Urban Most Awesome Dad

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – Pighead Admits His Mistake_1

Chapter 30 Pighead Admits His Mistake_1

Translator: 549690339

Su Wujin’s right arm and Liu Simu’s left leg, both targets of Xu Fan’s initial attack, snapped with the sound of bones breaking as Xu Fan’s fists landed.

Then Xu Fan delivered an extra punch to each of their dantians.

Su Wujin and Liu Simu fell to the ground, their blood spurting like fountains.

Conveniently, they were face-to-face, so they ended up spraying each other with blood.

Concerned more about the state of their dantians than their broken limbs, they were in such torment that they wished they were dead.

With a light leap, Xu Fan soared more than ten meters into the air to catch his precious daughter and then landed gently on the ground.

He carefully covered Tongtong’s eyes so she wouldn’t see the bloody scene below and then leisurely turned his gaze toward the two martial artists lying on the ground.

“Does it feel like you can’t muster any qi force?” Xu Fan asked the two men writhing in agony on the ground.

“You… what did you do to us?” Liu Simu, fighting back tears, lamented how he had barely managed to convince his master to let him leave the mountain. He hadn’t even had a chance to enjoy himself at the entertainment venues before running into Xu Fan, which was just his rotten luck.

“Why can’t I feel my qi? Is this your doing?” Su Wujin felt utterly defeated. His qi force was the only reason he could beat all the ordinary fighters; without it and with an arm broken, he’d be nothing but a cripple. His sports cars, mansion, and women would all slip away. Jin Hui Group had no use for a useless person like him.

“You two are sharp as tacks. You guessed correctly; I have indeed disabled your martial arts abilities, to stop you from causing harm and committing evil deeds with your limited skills,” said Xu Fan, smiling benevolently at them, his face aglow with a holy light.

To the uninformed, it would seem as though he was expecting praise for a good deed.

“You… you… I’ll kill you,” Su Wujin said, struggling to push himself up with his left hand, aiming to attack Xu Fan.

Having lost his abilities meant saying goodbye to everything he currently had, and now he felt a pang of envy for his senior brother Liu Simu, who, at least, hadn’t experienced the pleasures of the world and had fewer attachments to leave behind.

Having grown accustomed to a life of unfettered luxury and hedonism, Su Wujin found the prospect of living as a disabled cripple far more agonizing than death itself.

“Young man, with your injury, you should stay put and not move. Why won’t you listen?” Xu Fan said gently as he stepped toward Su Wujin, who was nearly standing up, only to be stomped back down into the grass.

“Wujin, I hate you!” Liu Simu covered his face and wept bitterly. Decades of hard-earned martial arts skills were wasted as soon as he left the mountain. He now despised Su Wujin; if Su Wujin hadn’t brought him into this mess, he wouldn’t have been cut down to zero right after stepping out of the newbie village. He was filled with hatred, but he’d forgotten that when Zhu Touqiang called for help, he had willingly volunteered to come to the rescue, determined to the point of no return.

Now, everything was over.

Zhu Touqiang witnessed how quickly his senior brothers had been defeated and cursed inwardly at them as worthless. Today was just his bad luck; with three out of his four-man team down, he no longer had the courage to confront Xu Fan steel-to-steel and, mustering all his strength, dove into the white business vehicle, then bellowed at the driver to start the car.

The business vehicle that came to rescue Zhu Touqiang was high-end, featuring luxurious electric doors.

Under Zhu Touqiang’s watchful eye, the electric door slowly closed, prompting him to exhale a deep breath of relief.

“Finally, I am sa…” His words were abruptly caught in his throat.

Xu Fan, carrying Tongtong and wearing a smile, had already, like a wraith, slipped into the car before the door fully closed, and now faced Zhu Touqiang’s pig-headed visage.

“Hero… mercy, I’ll give you as much money as you want, just please don’t kill me,” Brother Qiang pleaded shakily to Xu Fan, his fat face a mixture of sweat, tears, and blood, looking both disgusting and comical.

The driver was about to start the car when he heard Brother Qiang’s words. He turned his head, and in an instant, he didn’t dare to move.

“Big brother… I… I’m just a driver.”

“Turn off the engine, get out of the car, this has nothing to do with you,” Xu Fan said to the driver gently.

The driver, as if granted a pardon, quickly turned off the engine and then scrambled out like a rabbit.

People from Jin Hui Group all knew of Su Wujin, the underground fighting champion. He thought he was coming over to watch Su Wujin trounce the weak, but as it turned out, the one getting trounced was Su Wujin himself.

In front of him now, Xu Fan was like an Ultraman in human skin. All he wanted now was to get as far away from Xu Fan as possible.

“Brother Zhu Touqiang, do you realize your mistake now?” Xu Fan gently patted Qiang’s fat face, asking in the tone of a teacher educating a primary school student.

“I was wrong. I shouldn’t have provoked you, I deserve to die, I’m a son of a bitch, I’m kneeling for you, please let me go, great sir,” Brother Qiang collapsed to his knees on the ground and began fervently kowtowing to Su Chen.

“Daddy, why is Uncle Zhu Touqiang kowtowing to you?” Tongtong pointed curiously at Qiang, who was thumping his head on the ground, and asked with a tilted little head.

“Because he has deeply realized his mistake, he is a good child who knows to correct his errors,” Xu Fan pinched Tongtong’s chubby little cheeks and told her.

“Ah, so Uncle Zhu Touqiang isn’t that bad after all. Then, daddy, you should forgive Uncle Zhu Touqiang,” Tongtong, being quite naive, felt sorry for Brother Qiang with his incessant kowtowing and pleaded with Xu Fan, hugging his arm.

“Since Tongtong has spoken, daddy must of course listen. Brother Zhu, if you kowtow a hundred times, we’ll call it even. One less, and I’ll break one of your legs. Two less, both legs. And if you’re short by three, you can figure out the outcome,” Xu Fan coldly dropped this line on Brother Zhu Touqiang and then opened the car door and got out, carrying Tongtong with him.

Brother Zhu Touqiang kept banging his head in the car, thump, thump, thump. He really didn’t dare to skimp now, silently counting how many bows he had made to himself.

Anyone who didn’t know better would think he was testing the car’s shock absorption capabilities with his head.

“Daddy is so awesome, he defeated so many bad guys in one go. Daddy is my superhero,” Tongtong proudly lifted her little head and clapped continuously in Xu Fan’s embrace.


From within the neighborhood, the sound of a police siren echoed.

A police car was coming towards Xu Fan’s location.

Tongtong hugged her little hands, excitedly saying, “Yay, the police uncle is coming to catch the bad guys!”

Xu Fan touched Tongtong’s little head and a hint of a playful smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

The police catch the bad guys?

It seems, it’s not just as simple as that.

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