Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 62: Brewing Issues

The trip back to Site 1102 was a solemn affair, even if we technically achieved all of the goals that I had wanted. The issue with Q didn’t sit well with any of us, and Xalla looked especially concerned about Q’s future.

“Well,” Big Bob said as we neared our destination, “it’s not all bad for Q. I’ve been trying to poach him to join my company for the longest time, so he will be financially stable at the very least.”

Xalla sighed, “I know that, and I’m sure Q does as well. But… you’ve seen how much he’s given up over the cycles for his Site. He practically built it from the ground up despite all the budget cuts. I’m pretty sure he’s paying some of us out of pocket.

Xalla squeezed my feeler tight, “He loves the place.”

Big Bob grimaced, “I know. He’s had every opportunity to leave a dead-end job like that, but he didn’t. Damned shame to see someone like him go.”

“I just never expected the Overseer to be so petty,” I muttered as I pulled Xalla closer, I needed some warmth right now, “He’s willing to lay off one of his best employees, all for what? Revenge because he didn’t get his way?”

Rogue shook his head, “He’s changed, my friend, the Overseer was ruthless in the past, everyone knows that, but never petty. He’s afraid, but he wants everyone to know that he’s still in charge.”

“Look, let’s all go speak with Q first,” Big Bob said, “I’m sure a man like that has something up his sleeves. He must have known that Central’s been going downhill, and I do not believe that he wouldn't be ready for a situation like this.”

I nodded, “And I need to apologize for getting him in this mess.”

Xalla shook her head, “It’s not your fault, Walter, you know that.”

I sighed in response.

“Unfortunately I won’t be able to join you,” Rogue said, “I’ve been away from my official duties for too long, so I’ll be getting off after you three. But say hello to Q for me, and let him know that I’ve got his back if he ever needs help.”

I nodded.

“Come on, we’re almost there,” Bob said with a forced smile, “Let’s not meet the man looking like that.”

"You three take care," Rogue added, "I'll see if I can do anything for our situation on my end. I'm sure I can pull in some favors."

I nodded and thanked the old Xollon before following the others out of the train. Xalla had distanced herself from me and put on her professional demeanor once more, although none of her normal cheer and energy could be seen now. I couldn’t blame her, she was probably the one most impacted by the Overseer’s decision.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from interacting with her and the other Xollon, it’s how rare they are to be seen working for any other race in the multiverse. For her to stick with Q for so long meant that the man had earned the trust and support of Xalla, a rare thing indeed.

Q was standing by his desk when the three of us arrived to meet him, he had a bittersweet smile on as he was shuffling around various files and reports. I was back to my human form at this point, having decided to conserve as much of that cooldown as I could now that I was back in the same timestream as the Regressor.

“Hey Q,” I said tentatively, not sure how to talk to the man now that I was responsible for him losing his job, “I um, I just wanted to apologize for what happened.”

He turned to me and smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes, “It’s all good, Walter. I knew this day would be coming sooner or later.”

I noticed that he had a little framed photo made of some kind of metallic material in his hands, and I had to move a little to see what was printed on. On it was a picture of Q, he didn’t have his human suit on but I somehow knew he was a lot younger in that photo, holding a little placard. I couldn’t make out what was written on it, but from the bright smile that plastered his face, it was a memory that he cherished.

He noticed my gaze, and smiled more warmly this time, “That was taken during my promotion to Site Admin, almost 138 cycles ago to this day.”

He held it up to him, and chuckled a little, “You wouldn’t believe how much time I put in to get that position, and it was the first time that my hard work paid off. I thought the world worked on hard work and effort back then.”

He sighed, “But it doesn’t.”

I grimaced. The man had been nothing but kind to me during my stay so far, and to see him so down was starting to get to me as well. I swear that I’ll think of some way to make it up for Q.

“Well, it was a great 138 cycles in any case,” he chuckled quietly, putting away the little picture frame, “But my time here is about over. It was a good run, if I do say so myself.”

“Look, it’s not over yet,” I said, “We still got something like a few months before the last Aspirants make it to the main stage, right?”

Q nodded, “It will be 38 days until the start of Third trial, then about 2 more months before the last batch of Aspirants arrive, so yes, around 3 months total. Time sure goes by.”

“That’s a lot of time,” I continued, “I’ll think of something to fix this mess. Just… don’t give up yet.”

Q laughed, “I appreciate the sentiment, Walter, but don’t beat yourself up trying to reason with the Overseer. Central’s been a sinking ship for a while now, and I think it’s about time I take Lord Babylon up on his various offers.”

Big Bob smiled, “I’ll guarantee the pay’s better than what they’re giving you here!”

“But if you could have your old job back,” I said again, “Would you take it?”

The other man shrugged, “We’ll see. Sometimes I feel like being a Site Admin’s not as great as it used to be. The budget cuts and new rules were bad enough already, but now even Origin’s on the fritz. I don’t think I’d come back if the Overseer’s still around.”

Then I’ll just have to make sure he isn’t, but I didn’t voice that out loud. Not here. Instead, I just gave Q a quick nod.

“Still, I was the cause of this, so if you need anything, Q, anything at all, just let me know. Rogue said the same thing before he left, so you have most of Xolloid backing you.”

He smiled, this time regaining some of his old mirth, “Well, I don’t think I’ll need the Lord General’s help for now, but you still owe me a trip to the Alchemy labs. I guess that can wait a little longer though.”

Right, I had forgotten all about that promise I made when I first met the man. With so many things going on I could hardly keep track of everything.

“Well, if you do decide to show him some tricks,” Big Bob added, “You’ll find that my labs are better than anything Central’s got. I’d love to see what kind of research you’ve been hiding during those 10 cycles.”

“I’ll show both of you a new thing or two,” I said confidently, “Although I can’t give up the secrets to making a soul that easily!”

Q chuckled, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

He then turned his attention to Xalla, “And Xalla, well, it was a pleasure working with you. I hope you remain at this site to make sure everything’s alright when I’m gone.”

Xalla nodded, but didn’t say anything. Her frills were trembling.

“Don’t be like that,” he said, “It’s not like you can’t visit with Walter. The new Site Administration might have their biases, but even they can’t overrule regulations, and the regulations state that you are entitled to do whatever you want during your breaks.”

“Of course, Q,” she finally said, “It just won’t be the same without you here.”

He shrugged again, “Well, at least I’ll be seeing you next time as a friend instead of your boss.”

Xalla smiled back, “Yes, that would be a nice change.”

“Alright,” Q said, a little of his old cheer back, “I’ve taken up more than enough of everyone’s time here. I still have a lot to do, and I’m sure the three of you do as well. Almost 10 hours have passed in Pandora since Walter was gone, and I’m sure his charges are looking for him by now.”

Shit, had that much time passed, even with the slowed time flow? I had better go back before Noel does something stupid.

“And I’m sure Master Babylon and Xalla have other matters to attend to as well.”

“Unfortunately we do,” Big Bob answered dejectedly, “Well, I’ll get the paperwork started on your transfer, I’ll be in touch.”

Q nodded.

“I’ll see the Lord Arbiter out,” Xalla said, and she walked me out of the office and opened a portal back to my dorm.

“Look after him for me, Xalla,” I said, turning back towards the direction of Q one last time, “I’ll see what I can do on my side.”

“I will, Walter,” she said softly, “And take care of yourself as well.”

I nodded and stepped into the portal…

Only to be greeted to the sight of my clone wrapped up in layers of blankets with a wet towel over his head. There was a basin of water by the side, and he looked to be squirming under the heat.

“What on earth are you doing?” I asked my doppelganger, still unsure what caused this situation.

“Ah it be master Walter the first,” he said, this voice creepily similar to my own, “I has been told to lie down on thine bedding by friend Vadeem and Yoona.”

I frowned, why was he talking so strange?

“But worry not thine head, origin Walter, for I hath been acting in your absence, as was originally mine directive.”

“Wait a second,” I muttered, “Why are you speaking like that?”

“Like how so, Walter of the first?” he replied innocently.

“Like that…” I continued, then a thought hit me, “Wait, is the Origin Matrix translating what you’re saying into English?”

“It not be,” my clone answered, “Origin Matrix only transmogrifies the languages of the Aspirants, and I not be an Aspirant.”

“Right,” I said slowly, “So how did you learn English?”

“I consummate the knowledge through what the humans dub the internet,” he answered with pride, “It be most productive and useful. Many billion of page of information freely use for learning.”

Yeah… that explains a lot.

“You can speak in whatever native language you want now,” I said, “And uh, please learn English from a native speaker when you have a chance.”

The fake Walter’s speech instantly improved as he changed back to his native tongue, “Was my Earth English not adequate, my Lord?”

“No it’s just-”

A knock on the door stopped my explanation short. The other Walter noticed the situation, and immediately turned himself into a sludge- like form, spraying me with some sort of liquid in the process, before squirming away to hide under the bed. The damn stuff I was coated with smelled like old socks and gym sweat. I tried not to puke.

Not sure what had just happened and still recovering from the smell, I just stood there confused before the door opened and some concerned individuals came in.

“Walter, what are you doing up?” Yoona said with a concerned look on her face, “We told you to stay in bed! And why are you changed?”

“What? No, I-”

Vadeem frowned, “I told you that damn darkness did a number on his mind! Don’t worry, we bought a doctor over, he’ll make sure you’re fine.”

Jae-Hyun and Noel came in next, followed by another man holding a doctor’s satchel. Each of them looked at me with pity and worry.

“Is this my patient?” the older man said as he looked me up and down, before frowning as he saw the state I was in.

“Yes,” Vadeem nodded, “We told you about what happened in our last Trial, but there must have been a delayed reaction, because Walter damn near lost his mind this morning!”

Jae-Hyun came over and forced me to sit down. What the hell did that stupid clone of mine do in the short amount of time he took over for me?

“It’ll be fine, Walter,” Jae-Hyun said calmly as he gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulders, “Mental pollution isn’t that rare, and we caught it fast. Just relax, we’ll have you back to normal in no time.”

“No, really, I-”

“He don’t look too good either, boss,” Noel said, interrupting me, “Little bro, you’re sweating buckets.”

She sniffed a little, “Smells a bit off too.”

The Regressor frowned, “That’s not good, if it’s gotten to the point where the contamination is leaking out of his body, then it could be very serious.”

The doctor shoved his way forward, “Please get out of the way, make some room for me to work.”

“Look, doc,” I managed to say, “I’m fine, really.”

Yoona gave me a pitying look.

“And you will be, Walter,” the doctor said with a kind smile, “You will be.”

Before I could react, he plunged something into my side, and I fell into a deep sleep.


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