Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 102: The End of the Third Trial

The rest of the day passed by remarkably fast. After my nap, which lasted much longer than I anticipated, I had to hurry over to the Regressor for another session of treatment. Of course, I didn’t tell him the whole truth, but I did let him know that I was close to clearing the stage.

“You’re sure you can clear it by the end of the day?” Jae-Hyun asked me, his condition didn’t seem to get any worse, which was a good sign. Whatever treatment he was undergoing must have paused for the time being.

“Yeah,” I answered, “But I’ll need a distraction while I’m in the basement. I’ve managed to… overhear that key personnel guarding the patient ward will be incapacitated, so it would be an awful shame if you managed to say, lead the patients here to escape.”

He nodded, “I see…. When do you need it done?”

That was a good question, I wasn’t sure actually. I was still waiting for the Director to finish her prep. Well, I trusted the Regressor to figure things out himself in any case.

“There’ll be a signal,” I said vaguely, “I’m not sure what the hospital’s response will be when I act, but it’ll be very obvious in any case. Just get things ready within the next day or so, and be ready to move soon.”

Jae-Hyun frowned but didn’t complain, “I’ll get it done. Is there anything else you need?”

“No, just leave the rest to me.”

“Thank you, Dr. Walter.”

“Not a problem,” I answered with a smile, “I’m just doing my duty.”

I finished bandaging up the rest of Jae-Hyun quickly and let him go off to do whatever it was that he needed to do. I didn’t want to take up any more of his time. I wasn’t sure how he would win over the trust of the entire patient ward in a handful of hours, but that was none of my concern. The only thing left for me to do was to wait for the Director, which left me with a lot of time to just wander around the hospital.

Walking around the various wings of Hope’s Memorial made me realize, once again, how much this place has grown on me. I’ve only been here for a few days, but the staff working here have been nothing but amazing. Once you’ve memorized the strange rules, living here wasn’t so bad honestly, and sure, having to chase down the odd escapee was exhausting, but it was fun nonetheless.

And so, for the rest of that day, I just spent my time chatting with various doctors and nurses. I even checked up on the two kids, although I needn’t have worried. They had fast become best friends in the way that only children could, and I spent more time than I should joining the two in their games. They were enjoying themselves too much for me to bring up my imminent departure, but I knew that I had to let them know soon.

It was shortly after night fell and the hospital cleared of all activity that the Director called for me to come down to the basement again.

She looked gloomy when she saw me, but she gave me a friendly hug anyway. It was hard not to let the melancholy affect me as well when she was like that.

“I’ve never been the best at goodbyes,” she said with a forced smile, “So I won’t say it. You’re not going forever in any case, but I do worry. The invaders are dangerous, Will. I know you’ll keep yourself safe, but…”

“Hey,” I interrupted before Abigail could become even sadder somehow, “I’ll be fine. I know my limits, and I’m not going there to wage war against the invaders all by myself. I’ll get some intel, find out where their headquarters are located, and report back ASAP.”

“I know, Will,” she answered, “And I wish it was as easy as you put it. I just wish you could come back faster... I know we’re not together, I don’t know what we are honestly, but I’ll still miss you, you know. You’ve done more for my family than anyone else has.”

“I know,” I replied softly, “But I might be away from longer than that. You know as well as I do that we can’t fight back against the invaders alone. It doesn’t matter how strong you or Alice get, they outnumber us and we’ll need allies.”

Abigail frowned but nodded slowly. She understood the power of Central better than anyone else in the hospital.

“So I need to go out there and find people in similar situations as ours,” I continued, “There’s no way that the invaders only targeted this place; I don’t believe for a second that they didn’t screw over other civilizations like ours, and I’m betting that others are just as angry as we are towards them. If we can gather enough allies…”

“Then we can launch a proper counteroffensive,” the Director finished with a sigh, “You’re right, Will, although I wish you weren’t. We don’t stand a chance alone, although many would argue otherwise. We’ve only seen the tip of the invader’s might, and I fear that nothing we can do alone will be enough.”

“But we won’t be alone,” I assured, “If there’s one thing that I’m good at, other than being an amazing doctor that is, is convincing people of a cause. But I can’t do it alone. I need you to help me coordinate things once we’ve built up a strong enough force. Can you do that for me, Abigail?”

This time the Director smiled for real, “I am more than happy to do so. Anything to get back at those bastards.”

“Thank you.”

“Anyway,” she continued and pulled a small satchel from her shadow, “I packed you some things to take. I’m not sure what you’ll need with you, but I focused on things that will help keep you safe in case you’re ever found out. Take a look at it once you’re on the other side.”

I nodded and took the offered bag. Feeling curious, I peeked inside and saw it was stuffed full of little baubles and the like, I’ll have to properly inventory what I got when I was alone.

“And finally,” she added, “Please take this as well.”

Abigail offered me an antique-looking watch. It was an older design that was all form and function. I put the leather strap on and gazed at the little iron display, but I saw that the watch’s hands weren’t moving at all. I don’t think the Director would give me a broken timepiece, and I couldn’t find a place to put any batteries in it either. Confused, I used my title skill to glean any information about the device that I could.

Abigail’s Momento (??? Rank):

Description: This timepiece represents the hopes and aspirations of its creator and her hopes for a brighter future. The holder of this memento is loved by the god of death.

God of death? Well, I already knew that gods were up and about from the Regressor’s explanation earlier, but I never thought I’d meet one in the wild as a human. No wonder people were so anxious about the Director… but does that mean that Alice was some sort of fledgling deity as well? Then what the hell would Molly be?

I shrugged. Well, it’s not a big deal in any case, I’m pretty sure I’ve met dozens of deities in my Xollon form, and if I’ve learned anything from my interactions then, it’s that the gods behaved remarkably similar to just normal people. If nothing else, I’m kind of glad to have powerful backers helping me out.

“Please wear that if you can,” Abigail continued, “It’ll let me know if you’re safe.”

Something told me that it did a little more than that, but I didn’t press the issue. The Director had my best interests in mind, and it wouldn’t do any good to question her help.

“I’ll make sure to do so,” I answered, “And do you know why the watch isn’t working?”

Abigail frowned before taking my hand and glancing at the watch. It was like I said, the hands were not moving at all.

“That’s… interesting,” she started, “It’s not moving, but that shouldn’t be possible, unless…”

“Unless?” I asked, curious.

The Director’s expression brightened considerably and a huge smile crept up on her face before she forced herself to calm down, “No, it’s nothing, Will. But the fact that the watch isn’t moving is a good sign. It means that I’ll have to worry a lot less about your safety.”

“Uh, that’s good to hear?”

“Yes, it is,” she said quickly, “Anyway, I think you should go see Alice and Toby one last time. Just give me a moment with them first, I’ll have to tell them about what I just found out.”

“What you just found out?” I asked, “What do you mean?”

“Never mind,” she dismissed, “Just wait here, ok?”

Before I could even respond, the Director quickly left the room. I wasn’t quite sure what had happened, but the woman came out not even 5 minutes later, all smiles and cheer. I was even more confused seeing the change in her expression.

“Okay, Will,” she said, “I’ve let them know about your situation. They’ll be a lot more receptive now.”

“Alright…” I still wasn’t sure what had caused her change, but dwelling on it wasn’t going to do me any good. I got rid of the distraction and entered Alice’s room.

The two kids and their doll saw me immediately and I waved a hello.

“Uncle Walter!” Alice all but screamed, “I heard from mom!”

“What did you hear?” I asked.

“That you’re like us,” the girl replied, “but you’ll be going away from a bit.”

I’m like they are? What did that mean?

“It is nothing, my Host,” Noe answered, “Don’t worry about it. You do not need to concern yourself at this moment… it is still too early.”

Yeah… good call, Noe, I don’t need to be distracted. Let me continue to s-

“How long will you be gone for, Dr. Walter?” Toby asked, interrupting my thoughts, “I hope it’s not too long.”

I frowned, what was I thinking about just now? I felt like I was forgetting more and more things lately, maybe that mental contamination was getting serious. I’ll make sure to take some of that medication the doctor gave me.

“I’m not sure,” I answered as I refocused on my current situation, “But I can still talk with you guys, so it’s not like I’m completely gone.”

Toby nodded, “Ok…”

“And you’ll take care of Alice when I’m away, right?”

“Of course I will!” he replied with pride.

“He really has been,” Molly added, “I’ve never seen someone who could keep up with Alice and all her antics like he has.”

“I don’t have antics!” Alice interrupted with a pout, “I’m a proper lady!”

Molly sighed, “Do you even know what an antic is?”


“Never mind…” the doll said before Alice could continue, “But be safe, doctor. Remember to keep in touch when you can.”

“I will,” I promised and turned to the Director, “Are you ready for the patients to do their thing?”

She grimaced, “I am, although it will not be pleasant. I’ve informed the staff about your plan, and I’ve kept the dogs in my office tonight. The doors will unlock when you’re ready.”

“Alright, we might as well get this over with now then,” I said, “Guess I’ll be seeing everyone here later.”

“Yeah…” the Director said one final time, “But it’s not goodbye.”

I bid everyone farewell one final time, which happened to involve a lot of hugs and a few promises of keeping in regular contact, but I was able to extract myself from the basement before too long. I did say that I had to be within the vicinity of the escaped patients, so I found an empty closet to hide in before giving the Director the signal for her to begin.

A loud buzzing noise erupted from the speaker systems, and I could hear the metal doors unlock. That was followed a few minutes later by the scrambling of bodies and other noises that I couldn’t distinguish. I could also swear that I heard Jae-Hyun’s voice within that cacophony, but I couldn’t be completely sure. Either way, I waited another 15 or so minutes before deciding it was time to accept the Trash Matrix’s request.

Alright, Noe, let’s get out of here.

“Acknowledged, my Host.”

I was engulfed in that familiar light, and I left the hospital, but not for good.

“Congratulations, my Host,” Noe said, “You have completed the third Trial. Unit Noe has taken it upon myself to disregard the Trash Matrix’s worthless babbling and inform you of the rewards myself. You have acquired two additional secondary titles and bonus experience for your hard work.”

Thanks, Noe, can you show-

Yoona: Brother? Walter? Where have you been? Are you ok?

Lady Awesome: Boss, are you back? Yoona’s pendant thing says you’re back. Is little bro ok as well? And where’s the priest?

What was going on? I didn’t even have time to check over my rewards before being bombarded with party messages.

Walter’s Fine: We’re fine, we just got out of the Trial. What’s going on?

Vadeem the Dream: What’s going on? You guys have been gone for over two months, that's what's going on! Get back to the guild as fast as you can, there’s some big changes here; apparently, the people in charge of the Trials have changed, and they’re making a mess of things.



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