Urban Sims

Chapter 23 - 8 years of anti-Japanese war, dying to the end (Part 2)

And Zhou Ming imagined some discrepancies. In the face of the aggression of the aggressor, the four-line warehouse failed to resist the aggressor’s pace after all.

After eight months of siege, the East Japanese Army paid the cost of casualties of more than 20,000 people. Xie Jinyuan and his first brigade of more than 5,000 people died in the country except for a small number of defenders who fled through the secret road.

The Eastern Japanese Army finally occupied the warehouse. Seeing the mountain-like burned materials inside, the Eastern Japanese generals were horrified. They were chilled. If there were more dozens of four-row warehouses in China, I am afraid The soldiers of the Great Eastern Japanese Empire have run out, and this country cannot be conquered.

But the bow did not turn back, even if the loss was heavy, the Eastern Japanese Imperial Army had to bluntly continue to attack.

In March of the 9th year of the Republic of China, after more than a month of tragic defense, the capital Jinling fell, and the Japanese army lost 50,000. After the city was broken, 50,000 prisoners were slaughtered and the civilians within dozens of miles around Jinling City were arbitrarily killed. Within a hundred miles of Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, almost a ghost prison.

“Unexpectedly, even if all the people in Jinling City were evacuated, it would still be impossible for the East Japanese Army to adopt a retaliatory slaughter, good, very good!”

The inhuman slaughter of the aggressors not only completely angered Zhou Ming, but also angered the anger and hatred of all the generals of the national army. The soldiers of the national army, whose morale was low and retreat, sent out after hearing the tragedy near the city of Jinling. In view of the boundless roar with the aggressor that “this hatred will not be reported, swear not to be human”, even if the weapons in their hands are rudimentary, they must die with the aggressor!

In August of the 9th year of the Republic of China, Jiu Zhuan advocated a battle. Both sides of China and Japan invested 500,000 troops. Three months after the fierce fighting, the East Japanese Army was killed in battle.

In December, the Battle of Wuhan started, and the Eastern Japanese Army with more than half a million casualties has been fighting for half a year. With the continuous extension of the logistics supply line and the consumption of elite veterans, the weak Eastern Japanese Army has succeeded in After dropping 200,000 corpses in the Wuhan Battle, he had to stop the full attack.

The Battle of China and Japan formally entered the stage of strategic stalemate.

Uh …

Although East Japan lost its strategic offensive capability, the national government with a total loss of more than two million troops did not have the military resources to carry out strategic counterattacks and recover the occupied territory.

“Chairman, since we have resumed the second cooperation with the Workers’ and Peasants ’Party, they are also willing to accept the command of the National Government. We might as well give them some supplies and let them go to enemy-occupied areas to carry out guerrilla warfare. Although these guerrillas are not capable of fighting Strong, but it will definitely cause great trouble behind the East Japanese Army! “

Zhou Ming suggested that although the guerrilla armed forces of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Party were rudimentary in weaponry and weak in combat effectiveness, their stubbornness and stubbornness in their survivability and stubbornness were indeed a few streets away from most of the national army ’s troops.

“Give me some military supplies, we are in short supply of materials now, and we can’t get them out.”

Chairman Zhao thought for a while and thought that he still has great precautions and scruples in his mind about the Xiaoqiang, who ca n’t be beaten.

“it is good!”

Zhou Ming nodded, and immediately sent someone to contact and contact with the senior workers and peasants.

When I met Committee Member Zhang, who had n’t seen it for more than ten years, both of them were very emotional. If it were n’t for Zhou Ming ’s rescue, I am afraid that there will be four of the top ten core members of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Party. After a while.

However, upon hearing the massive demand for materials such as “one million guns and ammunition, several grains and medicines, and ten thousand sets of cotton uniforms” put forward by Commissioner Zhang, Zhou Ming smiled and shook his head: “You will not be poor, only one pair of pants. , Why is everything missing? “

Member Zhang reluctantly arched his hand and said: “Please also ask Brother Zhou for help, to say pants, some of our comrades really can’t even wear pants, they all wear straw straw skirts.”

“Anyway, I will give you some ideas.”

Zhou Ming was impressed by his pitiful appearance. In addition to some military pay, he also allocated a batch of grain, oil, medicine, and cotton uniforms from his own private property, which relieved the urgent needs of many workers and peasants.

In addition, in order to encourage the Workers and Peasants Party to give more damage to the East Japanese Army, Zhou Ming also agreed with the other party: according to the head count (as long as the head is not alive), each time the East Japanese soldiers are killed, they will be given 50 dollars of military pay, If you kill the other high-ranking officer, there is an additional bonus. The higher the rank, the more bonuses, the better you can kill the opponent.

After this “Detailed Redemption Form for Killing Enemies” was issued to the armed forces of the Workers and Peasants Party, the frightened forces of the Workers and Peasants Party broke out with an amazing and terrible combat power. Less than half a year after the secret contract came into effect, they gave Zhou Ming brought back 20,000 soldiers of the East Japan soldiers.

Fortunately, this one-million-dollar ocean expenditure is only a little drizzle for Zhou Ming, whose annual income exceeds 50 million yuan.

Unexpectedly, in the next three years, the Workers and Peasants Party brought in 50,000, 80,000 and 150,000 heads, and the number almost doubled every year.

The expenditure of 7.5 million oceans has exceeded Zhou Ming ’s ability to cash in, but he still pays with guns and ammunition produced in his arsenal, as well as a large number of canned food, food, medicine, military uniforms and other materials. .

In the fourth year, when a total of 200,000 soldiers ’heads and hundreds of heads of majors, lieutenants, and generals of the East Japanese Army were placed in front of Zhou Ming, he had no choice but to promise that he would transfer a batch of military talents and military workers in the future. To produce equipment and go to the Ganning border area to improve the weapons of the guerrillas.

At this time, the national war of resistance had been carried out for the fifth year. As early as last year, the East Japan Empire sneaked into the Pearl Harbor of the United States and provoked the Pacific War. Although the occupied territory reached an unprecedentedly large scale, multi-line combat and the front line The longer the Lagoon, the less powerful the East Japan Empire, facing the partial counterattacks of countries such as Rice, Eagle, and China, fell into a desperate dilemma that was difficult to support.

The dawn of victory in the war of resistance is in sight!

Uh …

Fourteen years of the Republic of China, January. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com

Tanchong County, Nanyun Province.

On a large campus.

Looking at the straight, endless, youth army of up to 100,000 people, Zhou Ming, who was full of enthusiasm, issued his declaration of oath, and shouted with his arms: “To kill the Japanese and revitalize China!”

“To kill all Japanese invaders and revitalize China!”

“To kill all Japanese invaders, to revitalize China !!”

The 100,000 youth army below shouted, and the morale of the army’s heart reached its peak.

This army is precisely the “Zhenhua Youth Army” that Zhou Ming uses the orphan army who graduated from the revitalization school to recruit young people with an average primary school education or more and has been trained after three years of rigorous selection and hard training. Of the heirs.

The target of this unit’s battle is the Burmese Palace in the southern part of Nanyun Province. It is expeditionary battle to eliminate all Japanese troops invading East Myanmar and open up the communication line between Yunnan and Burma.

Has another important goal-to send troops to permanently occupy the Burmese Temple.

Yes, with Zhou Ming’s outstanding achievements in recent years, and the increasing prestige between the National Party and the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Party, many high-level committee members have regarded Zhou Ming as the next leader and sent it to them. High expectations.

This undoubtedly greatly touched the string in Chairman Zhao’s heart, which had been the dictatorship of China for nearly two decades. Anger, fear, and suspicion continued to grow in his heart, and he moved his heart to kill the future.

Zhou Ming, who saw this, the best way to deal with it at this time should be to start with the strong first and kill the guy who wanted to kill himself.


The country is in a difficult position. Zhou Ming does not want to do such a thing that his loved ones hate the enemies, so he showed up face-to-face with Chairman Zhao: He had no intention of insulting China, but to give him a hundred thousand troops, he would lay down his own country.

A country that belongs entirely to him!

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