Urban Inventor

Chapter 456 - Open the door to dark matter


“The host invented the third-generation genetic evolution fluid to reward the introductory knowledge of dark matter and dark energy.”

The prompt sound of the big inventor system made Zhang Wei sit up excitedly. Although it is just an introductory knowledge, this is dark matter and dark energy!

When it comes to dark matter, Einstein must be mentioned. In 1915, Einstein inferred from his theory of relativity: the shape of the universe depends on the mass of the universe. He believes that the universe is limited and closed. If this is the case, the average density of matter in the universe must reach minus 30 cubic grams per cubic centimeter of 5 × 10. However, the density of the observable universe so far is 100 times smaller than this value. In other words, most of the matter in the universe is “missing,” and scientists call this “missing” matter “dark matter.”

In 2003, NASA first released a detailed all-sky cosmic microwave background radiation map, which finally confirmed that the entire universe is composed of 23% dark matter, 73% dark energy, and 4% ordinary matter. In December 2005, another research team in the United States proved the above scientific conclusions in the same way using other scientific methods.

In other words, the grass and trees, humans and various animals, mountains and rivers, sun, moon and stars, planetary stars, etc. of the visible world are just 4% of the ordinary matter in the universe. To make an image metaphor, The matter of the whole universe is like a pyramid. The matter we can see is just a little on the spire. The 23% part in the middle of the tower is dark matter. The huge foundation under the tower is 73% of the dark energy.

Since then, dark matter and dark energy have become hot spots in the scientific community, and have been recognized as the greatest opportunities humanity has faced in history. All scientists believe that only 4% of the ordinary matter in the universe has made us so hung up. When we demystify the dark matter and dark energy that account for 96% of the universe, our technology will embark on an unimaginable path!

In the folk, dark matter and dark energy have also become hot spots. Some authors of science fiction have proposed that the human soul is composed of dark matter; others have suggested that the original forces imagined in Star Wars can actually be explained by dark energy. The energy of heaven and earth, fighting energy, soul power and so on in the fantasy fantasy novel can also be explained by dark energy. When humans can control dark energy, they may become superpowers! After the civilization of the earth entered the universe, it also had a deeper understanding of the universe, knowing that there are mysterious spiritual civilizations outside the Milky Way. At this time, almost everyone believes that the so-called spiritual civilization must be related to dark energy.

Countries around the world are also very interested in exploring dark matter and dark energy. Before China unified the earth, Canada, the United States, Italy and other countries have built underground laboratories for dark matter and dark energy. China has also established the Jinping extremely deep underground dark matter laboratory. In 2015, a satellite called “Goku” was launched. The purpose of heaven is to find dark matter and dark energy. After Zhang Wei set up a future technology company, he also attached great importance to dark matter and dark energy, and invested a lot of capital and manpower.

However, the future is bright, and the road is tortuous. Scientists have determined that there is dark matter and dark energy in the universe, but they have n’t figured out what it is, even the basic physical properties. They only know that dark matter has a long life. , Does not emit light, does not interact with other substances. In this case, it is difficult to find dark matter. For example, we are going to find a person, only knowing that this person may exist, but what clothes this person is wearing and what he looks like, we have no idea at all, how can we still find someone? I can only try my luck!

Having said that, scientific discovery also sometimes depends on luck. The discovery of penicillin is a “lucky event” like a fantasy adventure; the famous “Viagra” also has a factor of luck. It was originally invented by scientists at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. A new cardiology drug, scientists hope it can treat angina pectoris. Unfortunately, “Viagra” has no obvious effect on patients with angina pectoris. However, male patients participating in clinical trials found that the drug has a peculiar “side effect”: it can Make their little brother get an erection quickly, and then it will benefit hundreds of millions of men around the world.

However, the luck of the scientists does not seem to be very good. It is now 2094. Even if the Eternal Kingdom has invested a lot of money, even if the scientists are all geniuses implanted in biological computers, dark matter and dark energy have not been found.

In fact, the same is true of the space technology of earth civilization. Scientists know that space exists, but they ca n’t see it and ca n’t measure it, making it impossible to study it. Until Zhang Wei opened the plug-in with the big inventor system and had the speed engine technology The wormhole technology allows scientists to see the space, measure the space, and obtain the parameters of the space. Only then has space technology made a breakthrough.

Now, the system has opened a plug-in for Zhang Wei, rewarding the introductory knowledge of dark matter and dark energy, which will help earth civilization to open the door of dark matter and dark energy! And Zhang Wei once again became the founder of theory!

“what happened?”

Ren Huaiyu asked curiously, she instinctively felt that Zhang Wei’s behavior was a bit strange.

“It’s okay, it’s just a sudden interest.”

Zhang Wei smiled, rolled over and pressed on Ren Huaiyu.

He is indeed intrigued. Of course, such a big happy event, of course, to celebrate.

As for the real reason, of course, he will not say it. He will always be buried deep in the heart of the big inventor system.

More than an hour later, at the first break, Ren Huaiyu lay lazily in Zhang Wei’s arms, feeling the wonderful aftertaste, Zhang Wei began to read the knowledge in his mind.

Then, he was a little speechless. The reward of the system was indeed the “introductory knowledge” of dark matter and dark energy. He only told Zhang Wei how to build equipment and what method to use to observe dark matter and dark energy.

However, this is also acceptable to him. The third generation of genetic evolution fluid has been successfully studied, and his lifespan has been extended to 3000 years old. Www.mtlnovel.com , Study dark matter and dark energy is a good choice! If the system rewards him with all knowledge, he will lose a lot of fun!

The next day, Zhang Wei got up from the top, had breakfast with Ren Huaiyu, and hurried to the Imperial Academy of Sciences. He was still more used to doing research work there.

With the current nano-robot technology in the Eternal Kingdom, what kind of equipment do you want to build? That is a matter of minutes. Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Wei built a device that can observe dark matter and dark energy. Then, he assembled a The dark matter and dark energy research team assigned tasks to each team member and started the experiment according to the observation method provided by the system.

Finally, the mystery of dark matter and dark energy is to be unveiled!

After the experiment started, Zhang Wei was all excited. From today, humanity will enter a new era, not only to further understand the origin of the universe, but also to demystify the soul and practice!

And he can also consolidate his position in the scientific community so that his juniors don’t think he is “dead!”

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