Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 929

Chapter 928: Mysterious Man Reappears

Tan Zuo is really busy, all kinds of people have to be received, all kinds of things have to be dealt with, and there is no time to ask other things.

The night before Mao Shijiu’s burial, Tan Zuo kept the spirit as usual, lying beside the coffin wrapped in a quilt. They often deal with dead people, and naturally they are not afraid of such things.

In the middle of the night, his phone suddenly rang.

Ten minutes later, Tan Zuo came to another hill outside Maoshan.

A tall, dark man walked up to him.

“Son, how are you doing?” The Black Bear King smiled naively.

“I’m not your son…” Tan Zuo said that he was tired and didn’t bother to mention it again, so he asked directly, “What’s the matter?”

The Black Bear King asked, “Who is the person who took you and Mao Nineteen to the Heishan Islands when he changed into me? Lord Donghuang wanted to find out, and said he was thankful for his life-saving grace.”

Tan Zuo asked again and again, and determined that Bai Kuanghai did not have any malicious intentions, so he said, “It’s Wang Qianchen. He was entrusted by me and my master to change your appearance and go to the Montenegro Islands.”

The Black Bear King grinned and said, “I guessed it was him! Haha, it’s alright, then you’re busy, I’ll go first!”

The black bear king turned and disappeared into the jungle.

Tan Zuo also returned to Maoshan.

After Mao’s burial ceremony was over, the inauguration ceremony of the headmaster was held immediately.

After a busy day, it’s time for everyone to disperse, and the public affairs have been dealt with. Now it’s time to close the door and deal with some private matters.

In the main hall, Tan Zuo sat firmly in the seat of the head, with the guardians and elders on both sides.

“Sun Liu.” Tan Zuo suddenly called out a name.

“Sect Master.” The guardian called “Sun Liu” quickly stood up and stood in the hall respectfully.

“Take it.” Tan Zuo pointed at him and said.

A group of Dharma protectors and elders immediately jumped up and pressed him to the ground in an instant.

Since the first day back to Maoshan, Tan Zuo has been watched secretly by him, and now that the dust has settled, it is time to close the net.

It was him who provided Mao Nineteen with the news of the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Rune.

“Master, what did I do wrong?!” Sun Liu was surprised at first, and then asked loudly.

“What did you do, don’t you know? Drag it down and have a good trial!” Tan Zuo waved his hand and got up and left the hall.

Sun Liu was taken down and held for questioning.

After solving this matter, Tan Zuo came to a study.

This study was where Mao Shijiu worked before, but now it is owned by Tan Zuo. He has been tired for many days, and plans to deal with some official documents before taking a good sleep.

Maoshan is a big sect, there are many things inside and out, where are there traces of monsters, where is the business problem – of course Maoshan has its own business, otherwise how to feed a bunch of people – or which sect or family wants to visit , which disciple under the sect made a mistake, it must be resolved one by one.

When Tan Zuo was researching these matters, Mo Yueer would doze on the case next to him, but because his sleeping position was not comfortable enough, he would get up and pinching his neck from time to time.

“If you are tired, go back to rest first.” Tan Zuo couldn’t bear to say something.

Tan Zuo found a thatched cottage in the back mountain for Mo Yueer to temporarily live in, but Mo Yueer rarely went back and always liked to stick to him.

“I’m not going back, I want to be with my brother.” Mo Yueer hadn’t seen her relatives for a hundred years, and she finally had Tan Zuo, so she wanted to be with him 24 hours a day.

“You have to have your own life, the back mountain is full of spiritual energy, you can…”

Before he could finish speaking, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Tan Zuo sat upright, posing as the head of the sect, and at the same time motioned for Mo Yue’er to sit down as well.

“Squeak”, the door opened.

Someone walked in.

“Why are you here?” Tan Zuo looked surprised when he saw the person who came, and immediately got up to meet him.

“You came so fast!” Mo Yue’er also stood up and greeted her with the same look of joy.

But the next second, someone grabbed Tan Zuo’s neck.

“What… what’s going on…” Tan Zuo stared, obviously unable to believe that the other party would do such a thing.

“Are you crazy, what are you doing!” Mo Yue’er was also surprised and rushed towards the man.

The man swung his hand sharply and slashed it on Mo Yue’er’s neck.

Mo Yueer didn’t snort, and passed out on the spot.

“You…why…” Tan Zuo said with difficulty, still not believing that the other party would do such a thing!

He struggled hard, but there was no resistance in front of this man.

This person’s strength is far superior to him!

“Where is the talisman of Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing?” the other party asked coldly.

“If you want, I’ll give it to you…” Tan Zuo stretched his hand to his waist, where there was a rune bag, which originally held various runes, and could also store other things.

The other party grabbed the rune bag, and then slashed Tan Zuo’s head with a knife.

Tan Zuo passed out on the spot.

Then, the man grabbed Tan Zuo with one hand and the rune bag with the other, and disappeared instantly.

Only Mo Yueer was still lying on the ground quietly.

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