Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 516 Isn’t this just a waste of money?

After the group simply notified the news.

The teacher asked all finance majors to go to the auditorium for a meeting in an hour.

In the college's auditorium.

The teacher will tell you the specific details of this practice.

The excited students did not waste any time and walked towards the auditorium while discussing in twos and threes.

Chu Guang and others were naturally among the crowd, with excitement on their faces.

Soon, the finance majors arrived.

The teacher stood on the stage and began to explain the specific rules to everyone.

The college has registered Star Financial Company not long ago.

Students who are interested in participating in this investment practice can apply.

After obtaining the qualification, you can use your student account to log in to the financial company's internal system and operate your own quota.

The amount of 100 million will be divided equally according to the number of participating students.

If all students participate, that will be a quota of 100,000 per person.

All finance majors are extremely excited about this number.

This is one hundred thousand!

You must know that the total tuition, fees, and accommodation fees for the college for an academic year are only 20,000.

They went to school for three years and only paid 60,000 yuan in tuition and fees.

Now the college directly provides a quota of 100,000 per person for them to invest.

After all, they still made 40,000 yuan...

Of course, the college gives you credits, not cash.

The teacher also said that it’s okay if you lose, and you’ll get a bonus if you make money, but it’s obviously impossible to withdraw the principal.

So don’t think about it.

But even so, the college is atmospheric enough.

Looking around the world, no college dares to give students such a high amount of money to invest.

At my own college, I really don’t plan to make money from tuition fees.

That tuition fee has long been returned to students with various benefits.

For those majors in the later stages of college, it is estimated that the subsidies given by the college to students are more than the tuition fees.

The only one who doesn't take tuition fees seriously and still pays for teaching students is probably his own Xingchen Academy.

After giving the students time to express their feelings, the teacher then explained the rules to the students: "First of all, the use of leverage is prohibited in this practice."

"You can use your own quota individually, or you can form a group with several students and pool the quota into one account for collective use."

“Secondly, the college’s investment system can invest in all domestic and foreign stock markets, funds, futures, and contract markets.”

"For investments in foreign markets, the quota can be directly converted into equivalent foreign currencies."

"The college has sufficient foreign currency reserves, so there is no need to worry."

"And your investment will be monitored by the background. Although the principal does not care about losses, he cares more about you being able to apply what you have learned and grow in the real investment market."

“But investment is risky, so you still have to think twice.”

"The college will score you based on your investment rate of return. If you usually have poor grades and the investment rate of return is too ugly, it may result in insufficient scores when you graduate, and you will be unable to graduate and have to retake the course for another year."

"If the operation is really outrageous, the teacher will not stand it and may even terminate your practical qualification early."

"So all students should do what they can."

"That's basically what I want to say. Next, everyone can consider whether to work alone as a lone ranger, or form a group on their own."

"I would also recommend students to form groups. After all, you all know that real financial investment is not based on feelings or a sudden change of mind. The key is to collect and organize information and make correct judgments through data."

"Whoever has more key information is more likely to benefit from the investment market..."

"You did a great job last summer."

"Okay, that's all! Send the registration form to my email before tomorrow night..."

"The meeting is dismissed!"

After Shi Shiran, the director of the finance major, finished speaking, he simply declared the meeting to be adjourned.

This can be regarded as a consistent tradition of Star Academy.

In any group activities, school leaders will not make long speeches.

If you can't help but say it, don't say it. If you have to say it, try to say it in the shortest possible language.

The director left.

The excitement of the students did not diminish at all. They gathered together in twos and threes to discuss the college's investment practice rules this time.

Students majoring in finance are undoubtedly very enthusiastic about investing.

After all, as college students, except for a few rich brothers, most of them have little money.

I have learned so much financial knowledge, but I have never put it to use.

I can only use the college's investment simulation system every day to get addicted.

No matter whether you lose or make money, it is still just a bunch of numbers.

Now that I finally have the opportunity to practice it myself, control a large amount of funds, and compete with various retail bankers, how can I not let them look forward to it.

But they also listened to what the teacher said.

For any investment to have a high success rate, you must ensure that you have sufficient information.

The reason why retail investors can never beat large institutions is that in addition to the gap in fund size, information is not as well-informed as that of large institutions. This is also one of the reasons.

For example, when buying stocks, you always need to know the company's ownership structure, operating financial reports, price-to-earnings ratio and other data.

But knowing this is not enough, you need to know more information.

For example, when is the release period for the shares of the company's major shareholders?

What is the debt situation?

What is the industry share?

Does the company have any strong competitors?

Is there any possibility of financial fraud?

Is the major shareholder in good health? Is he sick? If he dies, will the company fall into a struggle for power and profit?

There are really too many things to consider when investing.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may be cut off.

The futures market is changing rapidly, so more information needs to be analyzed.

Collecting and analyzing information is not that simple.

Although we are in the Internet age, there is far more junk information than you imagine.

It takes a lot of work to accurately filter out effective information.

So form groups and collaborate with each other.

This is the best choice.

Chu Guang's side had the most students surrounding him.

Chu Guang was also telling everyone his thoughts: "The domestic stock market was 2,700 points ten years ago, and it will still be 2,700 points ten years later. The most important thing is that the penalty is too low."

"Many major shareholders have violated regulations and made hundreds of millions and billions, but only received fines of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands."

"This kind of punishment is completely painless and painless."

"Financial fraud is a common phenomenon. Each listed company is better at cutting leeks than the other. Even outrageous announcements such as scallops running away are shameless. So I don't plan to involve domestic investment here, mainly these big bosses." , cutting leeks is really not a show at all!”

"So I mainly plan to invest in foreign markets."

"Because the rate of return on this investment is related to the grades of all students. So my plan is to diversify investment funds and spread risks."

"I plan to invest 30% of my funds in buying stable funds."

"Forty percent of the funds are invested in the stock market."

"Thirty percent of the funds are invested in the futures market."

"In this way, even if we lose money on investment in one area, we can recover in other places. Even if we fail to judge the trend correctly and we are cut off abroad, at least 30% of the funds can be guaranteed to remain."

Chu Guang was thinking while talking about his rough investment plan to the students who were interested in forming a team with him.

Hearing this, the students all nodded in agreement.

This portfolio can only be described as somewhat solid, but not particularly solid.

After all, with futures, it has little to do with stability.

But we are all students. Now we get the investment quota, obviously not for the sake of stability.

Otherwise, if you buy government bonds directly, you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

But at the same time, the risk is too high.

By then, the college will have lost all its money. Let’s not talk about grades or anything else, and it will look too ugly on my face.

After all, students from so many majors in the college have let the college down over the years.

You can't go to their financial major here.

In one fell swoop, the college lost all its 100 million yuan.

Then they are the worst students in the college, and even their finance majors are in disgrace.

What is the strongest major in the college? Everyone has their own opinions and there is endless debate.

But they must never let their finance major become the worst major in the college.

Maybe it's because Chu Guang is really popular.

In the end, the number of students willing to join Chu Guang's group reached about 200.

The amount controlled by Chu Guang's team directly reached 20 million.

Of course, not all of the 200 students will participate in investment practice.

Many people choose to paddle and only pay quotas without doing any work.

The main theme is a person who trusts Chu Guang and waits for the money.

The teacher has promised that if the investment makes money, 30% of the profit will belong to the students.

Chu Guang would naturally not refuse this. The more funds he holds in his hand, the more opportunities he has.

A total of 20 million yuan was about to be in his hands, and Chu Guang was only excited.

In the end, sophomore students majoring in finance from Xingchen formed seventeen groups.

There are also more than ten students who do not join the group and are ready to fight alone as lone rangers.

After submitting the registration form, a group of students still couldn't calm down.

All the students are discussing which company and stock they are optimistic about.

Some have even begun to imagine that they dominate the financial market, step on Masayoshi Son, punch Buffett, and become the god of investment for a generation.

How much should I sell for a lunch by myself?

The Xingchen finance majors were so excited that they naturally couldn't hide the news.

The news that Xingchen College had invested 100 million yuan, with an average of 100,000 yuan per student, spread all over the Internet in an instant.

Netizens who were still talking about Xingchen Campus Hospital were shocked when they saw the news.

real or fake?

Give students real money to invest?

And it’s such a big deal?

Most netizens are familiar with the financial profession.

It is not uncommon for teachers to assign homework and ask students to invest in stocks.

But the problem is that people use software to simulate buying and selling in the stock market and finally calculate the rate of return.

No one will feel bad if you lose like this. After all, it is just a virtual number.

But Star Academy actually gives money to students to invest, which is simply crazy.

Although everyone recognizes the teaching level of Star Academy.

But the financial industry is different.

The investment market is unpredictable.

There are financial giants everywhere waiting to cut leeks.

Moreover, these giant crocodiles have no moral ethics, so they will cut off small amounts as well as large sums.

Not to mention students, even experts and professors in the financial industry will suffer losses when they deserve it.

Not to mention a group of students.

Your Xingchen Academy may be rich, but you can’t do this!

That’s 100 million.

Your Xingchen Academy took out all the students’ tuition fees and added some to charity?

Netizens all expressed that they couldn’t understand. (End of this chapter)

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