Urban Inventor

Chapter 470 - Go to war (2 in 1

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Read the full text of the urban inventor! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

After deciding to work on the Glorious Star Field, the eternal kingdom military is completely busy, how many troops need to be mobilized, which troops go to the front, which troops stay to guard the base camp, what tactics to take, what kind of goals to achieve, How many materials to prepare, etc., need to have a detailed plan, otherwise it will be a mess!

This is not alarmist, but a lesson from history. In 1485, King Richard III of the United Kingdom lost a country because of a horseshoe. Since then, people have said: “Lost a horseshoe, lost a horseshoe; lost a Horseshoes, folded a war horse; folded a horse, damaged a king; lost a king, lost a war; lost a war, and died an empire. “

All the losses were due to the lack of a horseshoe nail, and Britain died in the details.

Zhang Wei naturally cannot let such a thing repeat itself in the Eternal Kingdom, so he has always emphasized the importance of details: details determine success or failure.

The military of the Eternal Kingdom faithfully implemented this instruction of Zhang Wei, and immediately established a large-scale glorious star warfare command center with full responsibility for this war.

And the highest commander in this battle is Beidou. Whether it is her personal ability or loyalty, Zhang Wei feels relieved.

As for the military of the Eternal Kingdom, they also agree with Beidou as the highest commander, because Beidou’s past performance proves that she is an excellent commander.

After being appointed, Beidou was stationed in the command center and worked 24 hours a day. He organized this largest military transfer in the history of earth civilization involving 5 billion soldiers and 30 million space warships. Everyone admires.

It is worth mentioning that Beidou sitting in the command center is actually just a copy. Even Beidou, who is the prime minister of the Eternal Kingdom, is a copy. Her body has always been with Zhang Wei as her personal assistant.

The relationship between Beidou and Zhang Wei has always been so close, naturally attracting the attention of countless people. In the eternal kingdom and even the entire earth civilization, there have been people calling for Zhang Wei to accept Beidou as a concubine. As for Beidou, it is super artificial intelligence. The problem is no longer a problem. With the technology of the eternal kingdom, Beidou can make a perfect human body.

Regarding this kind of voice, Zhang Wei said that he was quite speechless. He did touch on Beidou, but he regarded himself as the father of Beidou to a certain extent. This kind of identity really made him unable to start, and he did n’t want to be sorry. Ren Huaiyu.

In addition, he is very clear that Beidou’s obedience to him is definitely not a relationship between men and women. In fact, Beidou has no relationship between men and women at all.

“How is the army assembled?”

In the command center, Beidou opened his mouth and asked, his voice without emotion. In fact, most of the robots in the Eternal Kingdom are no different from humans when they speak, and their expressions, movements, and sounds are miraculously mimicked, and Beidou can also do this, but she only does this when facing Zhang Wei To do, at other times, she always looks cold and unemotional.

“Report to Your Excellency Commander that the first 100 mobilized fleets have all set out for the Alpha Centauri, and the fastest is expected to reach the periphery of the Alpha Centauri in two days.”

A lieutenant-level correspondent walked forward quickly, responded with a standard military salute.

After so many years of large-scale military expansion, the military power of the Eternal Kingdom has reached a very terrifying scale, with 217 fleets, each consisting of 100,000 space warships, of which 50,000 are the main battleships, and the remaining 50,000 The ship is an auxiliary ship. Of course, the main battleships are also divided into different grades, ranging from 100 kilometers in diameter to 2000 kilometers in diameter, equipped with antimatter particle beams, gravitational bombs, magnetic field weapons and other weapons. According to the empire’s plan, these warships all need to use space shock meters and space. Space technology such as shields and independent space technology is armed, but currently only 1 million space warships have been converted.

According to Beidou’s plan, this war will deploy 200 fleets and a total of 20 million space warships, not only to capture the entire glorious star field, but also to guard against enemies who may come to the tiger’s mouth to eat. 1.7 million space warships are used to guard huge territory.

Earth civilization now occupies a huge territory with a diameter of 300 light years centered on the solar system, and the Eternal Kingdom occupies two-thirds of these territories. Such a huge territory, it is not enough to rely on 17 fleets.

However, there are no decent enemies around the territories of earth civilization, and the most powerful is only the fourth-level mid-level civilization. They dare not offend the earth civilization. What really needs to be worried about is the interstellar pirates, cosmic merchants and other forces flowing through the universe They are often courageous and can do everything for their benefit. They have nowhere to go. They immediately flee after they are robbed, and they are not afraid of revenge on earth civilization.

Therefore, in addition to leaving the 17 fleets, Beidou will also leave all the space warships built in the next two years, and will also hire civilian space warships. You know, the Eternal Kingdom has always allowed civilian forces to buy space warships. In the past few years, all the warships eliminated by the Imperial Army have been sold to private enterprises, adding up to more than 10 million ships. Of course, these space warships are some relatively weak models, and even the Empire has just arrived in Centauri. The battleship used in the galaxy.

Although these space warships are weak for the imperial military, they add up to a huge force, enough to deter those interstellar pirates and cosmic merchants, and the territories where the earth civilization is located are too remote, those powerful The interstellar pirates and cosmic merchants are disdainful to come here, so the earth civilization has not encountered such an event in recent years, and made such arrangements just in case.

“After the fleet leaves the station, are those fleets made up of civilian space battleships in place?”

Beidou then asked.

“His commander, the fleet composed of civil space battleships has taken over the work of the original garrison fleet and has performed very well.”

The correspondent replied.

In the eternal kingdom, soldiers are also a noble profession. They are respected by everyone, and their treatment is also very good. The future is also very bright. Such statements as “good men are not soldiers” have become a thing of the past. Therefore, although the Eternal Kingdom adopts the voluntary military service system, a large number of outstanding young people still join the army every year. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the contribution system. Joining the army is a good way to brush the contribution. In this case, the civilians of the Eternal Kingdom have a large number of veterans. Their military qualities are not inferior to those of active soldiers. The fleet under their command can take over the work of the original garrison fleet.

“How is the production work of the major military manufacturing bases going, can we complete the tasks we arranged on time?”

Beidou then asked.

The Eternal Kingdom now has 11 huge military manufacturing bases, and each military manufacturing base is a stellar system. Everything in the entire stellar system is produced and serviced by the military. All the personnel are employees and family members of the military enterprise and the guards. The military here, all enterprises are military enterprises, producing various military products such as space warships and weapons.

Every moment, asteroids are dragged to thousands of kilometers of space smelting factories, smelted into iron, copper, titanium and other resources, and then transported to other factories, manufactured into various parts, and finally Assemble into various weapons, or a huge space warship.

It is worth mentioning that these stellar systems are relatively rich galaxies. The number and mass of asteroids are also many times more abundant than that of the solar system, and the solar system is not very rich in resources. After so many years of exploration, even Ort All the valuable asteroids in the cloud range have been mined out, and now we ca n’t find enough resources to build space warships. Therefore, the factories that manufacture spacecraft have moved out of the solar system, and many people have suggested that they should be shipped from other galaxies. The return of the asteroid to the solar system makes the solar system look less shabby, after all, this is the mother galaxy of humans.

“Your commander, according to the feedback from 11 military manufacturing bases, they have already started working overtime. They are expected to build 600,000 space warships this year and complete the conversion of 1 million space warships, which is enough to complete the tasks we have arranged. And they have been expanding their production capacity. It is expected that 650,000 space warships can be built next year … “

The results reported by the correspondent satisfied Beidou. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. After a while, she would be able to win the shining star field for Boss.

The terrifying monster of the eternal kingdom ’s military began to show its ugly face. In all territories of the eternal kingdom, huge fleets began to advance toward the constellation Centauri. They will then directly go through the wormhole to the radiant star field Unexpectedly launched an attack on all forces of the Glorious Star Field, occupying the entire Glorious Star Field in one fell swoop.

Since this is the Eternal Kingdom sending troops together with China, the Chinese side will also send 10 million space battleships to the Alpha Centauri to converge with the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom. However, none of these warships have been modified with space shields. When the space warships of the Eternal Kingdom have all been modified, it will be China ’s turn.

Throughout the territories of civilized earth, you can see spaceships dragging dozens of kilometers of white-tailed flames, arranged in a neat formation, and flying towards the constellation Centauri.

For safety reasons, the distance between each space battleship is maintained at about 0.1 astronomical units, so each fleet occupies a vast void.

After driving for a short distance, the spaceship at the forefront started to start the warp speed engine. Then, the space warship behind it also started the warp speed engine one after another. The whole void boiled, and the space distortion was much more severe than usual. Materials technology that is not an eternal kingdom has made progress, and these space warships are likely to be torn apart by space.

Silently, a huge space battleship disappeared into the void and disappeared. After a long time, it was drilled out of another void. After a few days of driving, the nano robot repaired the damaged parts. These space battleships Reentered into the void.

Over time, the 200 fleets of the Eternal Kingdom and the 100 fleets of China, a total of 30 million space warships, have successively arrived in the Alpha Centauri galaxy. Half of these warships are giants with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers. The same as the planet.

So many space warships have even affected the gravity of the Centauri alpha galaxy, causing some planets to shift their positions. Fortunately, the Beidou has been calculated in detail. These changes will not cause the collapse of the galaxies Centauri. Otherwise, the residents here will be arranged to emigrate to other star systems.

Unconsciously, it came to 2108. All warships and materials were ready to be in place. The war between the earth’s civilization and the glorious star field was triggered at once.

In the private sector, public opinion has boiled up. This is the largest war that mankind has ever participated in. It is also a critical war concerning humanity ’s future. People cannot help but pay attention. In the eyes of everyone, this battlefield Surely they can be victorious, and they must be victorious. The glorious star field that is sufficient for humans to reproduce for thousands of years will surely belong to humans.

On September 13, Zhang Wei led a high-ranking military leader to the Martyrs Cemetery in the Eternal Star of the Alpha Centauri. Over the years, 13,378 sacrificed soldiers have been buried here. They are heroes of the Eternal Kingdom. Countless people came to honor them.

Today, the empire is about to launch a war against the shining star field, intending to occupy the shining star field in one fell swoop, Zhang Wei led the crowd to come here and tell these martyrs that their sacrifices are not in vain, the empire is developing better and better, the future is unlimited At the same time, I also hope that their heroes can bless the empire to victory in this war ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It is worth mentioning that many people, including Zhang Wei, do not believe in the term “heroic” I can’t help but pray for the blessing of the heroes. This may be the contradiction of human beings.

“Thank you, you are the pride of the eternal kingdom and the pride of the Chinese nation. Without your sacrifice and dedication, there will be no good day for us now! People will always remember you!”

In the Martyr’s Cemetery, Zhang Wei led the people to bow solemnly to the tombstones of the martyrs, and then spoke to all the soldiers through a video, saying, “Who is the cutest person? No doubt, it is you. Who is the greatest person, There is no doubt that it is also you. It is you who allow ordinary people to live in happiness every day, without worrying about the threat of interstellar pirates and hostile civilizations; it is you who open up the territory for earth civilization, so that everyone can have a vast land of reproduction Let go of development. You have made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and development of earth civilization! “

“I, and everyone in the earth’s civilization, are proud and proud of having heroes like you. Now, you are about to step on the battlefield, some will return triumphantly, some will be buried in the starry sky, but I can guarantee , We will win, and glory belongs to all of you, each of you will not be forgotten, even if you are buried in the starry sky, you can also be resurrected in another way. “

Zhang Wei’s speech made all the soldiers excited. They wished to immediately rush to the battlefield to win the glorious star field for the earth’s civilization. Even the sacrifice does not matter. As for Zhang Wei’s “resurrection”, they were ignored.

However, Zhang Wei does have a way to “resurrect” them now, which is by no means bragging.

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the urban inventor, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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