Urban Inventor

Chapter 441 - Perfect gene

“The wisdom of these starry beasts is really invaluable. They are not like a beast. They know how to form, cooperate, and test each other. This can already be called a civilization, and it is still a powerful civilization. According to the division of scientific and technological civilization It belongs to the fourth stage of the late stage. They have super-light speed communication methods, can shuttle space in a short distance, and can also explode a magnetic field. It is really the size of the universe.

“We have captured two live behemoths, achieved our goals, and saved our comrades. There is no need to fight anymore. Although antimatter particle beams and magnetic field weapons are powerful, they consume too much energy. With the energy we carry, Such an attack cannot be carried out for a long time, and who knows whether those starry behemoths still have killer skills? In case the boat is overturned in the gutter, it is not worth the loss. “

Ye Chen thought in this way, and immediately ordered that the “big iron ball” and the curved speed spacecraft that are not working properly be **** with a rope.

This is done to tow the spaceships together for a cruising speed, leaving here, and at the speed of the curvy spacecraft, those starry sky monsters cannot catch up.

Soon, hundreds of curved speed ships opened their doors, and flew out of a type of aircraft. They came to the “big iron ball” and the ten curved speed ships that were not working properly, and used ropes to connect them with other spacecraft. Connected.

All of these ropes are more than ten meters thick and are made of materials built from the perspective of atomic nuclei. They are of high quality and will not break even if they are used to drag the moon.

At the same time, the war is still going on.

A batch of starry sky monsters launched a tentative attack on the fleet, either hit by antimatter particle beams, leaving no ash left, or under the attack of a magnetic field weapon, turned into a mud.

The starry monsters were frightened, and their eyes with a few kilometers in diameter showed a dignified look, and Ye Chen ’s expression was also dignified, because carrying out such a large-scale attack was too energy-consuming, and only half the time, the fleet ’s energy was consumed. It ’s only 3%, and the Star Behemoth has only more than two thousand dead. In this way, after the fleet ’s energy is consumed, the Star Beast is half left, and the fleet without energy is the iron knot that has no effect at all. , Can only let the sky behemoth!

Fortunately, after a long time, those “big iron balls” and curved ships that were not working properly have been connected to the normal curved ships by ropes.

A large number of medical robots have also been sent to the ten attacked warships for search and rescue. Fortunately, all astronauts are still alive. Although the state is very poor, with the medical technology of the eternal kingdom, as long as there is a breath , Can basically be saved, as for the body suffered irreversible damage, it is simpler, just change a body! Of course, you can’t change your head.

At this time, the starry monsters seemed to be brewing a big move, they suddenly opened a large mouth of blood basin, and the rolling black energy spewed out of the mouth, and then gathered together, swept toward the fleet, and the speed was close. The speed of light! At the same time, these starry sky monsters have also become languishing and seem to consume a lot of energy.

“Quick! Quick! Start the speed engine and leave here!”

Ye Chen hurriedly said that the energy consumption of the fleet was too fast, which made him feel pain, and the energy consumption was meaningless. Most importantly, he felt that those black energies were dangerous and might have caused serious damage to the fleet.

With Ye Chen’s order, all the warships started to move, started the warp speed engine, dragged the “big iron balls” and warp speed ships that did not work normally into the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Without a trace.

Seeing this scene, the starry monsters suddenly roared angrily. They had been in the starry sky for so many years. For the first time, they suffered such a big loss. Not only were two clan people arrested, but thousands of people were killed, and the enemy But nothing is left!

They seem unwilling to be reconciled. Under the leadership of the 1200-kilometer starry sky monster, they burrowed into the void, and not long after they drilled out of the void a few million kilometers away, and then continued into the void … … And the direction they are heading is exactly the direction of the caravan led by Ye Chen. This shows that they have a special understanding of space, and they can follow the path of the target all the way through the space.

Ten days later, 28 light-years later, more than 1,000 warships were drilled out of the void. Those injured astronauts have basically recovered. However, due to brain damage, their spirits are still a little weak, and those who cannot work normally The “big iron ball” and the curved spaceship have been repaired by the nanorobot.

“Immediately studying the obtained starry sky behemoths, we must figure out why they have the ability to shuttle space, why they can explode a strong magnetic field, how they communicate, and what is the black energy that is finally spit out, they are really There are too many secrets. “

Zhang Wei and thousands of scientists came here through avatars and immediately began research work. As for the experimental equipment, it is very simple and directly constructed by nano-robots.

It did n’t take long for the genetic map of the starry sky monster to be drawn. Zhang Wei took a closer look and muttered to himself, “Like the space creatures obtained from the Booth civilization, it is also silicon-based life, but this It is also normal. Only silicon-based life can survive in space with strong cosmic rays, almost no oxygen, and extremely low temperature. Carbon-based life is too hypocritical, and can only live in a superior environment like the earth. “

Immediately, he widened his eyes again, “How is it possible? The gene of the starry sky monster has no defects, no genetic diseases, no defective genes, and no foreign viruses. It has reached a perfect level. You know, humans pass genes Technology has solved the problem of genetic diseases. “

Zhang Wei immediately commanded, “Give me the Ebola virus, HIV virus, space virus 1 to 97, I will test the genes of the starry sky monster.”

The virus is actually a widely used weapon and can also be used for sale. Therefore, hundreds of highly destructive viruses were stored on this cosmic caravan, and it was not long before it was delivered to Zhang Wei.

“Give me these viruses separately into the cells of the starry sky monster ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ As the Taishan Beidou of the scientific community, of course, Zhang Wei does not need to do it by himself, only need to command those assistants.

“Doctor, the HIV virus cannot invade the cells of the starry monster completely, neither the Ebola virus nor all the space viruses … The starry monster seems to be immune to all viruses.”

Scientists who participated in the experiment were shocked, even with such a perfect gene, these starry sky monsters would not be illegitimate children of God, right? Super ability and immunity to viruses, this treatment is also very good!

Zhang Wei frowned slightly, and said, “Does there really exist such a perfect creature in nature? How do I think these starry sky monsters are made by other civilizations, and only artificially made genes are possible to be so perfect. However, this is also No, if the starry sky monsters are made by other civilizations, there must be someone controlling these monsters, but not. “

“Forget it, I don’t want to think about it first.”

Zhang Wei shook his head and continued to study. (To be continued …)

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