Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Wealthy Disease

The middle-aged man had a firm look, holding a jet-black steel knife in his hand, and strode towards the company building across the road.

The breeze blew, gently blowing the hem of his clothes.

The sun shines on him.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a peerless swordsman.


At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly slipped his feet and fell to the ground with a bang. The black knife in his hand also flew high, and then hit him on the top of the head with a bang. Down, if the tip of the knife is pointing down, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

“Niang Xipi… Who is so incompetent…” The middle-aged man covered his ankles and looked back at the banana peel on the ground.

“Monster, it’s your fate, I’ll take care of you later!” The middle-aged man glanced at his swollen ankle, then looked up at the company building opposite, he could only sigh helplessly, stood up reluctantly, and picked up the black knife Inserted behind the back, limped away.

On the top floor of Luda Company, in the office of Chairman Liu Feng.

Liu Feng pressed Du Xue on the desk, and the two were kissing affectionately. The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Zhao Mingquan walked in with great strides. I can’t blame Liu Feng for not locking the door. Who is the whole company? Do you dare to come in without knocking on the door?

“Dong Liu, you’re looking for me…” Zhao Mingquan said halfway through, his eyes widened.

“Ming…Mingquan, why are you here…” Liu Feng crawled off Du Xue in a panic, and Du Xue was also quite surprised, and quickly got off the desk.

“Old…wife…” Zhao Mingquan stared blankly at the disheveled Du Xue.

“I was drowning just now, and Liu Dong is helping me with artificial respiration!” Du Xue said in a hurry, and tidied up his clothes by the way.

“Yes, yes, your wife is drowning, and I am helping her with artificial respiration!” Liu Feng panicked, his brain was obviously amused, and he hurriedly agreed, and at the same time fastened his trouser belt.

“It turned out to be drowning, hahaha, I thought you two were having an affair!” Zhao Mingquan walked towards the two with a smile, picked up a flower pot when passing by the windowsill, and smashed it **** Liu Feng’s head.

With a “crashing” sound, the flowerpot shattered, and the blood mixed with the soil slipped from the top of Liu Feng’s head.

“You **** think I’m an idiot?!” Zhao Mingquan roared, his eyes turned red, and then he picked up everything he could from the desk and smashed it on Liu Feng’s head…

Zhao Mingquan, the sales manager, and Liu Feng, the chairman of the board, fought each other. The roars and curses spread throughout the corridor. The whole company was in chaos, and everyone put down their work to watch the fun.

Wang Qianchen, who also saw this scene, shook his head helplessly. He originally came to resign, but accidentally learned the secret of Liu Feng and Du Xue, and told Zhao Mingquan…

Forget it, let’s go back first, it’s impossible to resign successfully today, it’s better to go home and think about how to use your abilities!

At noon, Wang Qianchen first went to the hospital to deliver food to his father.

My father has a blood disease. This disease is known as the disease of wealth. It can’t be cured, but it can’t die. He needs to spend money constantly. Nearly half of Wang Qianchen’s monthly salary is on it, so he still only dares to eat domestic products. Do not dare to eat imported medicines!

The mother passed away a long time ago, and now the father and son depend on each other, and the burden of life falls on Wang Qianchen alone.

“Why did you come half an hour early today?” Father asked weakly while lying on the bed.

“Well, I’m fine today, I got off work early!” Wang Qianchen answered casually, sitting by the bed and opening the lunch box.

“Just make up nonsense…” Father seemed to see that Wang Qianchen was lying, and shook his head: “If you work for others, just do it well, don’t try to fish, don’t take advantage of loopholes, and don’t embarrass your manager! I’ll follow you. Said, that manager of yours is very good, he has come to see me several times quietly, and even gave me 3,000 yuan, and he won’t let me tell you…”

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment. Combined with what happened in the morning, it was not difficult to come to the conclusion that “Zhao Mingquan is cold on the outside and hot on the inside”, and then nodded and gave a soft “um”.

After serving his father’s meal, Wang Qianchen went to the doctor to chat again, and learned about his father’s recent physical condition, as well as the follow-up treatment and costs.

“Son, you’ve worked hard…” Seeing Wang Qianchen busy, turbid tears flowed from the corners of his father’s eyes, sliding over his face that had long been pale due to illness.

“It’s okay Dad, we’ll get better soon!” Wang Qianchen smiled.

I just tested my sprinting ability this morning. It is no problem to easily crush Bolt. Wang Qianchen planned to participate in the competition to get the bonus, but as time passed, he calmed down and began to think about the feasibility of this plan.

He is in his early twenties and has never had the experience of an athlete before. He suddenly ran to the Olympics and crushed Bolt. I am afraid that he will be carried by the Academy of Sciences for research in the next second, right?

There must be something wrong with his body, and it may have considerable scientific value. Although Wang Qianchen also wants to find out what happened to him, the premise is to make money first, otherwise, if he stays on the operating bed every day, he will also make money. ah?

It is better to go to the sprint competition in the city first, then the provincial, national, step by step, to create a feeling of “God rewards hard work”, and you can’t be discovered by people as soon as you come up!

After making up his mind, Wang Qianchen bid farewell to his father and left the hospital. He still had to go to the company to go through the formal process to resign, otherwise he would not be able to get his previous salary. At this stage, he still needs this money.

As a result, when I arrived at the company, I found out that because the chairman was sent to the hospital in the morning and the manager was taken to the police station, there is no one in the whole company who can handle his affairs!

Wang Qianchen had to wait until after get off work and then go home.

When I returned to the rented bungalow, I saw a figure shaking in front of the unit’s door from a distance.

“Manager Zhao? You are not in the police station…” Wang Qianchen looked surprised when he approached, and recognized that the man was Zhao Mingquan, the manager.

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