Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 104: The New Administration

Once the last of our guild members left, Jae-Hyun sat back down on his chair and gave me a tired look. He seemed oddly overwhelmed, oddly vulnerable. I wasn’t used to the indomitable Regressor look like this.

“Hey,” I said, “Don’t worry too much, the situation’s not ideal, but I can fix things in no time. I might have to use more drastic measures, but it’ll be done.”

“No,” he mumbled before shaking his head, “It’s not just that, it’s… never mind. Things are changing fast, I’m not used to being so underprepared. Anyway, don’t worry about me.”

“Alright, but do take care of yourself, Jae-Hyun,” I answered, “You’ve been through a lot in that last Trial, I think you need some rest, and soon.”

He chuckled, “You say that Walter, but you’ve undergone the same Trial, and you’ve had it worse than I did. I can say the same thing about you.”

I didn’t have the heart to say that the Trial felt more like a vacation than anything else, so I simply agreed quietly.

“But can you tell me what you plan to do about this new guild that’s popped up?”

I grinned. I had a few ideas lined up, especially with my new title.

“First of all, I’m assuming that just Noel-ing all of our opposition won’t be the right choice,” I started, “We’d be the first suspects of foul play if that happens, and I don’t think even I can convince everyone in Pandora otherwise.”

“That’s a safe assumption,” Jae-Hyun agreed.

“So we have a few ways of going at it,” I continued, “One, we figure out how they’re spreading their influence and figure out a way to stop that, whether that be attacking their base of operations, sabotaging their streams of income, or what have you. However, this is tricky without getting violent.”

The Regressor mumbled an agreement.

I held up two fingers, “Two, we figure out what kind of smear campaign they’re using and counteract that; we prove each of the points that they make against us wrong, thus making them look like the villains while simultaneously boosting our reputation. We’ll probably need to do this in the long term, but this will take too long.”

Jae-Hyun nodded again, waiting for me to get to my main point.

“So we really only have one option in the short term,” I said with a wicked grin, “We’ll have to convince this new guild leader to work with us, not against us.”

“And how would we do that?” Jae-Hyun asked, “If there’s even a hint of force or coercion seen, our guild will be under major scrutiny.”

“Easy,” I answered, “We’ll simply create a situation where he will be forced to come to us for aid. If he’s the one taking the initiative to seek our help, then no one will suspect us.”

“And we do this how?”

“Well, we’ll just have to introduce an outside force that can’t be tied to any one guild.” I explained, “With, say, a strange new monster that’s wreaking havoc in Pandora, one that only the famed Kim siblings can deal with. Everyone’s seen your ability to fight earlier on.”

The Regressor was still confused until I activated my new skill. My physique immediately transformed into the familiar feeling of the good doctor and I gave Jae-Hyun my patented smile.

“It’s a reward for clearing the last stage so well,” I explained before he could ask, “And I don’t think anyone, even the people who were stuck in that hospital with us, could trace this form to a member of our guild.”

This was also true. I didn’t interact much with the patients at all outside of catching the ones trying to escape, so not very many people even knew of Dr. Walter’s name. The majority of the ones who did hear it were sadly no longer with us thanks to Alice and her mom.

In fact, having a recognizable feature will only help sell the lie that I was an outside force. No one could have imagined that the monstrosity of a doctor could be a fellow Aspirant, it was only due to the Regressor’s special knowledge that I got this role. What’s more likely to happen is people thinking that a monster from the last Trial managed to slip into the main stage somehow.

“That could work…” the Regressor answered after a few moments of thought, “But it will also be dangerous. People will form parties to hunt you down before they get desperate enough to call for my help, can you handle that?”

I laughed, “Easily. I’ve seen how strong the current Aspirants are, and I doubt that they’d have gotten much stronger in only two months. I think I can take on almost as many as you can.”

“Hm, alright, Walter, I trust you on this,” he said, “Once again, you have my full cooperation, let me know if you need any assistance, and I’m sure Vadeem and Noel will share that sentiment.”

“I’ll need a few days to set up,” I explained, “But I’ll let you know when I’ll need help.”

“Thank you, Walter,” Jae-Hyun said, “It’s… it’s good to have you by my side.”

I almost laughed at the Regressor awkwardly thanking someone else, I could tell he wasn’t used to relying on anyone aside from himself. I couldn’t blame him though, this man probably spent years if not decades alone.

“Happy to help!”

Jae-Hyun nodded and got up from his seat, “We still have a few hours left before the new admin team makes their announcements. Go get some proper rest, I know you didn’t sleep during that ride back. I’ll get Yoona to wake you up if you’re still in bed.”

I agreed with him, I was a little fatigued after that trip back, and I was covered in grime from running out of those caves and tunnels. Maybe a hot bath was what I needed to get all these aches and pains out of my system… yeah, a hot steam bath was sounding better and better.

I was already in my room and shedding my sweat-soaked clothing when the universe chose to deny me my rest and relaxation, again. It seemed like every time I was about to get some sleep, someone from Central would choose exactly that moment to interrupt me. I could understand it logically since they couldn’t bother me while I was on duty as an Arbiter, but I was starting to miss my time at the Hospital more and more. At least I had set working hours there!

However, the way that Central decided to interrupt me this time was a little strange. Displayed in my retina was a box with small, scrolling text, not too dissimilar to the type I used to communicate with the party.

Crawling Chaos [Is this messaging thing working?]

Crawling Chaos [Damn it, where’s Bob when you need him? Xalla, how do you send messages over to your Sponsored Aspirant?]

Crawling Chaos [I’m doing that already! It’s clearly not working! God damn this technology!]

Okay, as much as I wanted to stay silent and see this play out, I probably shouldn’t tease the elderly too much.

Crawling Chaos [We Xollon shouldn’t have to deal with this crap! What’s wrong with just sending my thoughts out to Walter the old-fashioned way?]

Noe, how do I respond to my Sponsor?

Crawling Chaos [How is this added security? I’d like to see any being break through a Xollon’s thoughts, much less mine!]

“I can facilitate communications, my Host,” she replied, “Simply think your response and I shall do the rest.”

Thanks, Noe. Please do so.


I can hear you, Rogue.

Crawling Chaos [Holy shit, it’s working! What did you do, Xalla?]

She didn’t do anything, I was able to hear you for a while now. And say hi to Xalla for me.

Crawling Chaos [Walter says hi… uh, she says hello back.]

That’s great… so what did you need me for?

Crawling Chaos [Are you free for a bit? Alone I mean?]


I saw a rip in the dimension and out came Rogue along with a clearly annoyed Xalla.

“God, this is so much easier!” the old Xollon exclaimed, “I swear all these damned regulations and new-fangled technology will be the death of me!”

I scrambled to put on some clothes, although I probably shouldn’t have worried, it wasn’t like those two cared about my human form’s state of undress.

“Uh… you needed something?” I asked again.

“Right, sorry,” he said before clearing his throat, “Uh, I need to chat with you about important Sponsorship stuff, confidential, as per our agreement. If the Aspirant Walter would kindly step through the portal so that we may be safe from potential eavesdroppers…”

“Right,” I nodded, understanding where this was going, “Very important, confidential things as outlined by the lawful contract we signed.”

I stepped through the portal before the Overseer could get any more funny ideas. Xalla and her mentor joined us soon after, and I found myself in a small meeting room. A cup of coffee, suitable for human consumption from the looks of it, was placed where I should be seated, while Rogue and Xalla both had a cup of Xollon wine next to their much larger seats.

I saw the portal close up behind me and spoke up, “Are we safe to chat?”

Rogue paused for a second before slowly nodding, “Yes… we’re good now. Someone was trying to poke their noses in, but I made sure they’re regretting that decision right about now.”

“The fools,” Xalla added with dismissal, “They still think that the Xollon are unused to technology.”

I raised an eyebrow, “What about your mentor’s attempts at communication earlier?”

Xalla hesitated for a second, clearly taken aback by my comment, “Um… That… Rogue’s-”

“Anyway!” the old Xollon interrupted, “All that matters is that there’s no one spying on us now. So let’s just move on to the serious topics!”

Xalla rubbed a feeler to her head and sighed, “Sometimes I wish he didn’t represent the best that Xolloid has to offer…”

“So what was it you needed?” I asked for the third time, “I’m assuming it’s about Q’s replacement?”

“It is, and that slimeball Overseer,” the old Xollon said with a sigh, “They’ve decided to shuffle around the order of events for the site, and let me tell you, none of the Sponsors are happy about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, they’re going to wage a Clan War within the month, for one,” Rogue continued, “Your people in Pandora are set up against one of the Restus cities from Site 1100, and…”

“Let me guess,” I added, I didn’t even need to know what kind of species these Restus were to understand the general plot, “The Overseer chose who our opponents are, so we’ll be slaughtered, right?”

“Right,” he answered grimly, “Hence why I wanted to speak with you quickly before you meet up with the Overseer.”

Wait, I’m meeting up with the Overseer? That was news to me.

“It’s not a formal meeting, Walter, and not in person” Xalla added after she saw my hesitation, “You’ll meet with one of his drone bodies with some representatives from the Sponsorship program. What he’s doing is clearly biased against Q’s site, and we’ll try our best to wrestle some control back in our direction.”

“As if he’ll make it easy for us…” I said, shaking my head.

“If it makes you feel any better,” Rogue added, “The Sponsors do have some sway in Central’s operations, and we’ve managed to delay your private meeting with that slimeball for a long, long time, and we got rid of the “aid” that the Overseer wanted to assign you, at least for the time being. Nothing beats the ability to slow down a corporation than the bureaucratic forms that all need to be signed in triplicate!”

“That’s some good news,” I admitted, “But nothing that will help the immediate situation. Anything else I need to know before speaking with that piece of shit?”

“Yeah, it’s the new management,” Rogue spoke, “I think Xalla can explain it better, she’s working for them now, unfortunately.”

“They’re trying to undo all of Q’s legacy,” she muttered, her frills drooping, “Half the original staff have already been reassigned to other sites if not outright fired, and the other half have had most of their privileges stripped. The site’s filled with the Overseer’s minions now. I’m not sure how much I can help you out, Walter, they’re keeping me busy with worthless make-work.”

I took a deep breath, steadying my emotions, “Right, that’s about what I expected from his handpicked goons. How’s Q? I wasn’t able to see him off.”

“He’s… well, I wouldn’t say he’s happy,” Rogue replied, “But he’s making the best of a bad situation with Bob. Quasar’s keeping busy with a new project, something he’s always wanted to pursue, so you don’t have to worry about the man for now.”

“That’s good to hear,” I answered, “But I did want to see him before he left.”

“You can thank the new admin for that,” Xalla added, “They “accidentally” sped up everyone else’s timeline while you and the Anomaly were gone; they say it’s because your charge had destabilized all the local timestreams with his departure outside of the city. They also said that none of this would have happened if he just followed regulations and entered the Third Trial in Pandora.”

“Such a very plausibly deniable explanation,” I muttered, “Of course.”

“They’ll do everything in their power to get in your way, Walter,” Xalla continued, “I’ll do what I can to help, but don’t trust anyone new you meet.”

“Thanks for the warning,” I said, “I’ll be sure to take your advice. Now if there’s nothing else, let’s just go and speak with the Overseer. I’m curious about how he’s going to justify all these changes.”


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