Urban Sims

Chapter 62 - expansion

Flickered, three years later.

The free business alliance established by Grand Collar has become a behemoth.

Members are located in several kingdoms, such as Warris, Iron Fort, Chulin, and Arino, with a total of more than 300 members.

Among these member domains, the one with the faster average development speed is still centered on the Grand Colleague and radiates to the economic circle of dozens of surrounding territories, becoming the most prosperous core zone in the Free Business Alliance. The economic benefits generated by the ten industrial chains each year exceed millions of gold coins.

Nathan produces a lot of grain, and there are a lot of shallow coal resources buried underground, so it has developed grain processing and coal mining industries. For example, there are bagels of Nathan collar specialty (soft taste and storage resistance). In the Free Business Alliance, it is very popular, and with the increasing demand for coal, Baron Sean ’s territory has an annual income of more than 100,000 gold coins.

There are many highlands in Jokken, which is rich in cattle and sheep and a specialty nut. The eastern hills of Jokken and a medium-sized silver mine with a reserve of more than 1,000 tons have developed canning, nut snacks and silver mining. The annual supply of canned cattle and sheep and nut snacks in Youken’s specialty is in short supply. With the production of silver mines, the annual income of Baron Howard’s territory exceeds 150,000 gold coins.

The Paton collar is cold all year round, and only a small number of alpine horses produce it. However, it also takes advantage of the dense forests and prey in the territory. It has developed the logging and fur processing industry, and a depression in the west of the Paton collar has a reserve of more than 1 billion. Tons of pottery mines, directed by experts, took advantage of the development of the ceramic industry, and the fired “Paton porcelain” quickly swept all the upper levels of the kingdom, allowing Patton to lead the originally lucrative logging and fur processing industry. In order to occupy manpower’s tasteless industry … The annual income of Baron Romon’s territory exceeds 300,000 gold coins. Baron Romon, who was originally shabby and poor, has become a super rich in the “Banman”.

There are also northern territories around the Patton Territory, which have also exerted their respective resource advantages. Some are engaged in forest mining and fur processing, some choose mineral development with greater profit margins, and some are in the Northern Territory near the ice field. Although there are a large number of underground deposits that cannot be mined (frozen soil, small population, one year and six months ice age), after finding that it is very profitable to catch wild people and sell them to southern mines, these wild people tribes are unlucky, no No one was harassed, and sitting at home in good order was snatched from nest to nest … The sinful slave trade started from these poor savages.

The Grand Collar, at the core of the Free Business Alliance, is also the place where countless adventurers and gold diggers have dreamed of. The leader in this area is furniture manufacturing, apparel production, paper industry, agricultural machinery, cement lime, steel, etc. More than ten industries, in the past few years, have sprung up like mushrooms and quickly formed a large-scale effect in the short term. Furniture, fur clothing, paper, advanced agricultural machinery, cement lime, ironware and other products produced in various workshops Every year, it is the first choice for all commerce member lords and must-go shopping, occupying most of the market share of these commodities.

In just four years or less, it took at least ten years for the previous life to develop into such a state of Zhou Ming. Only then did I really realize that it is different from the peasant class who spends a lot of money and has a positive saving habit. In this world, the lords who have more than 90% of the surplus resources of a territory have once unleashed their potential consumption power, and the economic vitality that has erupted is simply unimaginable.

Especially after enjoying the infinite convenience brought by the developed commodity economy, if you want to get rid of this convenience completely, the probability is almost zero.

Of course, the development of the Free Business Alliance has not been smooth in these years. Of the more than 200 member domains that have joined in the past few years, more than a dozen have either levied tolls forcibly, or directly confiscated goods from other territories, or Territories that do not comply with the rules of the Business League, such as wantonly taxation, and these territories that violate the provisions of the Business League. Collective blockade … Under various punitive measures, these territories have to admit their mistakes, compensate the losses, and guarantee that they will never repeat the crime.

Baron Garcia, who is a leader in Berdoll, was such a guy who ate some bitterness. When he was informed by Zhou Ming that there was a huge gold mine in the territory of Berdoll, he did n’t want to join the Free Business Alliance. In order to know the specific position of the gold mine, he joined the business alliance, and he was originally focused on hunting. He didn’t fight his prey, and he took people to mine all day.

Later, according to Zhou Ming’s instructions, the Baron Garcia who successfully dug the gold mine, with an income of 100,000 gold coins a year, and the Baron Garcia who was not worried about eating and drinking, even hit a large number of lords who passed by the leader of Burdock every day. On the caravan, he looked at this fat sheep and walked past his mouth every day. He felt itchy in his heart and he couldn’t help it. He issued a 20% transit fee for every caravan, Directly undermining Article 2 of the Free Business Alliance’s regulations: belonging to the lord caravan and the principle of mutual exemption.

Zhou Ming sent someone to persuade, warn, and severely warn him three times, but he still failed to change his teaching. Seeing that its nature is so bad, the Chamber of Commerce Tribunal passed a vote by raising his hand and issued a comprehensive blockade order: that all members lead the caravan to stop from Bodo. After passing through, the surrounding territories prohibit the provision of all goods to the Burdock. All merchants who want to enter the Burdock are subject to a huge commercial tax of up to 80%.

After all kinds of sanctions were implemented, only two or three months later, the Baron Garcia found that the originally very lively Burdock had no caravan passing by his territory. UU read books www.uukanshu.com It ’s pitiful that the territory first faced a shortage of salt and started to increase prices frantically, then came the fragrant Nathan collar baguette, the delicious Youken collar canned food, the lingering Patton porcelain, and the exquisite furniture of the Gran collar , Fashionable leather clothes, soft paper for wiping the buttocks, convenient and easy-to-use agricultural tools and irons … all these things can’t be bought.

Even, when seeing the business alliance business station in Bodo’s territory, the bulletin board of the announcement information that would be updated once a week, for more than two consecutive months, and there was no information published, the Baron Garcia began to panic. Then, a fear of being in an isolated island of the world occupied his soul.

Especially when he asked his servants to take thousands of gold coins to the surrounding territories or more distant territories and purchase some necessities of life, he returned empty-handed-under the tight seal of the surrounding territories, not to mention those He has long been unable to leave the merchandise, even if it is the cheapest apple, he can not buy it.

“Bolder is willing to accept all the penalties imposed by the Shangmeng Magistrates’ Court, is willing to double compensate the loss of the transit caravan, and make a deep reflection and apology for the violation of the rules of the Shangmeng! Please ask the Chamber of Commerce Tribunal to lift the sanctions and give Bodo a chance to correct the mistake … “

In this way, this Baron Garcia, who had never surrendered and compromised on the battlefield, and had never apologized for his own mistakes in his life, was willing to be beaten and punished. He became a member of the Free Business League, an education leader Be sure to follow the negative case of the rules.

But precisely because of this, the Grange-Led Free Business Alliance, which has been expanding wildly over the years, has continued to expand its influence, and has become increasingly powerful. “No. 1 goal” to suppress and contain.

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