Urban Inventor

Chapter 435 - Accept 1 vassal civilization

The Glorious Star Front Democracy Front and the Communist Interstellar had not developed long before they were brutally suppressed by the rulers of the Glorious Star Field. White terror swept the entire Glorious Star Field. Countless democratic fighters and fighters were thrown into the prison, and even were shot.

However, under the leadership of the mysterious Benjamin Franklin and Marx, these two organizations are still growing rapidly, and the spark of revolution is brewing! From time to time, ideological guidance articles reach the members of the organization, inspiring everyone’s fighting spirit!

“Even if I die, there are thousands of me!”

“Not free, or die!”

“The banner of democracy will surely be inserted throughout the glorious star field!”

“The glorious star field in the future will definitely be the world of Chiqi!”

Countless people, armed with ideological weapons, joined the two organizations in secret.

These people are all different from the people of the earth. They have wings, some are round, some have not lost their hair, some have blue skin and green eyes, some have rough skin like rocks … Now they are united Together, under the guidance of ideas from earth civilization, under the wise leadership of Benjamin Franklin and Marx, struggle for their own ideals!

They are true warriors, not afraid of hardship or sacrifice, they are pure revolutionaries!

However, their spiritual leaders, their revolutionary mentors, are people who have not divorced from low-level fun, and are earthlings in vests and speculations!

Benjamin Franklin’s “player” is the former US President Donald Trump. Behind him, there is also a team of staff formed by former political experts from the United States, Britain and other Western countries. This team’s combat effectiveness is absolutely It’s bumpy!

Marx’s “player” is Professor Wang, a senior professor in the Department of Politics at Mars University, China’s first institution of higher learning. He has profound theoretical knowledge and an elite team behind him.

Behind these people, there is a behind-the-scenes hand-Zhang Wei, King of the Eternal Kingdom!

If the people of Glorious Star Realm understand the truth, they do n’t know how they will feel!

However, this truth is destined not to be exposed, even the people of the Eternal Kingdom do not know that the government is doing such a thing!

Under the impact of the wave of new ideas, the Glorious Star Field is undercurrent, the fire of revolution is about to burn, and the chaos is about to begin!

However, the small days of the earth’s civilization have lived happily. Both the Eternal Kingdom and China are expanding their armaments in an orderly manner while expanding to the periphery of the solar system!

The space of the universe is almost infinite, but in some areas, it is limited. Therefore, the expansion of the earth’s civilization will inevitably violate the rights and interests of other civilizations, making other civilizations feel uncomfortable!

19 light-years away from the solar system, in the vast space, a fleet of more than 20,000 space warships, residential ships and material ships is sailing away from the solar system.

This fleet is an old friend of the earth civilization, the Fleet of the Novo Civilization. They sold their 13 star systems to the Eternal Kingdom in 2056 on the earth’s calendar, and then set off in 2059. It has been 12 years now.

On a residential ship, Hebrel, the Patriarch of the Novo Civilization, was writing a memoir.

“The world is unpredictable! Ten years ago, we were still at war with the Puerto Rican civilization, and we were at a disadvantage. There were countless deaths. There were many people who called for a complete stay in the residence ship. Don’t continue to fight the Puerto Rican civilization.

“At this time, we met the earth civilization. After confirming that the earth civilization is a carbon-based civilization, we made a request for alliance. With the deepening of contact, we unexpectedly discovered that the earth civilization has a level 6 civilization literacy and high potential. It ’s terrible, except for small parts of technology such as energy shields and materials that circumvent quantum radar, it is ahead of us in technology and is far behind! And energy shields and other technologies are actually from the merchants of the universe. I bought it there! The civilization of the earth is really an enviable, jealous and hateful civilization.

“It is not a good thing to be a neighbor with the earth civilization, because they are too evil, and the development speed is simply not human. It is estimated that it will not be long before we can easily crush our Nuo civilization, so in order to retain our independence , Not to be annexed by the earth civilization, we decided to leave the mother star. We sold our territory, with a vassal civilization, embarked on the road of migration. “

“Now, we have set off for 12 years, and we have moved forward about 9 light years. This distance is far from enough, because the earth civilization has mastered the speed engine, which can reach 60 times the speed of light. It did n’t take long for the family to settle down, and the civilization of the earth expanded again. “

“Fortunately, the civilization of the earth is quite kind. They extended the lifespan to 500 years of genetic technology and a series of other technologies. The transaction was given to us, which greatly improved our overall strength! 500 years old, this is before Things that you dare not think about, with such a long life, scientists in our family can make a greater contribution, and promotion to a five-level civilization is not necessarily impossible! “

Hebrew wrote here, a trace of anticipation appeared in his eyes!

At this time, the void outside the ten astronomical units on the left of the fleet suddenly rippled, and five “big iron balls” with a diameter of up to 500 kilometers were drilled out of the void, and the fleet suddenly sounded an alarm.

“what happened?”

Hebrew called in the guards outside the door and asked.

The guard immediately contacted the fleet command center. After asking clearly, he reported to Hebrew, “Patriarch, five 500-kilometer-diameter aircraft suddenly appeared on the left side of the fleet. They have already contacted the other party, which is earth civilization. The warship of the warp speed, they came to us specially. “

“He came to us specifically?”

There was a bad feeling in Hebrew’s heart, but no matter what, he could not neglect the civilization of the earth, and said immediately, “Let them send representatives to our dwelling ship.”

After he finished speaking, he shook his head again and said, “Let me prepare a small aircraft, let’s go to their warship.”

There is no way. The Nuo civilization is the weak, and the earth civilization is the strong. It is only reasonable for the weak to see the strong.

A few hours later, the small aircraft Hebrew flew into a “big iron ball” and then met an acquaintance, Vice Premier of the Eternal Kingdom Liu Hai. Of course, Hebrew knew this was a stand-in.

“Premier Liu, long time no see.”

Hebrew stepped forward with a smile and shook hands with bangs.

Liu Hai also shook hands with Hebrew warmly and smiled softly, “Hebrew Patriarch, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I’m here to tell you something. Our eternal kingdom has made a breakthrough in material technology. The fast warship can already travel at a speed of 1024 times the speed of light, and we have traveled around 300 light years around, and found that there is no civilization enough to confront us, so we decided to divide the 300 light years around the solar system into the sphere of influence, We will evaluate the civilization that lives here. Those who pass the evaluation will have the qualification to be our vassal civilization. Those who fail to pass the evaluation will have to leave here or be eliminated by us. “

He looked at the awkward Hebrew and continued, “Norfolk civilization is our old friend, naturally qualified to be our vassal civilization, so I specifically told the Hebrew patriarch if the Novo civilization Unwilling to be our vassal civilization, we can only migrate to 300 light-years away from the solar system. However, the antimatter engine is only 0.8 times the speed of light. When you get there, it is more than 300 years later. At that time, we may have already 1000 light-years around the solar system are included in the sphere of influence! So, as a friend, I still recommend you to be our vassal civilization. “

Hebrew looked at bangs, crying without tears!

So far, is there any other choice for the Nuo civilization? Unless you have mastered the speed engine, you may always sail within the sphere of influence of the earth civilization, because the speed of the Novo civilization is not as fast as the expansion of the earth civilization!

What is this called!

Hebrew smiled bitterly in his heart, but his face smiled like a chrysanthemum ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Prime Minister Liu became the vassal civilization of earth civilization, and it is the honor of our Novo Civilization! “

“Haha! Rest assured, you will be well treated.”

Liu Hai smiled.

He is relatively friendly to the Novo civilization, because the earth civilization has seen thousands of civilization races. The Novo people are most like human beings, and also in line with human aesthetics. Except for the sharp ears, there is one more forehead Eyes are no different from humans! As for other civilized races, then huh, all kinds of demons and ghosts, some look disgusting!

So, this is fate! At this point, we must treat the Nuo civilization well! And in China, many people are thinking about Nuo Fang’s sister!

On the same day, Hebrew held a family meeting and announced this. What made him feel that people were not sad at all. They quickly accepted the reality and started cheering and celebrating! Well, this may be the character of Nuo Fang people, since you can’t resist, then lie down and enjoy! Besides, following the earth civilization can indeed lead a good life! (To be continued.)

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