Urban Sims

Chapter 45 - seed

“Incentives for joining the army?”

“As long as one person joins the army, you can get 30 acres of low-tax fields immediately. Only 10% of the annual tax is levied. Can you also enjoy the preferential policies for low-cost rental of cattle and agricultural tools?”

“After enlisting in the army, the lord will give the rank upgrade and more low-tax field rewards according to his usual performance on the battlefield, as well as additional salary and incentive subsidies.”

“Ten commander, tax-free field quota increased to 50 acres, monthly salary of 10 silver coins; Centurion commander, tax-free field quota increased to 100 acres, monthly salary of 50 silver coins; Centurion commander, tax-free field quota increased to 500 acres, monthly Pay 10 gold coins, plus additional subsidies for castle residence, fertile manor, servant maid … “

“During the war, the lord will give out rewards corresponding to his or her merits according to their respective merits. The more the merits are, the more rewards. After the title is obtained by virtue of the merits, the title can be inherited by future generations …”

“If unfortunately sacrificed on the battlefield, its low-tax field and low-tax policy will not be cancelled within 20 years. According to the military rank, the lord will also issue a pension of varying amounts for his family.”

Once the above clauses of the “Incentives for Participating in the Army” were announced, the farmers on the scene all looked at each other, whispered and talked privately.

“Are these regulations true, as long as you join the army, your family can immediately be divided into 30 acres of low-tax fields?”

“Low tax fields, the lord only collects 10% of the tax, plus the tithe of the church, that is, can we get 80% of the land harvested by ourselves?”

“The captain has 500 acres of low-tax fields, a salary of 10 gold coins per month, and castle residences, manor houses, and servants. Isn’t this the same as the noble knights? We ordinary farmers can also be like knights. , Have so many things? “

“I want to join the army! Ryan housekeeper, can I join the army ?!”

A young boy who looked 12 or 3 years old raised his hand and stood up, but was immediately dragged down by a middle-aged man on the side.

“Bruce, do you want to die on the battlefield? Fighting is so dangerous, do you think it’s a joke? Now that some food and drink are at home, why do you do this kind of decapitation?” The middle-aged man lowered his voice, The young boy’s idea of ​​joining the army was immediately suppressed.

Similar phenomena happened in many corners. Some young people with blood on their heads immediately expressed their intention to join the army, and were immediately refuted by the elders next to them. They could only bow their heads, revealing a pair of unwilling and frustrated. look.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming had to stand up, cough twice, and clap his hands, so that the farmers’ attention was focused on themselves, and they explained aloud to them:

“Fellow folks and elders, with regard to this military participation award, all follow the principle of ‘voluntary participation in the army’. As long as anyone voluntarily joins the army, the lord will allocate 30 acres of low-tax fields to him and enjoy the low-cost lease of farm cattle and agricultural tools. If you do n’t want it, I wo n’t force it. The winter training is over, and you will be able to return to your home tomorrow. “

Zhou Ming first gave them a pill, but then said: “But not joining the army does not mean that you have no obligation to enlist in the army. Once the Grand Colleagues are invaded by foreign enemies, everyone who has participated in the winter training here must accept the call. On the battlefield, the difference between joining the army and not joining the army is only the difference between one receiving long-term training and the other receiving short-term training for two months each year. It really waits for the war to come, as long as anyone can take weapons. Join the battlefield together. “

“So, you can think about it, whether you want to farm at home with peace of mind, or send someone to join the army in the castle, bring 30 acres of tax-free fields to the family, reduce the burden on the family, and also give the nephews who joined the army , A bright future. “

The goal of Zhou Ming ’s recruiting this time is not at all to these 30- to 40-year-old middle-aged farmers who have lost their ambitions and become timid and smooth, but to those young people who are active, aggressive and malleable. As long as he can attract a group of young people to join the army, even if he is as young as 12 or 3 years old, he can become a qualified professional officer through 5-10 years of training.

Not only that, he also dispelled the illusion in the minds of these middle-aged farmers, thinking that without joining the army, he would be able to live a smooth life. Don’t think about such good things, everyone has to go to the battlefield! Regardless of whether it is to resist the invasion of foreign enemies or the expansion of foreign military forces, anyone who participates in winter training must wear weapons and play a role on the battlefield.

As soon as Zhou Ming finished speaking, the field was quiet for a moment, and many farmers began to make choices and choices.

Is it important that the 30-acre low-tax field is important, or is it important for a younger nephew at home?

It should be known that with the unit output of the current farmland in Glen Collar and the food grown on 30 acres of land, after deducting 20% ​​of the land rent, it is almost enough for a family of six to eat for a year.

And if there are no nephews in the family to join the army, almost 50 acres of land, after deducting 40% of the rent, can support a family of six (the more rented land, the greater the physical cost of UU reading www.uukanshu.com).

What’s more, once my nephew came to the castle to join the army, there was less food for people (the lord provided room and board), and the pressure on the family became less.

Moreover, there is a bright and bright future waiting for them in the future. Maybe a few years later, his own nephew can also become a noble character like a knight.

What else needs to be considered?

After a balance of interests, those middle-aged farmers who originally prevented the opposition from joining the army quickly changed their minds and began to encourage their sons and nephews to join the army. Some timid people would not be scolded for a while. In addition to some older people, there are more than 300 young farmers between the ages of 12 and 18 who apply to join the army.

With so many people actively joining the army, Zhou Ming ca n’t do everything he needs, but he has conducted an “interview” for everyone to screen out those who are too old, dumb-headed, and tricky, according to the so-called According to the selection criteria of “Liangjiazi”, 182 people were selected as the officers of the future Grand Collar “Defense Army” to carry out key training.

The 182 people admitted, except for a few older uncles over the age of 25, were admitted by Zhou Ming for some specialty. The vast majority of them were under the age of 18.

From this winter to the spring of the next year, for more than three months, these 182 people, except for the daily outdoor warm-up, spent most of their time sitting in a classroom in the castle, trying to learn cultural knowledge.

It was also in this classroom that Zhou Ming, as a teacher, gave these 100% illiterate officers the seeds and completed the preliminary literacy work. During the sand board game, they instilled some military knowledge and conquered this vast expanse. The world of lords has taken the first solid step …

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