Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 512 Is this the strength that a school hospital should have?

Zhang Peng's father had undoubtedly seen strong winds and waves, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart, and even panicked, fearing what he would face next.

But he also knows that running away won't solve the problem.

He mustered up all his strength to push open the door to the communication room and entered it.

The communication room is just a small room with a small window connected to the inside of the operating room.

If the doctor has something to communicate with the family members, they will ask the family members to come here.

Opening the door, a figure was already sitting inside.

It’s not Teacher Zhang, but Bei Feng.

Bei Feng wore a hood, disposable gloves, and surgical gown.

Everyone who enters the operating room must wear them. They are worn once and are discarded. One set costs a lot of money.

However, Xingchen Academy spends tens of millions to train students, so naturally it will not be stingy.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry..."

Bei Feng spoke.

Zhang Peng's father smiled miserably: "Little brother, there is no need to comfort us, just take out the documents and let me sign them!"

"Don't feel any psychological pressure, because it's me who makes the decision and it has nothing to do with you."

"So no matter what the outcome is, I don't blame you."

"I'm really rich, so don't worry about medical expenses. Please do everything you can to save my son."

"Thank you..."

The wife on one side couldn't help crying, but she tried her best to endure it.

I was afraid that the crying would spread from the small window to the operating room at the back and affect the doctor's operation.

But this kind of forcibly suppressed crying makes those who listen feel even more uncomfortable.

But Bei Feng, who was sitting at the small window, was stunned.

"Brother Zhang and sister-in-law, what are you doing? Are you still signing documents? Where did you think you were?"

Bei Feng was a little helpless and probably understood what was going on.

Zhang Peng's father was stunned when he heard this: "If you ask us to come in, isn't it because the child's condition is not very good and we need to sign a consent form?"

Hearing this, Beifeng immediately shook his head.

He didn't expect that Brother Zhang, who was usually calm and steady, would panic to this extent.

Maybe parents are like this when it comes to dealing with their children.

Zhang Feng pushed out an iron box used by doctors to store sterilizing equipment and said, "This is not a critical illness notice. The child is in good condition."

"The reason why I asked you to come in is because I want you to see this..."

Zhang Peng's parents breathed a long sigh of relief when they heard that their child was doing well.

Only now did they care to see what was in the box.

In the middle of the box, there was an extremely tiny glass ball with blood stains on it.

Could this be the glass taken out of the heart of my own child?

Does the child really have glass in his heart?

And the glass has been taken out?

The two of them immediately looked at Bei Feng, and Bei Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, this piece of glass was just taken out of Xiaopeng's heart by the teacher."

"The teacher said that when the glass was taken out, it was already on the edge of a dent, and the blood could rush to other parts of the heart at any time. If it rushes out, it would be even more troublesome."

"So Brother Zhang, your decisiveness saved Xiaopeng."

Upon hearing this, the two of them immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

I felt extremely lucky in my heart.

Fortunately, I didn't insist on going to the Imperial Capital or Xiehe.

Otherwise, if glass breaks out halfway along the way, it will really be the end.

"Brother, I really don't know how to thank you."

Emotions were so high and low that even Zhang Peng's father couldn't help but speak.

If Bei Feng hadn't said today that he would let the teacher take a look, they might have just left.

Even if you go to Xiehe, you may not be able to find out that it is caused by glass ballast, and you don't know how long it will take.

It's really not certain whether his son can survive until that moment.

It can be said that Bei Feng saved their son's life twice.

Bei Feng waved his hand and did not take any credit: "Well, my teacher is better. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to see anything."

In fact, Bei Feng had already guessed the truth at that time.

However, due to lack of experience, I did not expect that the heart malformation would get stuck in the glass, resulting in no fluid accumulation.

"Your teacher is indeed very good. He found the glass in just half an hour."

"How long will it take?"

Zhang Peng's father asked expectantly.

Bei Feng thought for a while: "The teacher said that the sutures will take longer. After all, Zhang Peng is still a child. If the sutures are not good enough, it may affect future heart development."

"So it will probably take more than an hour."

"But you don't have to worry, the most dangerous part has passed, and there will be no problems from now on."

After listening, Zhang Peng's father quickly waved his hand: "No hurry, no rush, we are not in a hurry at all."

There is definitely no rush for this kind of thing.

Bei Feng nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.

What he didn't say was that the reason why it still took another hour was because the teacher deliberately slowed down the sewing speed so that they, the students, could see more clearly.

Beifeng came out just to reassure Zhang Peng's parents.

Now I am anxious to go back and continue watching the teacher suture.

The teacher's stitching technique is almost like creating something.

It was an eye-opener for Bei Feng.

Zhang Peng's parents were relieved and left the communication room.

Those self-media workers had been standing outside the door for a long time. After hearing this, they quickly asked: "Is the child okay?"

Zhang Peng's mother nodded with joy: "The child is very good. There is really a glass in the child's heart, and it is quite big..."

"The doctors took it out and showed us."

"The next step is to suture it. The operation will definitely be a perfect success."

"As expected of a teacher from Star Academy, he is really amazing..."

Hearing this, several people looked happy.

It's best if the child is fine.

And they also got the breaking news they wanted.

Who would have thought that the child who was injured at the airport would have a piece of glass flowing into his heart.

The First Affiliated Hospital did not find out the cause of the disease, and the child's parents were preparing to go to Xingchen University. However, the cause was finally found out at the Xingchen Campus Hospital and the operation was successful.

This news is simply not too topical.

Several people followed Zhang Peng's parents and waited patiently.

Waiting for the moment when the surgery is officially over.

And at the moment when time comes to one o'clock.

The automatic door to the operating room finally opened.

Teacher Zhang and several doctors walked out first and saw Zhang Peng's parents nodded: "The operation was successful! Don't worry."

Hearing this, Zhang Peng's parents were very happy and immediately rushed up to express their gratitude.

Teacher Zhang waved his hand, indicating that he would have to eat and rest next, as he would have classes in the afternoon.

After saying that, he left neatly.

Immediately afterwards, the nurse and several medical students from Beifeng pushed Zhang Peng out.

Looking at their son on the hospital bed, the two couldn't stop crying.

My son really suffered too much.

But fortunately, the operation was successful and everything went well...

At this moment, both of them sincerely thanked Star Academy.

Because Star Academy saved their son's life twice.

On the Internet, the discussion about Xingchen Medical College only became popular yesterday.

The popularity after opening was not very high.

After all, there is no shortage of hospitals in the country, let alone school hospitals.

So no one took it too seriously.

Only a few netizens posted questions asking how good the Xingchen Campus Hospital is.

But not many people pay attention.

After all, it's a hospital, that's all.

Beifeng became popular before because the surgery was done at the airport, which was too rare.

But this kind of surgery is performed in China every day, not 10,000, but 8,000.

It's actually not surprising.

No wonder netizens are not interested.

But in the evening, the popularity of a video on Xiaopo's website caused the Xingchen Campus Hospital to completely explode.

The title of the video is very popular: "Visit to Xingchen Campus Hospital: The Airport Boy Whose Lives were Saved Twice by Xingchen Academy"

Netizens were a little surprised when they saw the name of this video.

Everyone knows who the Airport Boy is.

Aren't you already being treated well? Why did he appear in the campus hospital of Star College again?

real or fake? And why did he only save two lives?

Isn't this just to gain popularity?

Many netizens were attracted by this title and immediately clicked on the video.

The content of the video is not very long.

Just under eight minutes.

At the beginning, a big face appeared: "Today I came to Xingchen Campus Hospital for treatment. I originally wanted to experience the new model of Xingchen Campus Hospital to see whether it is effective and whether it can really facilitate patients."

"And are all Xingchen medical students as good as Bei Feng?"

"But I won't talk about this in today's video, because I met the parents of the previous airport boy on the fourth floor of the Xingchen Campus Hospital, and they were anxiously guarding the door of the operating room."

"I also know them. After all, during the Chinese New Year, the textbook-level rescue video at the airport spread directly to the entire Internet."

"Why did they come to the hospital again? And why were they waiting in front of the operating room?"

"So, out of curiosity, I went to ask..."

"From the child's mother's mouth, I learned a shocking fact, that is, the child's body has not fully recovered, and the heart often suffers from stabbing pain, but the cause cannot be found."

"The parents of the child originally planned to go to Xingchen University for medical treatment, but at the Xingchen Campus Hospital, they got the result..."

The content of the video is undoubtedly particularly attractive.

As more and more video content is revealed, netizens are getting worried.

None of them expected that the airport boy was still suffering from the original accident.

Another piece of glass actually flowed into his heart.

It's really heartbreaking.

But the performance of Xingchen Campus Hospital shocked all netizens.

The best No. 1 Affiliated Hospital in Tianhai City could not find any problems after several days of inspection.

At the Xingchen Campus Hospital, the doctor who attended the clinic found out the cause of the disease in just a few minutes.

And it only took half an hour to take out the glass.

In one and a half hours, the entire operation was completed.

This made all viewers clearly aware of how powerful the clinical medical teachers at Xingchen College were.

Finally, the child is pushed out of the ward and the video ends.

But the shock this video has brought to the entire Internet has obviously just begun.

"It was the first time I knew that glass could still flow in the blood. That little boy was really pitiful."

"The First Affiliated Hospital is recognized as the best local hospital in Tianhai City. However, the problems that the First Affiliated Hospital could not solve were solved in only one and a half hours by Teacher Xingchen. This gap is too big."

"I've always heard that the teaching staff at Xingchen College is outrageous, but when I felt it deeply, I realized how outrageous it is."

"No wonder they can teach such an excellent student like Bei Feng..."

"A hospital that can perform heart surgery, you tell me this is a school hospital?" (End of this chapter)

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