Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 903

Chapter 901: Fierce Blue Whale King

This answer was both legitimate and ingenious. It was obviously Lao Man who killed the man, but it showed that he was thinking about the Blue Whale King.

The Blue Whale King seemed to be persuaded, nodded and said, “It’s a big deal, and it’s worth making such a fuss? Yelling in my bedroom is really indecent, good kill!”

Lao Man sighed, lowered his head and said, “I would like to serve you all the time.”

Wang Qianchen was also relieved, it seemed that Lao Man was fine, he was freed from the crisis, but also deceived the Blue Whale King. This IQ and this emotional quotient are unusual among monsters, and he is even more determined to include him in the future.

“But the corpse can’t be wasted…” said the blue whale king, and suddenly opened his big mouth. The mouth was just a normal size at first. As a huge whale head appeared, the mouth also expanded, like a small mouth. The cave swallowed the dolphin in an instant.

Lao Man was so frightened that his face turned pale, but he forcibly complimented: “King Whale really has a good appetite.”

“Haha, my appetite has always been good, one dolphin is not enough, I can still eat a moray!” The Blue Whale King turned his head sharply, and took another bite at Lao Man.

Lao Man didn’t have time to react, but felt a stench coming from his face, and he was immediately shrouded in darkness.

Not to mention Lao Man, even Wang Qianchen didn’t react. He thought that this crisis was over, and he was planning to incorporate Lao Man in the future. Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, people would fall into the belly of the Blue Whale King!

“Murdering in my territory is really useless…” The Blue Whale King hiccupped, this time he was really full, and then returned to the bedroom slowly, and the other monsters followed suit. scattered.

The courtyard was quiet again, as if nothing had happened. The talkative, enthusiastic, and always helpful middle-aged man seemed to have never existed.

With the sound of “Om—” Wang Qianchen’s mind went numb in an instant. He didn’t feel that he had any relationship with Lao Man. He just said a few words from the beginning to the end and helped him a few times.

But Lao Man’s death is really related to him!

If it wasn’t to protect him, Lao Man would definitely, never die!

For a moment, Wang Qianchen almost jumped up excitedly, wanting to kill the Blue Whale King to pieces on the spot!

But he finally calmed down, not because of the whereabouts of the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Rune, but considering the many monsters on the island and his own strength limitations, he forcibly endured this breath!

It wasn’t until night fell that Wang Qianchen fell from the seven-star flower, sneaked out of the palace stealthily, and then flew into the sky with a bang. He doesn’t plan to find some kind of pure spirit. It’s not too late for a **** gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He wants the life of the Blue Whale King now, even if it’s just for someone who hasn’t seen each other a few times, but gave it to himself. The monster of life!

While flying in the direction of Qingcheng Mountain, Wang Qianchen called He Jun and planned to borrow the Qingyun sword to kill the Blue Whale King with a carbine.

If other monsters dare to stop it, they will slaughter the entire Blue Whale Island!

The phone got through, but no one answered.

Wang Qianchen felt strange. After flying to Qingcheng Mountain, he went in concealed. Although there were restrictions, it was not difficult for him. When he came to He Jun’s room, it was empty.

Moved his nose, but did not find any smell of He Jun.

This shows that He Jun has been away for at least a few hours.

Strange thing, where did He Jun go at night?

Without the Qingyun Sword, he could still borrow the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover, but Wang Qianchen didn’t do that, because he knew that the demon ancestor was still fighting Du Hong’s idea, so he should not let the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover leave Du Hong’s side – at this time, he Of course, I don’t know that Du Hong and He Jun have “disappeared”.

If you can’t borrow an artifact, then shake a person, which has the same effect.

Without He Jun, Du Hong can’t go out, and other monsters can’t help, so there is only one candidate left – Tan Zuo!

Wang Qianchen is responsible for destroying the Blue Whale King, and Tan Zuo is responsible for containing other monsters on the island-is this plan okay?

So Wang Qianchen made a phone call to Tan Zuo.

“Hello?” Tan Zuo picked it up immediately, but his voice was a little weak, and it seemed inconvenient to speak.

“Where are you?” Wang Qianchen asked suspiciously.

“I’m in the East China Sea…” Tan Zuo’s voice was still very small.

“!!!” Wang Qianchen was surprised.

Wang Qianchen wanted to ask Tan Zuo to go to the East China Sea to kill the Blue Whale King, but he was in the East China Sea. What kind of fate was this?

But at the same time, he also knew that Tan Zuo was Yuezhou’s demon slayer captain, and he would definitely not go to the East China Sea for no reason.

“What did you do over there?” Wang Qianchen was very puzzled.

“Because of the Qingyun Sword of Qingcheng Mountain and the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover of Putuo Mountain, my master has been under a lot of pressure recently, and he also wanted to build an artifact Zhenshan. After inquiring and searching, I finally got some clues. There is a man named ‘Hunyuan’. The thing of the One Qi Taiqing Talisman is on the Montenegro Islands in the East China Sea, and it has a specific location! Our master and apprentice traveled across the ocean to come here, but we found something incredible…” Speaking of which, Tan Zuo sighed deeply.

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