Urban Sims

Chapter 67 - Plateau corridor

After the spring of March.

Grand Collar, Rose Town.

In a pub named “Wife Louise”.

A group of strangers with a foreign accent and weapons on their bodies, men and women, sitting around a table, drinking ale while talking about something.

“Jero, cousin, you really don’t want to be a smart thief, but what kind of mercenary in this small place?”

Dressed as a thief, with yellow hair, brown eyes, and a sturdy man, after a sip of ale, he asked incomprehensiblely.

“Yes, my cousin Biro, I plan to wash my hands in the golden basin and do some legitimate business instead of hiding my head in the forest all my life.”

Sipped the cheap bitter ale, the thief Jero said in a low voice.

Originally, he was famous among small and medium thieves, with a small and capable team, with a high success rate of committing crimes, he was not particularly poor. He also felt that he could live a lifetime in this industry and wait for his old age. After saving a sum of money, I went to some big cities in the south to provide old-age care. It is better to find a wife to have a few sons or something. That would be perfect …

But I do n’t know why. Since last year, many kingdoms have set up some business alliance organizations. The days of these thieves have become particularly difficult. To protect the smooth flow of business channels, the lords of various business alliances have They united and used the tactics of joint siege to destroy a lot of stubborn thieves. The thief Jero himself planted a big fight in a territory of the Iron Fort Kingdom. The brothers under his control were mostly killed and injured. Under the men beside him, only the four most clever were left.

After escaping from birth, I feel that the thief has no future as a thief. Jero, from the rumors of the green forest, learned that Grand Colleague founded a mercenary union and formed a “Free Merchant Mercenary Corps”. After the soldiers, I heard that the treatment was pretty good, and I felt that the thief, a thief who is increasingly at risk in the industry, had the idea of ​​changing careers.

In addition, for Edward, the eldest son of Lord Glenn, the thief Jero had a relationship with him, or had a “fight” experience. In that year, he saw the economically developed and prosperous Glenn, If the robber saw a fat cattle and sheep, Jiro, the thief’s thief, how could he miss this opportunity and take a bite on this “fatty sheep”?

But the robber Jero ’s dream of getting rich quickly shattered, and he had n’t grabbed the treasure. He had always been the team he was most good at digging traps. The digging traps were all seen and said. These thieves themselves fell into some incredible. In the trap, together with himself, was captured by the youngest son of the irrational lord.

The thief Jero was very surprised that the lord ’s eldest son, instead of killing himself, released all of them, and sent some extra coils, telling him: If you do n’t want to be a thief in the future, you can come to Gera Lead him, he can arrange for them to live a more down-to-earth life.

At that time, the thief Jero did not take this to heart, but recently, when he was in a difficult, embarrassed, and frustrated situation, he heard the news that Gran was about to establish a mercenary union, which seemed to ignite a fire in his heart. Gerald, returned to the land that had brought him great weakness and extreme fear.

Brought four companions and brought a hint of hope in his heart.

“Mr. Biro, why didn’t you continue to be your thief, but showed up and came to the place of Grand Collar?”

The snake girl sitting on the side asked strangely that the boss’s cousin had been asking why the boss did not continue to work as a thief, but as a thief, Mr. Biro, who should have concealed his head, appeared in a fair manner. In this tavern?

You know, this Mr. Biro, but the well-known “devil” in the thief world, is the ultimate thief as terrible as the devil. He has committed the heinous crime of slaughtering three villages, and the bounty of the head around his neck. , I do n’t know how many times is the thief Jero.

“Cough ~”

The Devil Pirot coughed twice and explained quite awkwardly: “I’m just here to avoid the wind, how can I do other than thieves, only the thief can give me what I want Everything! “Speaking of some excited rogue Biro, the open collar of the dress accidentally showed a metallic luster.

“Mercenary Medal?”

The sharp-eyed axe Johnson saw the thing in the collar of Devil Pirot at a glance, hurriedly pressed his hand against his neck, and then asked the one-eyed Leonardo to grab him two hands, the other Hands, he fumbled from the chest in his collar, and in the other party’s “Don’t bid farewell” sound, after a while, he pulled out a golden, round, pie-shaped badge with teeth on the edges.

“Golden badge?”

Everyone was shocked, and the dwarf Dom even cried out, “Gold mercenaries! This is a gold mercenary above bronze, black iron, and silver. We have come to Glen Collar for a few days, for the first time. Seeing a mercenary wearing a gold medal, Demon Pilot, tell me, how did you pass the gold mercenary assessment and get this badge? “

The assessment of mercenary trade unions is multi-faceted, and the assessment of individual force is only one piece. It must also have the assessment of field survival ability, the assessment of cultural customs of various countries, the assessment of various crisis response capabilities, etc. Only when these comprehensive assessments are excellent can they Get the gold mercenary medal.

“This is difficult …”

After being debunked, the pirate Biro did not hide it, and said proudly: “The assessment of the gold-level mercenaries not only needs to test the martial arts and customs of various countries, but also the survival of the wild, the pharmacology of plants and trees, and Some special circumstances, such as falling cliffs, poisonous snake bites, desert water shortage, swamps, etc., all of these can’t help me … “

Listening to the thief cousin, the eloquent, black-faced thief Jero, squeezed his fists and said to the cousin: “My dear cousin, you just said that besides thieves Do you do nothing? “

“Hey, did I say this? Didn’t you say it?”

“You bastard, let me die!”

After some troubles, the robber Jero and others, who were still hesitant, didn’t hesitate any longer. In the afternoon of that day, they went to the registration window of the Mercenary Union of Rose Town to register and register for a mercenary level examination.

Uh …

on the other hand.

As more and more people come to the mercenary union to register, after passing the mercenary assessment certification, they will become official mercenaries at the level of trainee, bronze, black iron, silver, gold, platinum (there is no temporary platinum). As more and more people came, the first mercenary organization “Free Merchant Mercenary Corps” was established, and they also recruited people like sponges, and the visitors did not refuse. The number of recruits soon exceeded 1,000, 2000, 3000 … and reached 5000. When the full amount was reached, the recruitment continued.

Uh …

Early summer in May.

The snowy mountains to the east melted.

On the foothills of the Ural Snow Mountain about 100 kilometers east of the Jokken Territory, with an average altitude of nearly six kilometers high on the Ural Plateau.

Under the stretch of snow-capped mountains that are inaccessible, without vegetation, and without birds, a group of humans who endured an alpine and hypoxic environment appeared on this quiet land.

These humans are mostly savages with tall brown hair and long brown eyes. These savages, under the strict supervision of hundreds of whips, are desperately digging rocks, desperately carrying a piece of iron pine wood, and desperately laying Wooden track-Many weak savages only fall for three or five days before falling to the ground forever. That is, the savages with strong physiques have a heavy heart and lung burden caused by hypoxia, which leads to death of heart and lung failure. There are dozens.

Zhou Ming, who is solely responsible for the design, construction, and operation of this “plateau track”, is not well adapted to the oxygen content of only half of the plain area, although he also apologizes for hundreds of wild people who die every day … But these sacrifices are necessary. He must get through the uphill orbit of about 100 kilometers that Jokken led to the Ula Plateau within three months.

As long as this track is laid, the commercial goods produced by the Free Business Alliance can pass over the Ula Plateau, a fold channel between two large mountain ranges from north to south, about 1500 kilometers in length, and about 100 kilometers in width. Arrive in a new country located in the south of the Iron Fort Kingdom and richer than the Iron Fort Kingdom-Tongshan Kingdom (a kingdom famous for its abundant copper mines).

Through the [World Map] in his mind, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Zhou Ming noticed that the fold channel in the middle of the Ula Plateau is difficult to climb over a mountain with an average elevation of more than six kilometers, but as long as it is over this Daoshanling, after entering the folds, the rest of the road is very flat like a slightly rolling grassland.

Not only that, this north-south fold zone is high in the north and low in the south. It is shaped like a slide for kindergarten children to play. From the north to the south, like the stream in the river, it goes down the terrain, saving time and effort. The speed is fast.

And from the south to the north, it is difficult to climb the mountain, it will only get more and more tired.

Even more coincidentally, the southern end of this fold zone, the eastern mountain range of the Copper Mountain Kingdom, has a wide natural gap, which is convenient for personnel materials to enter and exit from the gap, without the need to turn the mountain again and build another track.

“Isn’t this the” Highland Corridor “that God prepared for me, as long as the most difficult 100 kilometers and the next 1500 kilometers are cleared, is it not the” Golden Road “that no one can stop the Free Business Alliance from making money? “

“However, even with the step-by-step construction method of accelerating the progress, the dozens of tons of explosives accumulated in the past few years have almost exploded, and the track laying speed of tens of thousands of workers is still less than two kilometers a day. The road section is less than one-third. Count William will have to let them catch some more savages. Otherwise, if the road is not repaired before August, and the snow season is approaching, this year, just a big business Can’t do it … “

The current Free Business Alliance has been squeezed and resisted by all forces. If we do not open a new business road to break the deadlock and gain new breakthrough points for benefits, otherwise, under the blockade of all forces, the Free Business Alliance will either fall apart Either turn to increase military investment, take the road of cutting the table and cutting people …

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