Urban Inventor

Chapter 486 - Why don\\\'t they resist?

The earth calendar February 13, 2115.

The Milky Way, a shining star field.

The Earth Civilization Fleet is cleaning the territory of Yoder Civilization. After completing this work, the Glorious Star Field will be completely called a “clean” star field.

When the Earth Civilization Fleet arrived, it did not encounter a little bit of resistance, and some were only silent and lonely.

Silence is greater than death.

When the Earth Civilization Fleet first invaded, the movement against the invasion of the Earth Civilization organized by the people of the Glorious Starfield was in full swing. There must be a brave man in times of difficulty. Hundreds of billions of soldiers drove all the space shuttles that could drive and took the initiative It is entangled with the earth civilization fleet, but unfortunately, because the technology of the glorious star field is crushed by the earth civilization, even if these soldiers are brave, they will still be destroyed on the battlefield.

People from all over the world watched that their troops were being beaten down. They already had no hope of defeating the Earth Civilization Fleet. They were already scared. Someone with a way to escape the glorious star field in a spaceship before the fleet of earth civilization has called, and the rest have desperately accepted their fate. They have seen their own destiny slaughtered by earth civilization, and some people have chosen Suicide, some people chose to be a mob, completely crazy, and some people were at a loss, alive like a walking dead.

This is the case with the Yoder civilization. Before the arrival of the Earth Civilization Fleet, it has fallen into the end of the world, humanity has been wiped out to the point of irreparable damage, buildings everywhere that people wantonly destroy, crimes that break the moral and legal bottom lines, and crimes everywhere No one packed the body.

This is a cold, desperate world.

“Oh, are you here?”

When some survivors with long and persistent breathing discovered the earth civilization fleet, a smile appeared on their faces, as if they were finally relieved. They either lay one by one on the ground, or leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky, motionless, watching Those icy earth civilization spaceships slowly approached.

It did n’t take long for a small aircraft to fly out of a huge space battleship and land on various life planets. This is the Space Marine Corps of the Earth Civilization Fleet. It is composed of human soldiers wearing intelligent armor and intelligent robot soldiers, facing them. None of the survivors fought up against the massacre.

“Brother Wendong, why don’t they resist?”

Inside a 6-meter-high humanoid mech, a handsome young man asked his good friend Xu Wendong. His name is Ding Hao. He came from an ordinary family and joined the army of the Eternal Kingdom in order to increase his contribution. He was the last group of soldiers to enter the Starfield. The Glorious Star Zone has no decent resistance.

Xu Wendong sighed sighed and said, “They have been so scared that they can’t bear the idea of ​​rebellion, and the greatest sorrow of a civilized race is nothing more than that, even in the face of powerful enemies, even the courage to rebel No.”

Xu Wendong paused, and then said, “In fact, in the history of our Chinese nation, there have been such periods. In the first half of the 20th century, the Chinese nation was weak for a hundred years. Under the oppression of many years, many people were numb, What’s more, like walking dead, it happened three days-the soldiers occupied a county town! Fortunately, some people awakened at that time. They used the revolution and blood to wake up the sleeping national soul and reshape the backbone of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation has finally risen. Therefore, only by thinking and making a foundation, a nation and a civilization can have a way out! “

Ding Hao heard that he quickly queried the knowledge stored in the biological computer in his brain. After a while, he sighed, “I was not interested in history before. Although the biological computer stores a lot of relevant knowledge, it has never been learned. Unexpectedly, the great Chinese nation has such a sad era. However, such a thing will never happen again. Even in the face of a powerful enemy, we have the courage to resist. “

He said, and smiled, “I only found out that when I checked these materials, there were so many countries and nations on the earth, and many countries invaded our Chinese nation, but it was the Chinese nation that finally laughed. I have annexed all other countries and nations. Now, the entire earth civilization has only the Chinese nation. The history is really interesting. I decided to spend some time to study it carefully. “

Xu Wendong laughed, “It is wise to read history, but it is more important to learn history. History is yesterday. Without yesterday’s civilized race, it is impossible to think about its tomorrow. Without thinking about tomorrow’s civilized race, it is impossible to really produce actions that change the present. Such a civilized race can only live “two” in the present, and its state is similar to the herd of bison on the African savannah on earth.

Only by studying history, you can realize that the beautiful life we ​​have now is not easy to come by. These beautiful lives are not born, but our ancestors have worked hard to create them. Similarly, our generation also bears Responsible, that is to create a better life for the younger generation, this is why we want to occupy the glorious star field ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ding Hao nodded thoughtfully, the two talked for a while, then they got up , Follow the army to carry out a major cleansing operation.

There was no accident in the whole process. The Earth Civilization Fleet soon completed the cleaning of Yoder Civilization, and then released a large number of nano-robots to transform all the planets of Yoder Civilization and erase the traces of Yoder Civilization. After the work, the earth civilization will also transform all the life planets in the shining star field, replace the soil bacteria, put the earth ’s animals and plants, and construct the earth civilization-style buildings and other facilities. After all the preliminary work is completed, the earth Civilization will emigrate here.

It is worth mentioning that this immigration is not a small incident, but to move 80% of the population here, because for the barren solar system and surrounding areas, the resources here are numerous and more suitable. The development of civilization, just as people in rural areas gradually move to cities with better conditions, the civilization of the earth must move to a glorious star field that is more suitable for multiplication and growth. Of course, the territories on the other side of the solar system will not be deserted, there will still be human habitation, but the importance will gradually be replaced by the glorious star field. And in the distant future, when the earth civilization has more fertile galaxies, the actual significance of the solar system will become smaller and smaller, mainly as the birthplace of the earth’s civilization, serving as a symbolic meaning, or mascot.

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