Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Yin Damage Plan

Qi Yan?

Wang Qianchen immediately recalled the young female nurse with a ponytail and big eyes. Qi Yan is the most popular nurse in the Department of Hematology because she is patient, gentle, lovely, beautiful, and she works extremely conscientiously and responsibly. like her very much.

Wang Qianchen couldn’t make it a few times before, and Song Bo was also busy working outside, so he would ask Qi Yan to help take care of his father, and Qi Yan never shied away, even if it wasn’t her class that day, she would find a colleague to deliver meals to her father.

Thinking of Qi Yan, Wang Qianchen felt a burst of warmth in his heart. In fact, he felt that he and Qi Yan had a good impression of each other. During this period of time when his father was sick, the two were involved and communicated a lot, and jokes and jokes were also common. , but because of his work and his father, he never thought about it, nor dared to think about it.

“Well, I must thank her well!” Wang Qianchen nodded.

“What are you thanking for this little thing? Just pay me for the meal. It cost fifty-seven yuan in three days. I’ll give you a zero, and you can give me sixty!” He was talking. , a nurse in white overalls pushed in.

“Qi Yan!” Wang Qianchen turned around and smiled at the nurse.

“You’re so busy, when will you be promoted to manager?” Qi Yan came over and joked with a smile.

“When I get promoted to manager, I will definitely invite you to dinner!” Wang Qianchen said solemnly.

“Hey, then I’ll just wait!” Qi Yan smiled again, then turned around, “Uncle Wang, Uncle Chen, how are you feeling today?”

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Qianchen borrowed a charger and charged the phone that had been turned off. As soon as the phone was turned on, there were many reminders of missed calls, most of which were from the company, from the personnel department, as well as colleagues from the sales department.

Wang Qianchen first opened WeChat, transferred 60 yuan to Qi Yan, then walked outside the ward, called his colleague first, learned about the company’s situation, and then called the personnel department.

“Wang Qianchen, why didn’t you come to work for three days?” The manager of the personnel department spoke softly, probably because he knew that Wang Qianchen would be on an equal footing with himself soon.

“I’m sorry, I’m busy with some private matters…”

“Hehe, what about Director Liu and Zhao Mingquan? When Zhao Mingquan was the manager, you were his favorite general, so it’s normal for you to handle it! The company is now in charge of Director You, when will you come back? He asked you to go to a trip!”

“Well, I’ll go back as soon as possible!” Wang Qianchen expected what was going on. Before becoming a [Monster Slayer] temporarily hopeless, he would first be a manager to get through the immediate difficulties. After all, his father’s medical expenses were a lot of expenses.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qianchen thought about it, and then summoned up the courage to call Song Bo’s mother.

Song Bo’s mother’s health is also not very good. He and Song Bo are good friends and often walk around and help each other.

“Auntie—” Wang Qianchen called immediately after the call was connected.

“Xiaochen, you can be regarded as a call back. Yesterday, someone from the military suddenly came over and told me that they were interested in Xiaobo and wanted to call Xiaobo to join the army to the frontier. They said that they would not be able to return in a short time. I have a lot of money… what’s going on, can you tell Auntie?” Song Bo’s mother’s voice was anxious.

Wang Qianchen didn’t expect the military to inform Song Bo’s mother in this way, so he quickly sorted out his thoughts, and then said: “Auntie, I also heard about this, it is his honor that Xiaobo can be recruited into the army. , I’m too late to envy… Xiaobo really won’t be back in the short term, he said he was going to perform a secret mission, and asked me to take care of you before leaving! Auntie, if you have anything, just call me!”

“Okay, okay, it’s good if it’s true, I thought he was deceived… Xiaochen, auntie is fine, she can take care of herself, just take care of your dad’s side…”

“Okay, Auntie, then I’ll hang up first!”

Before the tears flowed and the voice choked, Wang Qianchen hung up the phone in a panic, and then the two eye circles quickly turned red, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Recalling Song Bo’s tragic situation, Wang Qianchen still felt very uncomfortable.

Damn monster, why kill innocent people indiscriminately?

“Have you heard that Qi Yan is going to mention the head nurse!”

“Ah? Why? She’s only in her early twenties, and she hasn’t worked for a few years. She needs qualifications and no qualifications, and she needs a background without a background. Why is she?”

“Don’t you know, Qi Yanduo is a good man. She’s beautiful and small-mouthed. Every month, Keli receives many letters of praise from patients praising her! The patients like her, and the leaders like her too!”

“Hey, she is a saucy. She seduces people everywhere because of her beauty. I don’t know which leader’s thigh she is hugging!”

“But she is going to be the head nurse, and we all have to listen to her in the future. What can you do!”

“She wants to be the head nurse? It’s not that easy! Isn’t she going to infuse the patient in bed number 3 in a moment? I’ll give her some other medicines that are not fatal but can cause accidents! Haha, to be the head nurse? Let’s do her Spring and Autumn Dream…”

“You still have a way…”

At this moment, the conversation of two women suddenly came from the nurse station. Although their voices were very low and low, Wang Qianchen, who has super hearing ability, heard it right away.

Listening to the two nurses’ shady plans, Wang Qianchen couldn’t help but take a deep breath…

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