Urban Inventor

Chapter 407 - Chimpanzee Civilization and Lizardman Civilization

The residents of the immigration fleet led by Zhang Wei, after more than five years of interstellar voyage, will finally reach their new home. A new era and a better life are about to start.

In the solar system, China has unified the earth for eight years. During these eight years, China has maintained a high-speed development attitude and built the solar system into a paradise-like place. Due to the greatly improved productivity, welfare has also been corresponding Even if you are a lazy person, you will not be hungry, and even a little soft girl coins are used for entertainment.

However, class differentiation is becoming more and more obvious. The elite class has injected the best genetic evolution fluid, enjoyed a longer life span, implanted a biological computer, has extraordinary personal abilities, and has extremely rich resources. There are many families And the consortium has its own fleet. Most of the bottom of the society are only injected with ordinary genetic evolution fluids, and are not eligible for implantation in biological computers. Although life is worry-free, food and education are free, but that is all. It is worth mentioning that the country actually provides a good ascending channel for the bottom of the society. As long as the contribution reaches level 2, biocomputers can be implanted free of charge. With biocomputers, as long as you work hard, you will definitely become a scientist, at least a middle class class. However, the nine sons of Longsheng are different. The difference between people’s ideas is too great. Some people are unwilling to work hard and brush up their contribution. Especially in Africa, this phenomenon is extremely common, which also makes black people occupy the vast majority of the bottom of the society, while the elite class is mainly yellow and white, mostly Chinese before the unification of the earth.

National integration has also proceeded smoothly, especially cultural integration. Now, Chinese culture has become the absolute mainstream culture. The official language is only one Chinese language. Chinese courses must be set up in the school. Novels, news, and other aspects of life are also mainly Chinese. Children grown up in this environment, whether they are yellow, white, or black, are all Chinese people. They are very familiar with Chinese history and culture. Recognition is also very high, and they are confused about their own culture and history, and they are not very concerned. In fact, most children think they are a member of the Chinese nation. Well, the government also propagates and educates in this way.

In addition, the Chinese nation’s road to stars and the sea is also in full swing.

In these years, the unmanned detectors sent by the future technology company on February 19, 2027 have reached Barnard Star (6.0 light years), Woolf 359 stars (7.7 light years), Brand 2147 Stars (8.2 light years), uv stars cetaceans (8.4 light years), Sirius (8.7 light years), Ross 154 stars (9.5 light years), and found that there are higher intelligent civilizations of uv stars and sirian stars, among which uv cetaceans Star ’s wisdom race looks a little bit like a chimpanzee and a bit like a baboon. It has become a chimpanzee civilization by humans. This civilization is in the Iron Age and implements slavery; Sirius ’s wisdom race is a lizard man. This civilization is probably the first industrial revolution on earth. s level.

However, Zhang Wei did not intend to take all these stellar systems as his own. He only announced the ownership of a star Centauri, Barnard star and Woolf 359 star. These three star systems can already make the eternal kingdom It has been developing for many years, not to mention the wormhole. Therefore, Zhang Wei only sent two fleets consisting of 100 spaceships to Barnard Star and Woolf 359 Star respectively, where the two fleets will develop resources, establish industrial bases, and continuously build the universe Spaceship and robot army! As for immigration, it is still a very distant thing!

Zhang Wei’s disdain does not mean that other people’s despise. The human consortium and related forces in the solar system have been completely crazy. With the official acquiescence and support, many fleets have been sent to go to Zhang Wei. Proven galaxy, resource exploitation and colonization. As for how to deal with the chimpanzee civilization of uv star cetacean and the lizardman civilization of Sirius, the solar system has also turned upside down.

These two civilizations are different from the Tianma civilization. Take the chimpanzee civilization as an example. After the unmanned probe landed, it was worshiped by the chimpanzee civilization as a miracle. The wisdom brain of the unmanned probe was regarded as a **** by the chimpanzee. Therefore, it is generally believed that the chimpanzee civilization is well subdued and can be accepted as a vassal civilization of the earth’s civilization.

As for the lizardman civilization, although they have begun to enter the industrial society, they are too backward to pose a threat to humans, and their living standards are extremely backward. After the locals bring them advanced civilization and excellent life, they should I will thank Dade for the people of the earth and volunteer to join the civilization of the earth ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The most important thing is that the lizardman civilization has a small population of only 30 million, which is easy to be assimilated. Therefore, it was also suggested that the Lizardman civilization can also be regarded as a vassal civilization of the earth civilization.

At present, the official also intends to collect these two civilizations as vassal civilizations. According to Zhang Wei, the main purpose of the official is to use these two backward civilizations as test fields to accumulate the experience of interstellar colonization. Experts in the field are ready to design a set of effective interstellar colonization programs.

After the immigration fleet began to decelerate, another scientific popularization of the star Centauri was conducted within the fleet. Although the public had long been aware of these conditions, this work must be done as the destination approaches.

What’s more, the a star in Centaurus at this time is very different from a few years ago.

In this galaxy with three stars, more than two thousand spaceships shuttle around day and night. On many planets, mining sites can be seen everywhere, and mechanized and automated factories rise from the ground, just like a busy solar system.

The change of Pegasus is even bigger. No, it cannot be called Pegasus. Zhang Wei has personally ordered that the planet be named “Eternal Star”.

On the eternal star, all traces of the Tianma civilization have disappeared. Instead, the earth civilization has replaced not only ten large cities, but also animals like cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and pine trees that are common on the earth Bamboo dog tail grass and other plants.

People are happy to hear about these changes.

Soon, another 37 days passed, and the entire fleet was completely at rest.

“Look, look, we are here, this is the eternal star! Our new home!”

Inside the residence ship, people looked up to the sky, and the sky turned into a screen at this time, presenting the beautiful eternal star in front of everyone. (To be continued.)

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