Unwilling Eldritch Horror of Fortune

Chapter 82: A Panicked Beginning

“What’s going on?” Yoona asked in a panic, “What’s the schedule change about?”

The Regressor was silent for a moment, lost in thought, before finally answering, “Something’s changed. I… I’m not sure what’s going on, but panicking helps no one in this situation. We’re leaving Tartarus if we can.”

I’d be surprised if Jae-Hyun was somehow expecting this situation. It was that goddamn Overseer doing his absolute best to make sure that I failed one of these Trials. Too bad he didn’t know that if I failed, I’d also be dead! I cursed myself again for allowing that piece of shit to fool me into believing that he’d just stay on the sideline until our next meeting.

“What, why?” Noel asked, “We’re so close to the forge thing though! Plus we’ll never make it back to Pandora in an hour anyway, so I saw we book it to the treasure!.”

“No, we leave now,” he said again, this time his tone left no room for argument, “We can’t afford to be transported in such a dangerous environment, much less a place enchanted by Nyx. I am not chancing something going wrong if I can help it.”

He pointed towards the general direction of where we came from, “Vadeem, make us an exit!”

The big man stuffed the core into his inventory and nodded.

“Got it, boss,” he said as he transformed, hammer ready for action, “Make way!”

We steamrolled through the labyrinth, although the structure could hardly be considered a proper maze when Vadeem just bulldozed through the walls instead of around them. Yoona could still follow the faint traces of mana we used to get to the maze, and we made a beeline toward the staircase that we came from, all the while a little countdown timer was ticking down in my retina.

But after running for a while, it was clear that we weren’t going to make it, even if the speedier amongst us ran ahead. The Regressor realized the same thing when the timer hit 10 minutes and he instructed us to stop.

“There’s not enough time,” he grunted, “We’ll have to make do with going into the Trial here.”

“Do you know how that will affect us?” Yoona asked, “The notification said we could experience abnormalities if we’re outside Pandora.”

“Expect the worst.”

No kidding, I bet the Overseer will do everything in his power to make sure that we’re as screwed as possible. I’m just hoping that there’s only so many legal loopholes he can exploit before being stopped from straight up killing all of us the second we set foot in that Trial. Bureaucracy and rules seem like a big part of Central, so I was fairly certain that there was only so much he could do… hopefully.

“Man,” Noel grumbled as she came to a stop, “How come we always get the crummy luck?”

I saw the briefest hint of guilt flash across the Regressor’s face before he composed himself again. It was clear that he thought that he was the cause of all of our misfortunes. If only he knew the truth.

Yoona noticed as well and quickly covered for her brother, “We’re probably the best Aspirants around, so maybe the System just wants to challenge us further.”

Noel sighed, “Yeah, I guess so, we’re just too awesome to leave alone.”

The timer hit 8 minutes.

“Just listen for now, save the banter for when there isn’t a countdown looming over us.”

We nodded and allowed Jae-Hyun to continue, “I don’t know what’s going to happen but assume that we will all be split up. Unless things are really wrong, all guild members should be grouped together, but we might not all be in the same Trial. If that is the case, try to reestablish communications with the party chat, and if that fails, focus on your own situation and do not trust anyone you do not know.”

“Even if we’re partied with other Aspirants?” Yoona asked.

“Especially other Aspirants, Yoona,” he said coldly, “Other people are often more dangerous than the Trials themselves.”

Noel gave him a knowing smirk, “Understood, boss!”

“This is still the third Trial, so even if our own goes wrong, it should still follow the general rules set for it. It is designed as a bonus round to reward the Aspirants with the most potential. If there’s one thing I know about this place, it’s that they have set regulations that must be followed. There’s only so much leeway for change.”

“Which means what?” Vadeem asked.

“Which means that we shouldn’t expect battle like the other Trials,” Jae-Hyun answered, “It shouldn’t be dangerous, but…”

“But our situation isn’t normal,” I said for him, “so expect a place that’s not dangerous in the conventional sense.”

“Exactly,” he said, “And for the twins…”

Everyone looked at the two girls, we all had the same thoughts. Were they going to join us in the Trial? They came in a really unconventional way, and even their classes were corrupted. It was anyone’s guess what would happen to the two if we left, and as far as I could tell, they didn’t even have access to the inventory system.

Vadeem frowned and handed them his food suitcase, “Take that in case you two get stuck here. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone for, but just wait for us to return if you can.”

The two didn’t look like they wanted to take the offered item from Vadeem, but he shoved it in their hands and didn’t give them a chance to argue. I could that that the big man didn’t want to be separated from them any more than they did.

The Regressor nodded and scribbled something on a small piece of paper, “If we’re gone for longer than 3 days head back out and give that to the driver. He’ll take you back to Pandora.”

Muscle A: We want to stay with Big Muscle.

Muscle E: Don’t leave us.

Vadeem’s face was hard to read when he saw their message. He walked up to them, bent down, and gave the twins the most reassuring smile I’ve ever seen him use.

“Look, you two will be fine no matter what happens, you’ve survived far worse,” he said, “Maybe you’ll be paired up with one of us, but even if you’re not always remember that we will be back. There’s no Trial that’s tough enough to stop these muscles!”

The twins gave him a weak smile back. I didn’t need Noe’s translating abilities to know that it was forced.

“And take the flask with you,” I added, tossing over the little container I got from my first Trial, “It’ll provide you two with all the water you need.”

Ana caught it and stuffed it into one of her pouches.

Muscle A: Thank you.

Muscle E: Please be safe. Please come back.

The timer hit 3 minutes.

“We will,” I reassured.

“One more thing,” the Regressor interrupted, “If, on the rare occasion, our trials have special rules in them, ensure that you never break them.”

2 minutes now.

“Anything else to add?” I asked, feeling nervous as the timer went ever downwards.

“Stay safe,” he said simply, “Make sure to send a message once you’re out.”

“You too brother,” Yoona replied, “And everyone else too.”

1 minute.

Vadeem was by the twins, hugging them tightly as if being in physical contact could ensure that they were sent to the same place. Noel took out her swords, looking as if she anticipated what was to come, while the two Kim siblings were seated together, simply waiting for the clock to run its course. I took a deep breath and waited for the inevitable feeling of disorientation. It came not long after.

* * *

It’s basically a habit at this point to survey my surroundings whenever I get teleported like this, but I checked to see if anyone from my guild had joined first me this time. Thankfully I wasn’t alone here, although I was conflicted about who was with me. The Regressor was here with me in the Trial this time, so it would be my first time properly working with him, but right beside him was the newest member of the guild… Marcus.

Unlike the Regressor or myself, the priest looked comfortable in the new environment, which is saying something because the place we were all sent to was just as uncanny as he was. The three of us were standing in the lobby area of what seemed like an old hospital, not the modern ones that are all white walls and sterilized surfaces, but the eerie ones seen in horror movies.

Facing our backs was the only exit, and there was an awful storm raging outside. The howling of the wind was barely contained by the thin glass and it made the entire place permeate with a layer of gloom. Strangely enough, I couldn’t see past a certain distance outside even with my title’s passive ability, which meant that the only thing I could take stock of was the interior.

This was a hospital sporting aesthetics from before the turn of the century when modern technology was still being developed and ethics were a lot looser. There was just something about the drab, yellowing wallpaper and overused rugs that seemed to soak in decades of abuse and suffering. Even the faux leather chairs by the waiting area were flaking and wrinkled with age.

“The Trash Matrix is displaying new information about the Trial, displaying information now, my Host,” Noe’s clear voice cut through the gloom and I almost shuddered by the sudden interruption.

Welcome, Aspirants, to the Third Trial! Due to an error in your party’s registration, the contents of this Trial have deviated from the standards. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Apologize my ass! I bet the Overseer’s laughing his blurred ass off right now.

Clear Conditions: Survive and [CONTENTS CORRUPTED DUE TO ERROR 2353].

Yeah, it was definitely the Overseer’s work now. Of course, my Trial’s clear conditions just so happened to be corrupted because my party was conveniently away from Pandora when the Trials started. All of it could be argued as pure coincidence if it was ever brought up to the Tribunal in the future. Too bad he didn’t seem to understand the exact nature of Q’s Anomaly if he thinks that’s going to hinder me at all.

Why do we always get these damn horror-set knockoffs for Trial locations? At least Father Marcus looked like he fit right in. There was one last point of interest that I wanted to observe closer, that being the weird nurse stationed at the reception desk, but the Regressor quickly pulled the Father and I back towards the exit.

The Trial will begin in 5 minutes, please gather with your teammates in that time. We wish you the best of luck.

“We don’t have time, so listen to me carefully,” Jae-Hyun said quickly, the look on his face was furrowed with concern. I’ve never seen the man like this before. Just how bad was our current situation for him to act like this?

“Please explain,” Marcus said evenly, “Walter and I trust your judgment.”

He looked at me, “Remember when I said that in the rare case that we enter a Trial with rules?”

I sighed, “Let me guess, we’re in one of them right now?”

“Yes," he muttered, "and it’s one of the worst ones.”


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