Urban Inventor

Chapter 463 - Domineering earth civilization

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Read the full text of the urban inventor! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

The king of behemoths opened his eyes vaguely, and found that he was still in space, and not far in front of it was the spaceship of earth civilization. Its first reaction was to launch an attack and destroy those humble bugs. Warship built.

However, just after the idea came into his mind, a powerful electric current suddenly appeared in his brain, making it tremble, and the saliva in the corner of his mouth flowed out unrestrained, just like a cerebral palsy patient.

This is the current released by the control chip after detecting the “dangerous intention” of the king of monsters. The intensity of the current is strictly calculated, which can cause the greatest punishment to the king of monsters, but will not leave sequela . By the way, one of the scientists involved in the design of the control chip was a descendant of the famous “Professor Yang who was shocked” at that time. It was really true that Professor Yang had a lot of research on electric shock therapy.

“Dragon reptiles, stop struggling in vain, and be a promising career as a pet.”

Liu Cheng drove the mech out of the spaceship and came to the eyes of the king of behemoths, and then transmitted his words to the mind of the king of beasts through the soul wave communication device.

“Humble bug! Are you the man of earth civilization?”

The king of beasts looked at the mecha with only hair in front of him and questioned.

“Big reptile, it seems that you haven’t learned how to be a qualified pet.”

Liu Cheng’s jokes made the king of the beasts angry. However, when he just wanted to launch an attack and crush the mecha in front of him like a crushing bug, the electric shock therapy, which was inherited from Professor Yang, began again.

This time, the king of beasts was not only drooled by electricity, but even tears were also electricity, and his body was pumped, just like the sheep’s seizures.

Once, twice … After experiencing thousands of shocks that are not as good as death, the King of Beasts has finally learned to be good, and no longer dares to have evil thoughts about the civilization of the earth.

Now, it wants to commit suicide, because the pride of the king makes it impossible to accept the facts before him.

However, it can’t even commit suicide, because when it gives birth to this idea, the electric shock will “come as scheduled”, making it lose its ability to act autonomously.

Once, twice … After undergoing an unknown number of electric shocks, the king of beasts can only honestly learn the word “forbear” and is firmly controlled by the chip.

Then, the King of Behemoths entered the virtual world through the equipment specially made by Imperial scientists. Here, there are special pet trainers to teach it and other starry monsters how to become a qualified pet.

“Wang! Wang!”

When the king of beasts was forced to learn to bark, learn to spit out his tongue, and learn to shake his head, his heart collapsed, but he subconsciously chose to cooperate, because the electric shock therapy inherited from Professor Yang made it from his heart Feeling scared. Fortunately, it does not need to learn how to eat dogs, otherwise, even in the virtual world, it is estimated that it will die directly in shame.

After a week of short-term training, all Star Behemoths, including the King of Behemoths, had no choice but to accept the status of pets, while the soldiers on the fleet had a good time. They were driving mechas and riding directly Starry sky monster’s back, and then soar freely in the starry sky, this taste is quite enjoyable, even Zhang Wei, who is more than three thousand light years away, can’t help manipulating the avatar, after a starry knight addiction, this At that time, he still felt a little regret in his heart. When can humans survive in the starry sky without relying on any foreign objects such as mechs? However, he smiled and shook his head again. Human beings were following the technological route, leaving foreign objects. Human beings are actually very weak, and their ideas are too unrealistic.

The human fleet is playing in the starry sky, but the alliance fleet headed by the deep-sea civilization is stunned. Nima, the guys who are as good as pugs in front of us are really starry monsters that make us feel desperate? In addition, the entire battle process is too simple, easily exploded the army of star beasts, completely the rhythm of adults hanging children! This is the strength of the five-level civilization?

At this time, the caravan led by Pony Brothers had arrived in the **** of ten imperial battleships and came to the site of deep-sea civilization. They came to “salary”.

The patriarch of the deep-sea civilization held a grand welcoming ceremony to greet the caravans of the fifth-level civilization and earth civilization. Humans do n’t seem to be too good. They only have two hands and two feet, which is much less than the tentacles of our octopus. They have smaller heads and smaller bodies. They are not as good as our octopus.

However, when they unconsciously looked up at the space warships in the sky, a trace of horror flashed in their hearts. Those warships fully demonstrated the power of the earth’s civilization. Compared with the earth’s civilization, the deep-sea civilization is too far away.

Under the leadership of the patriarch of the deep-sea civilization, Pony brother visited the history, culture, art and other aspects of the deep-sea civilization, and even enjoyed the octopus dance. During the dance performance, Pony brother calmed down, but his heart was In a state of coercion, he could not grasp the essence of the octopus wanted to express, only saw countless sticky tentacles flying in the air.

After appreciating the dance, Pony Ma went straight to the topic and provided a dunning notice to the patriarch of the deep-sea civilization.

This dunning notice is very thin, only a dozen pages, and it reads the amount, the payment method accepted by the earth civilization, the value of each resource, etc. It looks simple and clear.

However, after watching the patriarch of the deep-sea civilization, there was an urge to commit a heart attack.

Nima, this is totally robbery, okay?

If the dunning notice is fully implemented, the deep-sea civilization and more than forty more intelligent civilizations will work for the earth civilization in the next 500 years ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~

“Mr. Ma, is this amount wrong?”

The patriarch of the deep-sea civilization asked cautiously.

“Patriarch, this is my careful calculation. There will be no mistakes. We came from a distance to help you solve the crisis. Can you not let us down? Our soldiers are all grumpy. They are unhappy, they are crazy and even afraid of themselves! “

The little brother smiled, but there was a thick threat in his words.

“But this amount is too …”

The patriarch of the deep-sea civilization is still a little unwilling.

“Patriarch, this amount is absolutely correct. Tell me if your deep-sea civilization is an honest civilization. If it is, then abide by the original agreement and perform according to the amount and payment method in this dunning notice. Agreement; if not, I think we have nothing to talk about, we will use our own way to get our own reasonable remuneration. “

Pony brother said domineeringly.

“We … can we discuss it internally and give you an answer.”

The patriarch of the deep-sea civilization endured the indignation in his heart, squeezed out an ugly smile, and said to Pony.

“Of course, but I only wait for half an hour, which is half an hour of Earth time. According to the time of your deep-sea civilization, it is only 27 minutes.”

My little brother responded indifferently, a sense of pride rose involuntarily in my heart. I am just an ordinary citizen of the earth civilization, but I can treat an alliance headed by the fourth-level early civilization in this way. There is only one reason, that is, the earth. Civilization is amazing!

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the urban inventor, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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