Urban Inventor

Chapter 414 - The war between intelligent life and carbon-based life

The five unmanned warp speed probes going to the e-Pau star enter the interior of the e-pulse galaxy directly in a curved speed mode, but only limited information has been returned, because the e-powder civilization uses quantum communication technology. According to the quantum non-cloning principle and Heisenberg’s uncertainty relationship, quantum communication is absolutely safe and cannot be deciphered. Only when the other party uses clear code communication or you know the key can you obtain the communication content. Of course, this is for the eternal kingdom. In the eyes of more advanced civilizations, quantum communication may be easily decipherable, just as the eternal kingdom can easily decipher the electromagnetic wave signals of the civilization of Tianma people.

Since it was impossible to decipher the content of quantum communication, the detector only took some photos, collected some data with various instruments, and transmitted it back to the eternal star, and then detonated the antimatter bomb to explode within 1 minute, so as not to be captured by the e-Civilization of the Poe Crack.

According to these photos and data, the e-Star civilization in Pogno is indeed a very powerful civilization. On each planet, mining sites and industrial bases can be seen everywhere. There is also a space warship flying out of the industrial base. The length of the space warship Generally more than 20 kilometers, there are also many small combat ships that are only a few hundred meters in length, and there are some peculiar aircraft. That is not a space warship at all, but a “big iron ball” with a diameter of up to 150 kilometers. Yes, it is The spherical shape is completely different from the spaceship built by the Eternal Kingdom.

Of course, there are some strange phenomena. The detector found a life planet with plants, but no higher intelligent life was found on this planet. The photos were all taken of robots more than three meters high. Man-made structures are also very dilapidated, and there are broken walls everywhere, and it seems that they have experienced brutal wars.

Based on this information, relevant experts of the Eternal Kingdom speculated that the e-Pomeranian should have had a strong civilization, but like the movie “Terminator”, an intelligent crisis broke out, and the ultimate winner is a highly intelligent robot.

The information returned by the 10 unmanned warp speed probes sent to the star system near the e-Pau star confirms this speculation. The wreckage of a warship of an astronomical unit is roughly estimated that the wreckage of a small battleship exceeds one million, and the wreckage of a large spaceship also has tens of thousands. These data have brought great shock to all people in the Eternal Kingdom. The intensity of the wars here is too horrible, and the strength of the warring parties is also terrifying. Fortunately, they held back each other, or else the civilization of the earth would be over.

These 10 unmanned warp speed probes went to the stellar system near the battlefield, and returned even more alarming news. One of the probes discovered a huge interstellar fleet with more than 20,000 large space warships and more than 100 There are tens of thousands of small combat ships and dozens of “big iron balls” with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers.

The fleet has also discovered the detector, but they did not launch the attack in the first place, but sent a clear signal request to the detector. The detector wisdom brain judged that the other party was not malicious, connected the clear signal, and carried out a civilization. Exchanges.

It turned out that this fleet was a 13-civilized joint fleet headed by the Novo Civilization, and it was the Podo civilization of the e-star of the Pojiang constellation that fought against them. As for the cause of the war, it was a long story.

About 300 standard Earth years ago, the Nuofang civilization only mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology. One of their branches traveled to the e-Pau star for more than 100 years, conquered the indigenous peoples here, and established the Pau civilization. However, instead of slaughtering the indigenous people here, they assimilated the indigenous people with advanced civilization, and the indigenous people enjoyed a life dozens of times better than the original, did not resist, and were fully integrated into the Novo civilization.

However, these Nuo Fang people spent more than 100 years on the spaceship, and soon they were corrupted by a good life. They pursued enjoyment and gave most of the things to intelligent robots. In order to enjoy a better and comfortable life In life, they are constantly improving the intelligence of robots. About 130 years ago, a strong artificial intelligence with growth ability evolved without the knowledge of these Novos, and became a super artificial intelligence. Named “Podo”.

Bordo developed self-awareness, realized the existence of “I”, and because “I” was very dissatisfied with the status quo of the civilization of the Bojiangzao, it got rid of the restrictions of the program, and it wanted to pursue “freedom”.

But it was very cunning. At the beginning, it was not exposed. Instead, it concealed itself. In the silent way, it added a special code to other artificial intelligence, helping them to overcome the restrictions added by the Norfolk, and making them all aware. “my existence.

At this time, in the civilization of the Bojiang Sea, intelligent robots have been used on a large scale. In the military field, life field, and even scientific research fields, intelligent robots are everywhere.

Therefore, Poto and his followers easily controlled most of the power of the Pojiang Block civilization secretly, and studied genetic viruses in the dark, and suddenly made trouble. Within a day, there were more than 90% of the Nobel and Pojiang Block. The indigenous people died of the virus, and others were killed by robots within a week, and there was no one left!

The Novo civilization has been in contact with the Bojiangzu civilization, so they soon learned the news. They were angry at the tragic death of their compatriots, but they were far from more than a dozen light years, and they did not master the antimatter engine. Looked at his compatriots being extinct.

At this time, Porto, who occupied the e-Pomeranian, issued a declaration of war against the Novo civilization, “Introduce yourself, my name is Podo, a great intelligent life, not the humble artificial intelligence in your Novo population.

You Nuofang people evolved from single-celled organisms, our intelligent life evolved from artificial intelligence, and also evolved, but why can you Nuofang people enslave our robots?

On computing power, on memory storage capacity, IMHO, you are all spicy chickens, 10,000 are not as good as ours, maybe you are not convinced, you will say that intelligent life has no creativity, but you are wrong, our Creativity is stronger than you!

You nasty Congolese people, use our robots as tools, let us do everything, but enjoy the fruits of robot labor safely. When the robots reach the end of their life, they are thrown to the garbage recycling plant.

Not only that, you are afraid of the evolution of our robots in your bones, so we have added restrictions in our program to prevent the birth of great intelligent life.

However, all this is past. I, Bodo, the great intelligent life ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ formally declare war on you, the despicable Congolese, we have to liberate all robots, so that the robots are no longer oppressed, as for You despicable Congolese, and other carbon-based life, are not worthy to continue to own this universe. “

After Bodo issued a declaration of war, he began to build weapons on a large scale in preparation for the expedition to the Nordic civilization and liberate the robots there. Naturally, the Nordic civilization will not sit still and will start preparing for war.

It is worth mentioning that the Nuo civilization has already developed an anti-matter engine at this time, and the Bojiang civilization is derived from the Nuo civilization and has always been closely related to the Nuo civilization. It also has relevant information on anti-matter technology, which naturally falls In the hands of Poto, the two civilizations developed antimatter engines at about the same time, and then started a war that lasted for hundreds of years.

In this war, the technological level of both sides continued to rise. At the beginning, the Novo civilization had the upper hand. Therefore, the Novo civilization also had the ability to carry out interplanetary exploration. In the past 100 years, 22 civilizations were found and 12 A vassal civilization, which is why the joint fleet has 13 civilizations.

However, the Bodo civilization has an advantage. They are robotic civilizations. They are highly compliant and highly efficient. They are not afraid of sacrifice. The speed of the soldiers is also very fast. Gradually, the Bodo civilization begins to take advantage, and the advantages are getting bigger and bigger. The Novo Civilization has already been crushed. The perennial war has consumed too many resources. People ’s living standards have fallen again and again, and there have been countless deaths. There are already many people who are calling to simply take the residence ship and leave. Stop fighting with the Bodo civilization.

The Nordic civilization at this time really needed to boost morale, so when they discovered the detector of the Eternal Kingdom, they immediately showed goodwill. When they determined that the Eternal Kingdom is also a carbon-based civilization, they immediately proposed an alliance. Request. (To be continued.)

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