Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Strange World

“What are you doing?!” Li Qianqiu raised his eyebrows and asked the same question, and then he would pull out the steel knife behind him. Although they were both of the “Qian” generation, they seemed to be incompatible.

“Hey, hey, why are you fighting again?” Zhou Junxian hurried over and stuck his body between the two to stop them from clashing.

“Master Zhou, he wants to lose my friend!” Wang Qianchen’s pupils were a little red, he always felt guilty for Song Bo’s death, he always felt that he brought disaster to the other party, and now Li Qianqiu doesn’t even let go of the body , how could he accept it!

“Xiao Wang, I understand your feelings, but your friend was killed by a monster. His body is not suitable for exposure to the public, let alone inspected and buried in a normal way. For the sake of social harmony and stability, his body The corpse must be disposed of by the demon slayer. Also, since he died at the hands of the monster, the military will give his family a pension for other reasons, so you don’t need to worry about the funeral.” Zhou Junxian persuaded patiently.

“Military? Why is this still related to the military?” Wang Qianchen was still puzzled.

“Because Monster Slayer is an organization affiliated with the military, and they maintain the security of the country at another level!” Zhou Junxian still explained in a gentle manner, and he didn’t know if he was so good to Wang Qianchen, or to everyone.

But all people, especially those in Daxia, have a kind of heartfelt admiration for the soldiers. They fought **** battles and defended the motherland, so that our years will be peaceful and peaceful and prosperous.

After learning that the demon slayer belonged to the military, Wang Qianchen looked at Li Qianqiu a little differently. Although he was still a little annoyed, he also had a little more admiration.

“What will they do with my friend’s body?” Wang Qianchen asked again worriedly.

“Cremation, there is a special cremation factory.” Zhou Junxian replied again.

After Wang Qianchen pondered for a while, he let go of Song Bo’s body, but his eyes were always on his face. Song Bo was lying on the ground, his throat was completely slit, the blood had dried up, sticking to his neck sticky, and his face still had a look of horror that didn’t have time to dissipate.

“The supreme pardon, the solitary soul of surpassing Ru, the ghosts and all, the four lives of grace…” Li Qianqiu murmured, took out the demon bell and shook it gently, and Song Bo’s body disappeared.

At this moment, Wang Qianchen’s tears fell, and his best friend passed away like this!

Then, Li Qianqiu did the same, and “exceeded” the dead dogs, and then bowed to Zhou Junxian and left the City God Temple.

After he left, the “Qingming Space” above the Temple of the City God also failed, and those who were still looking for dogs in the Temple of the City God finally saw the world that was previously shielded.

“Niuniu, mom finally found you!”

“Where’s my Beibei? Where is it?”

“Flower! Flower!”

A burst of yelling sounded, it can be said that several families were happy and several families were sad, and before these people appeared, Zhou Junxian dragged Wang Qianchen into the hall.

“I’m going back, do you have anything else to ask me?” In a corner of the hall, Zhou Junxian asked in a low voice.

Wang Qianchen raised his head and glanced at the clay statue next to him, and asked uncertainly, “Are you…really the City God God?”

“Yes!” Zhou Junxian nodded with a hint of pride in his expression.

“Then you are very weak, you can’t even handle a monster!”

“…” Zhou Junxian’s mouth twitched slightly.

“No, I’m really curious, because in the legend, although the City God is not a particularly powerful god, he is also a big bull who can guard a city. The rat demon before should not be too powerful…” Wang Qianchen didn’t dislike Zhou Junxian, But Li Qianqiu, a mortal person can kill the rat demon, but a city **** who really has a **** position has nothing to do, which is indeed a bit unacceptable.

Zhou Junxian was silent for a while, sighed a long time, and then said: “First of all, I am not a military commander, I was only a doctor before I died, and I was conferred a **** after my death because I was admired by everyone; secondly, I did not have a substantial body. There is no way to carry out regular cultivation, I can only rely on the incense of everyone, first in the heaven to exchange for success and virtue, and then convert it into my spiritual power… That is to say, the more incense, the stronger my spiritual power!”

“Your incense is very strong, and people come to worship it during the festivals…”

“Don’t worry, wait for me to finish.” Zhou Junxian still explained patiently: “But since a hundred years ago, I suddenly lost contact with the heavens, and the incense can no longer be replaced by virtue, and I don’t say it is a conversion. I have become spiritual power, and even my life is maintained by this thing, so I am getting weaker and weaker… Now as long as I am a monster, I can ride on my head arbitrarily! I, the city god, have long been Existing in name only, if it weren’t for the existence of the Monster Slayer, the entire Luzhou City would be in chaos!”

“Disconnected? Why did you lose contact?” Wang Qianchen suddenly realized that he was in contact with a completely unfamiliar world.

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