Urban Inventor

Chapter 478 - The biggest flicker in history

In the territory of the Pan-Glory Alliance, the emotions are intense, and people are rushing to the crown, shouting and killing the earth civilization, just like an endless posture.

In the Glorious Federal Republic and the Glorious Socialist Republic, however, it is a very different scene.

Earlier, when the robot revolution broke out, the robots only targeted the Pan-Bright Alliance, but they did not commit crimes against the Glorious Socialist Republic and the Glorious Federal Republic. Many people have secretly suspected that the robot revolution may be planned by the great revolutionary mentor Franklin and Marx. With the passage of time, there is also news that the democratic revolutions and revolutions initiated by the great revolutionary mentors Franklin and Marx, and the robotic revolution initiated by the Empress of Light, are in fact dominated by the earth civilization behind the scenes.

These news have a certain market in the Glorious Socialist Republic and the Glorious Federal Republic, but no one dared to discuss it in public, because Franklin and Marx ’s aura is too dazzling, with a large number of extremely fanatical supporters, if they do not have evidence, they will bb , Beaten to death in minutes!

But things are different now. The matter is really too big. With the noble identities of Franklin and Marx, they can’t suppress people’s skepticism. The revolutionaries are willing to let the revolutionary mentors explain. In fact, from the bottom of their hearts, they still tend to believe in the two revolutionary mentors. After all, if the two revolutionary mentors are secret agents, would n’t their struggle be a joke over the years?

However, reality is cruel.

When the assistants of the two revolutionary mentors knocked on the door, they did not get any response. When they pushed in and panicked in, they found that although the two revolutionary mentors were still alive, they were unaware. There is no response from outside. This is actually the successful completion of the mission of Trump and Professor Wang, and then gave up the remote control of the two bodies, at this time, the two are attending the celebration feast held for them by the Eternal Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that the two people have mixed moods now, happy, lost, excited, self-blame … It is difficult to express, and they have become accustomed to the life of Franklin and Marx. Identity.

If Professor Trump and Professor Wang can still feel a trace of happiness, those revolutionaries who followed their revolution would collapse in an instant.

At this point even the fool knew that the rumors were true. The great revolutionary mentors Franklin and Marx were agents sent by the earth civilization to trigger internal chaos in the Glorious Star Field and weaken the power of the Glorious Star Field.

“Oh, fake, everything is fake! God **** freedom and democracy, **** fucking, are liars! And we are the biggest fools! Our efforts and struggles over the past few decades are just a joke!”

Many revolutionaries who were extremely determined in their positions collapsed instantly.

God! How could this be? We have been fooled by two scammers for decades? We even have a good life for this, but threw our heads and shed blood, and it turned out to be such a result!

Why is God so cruel!

“Even if I die, there are thousands of me!”

“Not free, or die!”

“The banner of democracy will surely be inserted throughout the glorious star field!”

“The glorious star field in the future will definitely be the world of Chiqi!”

Reminiscent of the slogans that brought great encouragement to themselves in the past, the revolutionaries only felt extremely disgusting and spit out old blood.

Of course, some people are still faithful believers in freedom and democracy. In their view, although Franklin and Marx are liars, these two ideas are great and worth fighting for. They advocate that they should be treated differently from others. Franklin and Marx must be spurned, but liberal democracy and ideology must still be promoted.

At this moment, bad news came one after another.

The military bases and military factories of the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic all suffered from explosive explosions. All military installations, warships, and military factories were destroyed. That is, the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic Without military power, even the factories that produce weapons are gone!

No, this is of course made by agents of the earth civilization. With the cooperation of Trump and Professor Wang, they entered various military bases and military factories, and obtained a certain position for easy operation. On this day, they detonated the carried The antimatter bomb directly destroyed the military power and military potential of the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic, and then happily participated in the celebration feast prepared by the Eternal Kingdom.

The revolutionaries of the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic were directly forced. The routine of earth civilization is too deep! They originally wanted to seek revenge on the fleet of earth civilization, but now even the battleships are gone, what revenge?

“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

The angry revolutionaries dragged Franklin and Marx’s bodies out to scatter and chopped into meat sauce. However, at this time, Trump and Professor Wang were tasting fragrant green tea. Don’t care.

When the news of the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic reached the Pan-Brilliant Alliance, it immediately caused an uproar.

Some people sneered and ridiculed, okay, you group of stupid people, was actually limped by two aliens, and now fell to this end, deserve it!

Someone’s great exclamation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic could have been a powerful force to resist the civilization of the earth. Now there is no drama, and the situation in the Glorious Star Territory is getting worse!

Some people also cried and wept, because many of their relatives and friends sacrificed for participating in the revolution. Unexpectedly, all of this was a flicker, and they felt worthless to their relatives and friends.

The robotic forces commanded by Beidou have always had a good scale, and there are information channels in the Pan-Bright Alliance, the Brilliant Federal Republic, and the Brilliant Socialist Republic. At this time, they also learned about the major events that occurred in these places, and His identity casts doubt on him. Is it true that Her Majesty the Great Empress is really a chess piece sent by the earth civilization?

They asked Beidou, but Beidou did not respond, but deleted all the robot programs through their own control rights.

The second robot revolution, which caused heavy casualties to the Glorious Star Field, ended here.

The reason is very simple. Earth civilization does not need so many intelligent lives. One Beidou is enough, and the mission of these robots is over! (To be continued …)

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