.


“Holy, 81% to 19%?”


“Whew, good thing I bet on the right team!”


“This would be too one-sided.”


“What a boring match…”


“Whoah, nice! This is the easiest money ever!”


“Hahaha, I know, right?! What a free bet win!”


“It seems that the matchup heavily favors Team Round Table by a huge margin! What are your thoughts on this, Mr. Bogdan?" the panelist asked.


"Hmm, I believe there are numerous factors in a match that go beyond what statistics can predict. Nevertheless, I concur that Team Round Table seems to possess a substantial advantage. I would welcome being proven wrong, as it would lead to an exciting viewing experience for us all," Mr. Bogdan remarked.


“Whooah! You’re right, Sis! Big Brother’s team is so strong! They have such a high chance of winning!”


"Uhm, Colin. Big Brother's team is actually the other one, not Round Table..." I gently corrected him.


“W-what!? I thought you said Brother’s team is strong!” Colin protested.


“O-of course, they must have made a mistake or something…” I tried to reason.


“Really?” Colin looked at me suspiciously.


I’m not sure if I convinced Colin, but before I could even respond, the screen then switched to the casters, signaling the imminent start of the match.


“Hello, folks! Here are your favorite casters, DJ Riot and ParaTrooper, to commentate on what is happening in the match!”


“That is right, Riot. Who do you think would win this battle?


“Well, I ain’t gonna bet against Round Table, that’s for sure. And with how Paradigm’s representative beat Murasame’s sister, I don’t want to bet against them, too!” Mr. Riot exclaimed.


“Fair, but most viewers are saying Paradigm’s win in the 1v1 is just a fluke. Do you think that’s true?” Mr. ParaTrooper queried.


Mr. Riot put up his hands in a gesture of exaggerated surrender. “I don’t want any part of that! I want to be as impartial as possible when casting, so don’t put words in my mouth, Dude!”


“I guess that’s true. But what’s also true is that we have one heck of a match in store for us, right?”


“I couldn’t agree more! Now, it seems that the participants already finished their preparations. Here we go! First match of the upper bracket, Team Round Table vs Team paradigm, begin!”


As Mr. Riot made the announcement, the screens swiftly displayed the teams taking part in the event.


"Mom, Mom, Mom! That's Brother!" Colin excitedly grasped onto Mom, pointing enthusiastically at the screen where Big Brother's team was showcased.


"Yes, yes, I see him, sweetheart," Mom responded with a warm smile, amused by Colin's excitement.


For my part, I was looking at someone else instead.


“You can do it, Novo!” I murmured a wholehearted cheer for my friend.





Arthur’s PoV


As the match commenced, we found ourselves in a magical forest setting. A multitude of shimmering lights resembling tiny stars greeted us as they danced and twinkled around. These faerie lights floated and fluttered among the trees and leaves, casting a captivating glow over the forest with their soft, ethereal radiance.



While I was tempted to explore this unique map created specifically for the tournament more closely, there are more urgent tasks at hand than sightseeing.


“Let us go with the formation we discussed earlier, and if you run into an unusual matchup like 2v1, retreat immediately,” I commanded my team.


The enemy team is usually good at having favorable matchups and unorthodox rotation. If they face one, it is best to retreat instead of defending a forgone orb and getting defeated needlessly.


“Also, be careful of ambushes. The setting of the stage seems suitable for one,” I added.


“No problem! I’m as alert as I could be!”


Tristan eagerly responded, while Gwyn responded unenthusiastically. Astrid, for her part, only nodded in affirmation.


After receiving confirmation from my teammates, we all proceeded as planned. Astrid and I went to the middle orb, while Tristan and Gwyn went to the top and bottom orbs, respectively.


The journey transpired in silence, with Astrid and I both immersed in preparations for the impending skirmish. Being naturally reserved, Astrid's lack of conversation was typical and did not raise any concerns that I should be aware of as the captain of our team.


Upon reaching the central orb, we were met by two individuals—their usual duo team, Novo and Lizbeth. Simultaneously, I received confirmation from Gwyn and Tristan that the opponents were employing a 1-2-1 rotation similar to ours. This worked in our favor. I had initially anticipated they might alter their rotation strategy, but a direct confrontation was more advantageous for us.


"You might not recall, but we previously played together using one of my alternate accounts," I admitted to Novo, unable to contain myself.


Novo gazed at me thoughtfully before replying, "...I had a suspicion that the individual boosting your friend was indeed you."


“I'm glad to hear you haven't totally forgotten me," I said in relief.


"...I never forget those whom I have a favor to," she responded calmly.


That's very considerate of her to say that. I'm confident she didn't require my assistance, given her exceptional skills, and her response was likely out of politeness. Additionally, the equipment drop from the boss I gave to her previously would have become obsolete as she progressed to acquire stronger gear.


"I'm pleased to hear that. I had a hunch back then that you would excel with your skills, but I never imagined we would cross paths again on this grand stage," I remarked.


"Likewise..." she replied curtly.


Her brief response brought a smile to my face, reminiscent of her past succinct attitude.


"Then, best of luck to both of us. May the stronger team emerge victorious!" I declared as I prepared my trusted sword.


She nodded with equal determination as she assumed her stance.


Both of our teammates observed us with evident curiosity about our past, choosing not to delve into our exchange.


Having let out my piece, I initiated the battle by charging at them. In response, their carry, Lizbeth, mirrored my actions and charged directly at me.


As we were about to clash head-on, she suddenly disappeared.


"Meridia, watch out!" I warned as fast as I could.


Astrid was well-prepared for this situation. We had analyzed their playing style beforehand, so their strategy was not unexpected. Their typical approach involved Lizbeth, their carry, leaving her support to fend for herself while she engaged the opponent's support. This tactic played to their strengths, particularly Novo's skill in survivability.


Fortunately, this situation worked in our favor. I had no concerns about Astrid's ability to hold her own in combat despite being a spellcaster. Her proficiency in Aikido compensated for the vulnerabilities of a mage in close combat. Additionally, she excelled in stalling tactics by using ice-based attacks to slow down her foes and disrupt their tempo.


The right play here is to also ignore their carry and opt to go for their support, Novo, which I did.


Without hesitation, I swiftly advanced towards the vulnerable enemy support, confident in Astrid's ability to handle herself. Trusting in your teammate's abilities is crucial in a duo team, and I have full confidence in Astrid's prowess. My goal was to defeat Novo swiftly, aiming to eliminate her before the enemy could defeat Astrid. Only then would we have the advantage in this matchup after I succeed in doing so.


As I neared striking distance, I lunged at her with my longsword. It was a fast and deadly stroke, honed from years of training and practicing my swordsmanship. I aimed the attack straight for her head in an attempt for a critical hit. But she easily dodged it like the attack was nothing.


One moment, she was a whirlwind of midnight blue robes, her staff held loosely at her side. The next, she was easily out of my reach as my blade sliced through empty air.


I spun, desperate to land a blow, but she was like a phantom as she easily weaved through my attacks. My strikes, which I thought were precise and deadly, felt clumsy and amateurish in front of her.


I… cannot believe this... This wasn't supposed to happen. Spellcasters weren't supposed to be this adept at dodging!  But this girl was an untouchable force that seemed to mock my every attempt to land a hit against her!


Is she reading my every move? I didn't expect her to be this good, and this turn of events puts us in a very tough spot.


This is bad. I’m getting agitated by how effortlessly she is dodging my strikes. I need to calm down.


I mentally scolded myself for losing my composure. I needed to remind myself that we had prepared for scenarios like this.


Fortunately, Astrid and I had devised a contingency plan in case such an unlikely situation arose. It was a wise decision not to underestimate this girl’s abilities. It was time to implement plan B.



HP: 62%



HP: 91%


Glancing at my teammate's health, I noticed Astrid's HP dwindling due to the prolonged battle. In a typical scenario, this would be concerning as she would surely fall before I could even land a blow on my opponent. However, the situation was still manageable.


I persisted in launching attacks at Novo without success while maintaining a vigilant eye on my surroundings, awaiting the ideal moment to alter the course of the battle.


This helplessness continued; I was not able to land a single hit towards her, no matter how hard I tried while waiting for the right moment; it was as if I was trying to attack the air. I didn’t know how long it took, but then it happened. In the corner of my vision, I saw Astrid bait the opponent. She took damage from the attack as the rapier's tip had found its mark through a gap in her defenses.





HP: 28%


Astrid gritted her teeth as Lizbeth began to retract the blade; Astrid didn't let go of this opportunity as she saw her chance. With a sharp exhale, she twisted her torso inward. This unexpected movement not only surprised her opponent but also brought Lizbeth slightly off-balance.


The momentum of his retraction pulled the rapier further off-center. Astrid, using the strength in her arm, clamped down on the base of the blade, effectively trapping it momentarily.


Simultaneously, she slammed her other hand against her opponent's chest, applying a sharp off-balancing technique she always uses against me whenever we spar.


Lizbeth stumbled forward, thrown off guard by the sudden shift in Astrid's center and the unexpected resistance to her weapon. Astrid didn't waste a moment. Keeping her grip firm on the rapier's base, she pivoted on her leg, using the momentum of Lizbeth's stumble to her advantage.


With a powerful hip thrust and a coordinated arm extension, Astrid completed a flowing body turn throw. Her opponent caught completely off guard and, with her weapon momentarily disabled, was sent sprawling over Astrid's back, landing with a thud on the forest ground.


Her perfectly executed throw happened in a span of a second, but I was ready as this was part of our prepared strategies.


Before her adversary could recover, she employed her ice spell to impede the enemy's movement, granting me the crucial time required to charge my weapon skill completely.


I'm sorry, but it's our win! We already planned to go after your carry. If we successfully eliminate her, you don't have any damage to win against us, no matter how adept at survival you are!


Without hesitating, I dashed toward the enemy team's carry. Once at a mid-range distance, I unleashed my weapon skill, delivering a final strike through a shockwave of radiant golden light.


"Golden Sanctity!"


This attack encapsulates the hopes and ambitions of our team. Victory is within reach!


However, my jubilant celebration of our anticipated triumph was abruptly silenced by the utterance of two words.


"Guardian Angel," hearing those words, my heart suddenly sank.


As my shockwave was about to hit, a shimmering force field of white light protected our adversary from the impact of my attack, successfully negating any damage she would receive.


As I stood there speechless and unable to move due to the short fatigue of using my weapon skill, the opponent’s carry sprang into action. It was as if she knew full well that her teammate had her back, no matter what happened, a show of complete trust in her partner.


Taking advantage of the opening created, she delivered a critical strike on Astrid, catching her off guard by the unforeseen turn of events.



HP: 0%


“…H-how?" Was all she could mutter before her body transformed into countless particles of blue motes of light.


I stood there, speechless as my teammate was, with one question in mind.


"D-did you know our plan from the start?" I echoed my teammate's sentiment.


"Not entirely. To be honest, it was a solid strategy. Eliminating the carry initially and leaving the support lacking in DPS alone," Novo casually elucidated.


"But... You still found out. How..." I said in disbelief.


She pondered for a second, as if deciding not to reveal the magic trick, but eventually gave in, mostly for my benefit. "...You were overly focused on your ally’s actions and less on the opponent directly facing you. Additionally, your composure in such a dire situation indicated that you had a plan in motion to turn things around. Putting these pieces together made it rather simple to deduce your intentions," she remarked in a tone that sounded more like guidance to aid my improvement.


Did she deduce all that from such subtle cues? Am I truly that transparent?! No, I wouldn't have reached this far if that were the case. This girl's ability to read her opponents is just astonishingly exceptional!


"…I see. We were right to be wary of you. But it seems our preparation wasn't enough," I gritted my teeth as I prepared for the inevitable two-on-one.


The situation appears bleak. My weapon skill is on cooldown, and both opponents are exceptionally skilled, especially Novo, who can read me like an open book. I can only hope that my allies are faring better than I am.

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