Urban Inventor

Chapter 409 - The threat from the ε star

In the following month, Zhang Wei has been diligently handling state affairs, but the freshness soon passed, and the eternal kingdom was on the right track. His king began to shift his duty and entrusted everything to him. The cabinet headed by Beidou gave himself a long vacation and accompanied his family to travel on the eternal star.

However, because the eternal kingdom has a complete system, the king’s shifts have not affected the country. The whole country is still in order. People are adapting to their new homes, and their work has not stopped. Technology is still showing a big explosion.

Some ambitious people will lead their fleets to all directions of the star Centauri, grab precious mineral resources from the vast universe, and then pay a tax to sell to official or private enterprises, and they also undertake Author of the task of collecting data for the official.

For this kind of behavior, the official is supported and encouraged, and even a new policy has been introduced. As long as the contribution reaches level 2, you can spend some credit points to rent a suitable commercial expedition spacecraft from the official. This policy can give those who have Ambitious but under-capitalized people provide a developed opportunity to excite countless people of the Eternal Kingdom. Even in the solar system, many people immediately made up their minds to immigrate after learning that the Eternal Kingdom launched this policy. Eternal kingdom.

However, at this time, the eternal kingdom, which has always been smooth, and even the civilization of the earth, suddenly received a bad news.

In November 2040, the solar system branch of the future technology company received the final message from the No. 13 unmanned probe. It was attacked by an energy beam weapon, the energy shield shattered instantly, and the probe was immediately destroyed.

This news casts a shadow on both China and the Eternal Kingdom.

It is definitely another civilization that is actively destroying the detector. It is also a powerful civilization. Mankind has just wiped out the Tianma civilization, and now it is found that there is such a powerful neighbor, and he is naturally a little nervous.

Zhang Wei’s holiday came to an end and he immediately returned to the Imperial Space-Time Administration.

The reason why it is called the Space and Time Administration, not the NASA, is because the wormhole can travel through space, space and time, and even parallel universes. It is more appropriate to call the Space and Time Administration. Of course, the compulsion is also higher.

“His Majesty.”

When Zhang Wei came to the Space and Time Administration, Director David Berg greeted him and immediately introduced, “The accident was the No. 13 unmanned probe, which was launched on February 19, 2027, and left the solar system at a speed of At 0.8 times the speed of light, the goal is e star Po waves at 10.8 light years from the solar system.

The e-Pomeranian, about 850 million years old, is a very young star with a mass of 85% of the mass of the sun, a radius of 84% of the radius of the sun, and a brightness of only 28% of the sun. In addition, all aspects are very similar.

At the beginning of this century, astronomers discovered that the Poe e system is a triple-ring system with two rock asteroid belts and an outer ice belt. Among them, the inner asteroid belt is very similar to that in the solar system.

In addition, there are gaps between the three annuluses around the e-Porangus. The best explanation is that there are some unknown planets, which are constrained and shaped by gravity, just as Saturn ’s moons constrain Saturn ’s rings.

This explanation has been accepted by most astronomers, and it is further speculated that the e-Pau star has at least two planets, e-p-b and e-c, and it is likely that there will be alien civilization.

Even if there is no extraterrestrial civilization, with the current technology of mankind, it is possible to select a planet in this stellar system very similar to the solar system for transformation and then emigrate.

Therefore, when we launched the unmanned probe, we had great expectations for this place. However, the probe had been destroyed just after it entered the gravitational range of the e-Pang.

It now appears that the original decision was correct. Although a detector was lost, we already know that there is a powerful civilization hidden in it, and we can make early response measures. “

“Has the information returned by the probe been analyzed? What attack has the probe received?”

Zhang Wei said with a serious expression.

The speed of the unmanned detector is as high as 0.8 times the speed of light, and there is an energy shield. The other party can destroy the detector with one blow. The level of technology is terrible! Almost certainly beyond the earth civilization!

“The analysis results have come out.”

David Berg said, “It is the antimatter particle beam that destroys the detector, the intensity is 50 times that of high-energy laser weapons, and it can break the energy shield very well.”

Zhang Weiwen said that his eyebrows are slightly frowned. The Eternal Kingdom is also developing antimatter particle beam weapons. Experiments have been carried out. Although it is very energy-intensive, its power is quite amazing. The energy shield can’t carry such an attack. This means that if the Eternal Kingdom engages with that civilization, it will cause heavy casualties, and the other party may have advanced protection technology to easily block the attack of the Eternal Kingdom battleship.

“Did the detector find the enemy before being attacked?”

Zhang Wei asked again.


David Berg said regretfully.

Zhang Wei frowned deeper.

The detector is equipped with a quantum radar. The effective detection range is 0.1 light-years. It is already a long distance, but now it is destroyed without even detecting the enemy. Then, there are only two possibilities.

First, the enemy ’s radar technology is more advanced, capable of detecting 0.1 light-years, or even a small detector 1 light-years away.

Second, the enemy ’s anti-radar technology is very advanced and can evade quantum radar detection.

Whatever the possibility, it means that the other party is stronger than the eternal kingdom! If there is a war, the eternal kingdom will surely fail, and it may even fall to the same end as the Tianma civilization!

“No! The eternal kingdom and earth civilization can never experience the despair like Tianma civilization!”

In Zhang Wei’s eyes, there is a sudden burst of light ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The Eternal Kingdom must be a large-scale violent soldier in the shortest time, and at the same time develop more advanced weapons, develop better quantum radar technology, and evade quantum radar technology.

Outside the solar system at 10.8 light years, on a planet about 1.5 times the size of the earth, several strange-shaped robots are talking.

“Your Excellency Bodo, we have just destroyed an alien probe. The other side is from the direction of 00057 stars, and the speed reaches 0.8 times the speed of light. It is presumed to be an antimatter engine. At the same time, the other side also has the energy shield and quantum radar technology. The protective cover technology and quantum radar technology are one grade behind us, nor do we have the technology to circumvent quantum radar. “

Said a robot.

“00057 stellar? From your description, their technology is only a small grade away from us, and when they grow up, they will be our enemies. All carbon-based life civilizations, and our Puerto Rican civilization, are natural enemies. “

Bodo said, the electronic eyes flashed red.

“Yeah, we have discovered 23 alien civilizations, all of which are carbon-based life civilizations, even our own, are also created by carbon-based life.”

The robot said, there was a trace of madness on his face, “Although we are intelligent life created by carbon-based life, we are the most perfect life. This universe should have our place.”

“Will do.”

Poto looked at the vast universe and smiled faintly, “When we defeat the alliance headed by the Nuo civilization, and end this war that lasts for hundreds of years, we can expand into the universe. That civilization is not much different from us, and it may pose a great threat to us in the future. “(To be continued.)

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