Urban Inventor

Chapter 429 - Replacement plan

Within a range of 100 light-years in diameter, there are more than 100,000 stars, more than 600,000 life planets, and tens of thousands of civilizations!

This information made everyone including Zhang Wei exclaimed. Compared with this star field, the solar system is really too scum. Only four or five light years away will there be a stellar system within 10 light years. There are only four civilization stars in the wave constellation 108 light years away from the solar system, not included. In the bright star field, even in the outer periphery of the star field, the distance between the stellar systems is only a few thousand astronomical units. One light year is about 632388 astronomical units. The further inward, the denser the star system, and some even There are many stellar systems clinging to each other. You can’t see this kind of grandeur around the solar system!

In addition, the resources here are also very rich, from the most common mineral resources such as iron, titanium, copper, to a variety of precious rare resources, the content is much higher than the solar system.

“As long as this place is conquered, the civilization of the earth hardly needs to worry about the living space, because it is enough to feed trillions of people.”

Zhang Wei murmured to himself after reading the obtained information carefully.

In fact, there is no need to conquer, just lay a site here is enough, because here is too rich!

And with the strength of the earth’s civilization, as long as it is well operated, there is a chance to gain a foothold here.

The Glorious Star Zone, although there are tens of thousands of civilizations, the most powerful civilization, the Hui nationality civilization, is only a fourth-level later civilization that has mastered the speed engine technology. Compared with the earth civilization that mastered the wormhole technology, they also have One grade worse. However, the Hui civilization has controlled more than 3,000 stellar systems, more than 10,000 life planets, and a population of more than one trillion. Compared with them, the earth civilization is too poor, and it is simply to lose the face of advanced civilization!

In addition to the Hui civilization, there are more than one hundred fourth-level civilizations, and the technological level of other civilizations is much worse, basically all are first-level civilizations and second-level civilizations.

Moreover, this star field is relatively chaotic, with constant battles, and the earth civilization has the opportunity to fish in muddy water.

“This bright star field is safe for us, and it is also a treasure that we cannot miss. As long as we stand here, we will have the opportunity to slowly erode to the surroundings in the future, and eventually take this place as our own, as our earth A place where civilization multiplies. “

Eternal Star, Empire State Building, Zhang Wei summoned all the high-rises of the Eternal Kingdom, revealing his ambitious plan. At this moment, his identity is not a great inventor, but a king of the eternal kingdom, an ambitious king.

“Tianyu can’t take it, I can bear the blame. In such a good place, I’m drooling. I think the main energy of the empire should be in the bright star field. As for the star system around the solar system, sooner or later it will be our flesh , There is no need to waste time and energy, or simply leave it to the civilian forces and the solar system to occupy. “

Qin Xiaobu said.

“The danger here is so rich, and it is really a rare treasure. We must not miss it. However, with our current strength, we must act with caution, and those more than one hundred level four civilizations are not irritating. , They occupy a wealth of resources, have a huge population, a large population base, there are enough talents, and it is easy to be born genius, so, although they are a four-level civilization, but the background of technology is stronger than us, Because we have developed too fast and accumulated insufficient in many aspects. Moreover, their military strength cannot be underestimated, and even a level 4 civilization, the fleet size is hundreds of times larger than ours. “

Liu Hai said cautiously.

“For the Glorious Star Field, we are outsiders. If we act too much, we may easily attract the eyes of hatred. Therefore, we must find ways to integrate into the Glorious Star Field and let them accept our existence.”

A senior empire continued.

“It is also important to note that there are more than one hundred fourth-level civilizations, but no fifth-level civilizations. If we expose the wormhole technology, these four-level civilizations will definitely be coveted. At that time, apart from using absolute Repression by force, otherwise it is almost impossible to stand here. However, although we stepped into the fifth-level civilization with one foot, we lacked accumulation and there is no absolute force that can suppress everything. “

Another said.

“Knowing yourself and knowing each other, you have won a lot of battles, we don’t know enough about the glorious star field, so we should first have a thorough understanding of the technology level, resource status, geographical and cultural environment, major forces, etc. here, to give future work lay the foundation.”

“I think we can start with the Stormwind Pirates. They are local forces, and because of their identity, they maintain a mysterious attitude and are not familiar to outsiders. We can implement a replacement plan and replace all their members with nanobots. Of course, before replacing, you need to use a mind reader to get their detailed information. “

Everyone at the scene enthusiastically put forward their own suggestions, and there was a greedy light in their eyes. No one was unmoved by this rich star field.

A week later, the empire announced the information of the shining star field opposite the wormhole, and announced its ambitious plan to advance into the shining star field, which caused a sudden boiling.

Scientists used to say that the solar system is a barren land at the end of the spiral arm of the Milky Way. People still have a little disapproval. Now, people have to accept this reality. People finally understand what is called rich ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ What is called barren!

Nima! This gap is too big!

At this time, scientists jumped out again. They said that according to the analysis of the Milky Way star map, the bright star field is about 7300 light-years away from the solar system, and it is still located outside the Milky Way. The real rich is the center of the Milky Way, where the star density and resources It’s beyond imagination, so work hard, let the earth civilization advance to the center of the galaxy as soon as possible!

Although people expressed great expectations for advancing into the center of the galaxy, they know that this is still a very distant thing. The current focus is to enter the glorious star field and get a foothold there as soon as possible. As citizens of the Eternal Kingdom and as a member of the earth’s civilization, they enthusiastically put forward their own suggestions to the Government of the Eternal Kingdom through the virtual world, hoping to do their best. And the consortiums of the Eternal Kingdom and China have also taken action, expressing their willingness to sponsor the Empire’s plan to advance into the Glorious Star Realm in exchange for a ticket to enter the Glorious Star Realm. The current head of China has also contacted Zhang Wei, hoping that the Eternal Kingdom can bring China to play together.

For a time, the Glorious Star Field touched everyone’s heart! To be continued. () “Urban Great Inventor” only represents the views of the author Silly Gump. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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