Urban Romance

Chapter 1292

Chapter 1293 who are you?

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 1294 Chapter 293 Who are you exactly?

Wu Nuanyue was sitting on a chair, holding her legs, holding her knees with her hands, and resting her chin on her knees. The scattered long hair was curled up before, now she is slightly curled, her face is delicate, her eyes are bright. This motionless young man in bed.

She doesn’t know who this person is, but this does not prevent her from feeling good about him. A person who can save people regardless of his life is a hero anyway, even if he is lying on the bed like this, he can feel that he brings Sense of security.

Seeing Su Ke breathing like a dream, his chest was breathing slowly, and his chest was pulsating rhythmically. Even his nose was slumped, his eyelashes were very long, and he even looked longer than his own eyelashes. Looking closely, he felt a little bit surprised. Xiaoshuai.

Some people look handsome at first glance, but some people need to look second, that is to say he is a handsome handsome man, Su Ke belongs to the latter.

The room was quiet, except that the ECG monitor was still ringing with rhythmic drops, which seemed unusually quiet. Wu Nuanyue had already known Su Ke’s physical condition with the doctor before entering the door.

According to the doctor, Su Ke’s situation is still relatively optimistic. As for the coma, it is extremely normal. There is no loss of body function. The intracranial congestion has been absorbed and dispersed. As for the vegetative state that I was worried about, it is far from being talked about on.

Wu Nuanyue glanced subconsciously in the direction of the door, and her secretary Zhang Ying was waiting outside, thinking of a word popping up in her heart here, lonely man and widow!

Sweating a little unconsciously in the palms of my hands, my heartbeat was intense for no reason, Wu Nuanyue took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the doorway, and finally moved from the chair to Su Ke’s bed.

From childhood to age, Wu Nuanyue has been under the strict supervision of her family. She has been learning, studying, and studying again, especially her grandfather who is constantly raising his tongue. It can be said that childhood is a happy time. As a teenager, then Is completely boring and boring, accepting the indoctrination of various management theories.

Constantly researching various shopping mall cases, and some people explain to themselves, and Wu Nuanyue is in this situation, and gradually stands out. Among the brothers and sisters, it is more and more shining, and it is the traditional way of Wu family to receive Shanghai education early. , Is also a magic weapon to maintain the prosperity of the entire family.

This is also why Wu Nuanyue became a head of the entire Wu family consortium with a female stream. This is a collective decision of all the heavyweights of the Wu family. It is of course her responsibility, and she has no responsibilities to evade.

But after all, she is a woman. Even if the shell is hard and glorious, she is still a woman. She also has a curiosity about the opposite **** in her heart, a passion for men and women, and an interest in everything unknown, but these things are all Covered by her perfectly.

But now it is an opportunity. The man in front of him fully meets his own standards for the opposite sex. He does not look ugly, and even looks more and more pleasing to the eye. He is yet a kind of masculinity rarely seen in ordinary men. Say chivalry.

Gently lift Su Ke’s arm, then Wu Nuanyue slowly lay down, put his arms on his back, and moved his body a little bit. The two people got closer and closer, and finally pressed tightly together. Even at this moment Wu Nuanyue had felt Su Ke’s powerful heartbeat.

I can smell the taste of Su Ke, it seems to be mixed with the smell of washing powder, and also smells of male hormones. I like it very much, it is comfortable, and I feel at ease, like leaning against a mountain, and lying in the middle of clouds.

I don’t know when Wu Nuanyue closed her eyes, and even her arms were naturally placed on Su Ke’s chest, like a lover’s hug, hugging each other.

I haven’t felt this way for many years. Wu Nuanyue seems to have no idea how long it is, is it a year? Two years? Five years and ten years!

With a creak, the sound of opening the door suddenly came, and finally interrupted Wu Nuanyue’s rare and completely rest. What happened to Zhang Ying? Don’t even knock before entering the door!

Wu Nuanyue again entered reality from her thoughts, and frowned slightly. Zhang Ying was her own secretary and also a secretary for many years. She has also been very dedicated and accomplished various tasks over the years. Not only work, Even the various problems in life, such as most of her sanitary napkins, were bought by her.

This working relationship has a faint feelings of girlfriends, so at this moment Wu Nuanyue even turned her head and glanced up, but she got up quickly and got out of bed to wear shoes.

It wasn’t Zhang Ying who came in, but a nurse, a light blue nurse uniform, a nurse’s hat, and a small pocket watch hanging on her chest. She was in good shape, because she couldn’t see how she was wearing a mask.

Wu Nuanyue felt that her heart was about to burst out of her throat for a moment, and her face was hot and hot, and she was decisive in the mall in the past. At this moment, she was so guilty that she didn’t even dare to look up to see the nurse. .

Looking down, standing on the side, I felt the nurse, approached Su Ke, holding a notebook in my hand, I didn’t know what data was recorded on it, and the inspection was abnormal, and after a while Wu Nuanyue It felt like the nurse came to her side from the other side of the bed.

Wu Nuanyue knew that he was behind a heart rate monitor, so she subconsciously backed away. Fortunately, at this time, the tension had just calmed down, and she finally dared to look up at the nurse.

I don’t know why, I always feel that this nurse seems to be something wrong, and this nurse is really dedicated and has no regard to Wu Nuanyue. This hospital is a private hospital run by Global International. It is private and the most particular thing is a service. attitude.

Even if this nurse doesn’t know who he is, he shouldn’t ignore him or herself, as the air, this has seriously affected the image of the hospital, even the image of Global International!

Perhaps it was because Wu Nuanyue’s mood calmed down and her brain began to run at a high speed. The carefully inspected nurse felt the doubt in her gaze, gave a subconscious glance, and then quickly lowered her head. Then she closed her notebook and told Go outside.

“Stop! You are not the nurse here, who are you?” Wu Nuanyue asked suddenly when the nurse was about to go to the door, her face became very serious, with a commanding tone.

But Wu Nuanyue’s words didn’t end, she saw that instead of stopping, the nurse suddenly speeded up, opened the door, and ran straight out.

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