Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: I’M Not A Monster

Chairman Liu is… eating Zhao Mingquan’s body? !

Wang Qianchen’s eyes widened, he had never seen such a terrifying picture in his life.

“Little Wang…” Liu Feng raised his head and also recognized the employee of the sales department.

“It’s such a coincidence that I actually met you… I had no choice but to kill you together!” Under the faint moonlight, Liu Feng’s blood dripping mouth showed a sinister smile, and then he took two short legs, Quickly rushed towards Wang Qianchen.

Liu Feng’s body can be described as fat and short in two words, which is quite in line with most middle-class bosses. Can you not gain weight by eating and drinking every day?

His health has always been poor. More than one person in the company has seen him struggling to go up three floors. He was so tired that he was out of breath and sweating profusely after walking a little bit.

But at this moment, his speed turned out to be surprisingly high, and he reached Wang Qianchen almost in the blink of an eye, then opened his mouth full of blood and exuding a rancid smell, and bit Wang Qianchen’s neck fiercely.

Wang Qianchen instinctively turned around, ran fast, and ran frantically towards the gate of the community.


Wang Qianchen’s pace is extremely fast, rushing in the old and unmanned community, this is the speed that Bolt can’t match, but it is surprising that Liu Feng is not much slower than him, and he is always close behind!

Just this morning, Wang Qianchen thought he was the fastest runner in the world, but he slapped his face at night.

The two quickly left the community one after the other, and then ran towards the opposite alley.

Not long after the two left, a middle-aged man with a black knife appeared under the pavilion in the community.

He had appeared on the road opposite Luda Company before, and he was going to “kill the demon”, but the plan was disrupted by a piece of banana peel.

“Are you still a step late?” Looking at Zhao Mingquan’s body, the middle-aged man fell into deep thought.

At this time, he is no longer tired and has no injuries on his body. He wears a brand-new black windbreaker on his shoulders. A big golden word “Chop” is attached to the back of the windbreaker, making him look mysterious and mysterious. The second is like a popular anime character in COS.

Zhao Mingquan’s neck was still gushing blood, and he even made a “guru” sound.

The middle-aged man squatted down to observe the wound carefully.

“Drip Bell-”

Just then, his cell phone rang.

“Hello, captain…” The middle-aged man answered the phone.

“Have you caught that monster?” A cold voice came from the phone.

“No, I came a step late. There was a victim at the scene, but the blood was still hot, so I shouldn’t have gone far!” The middle-aged man responded immediately.

“If you run away, stop chasing, we have three missing one, why don’t you come?” the captain asked tentatively.

“…Captain, when are you still playing mahjong, we are monster slayers!” The middle-aged man’s tone was very helpless.

“No, the person is already dead, it’s useless for you to chase him. Don’t you know where his base camp is? You can’t catch him when he goes back tomorrow. Come, come, come, I’m wearing red pants today, and I even gave him The God of Wealth burns three sticks of incense, and he will surely kill you all to pieces!”

“Captain, let’s play, I’ll track that monster again!”

The middle-aged man hung up the phone, then took off the golden bell from his waist and placed it on Zhao Mingquan’s body.


The middle-aged man shook the bell gently, and at the same time whispered something in his mouth, Zhao Mingquan’s body disappeared in an instant, and even the bloodstains next to him disappeared. It seemed that this tragedy had never happened.

in the alley.

Wang Qianchen dashed forward frantically. Since he possessed the characteristics of a dog, his night vision ability has also been greatly improved. He was walking on the ground in the dark alley, and then Liu Feng was always with him, only seven or eight meters away from him!

However, at this moment, a wall suddenly appeared in front of him, at least three meters high.

This is a dead end!

Wang Qianchen could only stop, and turned around in a panic.

“Hey, can’t you run away?” Liu Feng also stopped, showing a sinister smile, with blood still remaining on the corner of his mouth.

“You… What the **** are you?” Cold sweat dripped down Wang Qianchen’s forehead. He suspected that Liu Feng was not human at all, and no one could run so fast!

“Hey, we are all monsters, what are you pretending to be?” Liu Feng raised the back of his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips, making him even more weird.

“You… you are a monster?” Wang Qianchen showed an incredible look. Isn’t this thing only found in legends, how could it appear in real life?

“Still pretending? You’re not a monster, how can you run so fast?” Liu Feng smiled playfully, “Xiao Wang, you’ve worked under me for so long, I didn’t expect us to be of the same kind, and you’re pretty good too. Zangha! Logically speaking, we are both monsters, and it is not easy to live in this world. We should cherish each other…Unfortunately, if you see me killing people, then I can’t keep you, because I still want to live well !”

“I…not a monster!” Wang Qianchen replied instinctively.

“Hey, there are no outsiders here, so don’t be so careful! I think this place is pretty good, and the Monster Slayer won’t be here for a while, why don’t we both show our true colors and fight?” Liu Feng said while prostrate. On the ground, his head was held high, and his face became hideous.

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