Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 46: The Depths Part 5

We were starting to get quickly bogged down by the mass of bodies. I impaled and swatted aside as many as I could, but soon my feelers were getting caught on dead bodies and reaching hands. I could lift and cut through 4, 5, maybe even 6 bodies at once, but when those numbers started to enter the 20’s and 30’s? My stats were enhanced by a large margin, but no amount of pure attributes could beat the laws of physics, and physics was starting to win out fast.

I cursed myself for allowing my damned emotions from getting in my way again. I had inadvertently allowed the Trash Matrix to get the better of me! I thought my upgraded innate skill and the passive from my Light Bringer title could insulate me from the stupid darkness, but clearly, its influence was stronger than whatever protections I had. It’s all too clear that skills and titles were not omnipotent.

I’ll have to rethink all my strategies and plans going forward, but this was not the time for that.

“Vadeem!” I screamed as I threw another defender to the side, “We have to leave now!”

He grunted, “I got it!”

I had just enough time to check out what Vadeem was doing and saw that he managed to free an arm from the mass of squirming bodies. He held the limb up in the air and held a look of deep concentration. A rumbling sound quickly followed, and the damn hammer that he chucked prior came flying through the air towards his outstretched hand.

Holy shit, it’s like a really large version of Mjolnir! So what if it can’t shoot lightning when he can throw it like a rocket?

The impact of the sledge hitting Vadeem caused the goons clinging on to him to stumble, and he took that opportunity to free himself from the bog of human bodies. He swung wide, practically pulverizing everything around him into a fine mist, and then quickly grabbed me with his free hand. I did my best to not impale him with my tentacles.

He frowned, “Why are you so damn slimy, Walter?”

I looked at him with incredulity, “Is this really the time to complain about how I feel?”

“Yes it is!” he grumbled while sprinting towards the hole in the wall, “You’re damned hard to hold on to!”

Ok, that’s a fair complaint. Slipping off would be pretty bad, but worse still would be if he tried to grasp me too hard and made me pop like a tube of toothpaste. I shuddered and wrapped some of my feelers around his arms as best I could.

“Better!” he smiled, “You still feel horrible to hold though!”

“Just run for it!” I shouted back.

And he did.

I climbed up onto his massive shoulders and did my best to hold on without harming the man. He needed both arms free to properly swing his weapon. It was a good thing Vadeem was so thick-skinned because I had to really grip hard to stay on. He was making wide swings with the maul that caused his body to sway wildly, and he wasn’t exactly the lightest on his feet either. But his huge mass was also a benefit because once Vadeem was moving, very little could slow down his advance. The man was the incarnation of momentum.

Soon we passed the blown-up wall and ran towards Patar and his gathered warriors. They were engaged in their own fights, having figured out the enemy's plans, and were actively making room for us to pass through.

The guns were doing a number on them, but thanks to their enhanced abilities and levels, my soldiers were putting up a valiant fight of their own. For all the numbers that the Trash Matrix had, it couldn't force its brainwashed goons to fight with as much fervor as my brainwashed goons.

Ha! That was the power of a cult!

Vadeem slowed down briefly as he neared the relative safety of our camp. Patar and a group of his priests hurriedly gathered to meet us.

“Lord Light Bringer,” Patar said as he wiped some sweat off his forehead, “We have intercepted the enemy and are ready to aid you!”

“Good,” I quickly said and thought of the best way to utilize my forces now that my initial plans had failed, “The foe seeks to block our path to our destination. I need your men to slow down their advance here, and meet us at the Temple when you can. Time is limited, and the Heretics grow stronger by the second. Vadoom and I will go ahead of you to put an end to their foul existence. I’m leaving you in charge of the men and women here.”

“I understand, my God!” He then nodded toward the twins, “Ana and Eva will guide you to the Temple, they have memorized the route.”

I nodded and made room for the two girls to climb on with me. One of them went to the other shoulder while the other jumped right on top of the big man’s head. She gripped his hair like the reigns of a horse and made herself comfortable. Judging by Vadeem’s expression, it seemed they had done this before. It was like she was piloting Vadeem, and imagining her steering the massive titan around like a go-cart would have been quite comical were our situation not so dire.

Patar took something out of his tattered robes and threw it at me, “I apologize for not telling you the information that you had requested personally, Lord God, but I have taken it upon myself to transcribe what you have asked for on the scroll. There isn't much on the history of the Temple, but one of the survivors used to work there and drew a rough map of the interior.”

I had almost forgotten that I had asked for more information about the Flames, but evidently Patar hadn’t. I stuffed the scroll into my inventory and gave him my thanks.

"Good work, now go guide the Chosen!"

“I shall ensure that Your will be done!” Patar bowed one last time before jogging away to oversee our defenses.

Without looking back, I shouted, “Vadeem, go!”

He nodded and started to rush forward… for about 5 seconds. He stopped abruptly after a few steps, the sudden halt in movement almost causing me to fall over, and he looked at me in embarrassment. I saw that Ana, the one on his head, was pulling his hair wildly with one hand while the other was frantically punching his dome.

“Sorry,” he apologized quietly, “Went the wrong way.”

He turned around in the direction that Ana was pulling, stopping once more to double-check that it was correct, before running into the woods once more. I noticed that Eva was shaking her head in disappointment; it was clearly not the first time he had trouble following their instructions.

This time he was able to move uninterrupted, only making minor course corrections along his path. Watching Vadeem move at full speed was like watching an avalanche demolishing everything in its path. Any critter or creature stupid enough to try to get in our way was quickly swept aside, while the more agile foes looked on in confusion as a giant mass of muscle moved through the forest.

What was more impressive than Vadeem’s Juggernaut impression was how the twins were able to accurately steer the man toward our destination. Even with my enhanced perception, I couldn’t tell what was going on between all the shaking, dust, and debris Vadeem had managed to create on his path. Yet Ana was able to make minute adjustments on the fly, while the other girl quietly surveyed the land despite the rough ride.

According to the twins, we should be arriving at the edge of the Temple’s outer boundaries within minutes. It was time to check up on our Regressor’s side and see if we couldn’t meet up for the first time in what seemed like forever.


Walter’s Fine: Jae-Hyun, we’re making our way towards the Temple, there’s been a slight change of plans.


A short moment later a message appeared in my eyes.


Jae-Hyun: I noticed. We’re being attacked by the natives. They’re trying to stop us from getting further in, and they’re using weapons from the Trials; that the same for you guys as well?

Walter’s Fine: Yeah, and they seem to be getting more and more of the good stuff as time progresses. They had arrows and clubs but they’re using guns now. You have any idea why?


I couldn’t exactly tell him that Origin was after me, but I did want to know just how much the Regressor knew about Central’s erratic AI. Was it always going to malfunction in the future, or was I somehow causing it to go haywire?


Jae-Hyun: I’m not sure. This is the first time I’ve seen a situation like this, but it’s not unheard of. I might have some guesses, but if what you’re saying's true, then we need to get to the artifact now.


Damn this Regressor and his ability to dodge questions. Trying to get anything out of him about the future’s going to be a pain, but it made sense for him to be so guarded after everything he’s gone through. But if he’s told his sister about everything, then perhaps he’ll share it with the rest of us once he knows that he can trust us. The tricky part is getting to that point.


Vadeem the Dream: We’re on our way over to your position fast. How are you and the other holding up?

Jae-Hyun: Fine. Noel and I can take care of any threats, but we need you two to breach the Temple. And how is Walter holding up?

Walter’s Fine: It’s like my name says, I’m fine. I can fight at the very least. What about Yoona?

Jae-Hyun: This place’s affecting her badly, she is out of it right now, but we’re managing. You said Walter has a skill that helps with the mental pollution, right?

Vadeem the Dream: Yeah, he’s got a glowing light bulb on his head, it’s keeping us normal at any rate. Should help Yoona too.

Jae-Hyun: Good, if we can get her back on her feet then it’ll make things easier. Noel’ll appreciate it as well.

Vadeem the Dream: What’s wrong with Noel? I thought you said she’s helping you hold off the enemies.

Jae-Hyun: You’ll see soon enough… and you said that Walter’s got a light shining on him?

Vadeem the Dream: Yeah, he’s like a portable spotlight.

Jae-Hyun: Stay on your current course, I think I see you. I’ll be there soon.

Walter’s Fine: Just don’t be too surprised when you see me. I uh, accepted a sponsorship, so I might look a bit weird.

Jae-Hyun: You did what?


Wow, I could almost feel the shock and unease in the Regressor, even through text. He definitely knows about the dubious terms of Central’s sponsorships.


Walter’s Fine: I did, and I’ll live with those terms. It was that or die here.

Jae-Hyun: I- no, we’ll speak about it when there’s more time. It’s not too late yet. And… I’m sorry for putting you in a situation like this, Walter, I promise I’ll make it up to you.

Vadeem the Dream: Is it really that bad?

Jae-Hyun: Talk later. I’m right about there.


The Regressor wasn’t kidding about being there soon. Within 30 seconds or so of his last message, I heard the rustling of leaves and heavy footsteps. Soon a blur of movement could be seen, and the distinct outline of Jae-Hyun appeared in our field of view.

Moving my gaze towards the man, I saw that he had made a makeshift sling with some loose clothes and had his sister wrapped around his back. Yoona looked to be out cold, but her complexion looked terrible. In fact, it wasn’t just Yoona that looked worse for wear, but the Regressor looked more haggard and bruised than I’d ever seen him before. His clothes were cut up and damaged in many places, and I could make out still-healing wounds that covered his entire body. Yet that indomitable gaze of his never faltered.

“Where’s Noel?” I shouted, “Oh, and it’s Walter speaking, so please don’t attack!”

Jae-Hyun almost swore when he saw me clearly, but he kept any comments to himself as he changed course to run alongside us. I could tell that he was not liking the supposed sponsorship I had taken, or my current tentacley form.

“She’s behind me,” he grunted, “We had some friends who didn’t want to leave us alone.”

I looked at him in puzzlement, then I saw that it wasn’t just Jae-Hyun who followed the light. There was practically an entire army of brainwashed mutants hot on his trail, and they were headed straight towards us. Yet in the middle of the sea of mutants was something else.

“What the hell is that?” I muttered, pointing towards the figure.

“Noel,” Jae-Hyun answered plainly, “You’re not the only one who’s transformed.”


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