Urban Sims

Chapter 31 - Kill knight

The victory of this battle, Count Lautz can be said to have been confused.

According to the actual combat power, the Southern Cavaliers are indeed weaker than the Northern Cavaliers. Although the number is 30 or 40 fewer, the Cavaliers of Earl William may not necessarily be at the disadvantage. In the worst case, they are tied.

However, in this war, there was a variable that was never expected. This variable exhausted the more than a dozen knights of Earl William, and finally allowed Earl Lautz to pick up a cheap, captive William Earl, only With blood dripping from his heart, he ceded the three barons of the land close to the Rhodes’ territory from his own territory and secretly vowed to take them back in the future!

Count Lauchitz laughed heartily. For years, the Nanpai, who have not dominated the military in terms of force, today beat those Yankees so tragically, heartily, really heartily!

After receiving the three territories, Earl Lautz, who had three more barons, soon divided his two second sons and a loyal man. After sealing the baron, he divided them into these three new territories. on.

Of course, for the twelve barons who followed him, Count Lautz did not treat them badly, and each of them gave a lot of bounty, and gave each baron 15 knights, so that he lost in this war Many barons of knights can not only fill up their own knight team after going back, but also expand a few more-as long as the territory of these barons can be divided into so many cities.

“Dear Lord Earl, I don’t want bounty rewards, I want to be a noble knight!”

In the big tent, Zhou Ming knelt on one knee, and looked forward to Earl Lautz, looking forward desperately.

Count Lautitz was very impressed by the particularly bright “farmer” on the battlefield. After specifically summoning him, he asked Zhou Ming what reward he wanted.

“Young man, your loyalty and courage surprised me a lot, but to be a knight, it is not enough to have these. Can you pass the assessment of being a knight and get the knight medal?”

Becoming a knight is not as simple as a verbal sentence. Any knight in a territory must pass the martial arts assessment of the Wangdu Knight Academy to obtain knight certification.

These assessments include riding, swordsmanship, spearing, bowing, etc. After passing the assessment of these martial arts projects, you can also be a trainee knight and serve the king for two years. knight.

Of course, there is an important premise: anyone who wants to become a knight must be noble.

On this premise, Zhou Ming, who is a “son of the farmer”, was brushed down.

“Dear Lord Earl, I will pass the examination through diligent and hard work, please give me such a chance!”

Zhou Ming knows that there is another way to change his own destiny. That is the “recommendation letter” from Lord Earl. This kind of “recommendation letter” has very few places. Each earl has only ten. If Earl Lautz is willing to change If you recommend a place for yourself, even if you are the son of a farmer, the professor at the Royal College of Knights will look at Count Lauchitz and give him a chance to enter school.

“Boy, you have great potential, but your age is too big, and you have missed the best time to become a knight. Go back with this bag of gold coins, go back to marry your wife and have a child, and live a peaceful and wealthy life. This is What you deserve most. “

Earl Lautzitz shook his head and threw a purse in front of Zhou Ming. The coins made a rattling noise in the purse, but Zhou Ming’s eyes were dull. After a while, he picked up the purse and left the tent.

Was saved by Zhou Ming. Baron Conner, who was seriously wounded and lying on the hospital bed, learned from the knights who had been talking about it, and called Zhou Ming to comfort him.

“Children, I see your talents and hard work. If you still want to stay in Gran Collar in the future, I can leave all the estates outside the castle to you. If you want to help Downey, follow He went out together, then he would study well with Ellen Bachelor. Maybe in the future, you can also become a respected bachelor. “

Baron Conner gave Zhou Ming two choices, which are also the two best choices he can give Zhou Ming. No matter how many, he can’t give it.

“Thank you Lord Baron, if possible, I will stick to my dream, if not, I will do something I am good at.”

Zhou Ming did not give a clear answer. Just like this war, even he did not expect it. His crazy actions would bring him a reward of 100 gold coins. If he played a role in a war Is it bigger?

Seeking wealth and insurance, there may be many opportunities in this war-prone world. Are you waiting for yourself in the wild?

Zhou Ming just moved some thoughts that made him eager to try. The next time he challenged him with a provocative, he upset these thoughts.

“Boy, just because of your physique, and want to be a noble knight? Won’t you dream at night and haven’t woke up yet?”

A knight with a scar-faced face did not know when he appeared in front of him, with a scent of alcohol on his body, his face was ugly and abominable, and his mouth was noisy.

There was a trace of greed in the eyes of the Scarface Knight, staring at the bag that Zhou Ming tied around his waist and said: “Boy, I heard that you made a contribution on the battlefield, Lord Earl gave you a lot of money? Give me that bag! The merit you made is an insult to our knight. Do you want to put the money you got from insulting the knight into your pocket? “

The words on the scar face attracted the unanimous approval of several knights around and asked Zhou Ming to hand over the money.

“Fernandi, give a good lesson to this cheap boy, how can the dignity of our knights be allowed to blaspheme such cheap things?”

“Boy, please hand over the money honestly, and wait for the uncle to drink and be happy, maybe you won’t be in trouble.”

“Ryan, please take out the 200 gold coins in your pocket. Ask these knight masters to drink a glass of wine and they will let you go!” Somehow, Fat Baum stood behind this group of knights. Use a provocative tone.

“Good guy, 200 gold coins, you can consider slaughtering this little guy …” Someone’s eyes lit up and said in his heart.

Looking at these knights who are approaching him more and more, Zhou Ming groaned in his heart, and it was the scourge caused by money. It seems that this matter is not good today.

However, his face was still expressionless: “So, do you want to rob, Honorable Knight?”

Hearing the words robbery, Fernandi burst into flames, breathing out a sigh of alcohol, grabbing Zhou Ming’s collar and saying, “Boy! Give me a little talk, be honest! Quickly put your money on you Take it out! “

“If I don’t take it?” Zhou Ming asked.

“Ha ha!”

Fernandi smiled angrily, and wanted to draw a knife and immediately hacked the kid in front of him, but so many people were present … Still a little angry and said: “Boy, I will give you a chance not to take it! For the one-on-one comparison, if you win, the money goes to you, if I win … “

“Money is yours?” Zhou Ming answered.

“The answer is correct! Kid.”

“But you are a knight, I am just a farmer, is this fair?”

“Hey! I’m going to compete with this guy, everyone said that the fair is unfair?” Fernandi asked around.

“Fair! Very fair!” Everyone around answered in unison, especially Fat Baum’s voice was the loudest.

“Okay! I’m playing against you.”

Zhou Ming took off his coat and threw the purse around his waist on the bullock cart. The purse’s mouth was loose, and a golden light was scattered. The onlookers all around exclaimed. Instead, he was furious. This **** kid, with so much money hidden in his body, did not invite them to drink a glass of wine!

After a while, Zhou Ming took his spear, which had killed 17 farmers, and wiped the dry blood stains with sackcloth.

Knight Fernandi, who was heavily armored, came on his own horse.

“Fernandi, to deal with such a kid, as for riding the horse over, you are too knight-free?” The crowd cried, an acquaintance of Knight Fernandy exclaimed.

Fernandi, who rode on the warhorse, grinned cruelly and grinned: “Let’s watch on the side! See how I stepped this kid into meat and chopped into pieces! Today, I want to use this kid The death proves how powerful our knight is! “

“Good talk!” “Good Fernandi!” “Fernandi, crush this kid for the glory of the knight!”

Everyone applauded and looked forward to it. They wanted to see how this ridiculous farmer kid was crushed by Fernandi.

A flat open area.

Is separated by a distance of about 20 meters, one person and one ride.

“Boy, let me die!”

As soon as the test started, Fernandi, who could not wait to grind the farmer boy opposite to the minced meat, read the book from UU www.uukanshu. com mobilized the war horse, waved his sword, and rushed towards Zhou Ming.

Looking at the approaching high-speed warhorse, the impact from the pavement, Zhou Ming did not choose to resist hard, but put the spear in his hand aside and rolled his head down on the ground, avoiding this will definitely bring A fatal blow to death.

One charge.

Charge twice.

Charged many times.

Charged back and forth more than ten times in a row, all were carefully cautious Zhou Ming, dangerously and dangerously hide in the past.

“Damn boy, there is a kind of don’t run, let the uncle cut you a sword!” Fernandi, angrily corrupted, shouted his sword.

Zhou Ming, who was not in a hurry, flexed her sneer and sneered: standing to let you cut, when I am a fool?

More than thirty rounds of horses charged forward, but Fernandi still failed to hit Zhou Ming once, but instead gasped for the horses, sweating himself, only to feel that the armor on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

“It’s almost OK …”

Watching the war horse slowly rushing towards him, the knight who was unresponsive because of the alcohol … Zhou Ming picked up the spear that was just placed on the ground, adjusted the breathing rate, and stared at Fernandi’s face deadly. That part of the eye without a protective mask.

“Boy, you won’t hide this time, let me die!”

Seeing Zhou Ming standing motionless with his bow on his waist, Fernandi was overjoyed and raised the long sword in his hand excitedly, slashing down again with force!

However, I haven’t seen the following kid turn into two halves. A black shadow like a viper pierced his eye socket. Then there was a sharp pain. Then, he fell into deep darkness.

“Boom ~!”

With the loud noise of Fernandi’s body falling to the ground, the knights and all the onlookers watching the scene were speechless and dumbfounded.

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