Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 100: The Culmination of Luck

It took 29 hours total, practically all of my Luck Charges, give or take, and I felt like I was about to collapse at any moment then, but whatever magic Noe managed to do was enough to imbue life into what was once a collection of spare body parts. But that was all it was; the body was alive, it could think and even talk, but it felt… lifeless. I looked at the creature and frowned.

It looked back at me with its emotionless eyes, as if judging me, cursing me for creating something so devoid of purpose. Was this why the Director failed all those times? This was nothing more than an animated doll, not a true friend. What was missing? Was it too weak to play with Alice?

“My creation’s strength is more than adequate for the task at hand, my Host, as that was the optimal outcome when using the Absolute Luck Skill. It feels incomplete because it lacks emotion,” Noe answered for me, “It is in a state similar to my own, pre-integration, but you can fix that now.”

Right! My new skill! Between my exhaustion and disappointment, I had forgotten all about it. But Noe’s ability can only manipulate a being’s emotions for a time, that wouldn’t change anything in the long term. I couldn’t just sit by the creature’s side and reuse the skill over and over again like I was recharging a battery. And I’m sure that Alice will eventually realize that the being’s emotions were artificial.

“No, my Host,” Noe corrected, “There is another way, but the cost will be steep.”


“With the acquisition of your Devil’s Advocate skill, it is possible to fuse its active with your new ability to induce a permanent emotional norm for the creature.”

So if I command it to be best friends with Alice, then it’ll do that to the best of its ability? Emotions and all?

“Correct, my Host.”

And what’s the cost?

“You will lose the Devil’s Advocate title.”

I frowned.

I thought you said you couldn’t delete any titles though, Noe.

“You cannot, dear Walter,” she answered, “You are not deleting the title, but transferring the essence of the ability, that is, the authority to manipulate truth, to your creation with my help. The title will still exist, in part, but it will not be with you.”

I chuckled, and here I thought I would have to give up a lot more for that. What was one stupid title I got by accident to the happiness of a kid? The decision was a no-brainer.

Do it, Noe.

“Are you positive?” she asked again, “Your decision can not be undone.”

I’m sure, Noe. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not one to break a promise to a child. And plus, I can always get more titles in the future, I don’t think Alice will have that luxury if I stop here.

“Understood, my Host, you may use the title active at any time.”

I turned to look at the creature- no, I turned to look at the boy and activated my skill for the last time.

Your name from now on will be Toby, and soon, you’ll meet with a girl around your age. Her name is Alice and I want you to be the best friend you can possibly be for her. Make sure to play with her a lot, and have as much fun as you possibly can with her. Make sure you give her lots of love, and I hope both of you live a happy life.”

I felt something leave my body as I said those words, and with each word that I said, the boy’s expression brightened more and more. Once the last word left my lips, Toby's eyes cleared and he gave me a smile of genuine joy. It felt like I was imparting life to the boy, the feeling was surreal.

His dull, purposeless body seemed to animate right before my eyes, and a smile blossomed on his face as the boy took in the new world around him. The other doctors and nurses were all but crying out in amazement and joy at seeing the child finally complete, and a few of them clearly wanted to celebrate. They were professional enough to do so later though, as it was not the time for such actions.

“Hello Dr. Walter,” Toby greeted me with bright eyes, “Thank you for waking me up, I felt like I was asleep for a very, very long time.”

“Good morning, Toby, I’m glad to see you awake as well,” I answered with an exhausted smile, “and you should thank the Director when you see her, she’s responsible for most of that body of yours.”

He nodded, “Okay, Dr. Walter… and when can I meet Alice?”

I chuckled, it was good to see that my instructions took effect if he was talking about Alice already.

“We can go right after we get you dressed,” I answered, “it wouldn’t be proper to meet the young lady in your birthday suit.”

The boy looked down and saw that he was naked, and hurriedly grabbed one of the surgical cloths to cover himself. Well, his emotions, at least for embarrassment, seemed to be in working order. That’s a good sign, and I’ll take Noe’s word that he’ll remain complete for a very, very long time.

One of the nurses came over without prompt, “I’ve got that covered, Doctor! The Director prepared an ensemble of clothing for Toby to wear. If he would follow me?”

The boy looked at me and I nodded. I took that time to inform the Director about the success of my operation. Her response was more muted than I thought, but she did stress how she needed to take some time to get Alice ready to meet her new buddy. Not sure what she planned, but she told me to meet them in Alice’s room once I’m done.

I waited a bit longer than I thought before Toby returned fully dressed in a remarkably well-fitting suit; I wasn’t sure why the Director chose to include formal wear for a kid, but there you had it.

“Why did you dress him in that?” I asked the nurse, “That’s not the most comfortable-looking thing to walk around in.”

“He chose it himself, sir,” the nurse answered, “In fact, he insisted on trying on almost all the clothes that the Director brought.”

Toby nodded, “I’m meeting a lady, so I thought it would be best to dress like a gentleman, so she doesn’t think I don’t know my manners.”

I chuckled, “Well, it’s your choice, are you ready to meet Alice?”

“Yes, doctor…” Toby answered nervously, “Do you think she’ll like me?”

“I’m sure she will,” I answered, “Come now, let’s get going.”

The Director was outside Alice’s room when the two of us arrived. The woman quickly rushed over and engulfed me in a tight hug when she saw me, but quickly let go once she saw the boy.

“This is Toby,” I said, “Hopefully he’ll be Alice’s new friend. Say hello to the Director, Toby.”

The boy clung to me shyly, “Um… hello Director. Dr. Walter told me you helped make my body, so thank you for that.”

Huh, he was a little more shy than I thought. Then again, the Director was a pretty intimidating woman.

“Sorry,” I said, “He’s still a little nervous.”

“It’s all good, Will,” the woman bent down and smiled at the boy, “It’s good to meet you as well, Toby, and don’t worry, you don’t have to be nervous around me. I see you’ve chosen the suit; you look very handsome, and I’m sure Alice will agree with me.”

He blushed and lowered his guard against the Director a tad.

She took something out from her shadow and continued, “Would you like a cookie before meeting with Alice?”

Toby looked at the offered cookie and glanced back at me, seeking my approval. I gave me a quick nod and he snatched the snack out of the Director’s hand before stuffing most of it into his mouth.

“Wow… This cookie is delicious!” The boy took another bite before stopping as he looked at the tiny piece of cookie left in horror, “No, I should have saved some for Alice! It’s not good to have it myself!”

The Director smiled and took out another cookie, “That’s very thoughtful of you, Toby, I have another one here, would you like to give it to my daughter when you see her?”

He nodded enthusiastically before gently taking the offered cookie. Toby tried to find something to wrap it up, almost resorting to using some old rags, before the Director produced a little napkin out of the void and gave him that to use.

While Toby was trying to wrap the treat as best he could, the Director came up beside me and whispered something in my ear.

“You did it, Will…” she said, “I almost doubted you, but you did it. I… I don’t know what to say.”

“A simple thank you will suffice,” I answered with a light-hearted laugh, “And maybe a cup of coffee as well, I need some caffeine in my system right about now.”

The Director jolted up, “I’ll get one right now!”

“I’m joking,” I said, placing a hand on her to stop her from actually fetching me a drink right this moment, “You can get one after the two kids meet. You do remember that they still have to do that, right?”

The woman scratched her cheeks, clearly embarrassed, “Sorry… It’s not like me to get this flustered. But… Alice will finally get the friend she wanted. I mean, I never thought the day would come.”

“Do you think she’ll like him?” I asked, genuinely curious, “I did my best, but what if there’s a flaw?”

“If there is a flaw, I can’t see it, Will,” she replied in awe, “I think he’s perfect! He might need some slight alterations and maintenance work later down the line, but I can do that easily. How did you do it, Will? Making something like this couldn’t have come cheap, there’s always an equivalent exchange. What did you give up?”

“Nothing worth mentioning,” I answered truthfully.

She stared into my eyes, not believing what I said, but eventually nodded, “I don’t believe that for a second, Will, but you have my eternal thanks. If there’s anything you ever need, you’ll have it. I owe you a debt that I can never pay off.”

I shrugged, “Hey, I’m just doing what I should be doing. Now it seems that our new friend’s wrapped up his gift, how about we introduce him to Alice?”

“I mean it, Will,” she said again, “But you’re right, my daughter’s waited long enough for this day. And thank you, for everything.”

The Director opened the door and the three of us entered Alice’s room. The girl was by the side playing with Molly and a bunch of other stuffed animals, but she quickly dropped what she was doing when she saw the three of us. Her gaze was fixated on Toby, and I could tell the boy was a little nervous himself. He froze for a second, and I had to nudge him forward.

“Um, hello…” Toby said shyly, “Are you Alice?”

The girl looked at him, perhaps trying to see his intentions, but he must have passed whatever test she was giving him because the usual smile I saw her with returned.

“Yup, and who are you?”

“I’m Toby,” he replied, “Dr. Walter made me. Um… it’s good to meet you.”

Damn it, the boy completely forgot about the gift he was holding. I coughed quickly to get his attention before mouthing the word “cookie” over and over again. He understood after the third attempt and half shoved the wrapped snack towards Alice, almost dropping it in the process.

“I, um, this is for you. I wrapped it myself.”

Alice was still a little unsure what was going on, but she took the offered gift and unwrapped it. Her smile was radiant when she saw the cookie.

“Wow! It’s my favorite!” she exclaimed and broke the snack in half, “But you can have half of it, my mom always told me to share.”

“It’s ok…” he answered, “I had one outside already, that one’s for you.”

Alice shook her head, “No, cookies are made to be shared. It tastes better if you eat it with someone else.”

Toby looked back at me. It was kind of cute how he’d seek my guidance when he wasn’t sure what to do, and I had to suppress a laugh at how worried the little guy was. I just nodded, indicating that he should just accept Alice’s goodwill.

“Ok…” he replied slowly before taking the offered half, “and um, do you want to be my friend?”

With the mention of the word friend, Alice’s entire demeanor seemed to change. She was always a gloomy child before, even when I was playing with her, but that weird gloom seemed to fade before my eyes now. Her snow-white hair fluttered in an invisible breeze, and I could see her complexion brighten up.

“Of course, Toby,” she replied with a giggle, “I’d love to be your friend. Do you want to see my toys?”

The boy looked around the room for the first time and nodded quickly, “That’s a lot of toys… Can you really show them to me?”

“You can even have some of them!” she answered, “But not Molly, she’s not a toy.”

Toby looked over to where the doll was sitting and waved at her, “Oh, hello Molly, it’s good to meet you as well.”

“Hello,” the doll replied back, “Although I’m not sure if you can understand me.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, clearly confused, “Am I not supposed to understand you?”

“You can talk to her as well!” Alice exclaimed before grabbing onto Toby’s hand, “Wow! That means the three of us can play together!”

“Alright,” the Director interrupted with a happy sigh, “Why don’t you three go play in the other room? There’s a lot of old toys back there that I’m sure you can show your new friend; I have to speak with Dr. Walter for a bit.

“Okay, Mom,” Alice replied, “Come on Toby, I have to show you all the cool things I’ve got!”

The Director shook her head, “Wait! Now what do you say to the good Doctor for creating Toby?”

“Sorry… I forgot my manners,” Alice answered before turning to me, “Thank you, Uncle Walter, you’re the best doctor ever!”

“Alright, off you three go then,” the Director said, “And make sure you treat Toby respectfully!”

“I’ll look after them both, madam,” Molly answered, “You have my word.”

“I will too!” Alice added, “Let’s go!”

The three scrambled off quickly after that, leaving me alone with a Director who looked like she had just gotten rid of the biggest weight off her chest. Her smile never left her face, even when it was clear that she had gotten even less sleep than I had in these last few days.


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